Social Media Portfolio



Socioal Media Portfolio for Cory O'Connor's Internet Communications class

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about meabout the classbuzz wordsstop the casinotwitterfacebookchapman radiomanmy tumblrsocial media toolscase studiesguest speakersmy classmates


about me

molly elizabeth charlotte hersh

Molly Hersh was born and raised in Santa Ynez, California where she developed an affinity for online Scrabble, Jeopardy, and sassiness. If she’s not napping on her red couch, you could probably find her dancing ballet in a public place. A self proclaimed cat lover, Molly excels at arts and crafts, and would love to further explore the American Midwest.

hill city, south dakota


at chapman university

In 2008, Molly began her career at Chapman University in Orange, California where she majored in Public Relations and Advertising, and minored in Graphic Design. Beginning her sophomore year, Molly became involved in the National Student Advertising Competition serving as a Copywriter, where her team placed first nationally in 2010. She was also involved in Chapman Radio where she participated on the Marketing team, as well as co-hosted a weekly talk show.

[in the third person]

pretending to do work


a different type of classroom

what’s the deal?

look at my portfolio

Harvard Business School alum Cory O’Connor brought the principles of his alma mater into our Internet Communications class. The class was discussion based, where we all took turns sharing our areas of expertise with everyone, whether it be design, personal stories, or a sense of humor.

So what’s the point of this class? The main thing I took away is that online media is all about relationships. Through the many facets online media has to offer, brands now have the ability to directly interact with consumers. In our class, we not only learned some of ways to maintain relationships, but we took a crack at it ourselves through blogs and other social media tools.

This very document is what I would call my social media portfolio. In here you will find the skills I have developed through this class, as well as my personal and

professional experience with online media. Look at this as just the beginning. Please enjoy.

5about the class


Throughout the course of Internet Communications, we developed a bank of buzzwords, or words that regularly came up in class. They all represent concepts that we’ll take outside the classroom. Take a look at these reoccuring words and phrases on your right. Unless you’re looking at this upside down. Then it would be your left.




stop the casinothe online activistOne of our primary assignments in Internet Communications was to create a blog where we became activists for a cause of our choice. I chose to dedicate mine to preventing the expansion of the Chumash Casino, an Indian gaming facility taking over my home town.


reaching outMy blog ended up being a collection of Indian Gaming history, the current politics on the issue, and my personal experience and opinions on the casino. I enlisted the help of Doreen Farr, the Santa Barbara County Third District Supervisor. Throughout my posts, I proposed to Farr some suggested steps she take in order to help stop the expansion, and save the community I was raised in.

check it out at


naked conversations

One of the required books of our course was was Naked Conversations by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, which is about how blogs change the way businesses interact with consumers. In the book, the authors explain what it takes to create a successful blog. They emphasize that blogs should be credible and authentic, or the author should know what he or she is talking about. In addition the author should be passionate about the topic. Blogs work best when they are easily searchable and should contain links to other sites.

11stop the casino

everyone’s a critic

In Internet Communications, we have a networked classroom. This means we all participated in acting as both the teacher and student. This also meant that as a network, we were responsible for grading each others’ blogs. This began with everyone leaving comments on each student’s blog. Once completed, we decided on a grading rubric, and began the grading process. This consisted of reading a total of 240 blog posts, as well as assigning a grade and critiquing each blog. This way we became familiar with what works and doesn’t in the blogging world.


#twittertweet, tweetTwitter has helped open a social media door that has changed the way brands interact with their consumers. There are many uses for twitter, such as speaking directly to a friend by using the @ symbol, or keeping up with a favorite celebrity like Ashton Kutcher or the President of the United States. I even follow the Dalai Lama on twitter!

Now almost most businesses and almost all large brands have twitter accounts. For example, I can talk directly to the grocery store I used to work at by typing @elranchomarket, and tell them how much I enjoyed my tortilla twister for lunch. With twitter, companies can now have conversations with their consumers. El Rancho Market now has the oppurtunity to respond to me, which will strengthen our relationship.



Your search is a hashtag away! On twitter, you can link certain phrases or words to each other by adding a # [a simple shift3] in front. Users can then click on that word and see all other tweets containting the tag. In our Internet Communications class we heavily utilized the #intcom hashtag. We could search this and find a feed from our classmates, professor, and former students.


a snapshot of my “mobile uploads” album


facebookwhat’s on your mind?Wouldn’t you like to know, facebook! To me, facebook truly puts the social in social media. Facebook gives the user the ability to update statuses, share photos, links, and whatever else is on his or her mind. For me, I use Facebook almost strictly as a place to keep up with friends. I check it to to stay updated on my social life, while I would use another tool to keep up with the rest of the world.

Facebook events are a particularly useful aspect of the site. They have the ability to invite a large quantity of guests to an event, as well as serve as a media hub for the upcoming event. The page also gives an approximate count of attendees, and makes it easy to contact all guests through one simple action.


the all new chapman radio

you looked better online

I served on staff for Chapman Radio on the marketing team beginning in Fall of 2010. Responsibilities included reaching out to the proper vehicles to promote events, which we heavily relied on social media for. I was in charge of running the “Chapman Radioman” facebook page, which became the mascot for the station.

