Solar Panels As Roof First You Need To Learn About Solar Panels


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Solar Panels As Roof – First You Need To Learn About

Solar Panels

Tyler J. Griffith


With solar power, there is so much potential. When you learn how to build solar panels as roof, you are going to be saving thousands of dollars on those utility bills. Would you like to hear even better news? These savings are going to last forever – as long as you have a solar panel. All you need to know is how to make your very own renewable energy.

For those who would like to know how to build their own solar panels on their roof, they will need to learn the basics on solar panels work before they progress any further. This way, they will be able to understand the whole procedure. The process will start out with solar modules. Solar modules are the main components that will be exposed to the sunlight directly. The main function of these modules would be to take the sun's energy and convert it into energy that you can use to power the appliances and lights in your home. In order to properly install them, you will need to mount them on a steel frame and place them on the top of the roof.


The power that the solar modules produce will be converted from Direct Current into Alternative Current by using an inverter. Alternative current is the electrical power that people use in order to power the appliances inside their house. Next, the electrical power is going to travel from the inverter over to the electrical service panel. This service panel is what distributed the electrical power to different places in your home. The unused power that is produced by the panels will be sent to the grid through the utility electric meter. The meter is going to spin backwards, which will give credit with the utility company you are with – this will offset any future usage of power. This is known as Net Metering and it is completely legal.

Now that you know a bit about solar panels, let’s move forward and teach you about building them for roof. Really, it is not a difficult task and almost anyone is capable of doing it. It is not going to require many special skills and you certainly do not have to go to school in order to learn how to do it.


The components you will be needing for creating your panel is: Sheet of plywood, solar cells, copper wire, clear PVC sheeting and the basic tools. You can pick these components up at your local hardware store, if you do not already have them at home. The only component you may have to get through the Internet would be the Photovoltaic cell. For solar panels as roof, there are quality directions and plans that you can purchase. The step by step plans are so easy to follow that almost anyone can do it. They will make the process of building the panels on the roof so much easier and less stressful. In no time, you will be enjoying the luxury of having no electric bill.

Written by Tyler J. Griffith
