SOF - Master Film List


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Story of Film Films list – for website Film – Director

Year Production Company

Saving Private Ryan - Steven Spielberg

1998 Amblin Entertainment

Three Colours; Blue - Krzysztof Kieslowski 1993 MK2 Productions, CEO Productions -


Casablanca – Michael Curtiz 1942 Warner Bros. Pictures

Record of a Tenement Gentleman - Yasujiro Ozu 1947 Shochiku Eiga

Odd Man Out - Carol Reed 1947 Two Cities Film

2 or 3 Things I Know About Her - Jean-Luc Godard 1967 Argos Films

Taxi Driver - Martin Scorsese 1976 Columbia Pictures

The French Connection - William Friedkin 1971 D'Antoni Productions

Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge - Louis Le Prince 1888 Whitley Partners

Butterfly Dance - Thomas A. Edison 1897 Edison Manufacturing Company

May Irwin Kiss - Thomas A. Edison 1896 Edison Manufacturing Company

Employees leaving Lumiere factory gates - Louis Lumiere 1895 Lumiere

Arrival of Train at La Ciotat 1896 Lumiere

Annabelle Serpentine Dance: Thomas A. Edison 1895 Edison Manufacturing Company

Sandow: William K.L. Dickson 1896 Edison Manufacturing Company

What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City: George S. Fleming, Edwin S. Porter

1901 Edison Manufacturing Company

Cendrillon: Georges Melies 1899 George Melies, Star Film La lune à un mètre: Georges Melies 1898 George Melies, Star Film

A Kiss In The Tunnel: George Smith 1899 G.A.S. Films


Shoah - Claude Lanzmann 1985 Historia, Les Films Aleph, Ministere de la Culture de la Republique Francaise

2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick 1968 Kubrick Productions, MGM

The Little Doctor -: George Albert Smith - (AKA The Sick Kitten) 1903 G.A.S. Films

October (Ten Days That Shook The World): Sergei Eisenstein 1928 Sovkino

Once Upon A Time in The West: Sergio Leone 1968 Paramount Pictures

The Corbett - Fitzsimmons fight: Enoch J. Rector 1897 Veriscope Company

Life of an American Fireman: Edwin S. Porter 1903 Edison Manufacturing Company

Sherlock Jr: Buster Keaton 1924 Buster Keaton Productions / American

Movie Classics Company

The Horse that Bolted: Charles Pathe 1907 Pathe Freres

The Assassination of the Duc de Guise: Andre Calmettes, Charles Le Bargy

1908 Pathe Freres

Vivre Sa Vie: Jean-Luc Godard 1962 Les Films de la Pléiade

Life of an American fireman: Edwin S. Porter 1903 Edison Manufacturing Company

Those Awful Hats: D.W. Griffith 1909 Biograph Company

Florence Lawrence: D.W Griffith 1909 Biograph Company

The Abyss: Urban Gad 1910 Kosmorama

Stage Struck: Alan Dwan 1925 Paramount Pictures

Mysterious X: Benjamin Christensen 1914 Dansk Biogrpah Compagni

Haxan: Benjamin Christensen 1922 Aljosha Production Compani Ingeborg Holm: Viktor Sjostrom 1913 Svenska Biografteatern AB

The Phantom Carriage: Viktor Sjostrom 1920 Svensk Filmindustri

Shanghai Express: Josef von Sternberg 1932 Paramount Pictures

The Story of the Kelly Gang: Charles Tait 1906 J & N Tait, Johnson and Gibson


The Squaw Man: Cecil B. DeMille 1914 Famous Players-Lasky Corporation

Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back – Irvin Kersher

1980 LucasFilm

Falling Leaves: Alice Guy Blache 1912 Solax Film Company Suspense: Lois Weber 1913 Rex Motion Picture Company

The Wind - Viktor Sjostrom 1928 MGM

Rescued From An Eagle's Nest : J. Searle Dawley 1908 Edison Company

The House with Closed Shutters: D.W. Griffith 1910 Biograph Company

Way Down East: D.W. Griffith 1920 D.W. Griffith Productions

Orphans of the Storm: D.W. Griffith 1921 D.W. Griffith Productions

Birth of a Nation: D.W. Griffith - sequence 1915 David W Griffith Corp

Rebirth of a Nation: DJ Spooky 2007 Starz Network

Cabiria: Giovanni Pastrone 1914 Itala Films / Adirana Chiesa Enterprises

Intolerance: D.W. Griffth 1916 Triangle Film Corporation, Wark Producing

Life of an American fireman Edwin S. Porter 1903 Edison Manufacturing Company

Souls on the Road – Minoru Morata 1921 Shochiku Eiga / Shochiku Kinema

Citizen Kane - Orson Welles 1941 RKO Radio Pictures The Thief of Bagdad – Raoul Walsh 1924 Douglas Fairbanks Pictures

Desire - Frank Borzage 1936 Paramount Pictures

Gone With The Wind – Victor Fleming et al 1939 Selznick International Pictures

Gold Diggers of 1933 – Mervyn LeRoy 1933 Warner Bros Pictures

Singin' In the Rain – Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly 1952 Loew's Incorporated

The Maltese Falcon - John Huston 1941 Warner Bros. Pictures

The Scarlet Empress - Joseph Von Sternerg 1934 Paramount Pictures


Ride On A Runaway Train 1921, 1917 Lyman H. Howe / Keystone film Company

The Cameraman - Buster Keaton 1928 MGM

One Week - Buster Keaton 1920 Joseph M. Schenck Productions The Three Ages - Buster Keaton 1923 Buster Keaton Productions The Three Ages – Buster Keaton 1923 Buster Keaton Productions