Chapman Radioman’s facebook is the primary way for students to interact with the Chapman Radio brand. Aside from creating events, students can take pictures with the character and then tag him on facebook. Chapman Radio man also posts his own statuses and interacts with Chapman students. He is even my boyfriend, according to facebook!


chapman radioman


my tumblr


paper or plastic?

visit my blog at

I started my own blog after I got a job at a local grocery store, El Rancho Market, last summer. After my first day, I had so many strange interactions with customers I knew I needed to collect them. Even though I no longer work as a cashier, I still record the offbeat experiences I have. Opposed to my blog about the Chumash Casino, my tumblr is more of an online diary, and is not meant to moblize or create a relationship with anyone.


social media tools

Yelp is a review site that was started to help people find information on local businesses. Yelp also has information on events, special offers, business lists and is moving into the social networking arena with the ability to add friends and talk with other “Yelpers.”

Foursquare is a webite and application that allows you to “check in” to various locations. Your location is determined via GPS on your smartphone, and each check in gives you certain number of points. You can also friend others and see their locations.

Ning is an online platform that allows you to create a social network for your visitors. This can be a private site which serves as an internal network, or it can be open to anyone with your site address. Ning is geared toward users who share like minded interestes, causes, or are a part of the same organization.


Flickr is an image and video hosting website that shows your images and videos in the quality they are meant to be shown in. In addition, it’s an entire community of enthusiastic photographers and everyday people sharing and discussing their images.

Hootsuite is a perfect platform to manage all of your social media accounts. Mostly used by businesses, Hootsuite can show pending posts and analytics. The best thing about Hootsuite’s integration with multiple social media platforms is that you can keep your branding message on track, without too much hassle.

StumbleUpon is an Internet community that allows its users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos. It is a personalized recommendation engine, which uses peer and social-networking principles.


Groupon is an online service that provides a group coupon to each customer, as long as a certain amount of people purchase it. Groupon is divided geographically, so users are provided with local deals. Groupons can range from anything from spa treatments, to zip lining, to pet grooming.

Tweetdeck is a real-time social media browser that can link Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more into one easy-to-navigate application. It is free to download onto your computer desktop, iPad, iPhone and Android, and can even be integrated into your Google Chrome browser.

Google Docs is a free, web-based word processor, spread-sheet, presentation, and data storage service that is offered by Google. Through this service, users are able to create and edit documents online. Users are also able to share these documents with others and collaborate on them in real-time.


social media tools

RSS is a method of distributing links to content in your web site that you’d like others to use. It is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works, i.e. blog entries, news headlines, audio, video. RSS feeds can be read using software called an “RSS reader”, “feed reader”, or “aggregator.”

Google Wave is a social media tool used mostly as a form of communicating. Google describes this tool as, “a real-time communication platform.” More than just a chat service, Google Wave has the ability to embed waves onto both blogs and websites, as well as the ability to share files via drag-and-drop.

Digg is an internet news source, that, builds lists of the most popular pages and news articles available on the internet. The big news sources, like NBC, CNN, The New York Times, and other well known outlets, all have a Digg button that appears either along side each article or at the bottom of the page.


case studies

Author of Naked Conversations, Robert Scoble, worked at Microsoft during a crisis, and diffused the situation with blogging. There was a rumor that a Microsoft browser in beta testing disabled Google and Yahoo! search bars, which was untrue. As soon as this rumor hit the web, Scoble did the same. He posted the truth, and soon beta testers commented in agreement. The next day, the crisis was no where to be seen in the news. Blogging had allowed Scoble to act fast enough to catch the issue before it blew up.

microsoft crisis


decor my eyesWebsite offers the lowest prices in designer eyewear. Clarabelle Rodriguez ordered a pair of frames from the website, but saw they were fake and tried to return them. She contacted owner Vitaly Borker who refused to refund her, and began to send her threatening e-mails and phonecalls. In return, Rodriguez wrote nasty reviews about the site online. It turns out Borker had a plan all along. Borker purposefully gave terrible customer service in order to receive bad online reviews. He used a skewed way of search engine optimization in order to make sure his website came up first in organic searches by encouraging a negative buzz.

guest speakers


michaela morales

Chapman Univerity alum Michaela Morales dropped by class with her boss and spoke to our class about her job working on social media at local newspaper, the OC Register. Michaela explained just how much the newspaper uses social media to maintain relationships with other businesses as well as with readers. She explained how important it was to stay online since so much of the news is heading in that direction.


amy chaseCurrent Chapman Student and friend Amy Chase came by with a co-worker to talk about her new job as Social Media Coordinator at Vizio, which she obtained based on her Social Media Portfolio. Amy expressed how important it was to maintain a consistent tone for a brand when updating social media pages, and gave us tips on certain methods to reach the right audience.


connor martin

Connor Martin, another former Chapman University Public Relations and Advertising student, came to our class. Since graduating, Connor has branded himself as “Con Bro Chill,” and created an internet persona for himself. Paired with a professional lacrosse career, Connor has been able to make a living off his character through sponsorships. He runs a website where he posts videos he makes, as well as sells branded merchandise. He told us about how he interacts with his fans on facebook in order to maintain a relationship with them.

29guest speakers



@gavinburns111 @kateeglen











[meet the class] 31

@TarynLangton @Maddison_Paton

@katiiiieeeee @selenads

@stephROYYY @AmandaVo






thank youalan hershkatherine kochjordan hershcory o’connorloren nelsonmichaela moralesamy chaseconnor martinsarah silvermanmartin luther king jr.chief sitting bull