Software Asset Management


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Software Asset Management & Licensing Services

Troy Parker – SAM & Licensing Services Manager

What is SAM?

• 30% of an IT’s budget per year is spent on software.

• Software assets do not have the same set of characteristics as other business assets.

Software is intangible.

Software is never owned ... it is licensed.

Software can only be used according to a set of legal terms and conditions.

There are a number of risks (legal, financial, and security) directly associated with the use of software.

What is SAM?

• Software Asset Management (SAM) is a vital set of business practices (which includes people, policies, procedures and technologies) dedicated to the effective management of Software Assets.

• The objective of SAM is to maximise an organisations return on its investment in software assets and to mitigate the risks associated with software use.

MS • Microsoft Direct Licence Audit Program

Adobe • Adobe Licence Self-Audit Program

Autodesk • Autodesk Licence Self-Audit Program

Licence Compliance Partners

MS• Microsoft Deployment Questionnaire• SAM Optimization Assessment

Adobe • Adobe Licence Self-Audit Program

General • Autodesk Licence Self-Audit Program


Focus Australia

• You cannot afford to take the risk

FrontRange Solutions

• Don’t Get Caught Short

Awareness & Education

The risk of doing nothing

• 60% of IT executives believe they have unlicensed software deployed and 73% say they are not prepared for a software audit.(King Research)

• “Gartner believes that every client should expect at least one audit during the next 12 months”

• “Approximately 75% of attendees [at the recent Gartner ITAM conference] had experienced at least one audit during the past 12 months.”

• “Clients... responded that they had been audited by Adobe, Attachmate, IBM, BEA Systems, Microsoft and Oracle. Gartner has also seen audit activity by Software AG, Quest Software, Micro Focus and Corel (for WinZip).”

Companies identified with licence deficiencies: > 99%

Company ABC

Company 123

Company XYZ

iComply Findings

The risk of doing nothing

• Organisations typically over-spend on software by up to 20 percent.

• Achieve $50 per PC and $300 per server savings by reusing software efficiently and achieving “best-fit” licensing model.(Forrester Research May 2008)

• 5%+ discount through volume purchasing with more informed purchasing decisions. 50% reduction in maverick buying.(Forrester Research May 2008)

• Microsoft Certificate

Licence Compliance Assessment

• Customised for your organisation

Licensing Training

• Cost Effective Volume Licence Agreement Model

VLA Architecture Analysis

• Analysis, recommendation & implementation

SAM Assessment

SAM & Licensing Services

Save Money

Mitigate Risk

Maximise Software Asset ROI

Intelligent & Cost Effective Licence Acquisition

Reduce Deployment & Support Costs

Reduce Management Overhead Costs

iComply’s SAM & Licensing Services save your organisation money

Mitigate Risk

Legal & Financial Risk

Certificate of Audit Amnesty

Damage to Company Name

Network & Data Security

Mitigate Risk

iComply’s SAM & Licensing Services reduce exposure to risk



Mitigate Risk

Home Use Program

Free Training Licenses

Multiple Deployments

Disaster Recovery Licenses

iComply’s SAM & Licensing Services maximise your licence entitlements