Buster Keaton Rides Again - John Spotton 1965 National Film Board of Canada

The General - Buster Keaton – sequence 1926 Buster Keaton Productions

Divine Intervention – Elia Suleiman 2002 Filmstiftung Nordrhein-westfalen

Limelight - Charles Chaplin 1952 Celebrated Productions

City Lights – Charles Chaplin 1931 Charles Chaplin Productions

The Kid - Charles Chaplin 1921 Charlles Chaplin Productions Bad timing - Nicholas Roeg 1980 Recorded Picture Company The Great Dictator – Charles Chaplin 1940 Charles Chaplin Productions

M. Hulot's Holiday – Jacques Tati 1953 Discina Film

Toto in Colour - Steno 1953 De Laurentiis Awaara - Raj Kapoor 1951 All India Film Company Sunset Boulevard – Billy Wilder 1959 Paramount Pictures

Some Like It Hot - Billy Wilder 1959 Ashton Productions

Luke's Movie Muddle – Hal Roach 1916 Rolin films

Haunted Spooks – Alfred J Goulding, Hal Roach 1920 Rolin films

Never Weaken – Fred C Newmeyer 1921 Rolin films

Safety Last - Fred Neymeyer 1923 Hal Roach Studios I Flunked, But… - Yasujiro Ozu 1930 Shochiku Kinema (Kamata)

The Thief of Bagdad – Raoul Walsh 1924 Douglas Fairbanks Pictures

Nanook of the North – Robert Flaherty 1922 Pathe Exchange

The House is Black – Forugh Farrokhzad 1963 Studio Golestan

Sans Soleil - Chris Marker 1983 Argos Films


The Not Dead - Brian Hill 2007 Century Films

The Five Obstructions - Jorgen Leth 2003 Laterna Film / Danish Film Institute

Blind Husbands – Erich Von Stroheim 1919 Universal Film Manufacturing Company

The Lost Squadron – George Archainbaud 1932 RKO Radio Pictures

Greed - Eric von Stroheim 1924 Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Pictures Corporation

Sunset Boulevard – Billy Wilder 1950 Paramount Pictures

The Crowd - King Vidor 1928 MGM The Crowd - King Vidor 1928 MGM The Apartment - Billy Wilder 1960 The Mirisch Corporation The Trial - Orson Welles 1962 Paris-Europa Productions

Aelita, Queen Of Mars - Yakov Protazanov 1924 Mezhrabpom-Rus

Posle smerti - Yevgeni Bauer 1915 Khanzhonkov

Joan of Arc – Carl Theodor Dreyer 1928 Societe General des films

ARCHIVE - Dreyer interview Danish Film Institute

Ordet - Carl Theodor Dreyer 1955 Palladium Film The President – Carl Theodor Dreyer 1919 Nordisk Film

Vampyr – Carl Theodor Dreyer 1932 Tobis Filmkunst

Gertrud – Carl Theodor Dreyer 1964 Palladium Film

Dogville - Lars Von Trier 2003 Zentropa entertainments Robert and Bertram – Max Mack 1915 Projektions AG Union (PAGU)

The Oyster Princess – Ernst Lubitsch 1919 Projektions AG Union (PAGU)

The Mountain Cat - Ernst Lubitsch 1921 Projektions AG Union (PAGU)

The Marriage Circle - Ernst Lubitsch 1924 Warner Bros. Pictures


La Roue - Abel Gance 1923 Films Abel Gance

Napoleon - Abel Gance 1927 Films Abel Gance MGM

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - Robert Wiene 1920 Decla-Bioscop AG

Telltale Heart - Charles Klein 1928 Klein & Shamroy The Lodger - Alfred Hitchcock 1927 Gainsborough Pictures A Page of Madness - Teinosuke Kinugasa 1926 Kinugasa Productions

Metropolis - Fritz Lang 1927 Universum Film Sunrise: A Song Of Two Humans - FW Murnau 1927 Fox Film Corporation

Opus No.1 - Walter Ruthman 1921 Walter Ruttmann Entr'acte - Francis Picabia / Rene Clair 1925 Les Ballets Suedois

RIEN QUE LES HEURES /– Alberto Cavalcanti 1926 Alberto Cavalcanti

Spellbound – Alfred Hitchcock 1945 Selznick International Pictures

Un Chien Andalou – Luis Bunuel 1929 Louis Bunuel

Blue Velvet - David Lynch 1986 De Laurentiis Entertainment L'Age D'or - Luis Bunuel 1930 Vicomte de Noailles Dziga Vertov film - Kino Pravda 1920's Kino Pavda Glumov's Diary – Sergei Eisenstein 1923 Proletkult

Battleship Potemkin – Sergei Eisenstein 1925 Goskino

The Untouchables – Brian de Palma 1987 Paramount Pictures

Arsenal – Alexander Dovzhenko 1929 VUFKU

I was Born But… - Yasujiro Ozu 1932 Shochiku Eiga

Janus Films Tokyo Story - Yasujiro Ozu 1953 Shochiku Eiga Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce 1090 Bruxelles - Chantal Akerman

1975 Ministere de la Culture Francais de Belgique

Osaka Elegy - Kenji Mizoguchi 1936 Daiichi Eiga

Chikamatsu Monogatari - Kenji Mizoguchi 1954 Daiei Studio

Mildred Pierce - Michael Curtiz 1945 Warner Bros. Pictures


Romance of the West Chamber - Minwei Li, Hou Yao 1927 Miixin Film Company

Scenes of City Life: Yuan Muzhi 1935 ???

