Solar Energy


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Assignment No 1, Direct Energy Conversion /NWFP UET Peshawar/ Spring 2011

Current status of Solar Energy in Pakistan

Environment Friendly Energy

Engineer Tariq Nawaz, MS Electrical Engineering NWFP Peshawar Spring 2011 1

Assignment No 1, Direct Energy Conversion /NWFP UET Peshawar/ Spring 2011

Table of Content

Executive summary………………………………………………03

Solar Activities in Pakistan………………………………………04


Pakistan’s Indulgence in Solar Energy…………………………09

Pakistan Solar Energy Development Plane…………………….10

Private Sector Companies…………………………………………14


Concluding Remarks………………………………………………..15

Engineer Tariq Nawaz, MS Electrical Engineering NWFP Peshawar Spring 2011 2

Assignment No 1, Direct Energy Conversion /NWFP UET Peshawar/ Spring 2011

Executive summary

Pakistan is an energy deficient country, where a large fraction of the population still

does not have access to modern day energy services such as electricity. This is due to

very limited fossil fuel resources and poor economy, which restrains the import of fossil

fuels on a large scale. To overcome energy shortage, Pakistan needs to develop its

indigenous energy resources like hydropower, solar and wind. Pakistan lies in an area

of one of the highest solar insolation in the world. This vast potential can be exploited to

produce electricity, which could be provided to off-grid communities in the northern hilly

areas and the southern and western deserts. Applications other than electricity

production such as solar water heaters and solar cookers also have vast applications.

All this will help in both reducing the import of fossil fuels and dependency of people on

fuel wood, which in turn will provide some respite for the dwindling forest reserves of

Pakistan. Accordingly, the status and outlook of solar energy use in Pakistan is

discussed in this paper. In addition, the role of R&D organizations in the promotion of

solar energy technologies in Pakistan is also presented including a description of some

proposed projects. It is concluded that the current infrastructure has not been able to

advance the status of solar energy of Pakistan. Significant efforts are needed to

effectively utilize this cheap renewable energy source.

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Assignment No 1, Direct Energy Conversion /NWFP UET Peshawar/ Spring 2011

Solar activity in PakistanEnergy has always been a vital and indispensable input in any economy. It functions as blood stream in production, a fuel for transportation and power source in electricity generation. The population of Pakistan is growing at an alarming rate and the demand on the existing energy supplies are also increasing; therefore it is necessary to identify alternate/Renewable energy sources.


Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET)Since, Renewable resources of energy has been considered non depleteable therefore attention of the policy makers and researchers has been focused on efficient exploration of alternative energy resources for catering a portion of total energy requirements in the future.

Therefore one of the main tasks before the Government has been to formulate ways

and means WAYS AND MEANS. In legislative assemblies there is usually appointed a

committee whose duties are to inquire into, and propose to the house, the ways and

means to be adopted to raise funds for the use of the government. This body is called

the committee of ways and means.  to achieve energy self reliance through the

application of Renewable Energy Technologies with this very objective in hand the

Government of Pakistan Government of Pakistan (Urdu: پاکستان The ,(حکومِت.

Constitution of Pakistan provides for a Federal Parliamentary System of government,

with a President as the Head of State and an indirectly-elected Prime .....  Established

Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET PCRET Pakistan

Council of Renewable Energy Technologies ) under Ministry of Science & Technology

with aim to search, develop and promote Renewable Energies.

Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET) has been acquiring and updating know how imperative for the promotion and mass propagation of Renewable Energy Technologies in the field of Solar, Microhydel, Wind etc. Various technological knowhow have already been adapted and indigenized by the Council, so far, in the field of Renewable Energy Technologies. The technologies being promoted developed and dissemination by the Council are not only technical time tested but are economical as well. In fact all the projects undertaken by the Council intend to promote and supplement Government efforts in solacing the vital energy deficit.

PCRET has been making its best to develop, promote and disseminate Renewable

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Energy Technologies in different fields. Despite a number of difficulties in the development and promotion of renewable energy technologies the Council has come up with tremendous achievements in the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies during the year in reference.

Research and Development Activities PCRET is basically a research organization with aim behind to evolve renewable energy technologies beneficial to the masses. The detail is as under.

Standard test procedures for testing of flat plate solar absorber and PV panel has been drafted and submitted to PSQCAfor registration On completion of project the testing services for solar products will be provided to parties/private sector for quality production of PV and solar thermal products.

Achievements of PCRET during 2008-09

* 624 solar cells of 624 KW capacities have been fabricated

* 105 solar Modules of over 105 W capacity have been fabricated.

