Social Media MOD1


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8/4/2019 Social Media MOD1 1/24

Sadece1Lira Published...

Social NetworkingModule 1: How to Use Social Media to Drive Revenue

ContentsSadece1Lira Published................................................................................................ 1

Social Networking .................................................................................................... 1

Contents ..................................................................................................................... 1

What is social media? ................................................................................................. 4

Overview .................................................................................................................... 4

 Top social networks and penetration rates .............................................................. 4

Who generally uses social networks? ................................................................... 5

Major Social Media Sites Where’s the party? .............................................................. 6

Facebook ................................................................................................................. 6

Brief site overview/history .................................................................................... 6

Key site features/functions ................................................................................... 6

General user demographic (source: ............................................. 6

Business applications ........................................................................................... 6

MySpace .................................................................................................................. 7

 YouTube .................................................................................................................. 8

  Twitter ..................................................................................................................... 9

LinkedIn ................................................................................................................. 10

Creating Your Social Media Page - Sign Me Up! ........................................................ 11

Visit and create accounts ...................................................................................... 11

Facebook ............................................................................................................ 11

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MySpace, YouTube, & Twitter ............................................................................. 11


 ........................................................................................................................... 12

What is social media’s role in online marketing? ...................................................... 12

 Traditional methods of online marketing ............................................................... 12

Marketing With Social Media ................................................................................. 13

How and why are businesses using social media? .................................................... 13

Social buzz measurement tools ............................................................................. 14

Competitive Landscape Analysis: ......................................................................... 14

Creating a Social Media Road Map ........................................................................... 15

Driving revenue and building brand recognition/loyalty ........................................... 15

Facebook business basics ...................................................................................... 15

Pages and Fans .................................................................................................. 15

Setting up a Page ............................................................................................... 16

Sending Notes to Fans ........................................................................................ 16

Updating Fans .................................................................................................... 17

Administrators and Settings ............................................................................... 17

Promoting Pages with Events ................................................................................... 17

Promoting Pages Outside of Facebook ..................................................................... 18

Measuring Page Traffic and Effectiveness ................................................................ 18

Groups and Members ............................................................................................... 18

Paid advertising ........................................................................................................ 19

 Twitter business basics ............................................................................................. 20

Personal vs. business accounts ............................................................................. 20

Update Settings ..................................................................................................... 20

 Tweeting and following Tweets ............................................................................. 21

  Tweeting ................................................................................................................ 21

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Include links in the Tweet ...................................................................................... 22

Re-tweet ................................................................................................................ 22

Followers ............................................................................................................... 22

Attracting followers and following others .............................................................. 22

Follow the Terms of Service .................................................................................. 22

Best practices for Twitter success ......................................................................... 23

Build your own social media marketing roadmap ..................................................... 23

Define your marketing goals and objectives ......................................................... 23

Create a personality and stick with it .................................................................... 23

Determine your audience ...................................................................................... 24

Select appropriate social media networks ............................................................. 24

Consider paid advertising ...................................................................................... 24

Put the plan in writing – document the social media marketing plan and use it to

track progress ....................................................................................................... 24

Management approval........................................................................................... 24

Launch social media campaigns ............................................................................ 24

Measure results ..................................................................................................... 24

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What is social media?• A couple definitions of social mediaWikipedia – Social Media ( )

Social media is media designed to be disseminated through socialinteraction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishingtechniques. Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies totransform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social mediadialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledgeand information, transforming people from content consumers intocontent producers. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define socialmedia as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on theideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and thatallow the creation and exchange of user-generated content"[1].Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or

consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media utilization is believed tobe a driving factor in the idea that the current period in time will bedefined as the Attention Age.

Groundswell – book (“...a social trend in which people use technologies to get the things theyneed from each other, rather than from traditional institutions.”

Overview• social media is not one-way communication. Social media allows

for an interactive dialog where people all over the world canparticipate and contribute to the conversation.