The Goddess - Yonggang Wu 1934 Lianhua Film Company Cinema Epoch

Centre Stage - Stanley Kwan 1992 Golden Way Films Ltd

New Woman - Chusheng Cai 1934 Lianhua Film Company

Her Dilemma - David Burton 1931 Paramount Pictures

Love Me Tonight – Rouben Mamoulian 1932 Paramount Pictures

The Golem - Carl Boese and Paul Wegener 1920 Projektions-AG Union

Frankenstein - James Whale 1931 Universal Pictures

Eyes Without A Face - Georges Franju 1960 Champs Elysees Productions

Lux Film

Audition - Takashi Miike - 1999 Omega Project The Public Enemy - William A. Wellman 1931 Warner Bros Pictures

Scarface: The Shame of the Nation - Howard Hawks 1932 The Caddo Company

Scarface - Brian de Palma 1983 Universal Pictures Seven Samurai - Akira Kurusawa 1954 Toho Company Once Upon A Time In America - Sergio Leone 1984 Regency Entertainment

The Iron Horse - John Ford 1924 Fox Film Corporation My Darling Clementine - John Ford 1946 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Twentieth Century – Howard Hawks 1934 Columbia Pictures

Bringing Up Baby – Howard Hawks 1938 RKO Radio Pictures

The Men Who Made The Movies: Howard Hawks: Richard Schickel 1973 Lorac Productions/TCM

Gertie the Dinosaur - Windsor McCay 1914 McCay

The Adventures of Prince Achmed - Lotte Reiniger 1926 Comenius-Film GmbH

Plane Crazy - Walt Disney, Ub Iwerks 1928 Walt Disney Productions


Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs: William Cottrell, David Hand, Wilfred Jackson, Larry Morey, Perce Pearce, Ben Sharpsteen

1937 Walt Disney Productions

One Hundred And One Dalmations: Clyde Geronini, Hamilton S, Luske, Wolfgang Reitherman

1961 Walt Disney Productions

The Blood Of A Poet – Jean Cocteau 1930 Vicont de Noailles

Inception - Christopher Nolan 2010 Warner Bros. Pictures Zero De Conduite – Jean Vigo 1933 Franfilmdis

If - Lindsay Anderson 1968 Memorial Enterprises

L'Atalante - Jean Vigo 1934 Jean-Louis-Nounez

Quai des Brumes - Marcel Carne 1938 Cine-Alliance

Les Enfants Du Paradis - Marcel Carne 1945 Pathe Consortium Cinema

The Rules of the Game – Jean Renoir 1939 Nouvelles Editions de Films (NEF)

La Grande Illusion – Jean Renoir 1937 Realisation d'art cinematographique

(RAC) Limite - Mario Peixoto 1931 Cinedia The Adventures of a Good Citizen - Stefan & Franziska Themerson 1938 SFA

Two Men and a Wardrobe - Roman Polanski 1958 Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Filmova,

Telewizyna i Teatrina The Blue Light – Leni Riefenstahl 1932 Leni Riefenstahl Produktion

Triumph of The Will – Leni Riefenstahl 1935 Leni Riefenstahl Produktion

Olympia Part Two: Festival of Beauty - Leni Riefenstahl 1938 International Olympic Committee

Tiefland - Leni Reifenstahl 1954

(release date)

Josef Plesner-Filmproduktion

The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl: Ray Muller 1993 Arte, Channel Four Films, Nomad Films

Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock 1958 Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions Saboteur - Alfred Hitchcock 1942 Frank Lloyd Productions

Sabotage - Alfred Hitchcock 1936 Gaumont British Picture Corporation

The 39 Steps – Alfred Hitchcock 1935 Gaumont British Picture Corporation

Marnie - Alfred Hitchcock 1964 Universal Pictures Ninotchka - Ernst Lubitsch 1939 Loew’s MGM


The Wizard of Oz - Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Mervyn LeRoy, King Vidor

1939 MGM Loew's

Gone With The Wind - Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Sam Wood

1939 Selznick International Pictures, MGM

Rome, Open City - Roberto Rossellini 1945 Excelsa Films

Stagecoach - John Ford 1939 Walter Wanger Productions Directed By John Ford - Peter Bogdanovich 1971 American Film Institute

Stagecoach - John Ford 1939 Walter Wanger Productions Stagecoach - John Ford 1939 Walter Wanger Productions Osaka Elegy - Kenji Mizoguchi 1936 Daiichi Eiga Flesh and the Devil - Clarence Brown 1926 MGM

Follow The Boys - Edward Sutherland and John Rawling 1944 Universal Pictures

Me And Orson Welles - Richard Linklater 2008 CinemaNX

Chimes at Midnight – Orson Welles 1965 Alpine Films

The Best Years of Our Lives - William Wyler 1946 The Samuel Goldwyn Company

CODE UNKNOWN - Michael Haneke 2000 Bavaria film

SATANTANGO - Bela Tarr 1994 Mozgokep Innovacios Tarsulas es Alapitvany

How To Marry A Millionaire - Jean Negulesco 1953 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

UN HOMME ET UNE FEMME - Claude Lelouch 1966 Les Films

Heat - Michael Mann 1995 Warner Bros Pictures Raging Bull - Martin Scorsese 1980 United Artists Bicycle Thieves – Vittorio De Sica 1946 Produzioni De Sica

Pin Up Girl - H. Bruce Humberstone 1944 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Double Indemnity – Billy Wilder 1944 Paramount Pictures

