Social Media and Employment


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Social Media and Employment Litigation Analyzing Recent Case Law, NLRB Activity and E-Discovery Challenges

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Presenting a live 90-minute webinar with interactive Q&A

Jeffrey E. Gross, Partner, Vandenberg & Feliu, New York

Christopher D'Angelo, Attorney, Vandenberg & Feliu, New York

Stephanie L. Giammarco, MA, CPA, CITP, CFE, CFF, Partner, BDO Consulting, New York

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Social Media and Employment Litigation:

Analyzing Recent Case Law, NLRB Activity

and E-Discovery Challenges

Jeffrey Gross, Vandenberg & Feliu, LLP

Christopher D’Angelo, Vandenberg & Feliu, LLP

Stephanie Giammarco, BDO Consulting


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Webinar Overview

I. Litigation update concerning privacy and ownership issues

Jeffrey Gross, Esq.

II. NLRB Activity update

Christopher D’Angelo, Esq.

III. E-discovery challenges

Stephanie Giammarco, CPA.CITP, CFE, CFF, CEDS

Page 7

Litigation Update

I. Litigation Update --- Jeffrey Gross, Esq.

A. Employee’s reasonable expectation of privacy/Quon

B. Waiver of Privilege/Stengart

C. Ownership/PhoneDog and Eagle

D. Privacy Update

E. Drafting and Implementing Social Media Policies

Page 8

Social Media Litigation:

A. Employee’s Reasonable Expectation of Privacy?

City of Ontario v. Quon, 130 S.Ct. 2619 (2010).

o SWAT team employee used government-issued pager for texting

o Supreme Court addressed 4th Amendment issue

o District Court: -Reasonable expectation of privacy

-Reasonable search

o Ninth Circuit: -Reasonable expectation of privacy

-Reasonable purpose, unreasonable search

o Supreme Court: -Assumed reasonable expectation of privacy

-Search motivated by legitimate work-related purpose

and not excessive in scope.

Page 9

Quon’s application to social media litigation and


o Supreme Court:

Assumed reasonable expectation of privacy existed

Did not want to opine about the use of technology

o Justice Kennedy’s decision suggests relevance of:

How widespread the technology is

How it is used

o Lessons learned from Quon about monitoring employee data:

Quon involved sampling of employee data

City did not review texts sent after hours

o Implications for design and execution of social media policy

Page 10

Social Media Litigation:

B. Waiver of Privilege?

Stengart v. Loving Care, 990 A.2d 650 (N.J. 2010)

o Employee communicated with her lawyer over webmail on company laptop

o Trial court: - Privilege was waived

o Appellate Division: - Reversed

- Company violated RPC 4.4(B) by reading emails

o N.J. Supreme Court: - Modified and affirmed, reasonable expectation of privacy

- Company policy ambiguous with respect to webmail

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Stengart’s application to social media litigation

and privacy

o Would there have been a waiver of privilege if:

Company policy informed employees about temporary Internet files?

User password stored on the company laptop?

Emails at issue did not involve attorney-client privilege?

o Ethical issues

o Implications for social media policies

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Social Media Litigation:

C. Ownership of Social Media Accounts

PhoneDog v. Kravitz, 2012 WL 273323 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 30, 2012)

Ownership of “PhoneDog” Twitter account

Employee developed 17,000 followers during employment

Employee continued to use post-employment; dispute this was permissible

o Claims for trade secret misappropriation and conversion survived motion to dismiss


Intentional and negligent interference claims were dismissed, at first. See 11-

03474 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 8, 2011).

Amended Complaint filed. These claims survived subsequent motion to dismiss.

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PhoneDog’s application to social media litigation

and privacy


o What is the secret?

California law says “customer list” is a trade secret when efforts made to

keep it a secret. Can the account password be a trade secret?

Information on social media sites and accessible to the public is not a

trade secret. See Sasqua Group, Inc. v. Courtney, 2010 WL 3613855

(E.D.N.Y. Aug. 2, 2010)

o What are the “improper means” at issue for trade secret claim?