• Traditional marketing relies on a carefully crafted message beingdelivered to an often specific audience.

• Social media leverages technology and relationships to reach a muchbroader audience through connections (viral marketing).

• Social media allows brands/companies to leverage the strength of relationships for credibility to spread marketing messages. In thisway, companies can turn fans/followers into brand ambassadors.

Top social networks and penetration rates

• Facebooko Over 350 million active users (Feb 2010)o Over 175 million users login at least once per day

• MySpaceo Over 150 million active users (Feb 2010)

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•  YouTubeo Over 100 million active users (May 2009)o User generated

•  Twittero Over 30 million users (May 2009)

• LinkedIno Over 40 million users (May 2009)

 Takeaway: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube continue growing in popularity.MySpace is struggling since the explosive growth of Facebook since 2008.It’s easy to reach a very broad audience utilizing both Twitter andFacebook at low cost. LinkedIn is a good resource for professional careernetworking and finding/researching potential employees.

Visit and compare Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Note: is an excellent resource to evaluate/compareonline traffic with your competitors. Usually, there is no need to pay forthe premium “Pro” membership.

Who generally uses social networks?

o Over 44% of all U.S. internet users are on social networks (over88 million people)

o 84% of social network users are 14 to 26 years oldo Social network users skew female (average is 45% male and 55%

female)o Largest group joining is oldero Most users have at least some college education

 Takeaway: A very broad demographic use social networks with increasing

adoption by older generations who are using social media as a way to

keep in touch with family and friends. That said, younger social media

users tend to be more familiar on the advanced uses of each site and also

more skeptical on brands/companies. Transparency is key in being a

good citizen in social media.

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Major Social Media Sites Where’s the party?


Brief site overview/history

Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook while studying psychology atHarvard University at the age of 23 Concept was based on the sheets of paper distributed tofreshmen at Harvard, profiling students and staff  After gradual expansion to other universities, as of September2006 the network was extended to anyone with a registered emailaddress

Key site features/functions

Connect and interact with friends (add them into your Friend List)

and others Send messages to friends or other Facebook users Update personal profile to share information/content (videos,photos, stories, etc.) with friends or other users  Join other Facebook social networks (groups, pages)

General user demographic (source:

Median user age is 33 Users are 57% female and 43% male 30s, 40s, 50s are fastest growing segments

Business applications

Facebook Pages (i.e.

• Facebook Pages allow users to become “fans” and follow abrand/company. Messages posted on the Page appear on theusers news feed and users can interact (i.e. Like or Comment)on the post which allows the user’s friends to also see theinteraction. The user’s friends may then also become a fan of the Page after seeing the interaction. On Facebook Pages,interactive content shared with fans may include video, links,

long stories, photos, etc.

Paid advertising opportunities• Paid ads on Facebook appear in the right column.Facebook offers a fairly complex targeting tool to allowadvertisers to target very specific Facebook audiences and arobust reporting tool to help measure paid advertisingperformance. Ads can be purchased either on a CPC (cost per

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click) or CPM (cost per one thousand impressions). More infoat 

 Takeaway: Facebook is one of the top social networks and nearly every

company/brand should be utilizing Facebook to market to consumers.Much more detailed information on how to use Facebook to driverevenues is covered in the Phase 2 course, titled “Drive Customers UsingFacebook Paid Advertising.”

MySpaceo Brief site overview/history

Based on the popular features of Australian social networkingsite Friendster, MySpace was a U.S. version launched in 2002 MySpace began locally in Southern California and catered to

actors, musicians, and artists Part of the early appeal of MySpace was that it is an open site,meaning that it lets users control the page and post nearlywhatever they want to post News Corp Fox Interactive acquired MySpace for $580 million in2005

o Key site features/functions

Connect and interact with friends and others Update a personal profile to share information with friends orother users Follow others

o General user demographic

Median user age is 26

Most users have not attended university

o Business applications

Paid advertising• Fox Interactive Media sells ad space on MySpace. Foxgenerally controls placements, optimizes campaigns and

provides data to help evaluate ad campaigns. MySpace alsohas a beta direct purchase ad interface similar toFacebook which is in development. More info at 

Interactive pages (i.e.