* 53 PV Panel Systems of 15.6 KW capacity have been developed and disseminated.

* 40 Micro Hydro Power Plants of 425 kW generation capacities have been installed and commissioned energizing 4000 houses.

819 Biogas   Plants with generation capacity of 4095 CMS have been installed. 100 Energy Efficient cook stoves have been developed and disseminated.

* 04 Wind Machines of 04 KW capacities have been installed. 03 solar water desalination units of a total 15 Lit/day capacity have been fabricated and handed over to the beneficiaries 08 solar cooker (box type) have been fabricated and disseminated 05 solar dryers of a total of 50 kg/day capacity for dehydration of fruits and vegetables have been fabricated and disseminated

* 04 solar water Heater of 400 Lit/day capacity have been developed and disseminated Promotional/R&D Activities of PCRET PCRET has been disseminating various Renewable Energy Technologies since long in collaboration with different GOs/NGOs/Communities. Nevertheless PCRET has acquired sufficient experience and expertise over period, in the development, dissemination and promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies.

PCRET is not only pioneer in renewable energy technologies but in particular, is the first leading organization in the country which introduced the development, promotion and dissemination of: Decentralized mini/micro hydel power plants on the perennial water falls in remote isolated and inaccessible hilly terrains of NWFP, FATA, northern

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areas and AJK where the extension of National grid is not feasible even in far future., installation of prototype.

* Kaplan turbines on the Cannel network

abundantly available in Punjab and Sindh for power generation.

* Fabrication of solar cells/modules and solar thermal gadgets/appliances. Recycling of animal dung for production of methane gas and bio fertilizer. Dehydration of dates/fruits and vegetables PCRET has however shown outstanding progress in the development and dissemination of renewable energy technologies in the country during the period in review. A brief description of the technologies disseminated is given in the following table:

One of the basic objectives of the Council is promotion of renewable energy technologies. In order to create awareness in the public for the use of the renewable energy technologies developed by the Council, a number of training programs were arranged, which were attended by various trainees (both in group or individually) from different walks of life. About 13400 trainees were imparted training on economic cook stoves, income generating techniques, solar water heater, solar cooker, solar dehydrator, solar geyser .micro hydro power generation, solar system etc. through 140 training programs..

Activities of Pakistan Council for Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET)

3.1 Photovoltaic (PV) Technology

o Solar-Wind-Diesel High hybrid system installed to provide electricity to two villages in Balochistan through M/s Empower International, New Zealand.

o Two other villages in Balochistan were electrified using PV system.

o 3000 Laser Detectors were designed and fabricated for incorporating in the laser land leveling system of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC).

o 4000 Solar Cells and 300 Solar Modules of different sizes were fabricated indigenously.

3.2 Solar Thermal Appliances

A number of appliances including solar water heaters, solar fruit and vegetable dryers, solar distillation stills for producing clean water, solar room heating systems and solar cookers have been developed and disseminated for domestic and commercial applications.

3.3 Fuel Saving / Efficient Cooking Stoves

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PCRET has developed five different models of efficient cooking stoves for use in different parts of the country. Their efficiency varies from 20% to 25% vis-à-vis 10% efficiency of conventional cooking stoves. So far, 70,000 such cooking stoves have been disseminated, 400 training programs conducted and 20 cooking stoves manufacturing units/shops established and 200 sale points have been opened by the private sector.


Village Name District Province No. of Houses

Narian Rawalpindi Punjab 53Khorian Rawalpindi Punjab 57Allah Baksh Bazar Dandar Turbat Balochistan 121Lakhi Bhair D.G. Khan Punjab 135Bharomal Chachro Sindh 115Jhanak Kohat N.W.F.P 120

Total 601Source: Board of Investment, Government of Pakistan


Village name District Province No. of Houses

Khirzaan Khuzdar Balochistan 100

Basti Bugha D.G. Khan Punjab 100

Pinpario Chachro Sindh 100

Shnow Garri Kohat N.W.F.P 100

Total 400

AEDB (Alternate Energy Development Board)

Alternate energy development board (AEDB) was founded in 2003 for supplying wind, solar and mini/small hydropower generated electricity to remote regions of Pakistan. AEDB is also responsible for developing the country’s medium and long-term promotion

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policy for exploitation of renewable energy resources. In addition, its functions include the co-ordination of joint ventures with the aim of having foreign technologies in the field of alternative energies. AEDB has mobilized different sources of funds from the international donor organizations, i.e., ADB, GEF, USAID, GTZ and UNDP for the promotion, execution and implementation of alternative renewable energy projects in Pakistan. AEDB is a member of the Board of Directors of the World

Energy Society (ISES). Presently AEDB is working on…

- Design and development of 100MW wind farm at Gharo-Keti

Bandar, Sindh.