Portrait of a 60% Perfect Man: Billy Wilder - Annie Tregot and Michael Ciment

1982 Agat Film (France)

The Testament of Dr. Mabuse - Fritz Lang 1933 Nero-Film AG


The Big Sleep – Howard Hawks 1946 Warner Bros Pictures

Rio Bravo - Howard Hawks 1959 Armada Productions Out of the Past – Jacques Tourneur 1946 RKO Radio Pictures

The Hitchhiker - Ida Lupino 1953 RKO Radio Pictures Double Indemnity – Billy Wilder 1944 Paramount Pictures

Little Caesar - Mervyn LeRoy 1931 First National Pictures Quai des brumes – Marcel Carne 1938 Cine-Alliance

La Chienne - Jean Renoir 1931 Les Etablissements Braunberger-Richebe

Scarlett Street - Fritz Lang 1945 Fritz Lang Productions American Cinema: Film Noir: Jeffrey Schon - interview with Joe Lewis on Gun Crazy

1995 PBS

Gun Crazy - Joseph H. Lewis 1950 King Brothers Productions

Bonnie and Clyde – Arthur Penn 1967 Warner Bros/ Seven Arts

Double Indemnity – Billy Wilder 1944 Paramount Pictures

L.A. Confidential – Curtis Hanson 1997 Regency Entertainment

Blade Runner - Ridley Scott 1982 The Ladd Company The Dark Knight - Christopher Nolan 2008 Warner Bros.

Shiva - Ram Gopal Varma 2006 RGV Film Company

Titanic - James Cameron 1997 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) director: Louis J, Horvitz

1999 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (AMPAS)

An American in Paris - Vincente Minnelli 1951 Loew's

The Red Shoes - Michael Powell 1948 The Archers Flying Down to Rio - Thornton Freeland 1933 RKO Radio Pictures

Two for the Road - Stanley Donen 1967 Stanley Donen Films A Matter of Life and Death - Michael Powell 1946 The Archers

Post-Haste - Humphrey Jennings 1934 GPO Film Unit

Listen to Britain - Humphrey Jennings 1942 Crown Film Unit

The Third Man - Carol Reed 1949 London Film Productions


The True Glory: Carol Reed and Garson Kanin 1945 Ministry of Information

Rebel Without a Cause - Nicholas Ray 1955 Warner Bros. Pictures

Cairo Station – Youssef Chahine 1958 Studios Al Ahram

Paper Flowers - Guru Dutt 1959 Guru Dutt Films Pvt. Ltd Ajanta Pictures

Sant Tukaram - Vishnupant Govind Damle 1936 Prabhat Films

Pather Panchali - Satyajit Ray 1955 Government of West Bengal Devi - Satyajit Ray 1960 Merchant Ivory Productions Mother India - Mehboob Khan 1957 Mehboob Productions Two Stage Sisters - Jin Xie 1964 Shanghai Film Studios

Ikiru - Akira Kurosawa 1952 Toho Company

Stray Dogs - Akira Kurosawa 1949 Film Art Association Toho Company

Throne of Blood - Akira Kurosawa 1957 Toho Company The Godfather – Francis Ford Coppola 1972 Paramount Pictures

The Magnificent Seven – John Sturges 1960 The Mirisch Corporation

Rio 40 Degrees - Nelson Pereira dos Santos 1955 Equipe Moacyr Fenelon

Columbia Pictures do Brasil

Dona Barbara – Fernando de Fuentes 1943 Clasa Films Mundiales

The Wild Bunch – Sam Peckinpah 1969 Warner Brothers/ Seven Arts

La Perla - Emilio Fernandez 1947 RKO Radio Pictures Los Olvidados - Luis Bunuel 1950 Ultramar Films

All That Heaven Allows - Douglas Sirk 1955 Universal International Pictures

Nicholas Ray I'm A Stranger Here Myself - David Helpern 1975 October Films

Johnny Guitar - Nicholas Ray 1954 Republic Pictures Fireworks - Kenneth Anger 1947 Fantoma Scorpio Rising – Kenneth Anger 1964 Puck Film Productions

Marty (The Philco- Goodyear Television Playhouse) - Delbert Mann

1953 Sonny Fox Productions

On the Waterfront – Elia Kazan 1954 Columbia Pictures Corporation

Red River - Howard Hawks 1948 Charles K. Feldman Group


Touch of Evil - Orson Welles 1958 Universal International Pictures

The Searchers - John Ford 1956 C.V. Whitney Pictures Warner Bros. Pictures

Rio Bravo - Howard Hawks 1959 Armada Productions Warner Bros. Pictures

Great Expectations – David Lean 1946 Cineguild

Lawrence Of Arabia – David Lean 1962 Columbia Pictures

O Dreamland - Lindsay Anderson 1953 Sequence Films ...And God Created Woman - Roger Vadim

1956 Union Cinematographique Lyonnaise

Summer with Monika – Ingmar Bergman 1953 Svensk Filmindustri

The Seventh Seal – Ingmar Bergman 1957 Svensk Filmindustri

Winter Light – Ingmar Bergman 1963 Svensk Filmindustri

Persona - Ingmar Bergman 1966 Svensk Filmindustri

Pickpocket - Robert Bresson 1959 Compagnie Cinematographique de France

Au Hasard Balthazar – Robert Bresson 1966 Argos Films

Ratcatcher - Lynne Ramsay 1999 Pathe Pictures/ BBC Films Mon Oncle - Jacques Tati 1958 Gaumont Distribution Fellini's Casanova – Federico Fellini 1976 Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA)