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• Pages often feature widgets users can integrate intoMySpace profile pages which friends view on profiles.

 Takeaway: MySpace is a good social network for bands/music industryand companies targeting younger demographic. MySpace’s growth has

slowed with the advent of Facebook and has fewer low costopportunities for companies to market to its users.

 YouTubeo Brief site overview/history

Founded in 2005 as a site to upload and share videos Acquired by Google for $1.65 billion in 2006 Has become the most popular online video community

o Key site features/functions Users can insert a YouTube video into Facebook and MySpaceaccounts, blogs, or other Web sites where anyone can watch them Users can elect to broadcast their videos publicly or share themprivately with friends and family Users are able to keep track of their favorite users' new videos Users with a webcam and Flash software are able to instantlyrecord video responses or normal videos onto the site rather thanhaving to prerecord and then upload the video

o General user demographic

Ages 18-55, evenly divided between males and females andspanning all geographies

o Business applications

Paid advertising• Google powers YouTube paid advertising. All the toolsavailable to companies marketing through Google’s adnetwork are available to place/target ads and report adperformance results. Ads can be purchased on either a CPC(cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand ad impressions)basis. Reserve buys (premium placement & guaranteed

number of impressions) are also available for betterplacements but have large minimum spend requirements (i.e.$30,000/month). More info at: 

• Can be specifically targeted to a video or to keywords.

Sponsored video contests (i.e.

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• Since the Frito-Lay/Doritos Super Bowl ad contest in 2007,many companies have used YouTube to interact withconsumers.

Creating brand channels with unique and original video content

(i.e.• Companies with large amounts of video content can reacha wide audience using a YouTube channel and can integratethe video content into other social media.

 Takeaway: YouTube continues to experience solid growth in videoviewership and user account creation after the Google acquisition. YouTube paid advertising is an effective way to reach a large audienceand is coupled with Google’s very sophisticated ad targeting tools andreporting (Google AdWords). Alternatively, YouTube channel videocontent can be easily integrated with Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

Twittero Brief site overview/history

Launched in August 2006 as a social networking and microblogsite Users create profiles which can be followed and post tweetsposted online or via mobile SMS messages

Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or,by default, allow open access

o Key site features/functions Users create a profile and microblog with followers Users can follow others  Tweet up to 140 characters Ability to re-tweet what others have tweeted (can be VERY viral)

o General user demographic

Median user age is 31

o Business applications

Staying connected with customers (the good and bad both)•  Twitter is a good tool to discuss industry news and interactwith consumers. Twitter allows for very candid interactions.

Sharing new product announcements and other special news•  Twitter is a good place for brief announcements and linksto websites with more news. Key for successful interactionare tweets which catch the attention of followers and cut

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through the noise while remaining relevant/transparent.

Example brand:

 Takeaway: Twitter is a fast growing social network and nearly every

company/brand should be utilizing Twitter to market to consumers.

LinkedIno Brief site overview/history

Found in 2003 as a business-oriented social network site

o Key site features/functions

Connect with colleagues and friends Connect and interact with professionals in similar industries Showcase latest work, deals or portfolio Huddle workspaces allow users to collaborate with their networkon projects using co-editing features

o General user demographic

Median age is 39

o Business applications

Find new clients/business partners/employees within yournetwork

• LinkedIn provides an outstanding professional network

which can be used to find clients, business partners oremployees.

Paid advertising• LinkedIn paid advertising is a good fit for professionalservice b2b companies (i.e. recruiters, etc.). More info 

 Takeaway: LinkedIn is a professional social network used to connect withcolleagues and associates. Profiles on LinkedIn are career-centric and abit more formal than other social networks.

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Creating Your Social Media Page - Sign Me Up!