- Electrification of 800 remote area villages through renewable energy technologies.

- Indigenous development of wind turbines.

- Indigenous development of solar PV panels.

- Establishment of solar thermal power plants in the country.

- Formulation of laws and taxes to promote and encourage ARE projects and products in the country.

PSDP Projects undertaken by AEDB

2.1 100 Solar Homes Program Narian Khorian, Islamabad

The project was successfully executed and implemented by AEDB. The Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan inaugurated it on 19th June 2005. Each of the 100households has been provided with 88-Watt Solar Panels, 4 LED lights, a 12 Volt DC fan and a TV socket. In addition, a Solar Geyser and a Solar Cooker have also been provided to each household.

As part of the community welfare, a Solar Water Desalination Plant has also been installed and commissioned at the village ensuring the availability of clean drinking water to the villagers. A Children’s Playground with Solar Powered Lights has also been developed at the Village. Two Solar Powered Computers have been provided to the village Mosque/Community Center, which has been air-conditioned using Solar Energy as well. In addition, an electric vehicle has also been developed which will act as the first ever Electric Rickshaw in Pakistan. The batteries of this vehicle are charged with Solar Energy.

2.2 100 Solar Homes Program per Province:

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The project was executed and implemented in the following villages:

1. Allah Baksh Bazar Dandar, District Kech, Balochistan,2. Bharo Mal, District Thar, Sindh,3. Janak, District Kohat, N.W.F.P.,4. Lakhi Bher, Distrcit D.G. Khan, Punjab.

Each of the 100 households in each village has been provided with 88-Watt Solar Panels, 4 LED lights, a 12 Volt DC fan and a TV socket. In addition, a Solar Disinfecting Unit and a Solar Cooker have also been provided to each household.

Innovative Lighting Systems: LED Lights, Solar Lanterns, Pedal Generators, Hand Generators and Solar Mobile Phone Chargers have been indigenously developed by the private sector with AEDB’s facilitation. These products have also been provided to the rural areas that have been electrified with Solar Energy.

NESCOM and SECNational Engineering and Science Commission (NESCOM) and Solar Energy Center (SEC) are two other organizations working in some areas of solar energy. NESCOM and SEC are mostly concentrating on production of photovoltaic panels and designingof solar thermal appliances, respectively. The area of work of these wo departments is very limited. SEC is an attached department of Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) and has designed and developed solar flat plate water heating system in 1980s. SEC has also installed 500 gallon per day capacity solar desalination system near Gwader, Balochistan Province for disinfection and purification of drinking water.

Pakistan’s indulgence in solar energy

ISLAMABAD, April 29-2010 - President Asif Ali Zardari has asked for an early adoption and utilization of modern solar and geothermal technologies including solar cookers, geothermal heat pumps, solar water heaters and solar water pumping etc. to take full advantage of the available natural energy resources, on one hand and to meet the energy requirements of the country, on the other. “The energy crisis has forced upon a vigorous search for out of box, imaginative and bold solutions,” the President said during a briefing given to him on alternate Pakistan on industrial grid linked electricity production program, the Government of Pakistan has determined to establish 100 MW Solar Power Farm by June 2011. This program initiated by the Alternative

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Energy Development Board (AEDB), involves financing through private sector, land from Government of Sindh and power purchase by NTDC for HESCO.

The Government of Pakistan guarantees are backed through NEPRA. The Board has recently issued LOIs to 30 national and international companies for generation of 1500 MW power through solar energy.

Pakistan’s Solar Energy Development Plans

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Private sector companies

In private sector, more than 30 companies are in renewableenergy business in the country. Mostly retail and wholesale suppliers, importers/exporters, etc. whereas a few are manufacturer of renewable energy products. These companies are mostly supplying small electric/thermal units.

1) Akhter Computers, MEFT Ltd., 2) International Industrial Solutions Ltd. 3) Solar Energy Technologies,4) Adaptive Technologies, etc. are well known companies in RET business.

Some NGOs/companies in collaboration with international donor agencies are trying to install wind farms in the country. The total solar installation mostly for home lightingpurposes by these companies is less than 1000 kW in the country whereas wind power generating units with total capacity in megawatts are being designed by some private sector organizations.


