Social Problems Ppt



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behavior that varies from the normal code of the group.

anti-social, a menace to the people’s welfare and different from what is normal action.


person who commits a crime while having not yet reached the legal age of adulthood

A. Causes

Industrialization and urbanization Fast life and varied activity of cities. Frustration resulting disappointment is

vented against society Emotional deprivation Deep-seated conflicts and problems Gangs or “barkada” of the wrong kind

Poverty Broken homes Irregular discipline Rejection Lack of affection and sense

of belonging Idleness which leads to


B. Educational Implications

– The school is a small society and all those enrolled should be made to feel that they are part and parcel of the school

– Give every child a chore to be responsible for – Provide a warm healthy school climate – Develop worthwhile values – Have children distinguish right and wrong


– The teacher should accept all children and not have favoritism

– Keep children busy at worthwhile activities

– Find out the interest of the children and provide outlets for these

– Identify the children who need help(such as lack of confidant or a friend)

– Check what has been accomplished and follow-up from time to time


• a problem that is not only against the society, but detrimental to the individual.

A. Causes

• Influence of “barkada”• Habit through eradication • Curiosity • Innocent victim of a pushers • High frustration• Low level of education

• Family disorganization• Racial and economic discrimination• Easy access to drugs • Boredom • Riddance of inhibition

B. Educational Implication

• Schools should take-up drug education and impress upon the children the evil effects of drugs

• The teacher should be on the look-out for drug addicts and report to the parents

• The school and home should cooperate in seeing to it that their children do not become victims of drug addiction

• Children should be warned against accepting anything that is offered free

• There should be surveillance against dope pushers by school authorities

• Children/students that are dope addicts should not be treated like criminals, but more like patients who need treatment

• A stiffer penalty should be given to dope pushers than is being given now, as they lure innocent victims


• another social problems that is brought by inventions of contraceptives, women’s lib movement, too much permissiveness and break-down of home discipline.

A. Different Kinds of Sex Problems

• Increased student pregnancy• Extra-marital relations • Frigidity and impotence • Sexual incompatibility• Incest – sexual intercourse bet. people

related by blood or marriage • Wife- swapping• Hippie family • Homosexuality• Nymphomania • Prostitution

B. Causes

• Local customs • Women’s lib movement • Influence of media • Influence of actresses• Industrialization • Inventions of contraceptives • Poverty• Modern advertisements • Breaking down of family discipline

C. Effects

• illegitimate births • abortion may be resorted • marriage may not last • rampant prostitution• brings diseases


• Strengthening moral values• Sex education • Closer supervision of adolescents

and youth• Sublimation of emotions and extra

energy during adolescence

E.Educational implications

• Sex education should be taken up in school• Parents should instill worthwhile mores and

traditions in their children • Parents should serve as good models for their

children• Since adolescence is the time that emotions

develop to a high pitch, these should be sublimated through the arts

• Adolescents have plenty of energy that should be channeled to athletics instead of engaging themselves into sex.


A. Causes

– Separation of the couple when the husband has to work abroad

– Working women have more contacts w/ other men which may lead to involvement with them

– Interpretation of new freedom– Abundance of goods increases desires

for material things

B. Remedies

• Emphasize religious and sacramental significance of marriage

• Try to have couple live together by working near home

• Deemphasize material goods and emphasize the real values of life

B. Educational implications

a) Marriage is a long life relationship so one should not rush into it

b) God should be part of any marriage c) Marriage is a partnership so husband and

wife must cooperate to make it successful

d) Study the parents of your intended husband

e)Preventive measures are always better than cure. To avoid separations and divorce there are certain things to be consider.

i. A good age to marry is between 21-25 (women) and much older for men

ii. Having the same faith iii. Adaptabilityiv. The higher the educational level and

achievements the greater chances for success in marriage



a) Values and beliefs b) Less mortality rate due to:

i. Improved health and nutrition ii. Less infant mortalityiii. Longer life span

c)Fertility of Filipino women

i. No family planning ii. Lack of knowledge of contraceptives


Poverty Unemployment and underemployment Political instability Lower quality of life