Visit and create accounts


• Personal Profileso Not required for a company Facebook Pageo Each person may only have one Facebook Profileo Free to join – just need a valid email addresso Use your actual first name and last name (part of the Terms of 

Service)o Basic functions:

News Feed: Shows people in your social community’s activity(including your activity)

Status Box: Main method of communicating with friends

Profile: The page others will see if they view your profile page(your activity, friends, photos, info, etc.) Email: Send and receive email with other Facebook users

MySpace, YouTube, & Twitter

Click Sign-Up Nowo Enter full nameo Create username (recognizable and short is good – many people

use full name or a nickname)o Create a passwordo Enter a unique email address

o Find friends for Twitter (optional using email address matching)• Update Settings

o Account

Include website URL (or blog) Good idea to add a one-line bio (note – this is keyword

searchable) – limited to 160 characters

Include location

Choose language

Do not check “Protect My Tweets” if you want the public toview tweets


Devices Add mobile number if you prefer to use cell phone

o Notices

Select email alert preferenceso Picture

Upload an image (face or logo/product are suggested)o Design

 To change the default background

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 Takeaway: Students will visit each of the social network sites with theinstructor and create user-level (not company Pages) accounts on each of the sites. The instructor should point the students to LearnIT pages to

become Fans and Follow on Facebook and Twitter.

What is social media’s role in online marketing?

Traditional methods of online marketingo Website: Company’s online presence

Ways to market a website:• Promote the URL (online and offline) to drive traffic to thewebsite

• Directory listing (having a site URL listed on a site withothers of related content)

• Search Engine Optimization (tags and page content to helpyour URL appear above others when users search relatedterms on search engines)• Partner marketing (promoting on high affinity, non-competitive sites)

• Paid search advertising on search engines

Paid banner advertising or email advertising to promoteURL

• Other offline methods (in-store, etc.)

o Blog: May replace or complement a company’s primary website

Ways to market a blog:

• Website promotion techniques apply to blog sites (same asabove)

How is a blog different from a traditional website?

• Utilizes RSS feeds (Subscription which people can retrievewith RSS readers – informs people when new content isuploaded)• More interaction with users than traditional website (moresocial)• More personal voice (authored content – again, moresocial)

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Marketing With Social Media

Ways to market Social Media:

• Website promotion techniques apply to Social Media sites(same as above)

• Within the Social Media site itself (being an active, goodcitizen will lead to a large following over time on Social MediaNetworks)

How is Social Media different from traditional websites andblogs?

• Extremely interactive: Social communities withincommunities

o Businesses can also co-exist as a member of thesocial communities

Market, promote and provide customer service•

Extremely viral: Members of communities share all thetimeo Being an active good citizen will lead to members of the communities sharing information about yourcompany/brand with others in their own socialcommunities

 Takeaway: Social media marketing is a complement to other existingonline marketing efforts. Social media marketing is extremely interactivebecause the social networks from inception were built to rely on memberssharing information with each other online. Moreover, because of the

very high level of interactivity and engagement on social media sites,social media marketing tends to be very viral and as a result, it can be avery effective tool for companies/brands to utilize.

How and why are businesses using social media?

• Drive brand/customer loyalty• Companies/brands can create an online social community (i.e.

Facebook Pages, Twitter accounts) for its customers to:o Learn about new product releases, company updates or

promotionso Share company/brand experiences with other customers

 This often extends to user-level social communities beinginformed

o Offer customer service accessibility to customers

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Direct message customers who had a less than desirablecustomer experience with the company/brand


o Direct response customer acquisition

Companies/brands can utilize social media to drive awarenessand acquire new customers

• Relies on motivating social media users to take an action(i.e. visit a website, subscribe, sign-up, purchase, re-tweet,etc.)• Contests are becoming increasingly popular (re-tweetcontests for example) and are very viral

• Paid marketing opportunities (ads on Facebook, etc.)

