Solution-Focused Counselling in Schools: Beyond Questions Jeff Chang, Ph.D., R.Psych. Associate...


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Solution-Focused Counselling in Schools: Beyond Questions

Jeff Chang, Ph.D., R.Psych.Associate ProfessorGraduate Centre for Applied PsychologyAthabasca University


Solution-focused (SF) counselling is more than questions!

Think about the big picture and about solution-focused presence an abiding belief that that clients are already

doing a great deal of what they would like to do the skill to notice openings to inquire about what

the client is doing that is in line with his/her goals the creativity to invite clients to notice and do

more of what works.

A bit about me Child and youth care worker Therapist/psychologist Private practitioner Program supervisor and director University teacher Researcher


Chang, J. (2013) (Ed.). Creative interventions with children: A transtheoretical approach. Calgary: Family Psychology Press.


Barker, P., & Chang, J. (2013) (Ed.). Basic family therapy (6th ed.) London: Wiley

Clinical Supervision….

I love doing clinical supervision After supervising about 20 Provisional

Registered Psychologists, I actually figured out what I was doing…

… and developed an approach to supervision, the Contextual-Functional Metaframework for clinical supervision

The “Faraway Fathers” Project

Distinct family dynamics when families have to deal with one or two weeks away/ one or two weeks off.

Looking for families (heterosexual couples with children in the house) to participate.

High Conflict Divorce And Parenting

Most of my current practice is dealing with high conflict divorce…

Researching New Ways for Families, an intervention for divorcing parents to prevent high conflict parenting

Six Background Principles

Think “Big Picture” Think Coherently About Your Work Think Relationally Think Developmentally Think Positively and Optimistically Think Ecologically and Systemically

Think “Big Picture”

What keeps you going? What’s your mission and vision?

Discourses: The “big ideas” that operate in our culture

What are some of the trends and larger cultural stories connected

with them?

Think “Big Picture”

We are often so close to them, we cannot see how discourses stand behind and sponsor our ideas and beliefs – we often cannot see the forest for the trees. the primacy of competition (capitalism?); the preference for knowing through

modernist, western, scientific thought; gender roles the nature of childhood.

Think “Big Picture”

We are often so close to them, we cannot see how discourses stand behind and sponsor our ideas and beliefs – we often cannot see the forest for the trees. the primacy of competition (capitalism?); the preference for knowing through

modernist, western, scientific thought; gender roles the nature of childhood.


Think Coherently About Your Work

Lots of exciting new ideas in counselling

Counselling theories and common factors

Psychotherapy integration Develop a clear way of working that fits

for you personally.

Think Coherently About Your Work

Counsellors select their theoretical orientation based on what fit for them; it’s an aesthetic choice

What are the models and theories that guide your work? How do you


Think Relationally

The working alliance is more important than technique

Kids need connection more than therapy

Balancing role as a teacher with the role of facilitator or supporter

Think Relationally

The biggest contributor to therapeutic outcome is the therapeutic alliance

Emotional connection, but also, agreement on tasks, goals, and methods

The relationship must support the intervention

Take the time to privilege the child’s perspective

Place yourself in the position of a therapeutic aunt or uncle.

Think Relationally

Use your natural style to connect with the children who come to see you; use what works for you.

Be someone they enjoy coming to see; be one of the rare people in their lives who is not interested in telling them what to do – just be present.

Think of a child/youth who really connected with you… what did you do to

invite that?

Think Developmentally Cognitive and emotional development “Grown-ups read things they wrote as k

ids” The family life cycle

Think Positively and Optimistically

Not just thinking, but listening, perceiving, and being alert to contrasts

Thinking positively does not refer to reciting affirmations or ignoring problems - Stuart Smalley

Change peters out, rather than rippling on, if we do not listen for openings and explore them

Noticing openings

Think Ecologically and Systemically

Help others notice Help others support When adults say,“Fix this kid,” get

them to help you When possible, moving the work into

the community to assist communities to develop supports

Think Ecologically and Systemically

Develop protective/resilience factors All child/adolescent counselling is

“family therapy” in the sense that we must consider the context in which the young person lives

Bonus Point: Problems are Negotiable and Change Happens In All Kinds of Ways What is the problem or goal? Matching

intervention with what the client wants How do you talk about the problem? –

buy-in My experiences: dental health and joint

health: How does change happen?

Reflect on one successful effort to change and one that went not so well? What contributed to each outcome?

Five Interlocking Activities

Setting and maintaining the relational foundation

Listening for clients’ world view, strengths, and preferences

Negotiating a solvable problem or an achievable project

Opening meaningful experiences of difference Within session Between sessions

Circulating these experiences of difference

The Interview

Context: Summer Externship at Calgary Family

Therapy Centre Consultation/demonstration interview The P family:

Parents: Kelly (F), Krista (M), Kody (12), Kori (9), Kamryn (5)

Violent outbursts Kody was in day treatment in Grade 2 More responsive to Dad than Mom Mom had to restrain him at last session

Setting And Maintaining The Relational Foundation

Play with children before you work with them

Be a therapeutic “uncle” or “aunt,” or…

“I Have No Idea.”