The Nights of Cabiria - Federico Fellini 1957 Dino de Laurentiis Cinematografica

8 ½ - Federico Fellini 1963 Cineriz Stardust Memories – Woody Allen 1980 Rollins-Joffe Productions

Cleo from 5 to 7 - Agnes Varda 1962 Cine Tamaris Cleo from 5 to 7 – Agnes Varda 1962 Cine Tamaris

Last Year at Marienbad - Alain Resnais 1961 Astor Pictures Corporation

The 400 Blows – Francois Truffaut 1959 Les Films du Carrosse

A Bout de Souffle/ Breathless - Jean-Luc Godard 1960 Les Productions Georges de Beauregard

Une Femme Mariee – Jean-Luc Godard 1964 Anouchka Films

American Gigolo - Paul Schrader 1980 Paramount Pictures Accattone! – 1961 Arco Films


Pier Paolo Pasolini

The Gospel According to St. Matthew - Pier Paolo Pasolini 1964 Arco Films

A Fistful of Dollars – Sergio Leone 1964 Constantin Film Produktion

Senso - Luchino Visconti 1954 Lux Film Rocco and his Brothers - Luchino Visconti 1960 Titanus

L'Eclisse – Michelangelo Antonioni 1962 Cineriz

The Passenger - Michelangelo Antonioni 1975 Compagnia Cinematografica Champion

The Travelling Players - Theodoros Angelopoulos 1975 Papalios Productions

The Wheelchair - Marco Ferreri 1960 Films 59 What Have I Done to Deserve This? - Pedro Almodovar 1984 Kaktus Producciones Cinematograficas

Viridiana - Luis Bunuel 1961 Union Industrial Cinematografica I Am Curious (Yellow) - Vilgot Sjoman 1967 Sandrews

La Mamam et la Putain – Jean Eustache 1973 Elite Films

Ashes and Diamonds - Andrzej Wajda 1958 Zespól Filmowy "Kadr"

Hamlet - Laurence Olivier 1948 Two Cities Films Knife In the Water – Roman Polanski 1962 Zespol Filmowy "Kamera"

The Fearless Vampire Killers - Roman Polanski 1967 Cadre Films, Filmways Pictures

The Hand - Jirí Trnka 1966 Krátký film Praha - Studio kresleného a loutkového filmu

The Firemen's Ball – Milos Forman 1967 Carlo Ponti Cinematografica, Filmové

Studio Barrandov Daisies - Vera Chytilová 1966 Filmové Studio Barrandov The Red And The White - Miklós Jancsó 1968 Mafilm/Mosfilm

Une Journee d'Andrei Arsenevitch - Chris Marker 2000 AMIP, La Sept-Arte, Institut de

l'Audiovisuel, Arkeion Films Andrei Rublev – Andrei Tarkovsky 1966 Mosfilm

The Mirror - Andrei Tarkovsky 1975 Mosfilm

Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky 1979 Gambaroff-Chemier Interallianz, Mosfilm

Nostalgia - Andrei Tarkovsky 1983 Opera Film Produzione, Sovinfilm Shadows of our Forgotten Ancestors – Sergei Paradjanov

1965 Dovzhenko Film Studios


Andrei Takovsky & Sergei Parajanov – Islands 1988 Dokumentary film studio kultura

Boy - Nagisa Oshima 1969 Sozosha In The Realm Of The Senses - Nagisa Oshima 1976 Argos Films, Oshima Productions

Love & Crime - Teruo Ishii 1969 Toei Company

Shohei Imamura: The Freethinker 1995 Audiovisual Multimedia International Productions, INA

The Insect Woman – Shohei Imamura 1963 Nikkatsu

Citizen Kane - Orson Welles 1941 RKO Radio Pictures Nippon Sengoshi - Madamu onboro no Seikatsu – Shohei Imanura

1970 Nihon Eiga Shinsha

Ajantrik - Ritwik Ghatak 1958 L.B.Films International The Cloud-Capped Star - Ritwik Ghatak 1960 Chitrakalpa

Jukti, Takko Aar Gappo - Ritwik Ghatak 1974 Ritwik Ghatak

Uski Roti - Mani Kaul 1970 Rochak Pandit Productions Black God, White Devil – Glauber Rocha 1964 Luiz Augusto Mendes Producoes


I Am Cuba - Mikhail Kalatozov 1964 Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos (ICAIC), Mosfilm

The House Is Black – Forugh Farrokhzad 1963 Studio Golestan

Black Girl – Ousmane Sembene 1969 Filmi Domirev

Saturday Night And Sunday Morning - Karel Reisz 1960 Woodfall Film Productions

Kes - Ken Loach 1969 Kestrel Films Ltd. A Hard Day's Night – Richard Lester 1964 Walter Shenson Films

Primary - Robert Drew 1960 Drew Associates

Shadows: John Cassavetes 1959 Lion International Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock 1960 Shamley Productions 66 Scenes From America - Jørgen Leth Statens Filmcentral

Blow Job - Andy Warhol 1963 Andy Warhol Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? - Mike Nichols 1966 Chenault Productions

Medium Cool - Haskell Wexler 1969 H & J Easy Rider - Dennis Hopper 1969 Raybert Productions Inc. Making "The Shining" – Vivian Kubrick 1980 Eagle Films SS

Duck Soup - Leo McCarey 1933 Paramount Pictures


Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? - Frank Tashlin 1957 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Catch-22 - Mike Nichols 1970 Paramount Pictures Mash - Robert Altman 1970 Aspen Productions (I) The Graduate - Mike Nichols 1967 Embassy Pictures Corporation One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Milos Forman 1975 Fantasy films