 Takeaway: Companies/brands should utilize social media sites to both buildbrand ambassadors and acquire new customers. Many companies narrowlyfocus or don’t focus on social media based on limited perspective and itleads to ineffective social media marketing. Consider the opportunityavailable utilizing social media marketing – with focus, it’s tremendouslypowerful.

Social buzz measurement tools•

o Finds all mentions of a search term on social media sites andcreates a score based on results

• www.compete.como Web analytics site which tracks consumer actions online

• http://search.twitter.como  Track specific mentions of your company on twitter

Competitive Landscape Analysis:

Social media sites offer a great source of competitor information

Determine your company's presence in social media and the competition’sfootprint on social networks. Either this serves as a wake-up to start utilizingsocial media or as a chance to have a competitive advantage and beginusing social media ahead of competition. The exercise will also familiarizethem with the concepts/functions of the various social media networks.

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1. Identify your companies’ top three competitors2. Visit and search for top three competitor company names on thefollowing sites and evaluate size of fan base and take a look at Pages andposts; Record the results and continue to monitor over time.

o Check Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, LinkedIn

Run a search on of top threecompetitors and your own company name

• View results, record scores and continue to monitor overtime.

•  Try biz name and URL

Use to compare traffic volume andsources

•  There must be enough volume for Compete to providereferring URL data. This site is a good resource to

compare online traffic volume.

Visit and search top competitornames and your company to see what’s being tweeted

• Use this site to continue to monitor tweets over time.

Creating a Social Media Road Map Have a meeting with the steering committee and set specific

social media goals. Remember that social media is differentthan standard media. Write your goals down!

• Examples can include: brand recognition, reputationbuilding, building relationships, get people talking aboutyou, offering special offers and deals.

Driving revenue and building brand


Facebook business basics

Pages and Fans

• Pages are for business (function very similar to Personal Profiles) andhave a wall, photo, Fans (not Friends)

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• Need an Admin to manage the business Page (No one will know theAdmin’s personal profile)

• Goal is to increase Facebook Fans (member Personal Profiles)

• Fans are notified of any changes on the Page

• Friends of Fans who interact with Pages see the activity on Personal

Profile wall

Setting up a Page


• Do not need a Personal Profile to create a Page (need a valid emailaddress)

• If local business, select the appropriate category

• If national or global, select Brand, Product or Organization category

• If artist, band or public figure, select (Group may be more appropriate)

• Name is important (not required to be the same legal name – usesomething recognizable and easily searchable)

• After 100 Fans, can switch to a vanity URL

• Begin inputting information on the Info tab (different fields dependenton the category selected during the initial creation process)

• Once ready, click the Publish link at the top of the page

• Adding content to the Pageo Revisit the new page (can get to this from your Info tab when

your Personal Profile is a Fan of the Page)o Share something on the wall (events, products, etc.) (like

Personal Profile status)o Add a logo or photo (similar to Personal Profile)

o Attach Events, Photos, Links, Videos to your Page wall with textdescriptions

o Fans will see the content posted to the Page wall on the NewsFeed

o Can create a Photo Album with photos from events, of products,or team members, etc. (Works the same as in Personal Profiles)

o Create Discussions – this is to interact with Fans in aconversational tone (these do not appear on Fans wall or in theNews Feed)

o Interesting, valuable content helps build large Fan bases – keepit fresh and engaging!

Sending Notes to Fans

• Add the tab to the right of the Discussions tabs

• Used for longer wall posts, articles, blog posts, etc.