Company alleged harm to relationship with advertisers due to fewer page


Page 14

Social Media Litigation: Ownership of LinkedIn


Eagle v. Edcomm, 2011 WL 6739448 (E.D.Pa. Dec. 22, 2011)

o Plaintiff shared personal LinkedIn account password with colleagues so that they

could conduct business.

o Plaintiff was fired, company changed password and refused to relinquish the


o Disclaimer

o Decision on motion for judgment on pleadings against counterclaims

Conversion claim by employer dismissed

Trade secret claim dismissed

“Idea misappropriation” claim survived

Other affirmative claims by Eagle still in play

Page 15

Eagle’s application to social media litigation and


o Implications and distinctions

Role of user agreement

Relevance that Eagle was officer, shareholder, and director?

Relevance of alleged company informal policy to maximize use of LinkedIn

o Damages issues

Statutory damages

Fact-intensive nature of damages claims. See Maremont v. Susan Fredman Design

Group, Ltd., 2011 WL 6101949 (N.D.Ill. Dec. 7, 2011)

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Social Media Litigation:

D. Case Law and Regulatory Update on Privacy Marcus v. Rogers, A-2937-09T3, 2012 WL 2428046 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div.

June 28, 2012).

Teachers’ emails on webmail, left open on a computer, accessed and disseminated.

Claims under N.J. “Computer-Related Offense Act” and wiretapping statute.

Access “without authorization” or “exceeding authorization”?

Survived summary judgment but defense verdict

o Stored Communications Act, §18 U.S.C. 2701, et seq.

Extent of authorization: E.g., Pure Power Boot Camp, Inc. v. Warrior Fitness Boot

Camp, LLC, 587 F.Supp.2d 548 (S.D.N.Y. 2008); 759 F.Supp.2d 417 (S.D.N.Y. 2010).

o Actual and pending legislation to bar employers from demanding social media


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E. Drafting and Implementing Social Media Policies:

Privacy and Ownership Concerns

o Constituencies involved in drafting

o Address key legal risks

o Communication of policy

o Not a one-size-fits-all

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NLRB Activity update

II. NLRB Activity update --- Christopher D’Angelo, Esq.

o NLRB Acting General Counsel has issued 3 Reports on Social Media

and Employer Compliance with NLRA:

August 2011: OM-11-74

January 2012: OM 12-31

May 2012: OM-12-59

Page 19


o 33 fact patterns addressing:

The “protected, concerted” nature of Facebook or Twitter postings,


The legality of Employer Social Media Policies

NLRB Activity update

Page 20

o What is the import of a “Report” from the Acting General Counsel of

the National Labor Relations Board?

o What lessons can we learn from reviewing these Reports?

NLRB Activity update

Page 21

o Coverage of the National Labor Relations Act is not limited to

unionized employees.

o 2 main issues with NLRA:

The rights of “employees” under the NLRA

Definition of “employee”

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 1

Page 22

o The NLRB’s Acting General Counsel is interpreting the protections of

the National Labor Relations Act very broadly when it comes to

employee communications on social media sites.

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 2

Page 23

o The meaning of “protected, concerted activity” under the NLRA.

o “Protected” conduct:



Other terms and conditions of employment, including criticism of supervisors.

o Cases:

Arrow Electronics, 323 NLRB 968 (1997), enfd., 155 F.3d 762 (6t Cir.


Datwyler Rubber and Plastics, Inc., 350 NLRB 669 (2007) (protesting

supervisor’s actions)

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 2

Page 24

o “Protected” conduct can lose the protection of the Act:

Atlantic Steel, 245 NLRB 814 (1979)

NLRB v. IBEW Local 1229 (Jefferson Standard), 346 U.S. 464 (1953)

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 2

Page 25

o What is “concerted activity” under the Act?

o The Myers cases:

Myers I, 268 NLRB 493 (1984), revd., sub nom. Prill v. NLRB, 941 (D.C.