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Positioning As A Professional

Think of one professional person (education, health, or mental health) with whom you interacted as a child in your growing-up years. Perhaps

you were the patient/client, or perhaps a family member was. What

did you appreciate and find supportive? What did you not? How, and how well, did the professional

tailor his/her approach to “where the child was at.”

Setting and Maintaining the Relational Foundation The relationship must support everything Who is concerned or involved with the

problem? Include others in a non-blameful way Spend lots of time connecting with

everyone, especially if the family is polarized

Therapeutic relationship and problem definition/goal are interrelated – how you talk about it matters

“I Have No Idea” – Part 2

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Listening For Clients’ World View, Strengths, and Preferences Getting to know the child apart

from the problem What are the parents' beliefs about

this problem? and about parenting?

what is the child good at? How did he/she get that way? “wonderfulness conversations”

An Expert At…

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Listening For Clients’ World View, Strengths, and Preferences

Sometimes you can find something to utilize…

The child’s experience will give you ideas about how the child acquires skills, useful “character traits,” good habits, etc.

… or sometimes not…

“Do They Give You Power?”

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Negotiating a Solvable Problem or an Achievable Project

Elicit a problem description that everyone can buy into – at least “sort of”

Minimize blame and create space for respectful disagreement

beware of clashing problem definitions/ beliefs child vs. parent parent vs. school therapist vs. parent

“Mad or Bad”

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Negotiating a Solvable Problem or an Achievable Project

Despite your best engagement strategies, things can turn negative in a hurry.

Miracle Question: Hypothetical solutions that bypass the need for mutual blame

Externalize the problem Naming the goal or project in a way that fits

for everyone “Shared sense of purpose” – the most crucial

aspect of the working alliance with families

Opening Meaningful Experiences of Difference… Within Session

“Inter-Viewing”What’s different? Behavioral sequence:

Emotion Cognition Behavior Sensation Interpersonal

Past real-life exceptions may be more accessible than hypothetical ones: “Can you remember…?”

“When is it Different?”

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Opening Meaningful Experiences of Difference

the highlight package using drawings to elicit

exceptions scaling drawings miracle drawings exception/new story drawings rehearsal in sessions

A Miracle…

A Good Time With Dad…

Interviewing for Exceptions

Divide into groups of two or three The interviewee thinks of a time

when he/she overcame a difficulty. It could be large or small, your own or someone else’s

The interviewer (who may have two heads), from a position of undying curiosity, asks questions like:

Interviewing for Exceptions

The interviewer asks questions like: Describe what happened when you

overcame ____ problem. What did you do? How did you get yourself to do that? What would others have noticed? (And if you run out of things to say) –

What else?

Circling Back….

Listening for clients’ world view, strengths, and preferences Something else about Pokemon…

A Hidden Exception…

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Find, Elicit, or Create Meaningful Experiences of Difference

Contradiction/contrasts Identity and preferences What kind of person do you want to be?

“Big Hearted or Good Hearted”

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“Two Pictures”

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Find, Elicit, Or Create Meaningful Experiences Of Difference

Using numerical or visual means to track progress

Scaling for: Progress Confidence Motivation

What is different between a 3 and a 4? Detailed description of pattern,

sequences, and modalities

What’s the Balance?

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Disagreeing About Progress

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Circling Back Again: Recalling Another Exception

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Find, Elicit, or Create Meaningful Experiences of Difference

Macro-description Skimming the

surface of exceptions and joining them

Developing an attributional description

Micro-description Detailed sequential

description of: Actions Thoughts Emotions Sensations interpersonal

Connecting themes Eliciting a past instance: An actual

Personal Agency: “I Never Thought Of That”

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Find, Elicit, or Create Meaningful Experiences of Difference

Between sessions (end of session interventions) observational tasks for parents and

teachers practicing one or two things bragging meetings reading a new story together


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Amplify, Anchor, and Maintain New Experiences

rituals and celebrations certificates and letters reflecting teams

Therapeutic Letters

Offer commendations to individual family members and/or to the family as a whole, highlighting strengths and competencies

Acknowledge problems and their effect Highlight particular words, ideas, or

recommendations that stood out from the therapy session.

Pose questions about future directions how to keep changes going what developments or new insights will

follow Highlight what you are learning from the

client(s) or from your work with them.

Reflecting Teams

Observing team exchanges positions with the client(s)

The team presents mulitple perspectives tentatively Process:

Physical separation Not addressing the clients direclty Owning one’s own persective

Epxressing observations tentatively This permits clients to take or leave the team’s

perspective, and for the therapist to interview the lcient(s) about what they noticed


After the Reflection 1

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After the Reflection 2

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The Most Important Thing

Madhav Ghimire, the national poet of Nepal, said:

“When you touch people with compassion, their good characteristics emerge”



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