•  Title and add the content (can also include photos)

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• Can Tag people in the note (will add a note to the Personal Profile of the Facebook user) – use if mentioned in the note or if of particularimportance to the Facebook member

• Notes can be shared by Fans to members in their own socialcommunity

Updating Fans

• Send Updates to Fans (left side menu under photo)

• Can target specific Fans (default is all Fans) by location, gender and/orage

• Add a Subject and Message (like an email)

• Can attach videos or include a link

Administrators and Settings

• Edit Page link on the left under Photoo Add/Remove Administrator (Admin) on the lower right side (must

be a friend on your Personal Profile) Fans do not know who Admins are of a Page

o Settings

Country and age restrictions

Published or Not Published (good if working on setting up anew Page)

o Wall Settings

Set default view for Wall (Posts by Page and Fans or Pageonly)

Set default landing tab for the Page (i.e. Wall, Info, Photos,

etc.) Set Fan posting permission-levels

Promoting Pages with Events• Invite Fans to attend Events

o Good way to get more Fans (Friends see when Fans areattending Events)

• Go to Events applicationo Give name, tagline, category and type, description, start and end

time, price (if applicable), location, phone and email

o Customize – upload a photo and edit optionso Update Fans (all or targeted Fans)

Include Subject and Message (not required)o Promoting Pages with Paid Ads

Ads are displayed in the right hand column of Facebook Create an Ad link in the top right above ads

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• Overview of process and preparing an ad (GetStarted link)

Under Destination URL – click the link “I want to advertisesomething I have on Facebook” (Facebook paid adcampaigns are covered in Phase 2, “Drive Customers Using

Facebook Paid Advertising”) Set Title, Body Text and Image Ads will list if Friends are Fans (adds credibility)  Targeting (self-explanatory) – this is if you want to target

the ad to very specific Facebook users – Great for localcompanies!

• Best approach is wide reach early and evaluateresults – then optimize targeting

Campaigns and Pricing – these are paid ads.

• Name the campaign

• Set the daily maximum budget

• Set when you want to run your ad

• Set bid method (auction bidding model)o CPM – Cost per 1,000 ad impressionso CPC – Cost per click

Promoting Pages Outside of Facebook 

• URL of Pages can be used to promote the Page outside of Facebook• Once a Page has 100 Fans, a vanity URL may be created (much


• Put Facebook activity on website or blog by adding a Fan Box to yoursite

o Link on Facebook Page under photo to add Fan Box

Provides HTML code to include on web page

Measuring Page Traffic and Effectiveness

• View Ads and Pageso View graphs to track Fan activityo Insights – lots of useful info to measure you Page performance

• Use unique URL’s when driving traffic to website pages

Groups and Members

• Groups have been around since the start of Facebook (Pages arenewer)

o It’s ok to have both a Group and a Page in Facebook

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o Layout of Groups is very different from Pageso Differences:

Pages have Fans and Groups have Members Pages have Admin Updates to Fans and Groups Admins can

send Emails (Messages) to Members

Both support Facebook Events Both support paid social advertising on Facebook

Page content is indexed by search engines and isaccessible while Groups are not indexed by search engines

Pages allow custom apps and Groups don’t allow apps Pages have analytics and Groups don’t have measurement Pages hide Admins and Group Admins are public

• Creating a Facebook Groupo Groups application link is in the lower left when logged-in


Click Create a Group link Add Name, Description, Group Type, Recent News, Office,

Email, Street Address,

Upload a photo

Fill out the additional fields (Website, Options, Set Access)

Publisho Invite people and/or promote with paid Facebook ad

• Messaging Group Userso Message All Members link on the right under Group photo

Input Subject and Message and Send

Paid advertising

• Ads are displayed in the right hand column of Facebook•

o Overview of process and preparing an ad (Get Started link)o Facebook paid ad campaigns are covered in Phase 2, “Drive

Customers Using Facebook Paid Advertising”

• Set Title, Body Text and Image

•  Targeting (self-explanatory) – this is if you want to target the ad to

very specific Facebook users – Great for local companies!o Best approach is wide reach early and evaluate results – then

optimize targeting

• Campaigns and Pricing – these are paid ads.o Name the campaigno Set the daily maximum budgeto Set when you want to run your ad

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o Set bid method (auction bidding model)

CPM – Cost per 1,000 ad impressions CPC – Cost per click

• Following the Terms of Serviceo Read it before using Facebook for business (link at the footer)o Key areas for business marketing on Facebook:

Section 3 (Safety), Item 1: No unauthorized commercialcommunication (SPAM)

• Pages are for business – be careful with Personalaccounts

• If Personal accounts are used for business – can/willbe shut down

Section 5 (Protecting Other People’s Rights): Be careful tomake sure you have the right to post the video, photo orother content

• Facebook Best Practiceso Give them something they want!o Product announcements and discountso Open discussionso Don’t over-post!

