Social Groups Question


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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The target audience for my magazine is working/middle class, male and females in the age group 15-25.

The people I have used in my magazine fall into this category which will attract readers if the people in the magazine are the same as they are. the characters in my magazine are my friends who I asked so they are 17/18. I think that most of the people interested in buying a magazine of my genre will be that age. I have used a mixture of males and females in my magazine but my main feature is of a female singer.

• The character I have used for my front cover, the main feature is of a female artist. She is on the front cover in a prominent position looking straight into the camera. The photo of a male which is sat down is looking down on him which gives the impression he is less powerful than females because the female on the front looks very confident and more powerful than the male.

• The Double page spread is conflicting with the front cover because she same female character is stood with her legs and arms both crossed and there’s another photo of her sat down with her legs together close to her body. This could represent her not wanting people to be prying into her private life and that’s exactly what the article is doing.

• There are two males in the double page spread who are being pictured straight on an in a natural environment but a posed photo. On of them is stood up looking confident and the other is sat down which immediately makes him look less confident. They are wearing clothes which are middle class and aren’t practical, they’re clearly just to look fashionable.