The Last Movie – Dennis Hopper 1971 Alta-Light

McCabe and Mrs Miller – Robert Altman 1971 David Foster Productions

The Conversation - Francis Ford Coppola 1974 American Zoetrope

Mean Streets - Martin Scorsese 1973 Warner Bros. Pictures

Raging Bull - Martin Scorsese 1980 United Artists, Chartoff-Winkler Productions

Italianamerican – Martin Scorsese 1974 National Communications Foundation

Light Sleeper - Paul Schrader 1992 New Line Cinema Killer of Sheep – Charles Burnet 1977 Oscilloscope Laboratories

The Shop Around the Corner - Ernst Lubitsch 1940 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Annie Hall - Woody Allen 1977 Rollins-Joffe Productions

Manhattan - Woody Allen 1979 Jack Rollins & Charles H. Joffe Productions

The Last Picture Show – Peter Bogdanovich 1971 Columbia Pictures Corporation

The Wild Bunch – Sam Peckinpah 1969 Warner Brothers/Seven Arts

Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid - Sam Peckinpah 1973 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Badlands - Terrence Malick 1973 Jill Jakes Production Days Of Heaven - Terrence Malick 1978 Paramount Pictures

Cabaret - Bob Fosse 1972 Allied Artists Pictures The Godfather = - Francis Ford Coppola 1972 Alfran Productions

Chinatown - Roman Polanski 1974 Paramount Pictures Jules et Jim – Francois Truffaut 1962 Les Films du Carrosse

Fox And His Friends – Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1975 City Film

All That Heaven Allows: Douglas Sirk 1955 Universal International Pictures

Fear Eats The Soul: Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1974 Filmverlag der Autoren


The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant: Rainer Werner Fassbinder

1972 Filmverlag der Autoren

All About Eve: Joseph L. Mankiewicz 1950 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Alice in the Cities: Wim Wenders 1974 Filmverlag der Autoren

An Affair To Remember: Leo McCarey 1957 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Gods Of The Plague: Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1970 Antiteater

The Second Awakening of Christa Klages: Marghareta Von Trotta 1978 Bioskop Film

Burden Of Dreams: Les Blank - 1982 Flower Films

The Arabian Nights: Pier Paolo Pasolini 1974 Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA)

The Spider’s Strategem: Bernardo Bertolucci 1970 Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)

The Conformist: Bernardo Bertolucci 1970 Mars Film

Women In Love: Ken Russell 1969 Brandywine Productions Performance: Nicolas Roeg, Donald Cammell 1970 Goodtimes Enterprises

Walkabout: Nicolas Roeg 1971 Si Litvinoff Film Production Picnic At Hanging Rock: Peter Weir 1975 The Australian Film Commission

My Brilliant Career: Gillian Armstrong 1979 Greater Union Organisation (GUO)

Mimimata, The Victims and their World: Noriaki Tsuchimoto

1971 Higashi Productions

The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On: Kazuo Hara 1987 Tidepoint Pictures

Shaoh: Claude Lanzman 1985 Historia Tarzan's Secret Treasure: Richard Thorpe 1941 Loew's / Metro Golgwyn Mayer

La Nouba: Assia Djebar 1979 Algerian Television Xala: Ousmane Sembene 1975 Films Domireew Badou Boy: Djibril Diop Mambéty 1970 ?? Hyenas: Djibril Diop Mambéty 1992 ADR Productions Harvest: 3,000 Years: Haile Gerima 1976 Haile Gerima

Hope: Yilmaz Guney 1970 Guney Film


Yol: Yilmaz Guney 1982 Güney Film The Battle of Chile – Patricio Guzman 1978 Equipe Tercer Ano

The Holy Mountain: Alejandro Jodorowsky 1973 ABKCO Music and Records

KINGDOM AND BEAUTY: Han Hsiang Li 1962 Shaw Brothers

TOUCH OF ZEN: King Hu 1971 International Film Company Enter the Dragon – Robert Clouse 1971 International Film Company A BETTER TOMORROW - John Woo 1986 Cinema City

IRON MONKEY - Master Yuen wo-ping 1993 Film Workshop

The Matrix: Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski

1999 Warner Bros. Pictures

Once Upon A Time In China: Tsui Hark 1991 Golden Harvest Company

Dragon Inn: Raymond Lee 1993 Film Workshop

Mughal E Azam: K. Asif 1960 Sterling Investment Corp.

Devi: Satyajit Ray 1960 Merchant Ivory Productions MAUSAM: Gulzar - Sharmila Tagore sequence 1975 Sunandini Pictures (I)

Zanjeer: Prakash Mehra 1973 Prakash Mehra Productions SHOLAY: Ramesh Sippy 1977 United Producers Mohammad: The Messenger of God: Moustapha Akkad 1977 Filmco International Productions

The Sparrow: Youssef Chahine 1972 Youssef Chahine

The Exorcist: William Friedkin 1973 Hoya Productions A Guy Named Joe – Victor Fleming 1943 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Jaws: Steven Spielberg 1975 Zanuck/Brown Productions Jaws: Steven Spielberg 1975 Zanuck/Brown Productions Close Encounters Of The Third Kind: Steven Spielberg 1977 Columbia Pictures Corporation

Jurassic Park: Steven Spielberg 1993 Universal Pictures

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

1977 Lucasfilm

The Hidden Fortress: Akira Kurosawa 1958 Toho Company

Horse Thief: Tian Zhuangzhuang 1988 Xi'an Film Studio

Yellow Earth: Chen Kaige 1985 Guangxi Film Studio Raise The Red Lantern: Zhang Yimou 1991 ERA International


House Of Flying Daggers: Zhang Yimou 2004 Beijing New Picture Film Co.