Twitter business basics

Personal vs. business accounts

• Consider a separate business account for Twitter (must use a separateemail address for each Twitter account created)

• Click Sign-Up Nowo Enter full nameo Create username (recognizable and short is good)

May also make sense to use your name with the accountrather than just the business name

Provides transparencyo Create a passwordo Enter a unique email addresso Find friends for Twitter (optional using email address matching)

Update Settings

• Accounto Include website URL (or blog)

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o Good idea to add a one-line bio (note – this is keywordsearchable) – limited to 160 characters

o Include locationo Choose languageo Do not check “Protect My Tweets” if you want the public to view

tweets• Devices

o Add mobile number if you prefer to use cell phone

• Noticeso Select email alert preferences

• Pictureo Upload an image (face or logo/product are suggested)

• Designo  To change the default background

Tweeting and following Tweets


•  Type something into the “What are you doing?” box online up to 140characters and click Update

o People following you will see your Tweet•  Tweet about a variety of bits of interesting information

o General information about your company’s industry

Industry news (can be local) Retweet other interesting Tweets


Help requests or suggestions

Personal information (transparency)o Company information

Share exciting company news (press mentions) Product/location/team photos ( New product announcements

Staff announcements

Customer support

Customer/client news

Product tips and ideas  Job Postings

o Sales and marketing

Event sign-up

Sales and promotions

Coupon code for Twitter followers

Retweet contests

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o Links in Tweets cannot violate any of the Twitter Terms of Service

Best practices for Twitter success


• In addition to the advertising/marketing message focus onbuilding relationships with your company’s audience

 Tweet often

• Aim to Tweet 5-10 times per day

Engage• Engage in conversation with others on Twitter – be human and


Be modest

• Link to other party’s content, recognize others, Retweet other

content and post useful information about your industry or productsand services

Provide value

• Give Followers some good insights and value in your company’s Tweets

Build your own social media marketing roadmap

Define your marketing goals and objectives

• Set very clearly defined marketing campaign objectives

• Be sure the goals and objectives can be measured (specific realistic goals)

• Consider a phased Social Media marketing plan allowing time to developand integrate each into your overall marketing strategy

o Set a defined timetable with realistic goals

Create a personality and stick with it

 Take smart risks to win: even if it means some people won’t resonate withthe personality – you’ll build brand ambassadors from the people who doresonate with the personality.

a. Humorb. Personalityc. Customer Service – FAST

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Determine your audience

• Understanding your customers, define your target Social Media audience

• Always keep your customers in mind when interacting on Social Media

Select appropriate social media networks

• Choose which social media networks make the most sense given yourmarketing goals/objectives and your customers

Consider paid advertising

o Based on your goals/objectives, evaluate targeted paid advertisingon Facebook

Put the plan in writing – document the social media marketing

plan and use it to track progress

o Measurement is critical in finding success – data is readily availableonline, so optimization is relatively easy and affordable and will helpdrive higher ROI

Management approval

o If necessary, be sure to get management approval on the socialmedia marketing roadmap prior to launching the campaign

Launch social media campaigns

o Drive campaign awareness both online and offline – utilize allavailable marketing channels

Measure results

o Always monitor data and results and make changes to optimizecampaign performance

o Use different URLS for different promotion. Separate for each socialmedia site.

o Page performance metrics are available in Facebook.


2) Social Media can be measured: Use site data, tracking links, in-storecoupons, etc. to track your campaigns in Social Media to obtain a veryclear picture of the impact Social Media has on your company/brand.