Social Media 101: How to Reach your Audience in 6 Steps


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Social Media 101: How to Reach your Audience in 6 Steps

23-04-14 Confidential

Tyler Handley

23-04-14 Confidential

“Social media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. No one actually knows how. When finally done, there is

surprise it’s not better.”- Avinash Kaushik (Google)

1 Know your community. Know your goals

23-04-14 Confidential

2 Curate content 3 Generate engagement through content 4 Grow your following

5 Manage your communities

6 Measure your success

The 6 Steps

Step 1

Know your community. Know your goals.

23-04-14 Confidential

What is your goal with social?

Who is your target audience?

What are they interested in?

Who do they follow? and Why?

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23-04-14 Confidential

Who are the influencers in your community?

Emulate your competitors

Take advantage of symbiotic relationships

Use this information to choose your optimal Social Networks

Step 2

Curate Content

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Content is King

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Lots of content out there. Find the best. Share it with your fans

Where to find it:

•Twitter Lists•Pinterest Boards•Facebook Feed•LinkedIn Groups•Instagram Hashtags

• RSS Feeds • Keyword Analyzers

Step 3

Generate Engagement through Content

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You are nota Robot

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Talk like your audience

Share interesting things

Short content wins

Photos win

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Finding Photos Creating Graphics

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Positive emotions win

Questions win

Ask for RTs, Likes, Comments

Give back with contests

Take advantage of user generated content

Step 4

Grow your following

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Think like a Hacker

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Great Content is key, but you need to promote it to grow

Use relevant #hashtags

Mention @influencers

Participate in #Tweetchats

Comment on others’ content

Re-pin on Pinterest & Post in relevant LinkedIn Groups

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Growth Hacking ToolsTwitter/Instagram

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To grow on Facebook, you need to pay

Posts only reach 8-16% of fans

Boost popular posts/contests

Promote Page/Website with Ads Manager

Use Re-targeting

Step 5

Manage your communities

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23-04-14 Confidential

Be honest and transparent

Respond to questions within 60 minutes

Always respond to complaints

Never argue

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Social Media Management Software (SMM)

Step 6

Measure your SuccessOr lack thereof

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Tracked stats depend on goals

The TREDI Methodology

Traffic - CTRs,, Facebook Pixel

Reach - Number of Followers, Klout

Engagement – Engagement Rate = [actions/followers] x 100

Demand - Learn about your followers

Influence - How influential are you compared to competitors?Share of Conversation = topic mentions including you / topic mentions total

23-04-14 Confidential

Analytics Platforms

Hootsuite analytics (all encompassing but expensive)

Facebook: shows basics + ROI from ads

Twitter: (lots of free ones) + Twitonomy, SocialBro, Twitalyzer

Pinterest: Tailwind

Instagram: Iconosquare (free)

LinkedIn: Simplymeasured

Always remember, the key to success with social media is on the tin:


Shameless Self Promotion

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Twitter: @Tyler_Handley@Blurbi_Content

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