Repentance: Tengiz Abuladze 1984 Qartuli Pilmi Come And See: Elem Klimov 1985 Mosfilm Long Goodbyes: Kira Muratova 1971 Odessa Film Studios

A Short Film About Killing: Krzysztof Kieslowski 1988 Zespol Filmowy "Tor"

Wend Kuuni: Gaston Kaboré 1983 Direction du Cinema de Haute Volta

Yeelen: Souleymane Cisse 1987 Atriascop Paris Video Killed The Radio Star: Russell Mulcahy 1981 Island Records

Flashdance: Adrian Lyne 1983 Paramount Pictures Top Gun: Tony Scott 1986 Paramount Pictures

Blue Velvet: David Lynch 1986 De Laurentiis Entertainment Group (DEG)

The Elephant Man: David Lynch 1980 Brooksfilms

Blue Velvet: David Lynch 1986 De Laurentiis Entertainment Group (DEG)

Do The Right Thing: Spike Lee 1989 40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks

Return of the Secaucus Seven: John Sayles 1979 Salsipuedes Productions

Subway: Luc Besson 1985 Les Films du Loup Les amants du Pont Neuf: Leos Carax 1991 Films A2

An American in Paris - Vincente Minnelli 1951 Loew's / MGM

Labyrinth of Passion: Pedro Almodovar 1982 Alphaville S.A.

A Hard Day's Night – Richard Lester 1964 Proscenium Films

Labyrinth of Passion: Pedro Almodovar 1982 Alphaville S.A.

Quince Tree Sun: Victor Erice 1992 Maria Moreno P.C. My Beautiful Laundrette: Stephen Frears 1985 Channel Four Films

My Childhood: Bill Douglas 1972 British Film Institute (BFI) Gregory's Girl: Bill forsyth 1981 Lake Films Distant Voices, Still Lives: Terence Davies 1988 British Film Institute (BFI)

Young At Heart: Gordon Douglas 1954 Arwin Productions Distant Voices, Still Lives: Terence Davies 1988 British Film Institute (BFI)

A Zed & two Noughts: Peter Greenaway 1986 British Film Institute (BFI)


The Last of England: Derek Jarman 1987 Anglo International Films

Videodrome: David Cronenberg 1983 Canadian Film Development Corporation


Crash: David Conenberg 1996 Alliance Communications Corporation

Neighbours: Norman McClaren 1952 National Film Board of Canada (NFB)

Jesus of Montreal: Denys Arcand 1989 Centre National de la Cinématographie


The Apple - Samira Makhmalbaf 1998

Hubert Bals Fund, MK2 Productions, Makhmalbaf Productions

A Moment of Innocence Mohsen Makhmalbaf 1996 MK2 Productions


Where is the Friend’s House?: Abbas Kiarostami 1987 The Institute for the Intellectual

Development of Children & Young Adults

And Life Goes On: Abbas Kiarostami 1992 The Institute for the Intellectual

Development of Children & Young Adults

Through the Olive Trees - Abbas Kiarostami 1994

Abbas Kiarostami Productions CiBy 2000 Farabi Cinema Foundation

Days of Being Wild Wong Kar Wai 1970 In-Gear Film

In the Mood for Love: Wong Kar Wai 2000

Block 2 Pictures Jet Tone Production Paradis Films

Irma Vep: Olivier Assayas 1996 Dacia Films Canal+

City of Sadness: Hou Hsiao-hsien 1989

Hsiao-hsien Hou 3-H Films ERA International

Vive L'Amour: Tsai Ming-liang 1994 Central Motion Pictures Corporation

Tetsuo, the Iron Man: Shinya Tsukamoto 1989 K2 Spirit, Kaijyu Theater, SEN

Tetsuo II: Body Hammer: Shinya Tsukamoto 1992 Kaijyu Theater, Toshiba EMI

La Roue: Abel Gance 1923 Films Abel Gance

Ringu: Hideo Nakata 1998 Omega Project, Imagica, Asmik Ace Entertainment Pony Canyon, Toho Company


Ugetsu Monogatari: Kenji Mizoguchi 1953 Daiei Studios

Breaking the Waves: Lars Von Trier 1996 Zentropa Entertainments

Homicide: Life on the Street: Tom Fontana 1993

Baltimore Pictures, Fatima Productions, MCEG/Sterling Entertainment, NBC Studios, Reeves Entertainment Group, Thames Television

Breaking the Waves: Lars Von Trier 1996 Zentropa Entertainments

La Haine: Mathieu Kassovitz 1995

Canal+, Cofinergie 6, Egg Pictures, Kasso Inc. Productions La Sept Cinéma, Les Productions Lazennec Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Studio Image

Rosetta1999Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne 1999

ARP Sélection, Les Films du Fleuve, RTBF, Centre de Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Communauté Française de Belgique, S.R.I.W., La Laterne Nationale, Canal+, Centre National de la Cinématographie

Touki Bouki: Djibril Diop Mambéty 1973 Cinegrit, Studio Kankourama

Beau Travail: Clair Denis 1999 La Sept-Arte, S.M. Films, Tanaïs Productions

Late Spring: Yasujirô Ozu 1949 Shôchiku Eiga

Crows – Dorota Kedzirzawska 1994 QKO

Wednesday – Viktoe Kossakovsty 1997

Baltic Media Centre, BBC, Filmproduktion Sreda, Jane Balfour Films Roskomkino, St. Petersburg Studio of Documentary Films, Yleisradio (YLE) Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF)