Cir.), cert. denied, 474 U.S. 948 (1985);

Myers II, 281 NLRB 882 (1986), affd. sub nom., Prill v. NLRB, 835 F.2d

1481 (D.C. Cir. 1987), cert. denied 487 U.S. 1205 (1988)

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 2

Page 26

o How are these standards applied to employee use of Social Media?

OM 11-74

- The “uncharitable” not for profit employees (using profanity and

sarcasm when using Facebook to comment on a supervisor) (p. 3)

- The Critical Car Salesman (p. 6)

- The Sloppy Sports Bar (p. 9)

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 2

Page 27

OM 12-31

- The insolent Administrative Assistant (p. 18)

- The Vocal Veterinarians (p. 20)

- The Pejorative Popcorn Packager (p. 22)

o The “hybrid” Atlantic Steel/Jefferson Standard test

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 2

Page 28

o Are there any situations where social media posts are not deemed

“protected, concerted” activity?

Six or seven examples in the Reports

OM 11-74, pp. 14 through 17

OM 12-31, pp. 6, 9 and 10

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 2

Page 29

o A Social Media Policy which outlines acceptable use of social media,

and prohibits certain conduct, does not necessarily save the day for


NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 3

Page 30

o The Lafayette Park Hotel Test:

326 NLRB 824 (1998), enfd. 203 F.3d 52 (D.C. Cir. 1999)

o The Lutheran Heritage Village-Livonia Test:

343 NLRB 646 (2004)

NLRB Activity update: Lesson No. 3

Page 31

o Just beginning to scratch the surface

o Dilution of “at-will” employment in the non-union setting

o Waiting to hear from 5-member Board and, ultimately, the courts

NLRB Activity update: Conclusion

Page 32


III. E-discovery challenges --- Stephanie Giammarco, CPA.CITP, CFE,


A. Back to the Basics – E-Discovery Rules Apply!

B. Obtaining the evidence

C. Forensic analysis of evidence

D. Non-forensic evidence

Page 33


A. Back to the Basics

Definition of social media –

•Noun ( usually used with a plural verb ) Computers . Web

sites and other online means of communication that are used

by large groups of people to share information and to develop

social and professional contacts1

•Social media includes web- and mobile-based technologies

which are used to turn communication into interactive

dialogue among organizations, communities, and individuals2

1 – 2 –

Page 34


A. Back to the Basics

o E-Discovery Rules Apply to Social Media

Reasonably anticipated litigation

Duty to Preserve

o Social Media evidence used in many civil and criminal cases – Twitter,

Facebook, LinkedIn…

o Social Media evidence is used in almost all types of litigation, including

employment litigation

Page 35


B. Obtaining Evidence

o Where to look - EVERYWHERE!

Current sites

Corporate backup systems/Yammer

Mobile Devices




Page 36


B. Obtaining Evidence

o What can be found on devices?

Social Media evidence

Everything else….

- GPS – Time/place coordinates

- Text messages

o Other people’s devices…

Page 37


B. Obtaining Evidence

o Challenges


The providers aren’t cooperating…

Timing/Does evidence still exist?



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C. Forensic Analysis of Evidence

o Just one piece of the puzzle…

o Email x10

o Complex evidence for forensic examination

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C. Forensic Analysis of Evidence

o Accessing and understanding this evidence is often challenging


Not always easily identifiable

Need to be recovered

May require conversion/analysis before it can be read; and

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C. Forensic Analysis of Evidence

o Challenges Cont:

Handhelds are more frequently used now and store less evidence

May not maintain conveniently or readily available date and time


- Review metadata from pictures, etc. to determine date/times

Page 41


D. Non-Forensic evidence

o Social Media review for Investigative Due Diligence:

New employee screening

Company intranets

Pre-litigation research

Opposing expert/party research

Juror research


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Thank you from the presenters

Jeffrey Gross, Esq.

Vandenberg & Feliu, LLP,

Christopher D’Angelo, Esq.

Vandenberg & Feliu, LLP,

Stephanie Giammarco, CPA.CITP, CFE, CFF, CEDS BDO Consulting,