Following suggestions are given for development, dissemination and better and efficient use of renewable energy technologies in the country:

- Being enriched of nature gifted renewable energy resources, Pakistan must generate 10% of its energy demand through renewable energy technologies at least by 2014. To achieve such objectives, Government of Pakistan must have to formulate such laws and policies which encourage also private investors (local and foreign) to invest for the establishment of power/energy generating units. Tax rebate and financial leasing through banks or institutions must have to be opted as part of national renewable energy policies.

- RET large and commercial scale projects have not yet been initiated in spite of the fact that government institutions are working in renewable energy fields for the last more than two decades. Such projects remained in documents with planning wings but implementation is still not seen. Low powered generating units cannot meet energy demands of 160 million people, 95% of whom are not in position to afford cost of even micro/mini systems. So commercial and grid connected RET projects are suggested to start with immediate effect.

- Quality of installation and technology used must be improved. ISO/IEC international standards must be followed for designing and erection of systems. Securities standards are being ignored as no. of casualties especially of children have been reported. So adoption and implementation of international standards is suggested.

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-Honesty and dedication to national interests is being superceded by personal benefits of the responsible authorities which must be countered through effective control and monitoring measures at government level. This is one of the main hurdles for dissemination of technology in the country. Mere demand of finances and release of funds for RET projects is insufficient to bring technological revolution. So formulation of effective monitoring and evaluation system at government level issuggested.

- Human resource development (HRD) in the field of renewable energy technologies must be emphasized. Such objectives can be achieved through introduction of RET courses at university level for graduation/post graduation purposes and also provision of attractive salary package to RET scientists and engineers. So far such incentives have not been taken at government level in spite of the fact that its importance was realized two/three decadesbefore.

- Manufacturing of RET plants be initiated in the country through transfer of technology from advanced countries. Apparently there is no ban on transfer of such technologies at international level but it is just a lack of planning, co-ordination and collaboration with other countries at government level. So transfer of RET technologies must be done on top priority.

- Energy efficient, low cost and reliable systems be introduced in the country. Government department must have quality control checks through certification process. At present, such practice is not being exercised, hence causing damage to the reputation and use of RET products in the country. So establishment of certification labs for RET products at government level is suggested.

Concluding Remarks

Pakistan has struggled to resolve its energy shortage problems for decades. As the

country is now facing an unprecedented energy crisis the drive to find effective long-

term energy solutions is stronger now than ever before. Renewable energy resources

such as wind and solar energy are abundant in Pakistan and show significant technical

potential to meet energy needs; however, the development of renewable energy power

projects is hindered by social, economic, technical, institutional and informational

barriers. The 2006 renewable energy policy makes important steps towards

encouraging RET deployment, but several policy challenges remain to be addressed.

The answer to strengthening the presence of renewable energy technologies in

Pakistan does not lie in any one solution to these challenges; rather, a holistic approach

must be employed. A number of approaches have been discussed to address the

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roadblocks which RETs face. The government of Pakistan must take bold steps towards

restructuring energy policy in order to increase energy security and move towards a

sustainable energy future. Primarily, policies should focus on bridging the competitive

gap between RETs and fossil fuels through measures such as subsidy transfers, feed-in

tariffs and accounting for negative and positive externalities. Of course, increasing the

competitiveness of RETs alone is not sufficient; issues such as poor infrastructure,

financing and technology access must also be addressed. However, the biggest

challenge lies in initially stimulating growth in renewable energy. Upon addressing the

most significant challenges facing RETs, market penetration will naturally develop and

the support for addressing further RET challenges will ensue.

The path towards a sustainable energy future in Pakistan is by no means simple, but a

solution certainly exists. Although a number of approaches have been presented to

encourage the growth of renewable energy in Pakistan, all of these solutions will

undoubtedly require significant effort and dedication on behalf of the government.

Pakistan must consider the long-term social, economic and environmental benefits of

renewable energy power generation for its people. Investing in sustainable energy

technologies today will pave the road towards a secure energy future for tomorrow.

Pakistan must concentrate on generation of an appreciable amount of energy through

renewables in which a huge resource potential exists in the country. Unfortunately so far

total RE contribution in the energy mix scenario of the country is less than

1%. If RE technology would have developed and RE products had been made cost

effective through financial leasing or subsidy, it would have contributed energy

generation share up to 30% relative to total energy demand by year 2008. The

organizational structure, RET, HRD, government planning, RET project execution and

financing, private partnership programme, use of technology, incentives to local and

foreign investors/stakeholders and coordination with international agencies for joint

projects, etc. need to be improved. This will not only save foreign exchange, more than

60% of which is being utilized for import of energy, but will also bring economic stability

and prosperity in the country.

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