Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 8 Chapter Eight Conformity, Compliance, and...


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Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Chapter EightConformity, Compliance, and Obedience

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Conformity, Compliance, Obedience

• Conformity

– any change in behavior caused by another person or group

• Compliance

– a change in behavior requested by another person or group

• Obedience

– a change in behavior that is ordered by another person or group

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Why Conformity?

• People conform when faced with a new or unusual situation

• By using the behavior of others as a guide we can (presumably) also behave in an appropriate way

• Informational influence leads us to conform

– we want to be right

• Normative influence leads us to conform

– we want to be liked

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Why Compliance?

• People make direct requests of us all the time

– salespeople, peers, friends, family

• Honoring those (reasonable) requests helps maintain the social fabric

– helping others and anticipating their help in the future makes for good social bonds

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Why Obedience?

• Many people have power over us

– law enforcement, parents, military

• Following the direct orders of a (legitimate) authority is usually not a matter of debate

– when the officer asks to see your driver’s license, it’s usually prudent to obey

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Conformity: Doing as Others Do

• Sherif’s autokinetic effect studies

– a stationary point of light in a dark room appears to move of its on accord

– social norms can lead us to converge with others in estimates of the amount of movement

• In this ambiguous situation, informational influence drove conformity

• Norms can persist over generations

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Asch’s Length Judgment Studies

• Asch asked people to judge the length of a line in the presence of others

– judgments conformed to the estimates of the group

• In this unambiguous situation, normative influence drove conformity

• Crutchfield replicated and extended these original findings

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Limits to Conformity

• Ambiguity affects the amount of conformity

• Task difficulty affects the amount of conformity

• Individual differences affect conformity: not everyone conforms in a given situation

• Group size affects conformity

• Conformity can disappear

– private versus public judgments

– lack of unanimity

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Cultural Differences in Conformity

• Individualism and collectivism

– members of individualistic cultures should conform less often

• Independent versus interdependent self-concept

– people with independent self-concepts should conform less often

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Gender Differences in Conformity

• Women conform slightly more often than do men

– the extent and magnitude of gender differences is small, though reliable

– could be due to gender bias

– could be due to topics studied

– could be due to strivings for harmony and interdependence

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Compliance: Foot-in-the-Door

• Foot-in-the-door

– compliance with an initial, small request makes us more likely to comply with a later, larger request

• Due to self-perception

• Due to consistency motivations

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Compliance: Door-in-the-Face

• Door-in-the-face

– refusing an initial, large request makes us more likely to comply with a later, smaller request

• Due to pressure to honor the norm of reciprocity

– we feel urge to repay a favor with a favor

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Compliance: Free gift technique

• Free gifts

– giving someone a free gift also activates the norm of reciprocity

– we comply to repay this nice “favor”

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Compliance: Low-Ball

• Low-Ball

– we agree to an initial, attractive deal

– something happens to alter the bargain

• bad elements are introduced, or good elements are removed

– we still go along with the modified, worse deal

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Compliance: Scarcity and Liking

• What is scarce is valuable

– limited-time offers, limited availability make an offer seem more attractive than it might otherwise

• Like-me-then-help-me

– we are more likely to be influenced by attractive, nice, similar, trustworthy others

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Concept Review

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Obedience: Following Commands

• Milgram’s obedience studies illustrate the capacity to obey the orders of a perceived authority

– “teachers” administer electric shocks to “learners,” even to the point of incapacitation or “death”

– this, despite most people’s predictions that few if any people would do so

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Milgram Variations

• Closer proximity between teacher and learner reduced extent of obedience

• Watching the proceedings, rather than participating, leads to passive acceptance of the activities

• Experimenter disagreement reduces the extent of obedience

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

The Legacy of the Milgram Experiments

• Ethicality of experiments led to an examination of experimentation in the field of social psychology

• Practical applications were considered

– military, governmental examples of mindless obedience received a closer look

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Mechanisms Underlying Social Influence

• Informational and normative influence

– people want to be right

– people want to be liked

• Terror management

– we don’t like contemplating our own mortality

– mortality salience affects our behavior in self-affirming ways

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Concept Review

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8

Social Impact Theory

• Strength

– the intensity of social forces

• Immediacy

– the closeness of social forces

• Number

– the quantity of social forces

Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/WigginsChapter 8