Funny Games: Michael Haneke 1997

Austrian Film Institute (support), Wega Film, Wiener Filmfinanzierungsfonds (support), Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) (support)

Gladiator: director Ridley Scott 2000 DreamWorks SKG Universal Pictures

Terminator 2: Judgment Day: director James Cameron 1991

Carolco Pictures, Pacific Western, Lightstorm Entertainment

Anchors Aweigh (1945) director George Sidney 1945 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Loew's


Titanic: director James Cameron 1997 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Paramount Pictures, Lightstorm Entertainment

Toy Story: director John Lassiter 1995 Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures

The Blair Witch Project: directors Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez 1999 Haxan Films

Goodfellas: director Martin Scorsese 1990 Warner Bros. Pictures

The Great Train Robbery: director Edwin S. Porter 1903 Edison Manufacturing Company

The Killers (1946) director Robert Siodmak 1946 Mark Hellinger Productions,

Universal Pictures

Pulp Fiction: director Quentin Tarantino 1994

A Band Apart, Jersey Films, Miramax Films

Reservoir Dogs: director Quentin Tarantino 1992 Live Entertainment,Dog Eat Dog

Productions Inc. City on Fire: director Ringo Lam 1987 Cinema City

Bande à part: director Jean-Luc Godard 1964

Columbia Films, Anouchka Films, Orsay Films

Natural Born Killers: director Oliver Stone 1994

Warner Bros. Pictures, Regency Enterprises, Alcor Films, Ixtlan, New Regency Pictures, J D Productions

Miller’s Crossing: directors Joel Coen & Ethan Coen 1990 Circle Films,

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

The Hudsucker Proxy: director Joel Coen & Ethan Coen 1994

PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, PolyGram Filmproduktion, Silver Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures, Working Title Films

O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Directors Joel Coen & Ethan Coen


Touchstone Pictures, Universal Pictures, Studio Canal, Working Title Films, Mike Zoss Productions

The Big Leboswki: directors Joel Coen & Ethan Coen 1998 Polygram Filmed Entertainment,

Working Title Films


My Own Private Idaho: director Gus Van Sant 1991 New Line Cinema

The Shining: director Stanley Kubrick 1980

Warner Bros. Pictures, Hawk Films, Peregrine, Producers Circle

Elephant: director Gus Van Sant 2003

HBO Films Fine Line Features Meno Films Blue Relief Productions

Elephant: director Alan Clarke 1989 BBC Northern Ireland

Gerry: Director Gus Van Sant 2002 Epsilon Motion Pictures My Cactus

Last Days (2005) director Gus Van Sant 2005

HBO Films, Meno Film Company Picturehouse Entertainment Pie Films Inc.

Psycho (1960): director Alfred Hitchcock 1960 Shamlay Productions

Psycho: director Gus Van Sant 1998 Universal Pictures, Imagine Entertainment

Cremaster 3: director: Matthew Barney Glacier Field LLC

Robocop: director Paul Verhoeven 1987 Orion Pictures Corporation

Starship Troopers: director Paul Verhoeven 1997

TriStar Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Big Bug Pictures

An Angel at My Table: director Jane Campion 1990 Hibiscus Films

New Zealand Film Commission

The Piano (1993) director Jane Campion 1993 CiBy 2000

Jan Chapman Productions

Romeo + Juliet: director Baz Luhrmann 1996 Bazmark Films,

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Moulin Rouge: director Baz Luhrmann 2001

Angel Studios Bazmark Films Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

The Music Box: James Parrott 1932 Hal Roach Studios

Swiss Miss: John G. Blystone 1938 Hal Roach Studios Blonde Venus: Jospeh von Sternberg 1932 Paramount Pictures

Fahrenheit 9/11: Michael Moore 2004 Fellowship Adventure Group


The Bourne Supremacy: Paul Greengrass 2004 Universal Pictures

Etre et Avoir: Nicolas Philibert 2002 Canal + Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait: Douglas Gordon and Phillippe Parreno

2006 Anna Lena Films

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: Andrew Dominik

2007 Warner Bros Pictures

Climates: Nuri Bilge Ceylan 2006 Pyrmamide Films The Life and Death of Mr Lazarescu: Cristi Puiu 2005 ??

The Headless Woman: Lucrecia Martel 2008 Aquafilms

Battle in Heaven: Carlos Reygadas 2005 Coproduction Office

Oasis: Lee Chang Dong 2002 Cineclick Asia Memories of Murder: Bong Joon-ho Bong 2003 CJ Entertainment

Oldboy: Chan-wook Park 2003 Egg Films Mulholland Drive: David Lynch 2001 Les Films Alain Sarde

Requiem For A Dream: Darren Aronofsky 2000 Artisan Entertainment

Songs from the Second Floor: Roy Andersson 2000 Danmarks Radio (DR)

Songs from the Second Floor: Roy Andersson 2000 Danmarks Radio (DR)

The Rules of Attraction: Roger Avery 2002 Kingsgate Films

Avatar: James Cameron 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Topical Malady: Apichatpong Weeresethakul 2004 Backup Films

The Adventures of Goopy and Baga: Satyajit Ray 1968 Purnima Pictures

Mother and Son: Alexander Sokurov 1997 Severny Fond

Russian Ark: Alexander Sokurov 2002 The State Hermitage Museum

Inception: Christopher Nolan 2010 Warner Bros. Pictures Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Michel Gondry 2004 Focus Features
