Social Dimensions of Education


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Social Dimensions of Education School Community Relations

Focuses on the interactions and relationships between




Significant questions:

Does schooling create a society


Does society create schools? Do schools transmit the culture of a society


Do schools transform the culture of a society?

Ron Edmonds – 1970s Effective Schools Movement

Strong Leadership High expectations for children’s achievement Safe and orderly school climate and

environment conducive for learning Emphasis on basic skills Frequent monitoring of pupil progress

Institute for Educational Leadership's (IEL) Task Force on the Principalship (2000)

Identifies three key roles for 21st Century principals.

1. Instructional leadership. Focuses on strengthening teaching and learning, professional development, data-driven decision making, and accountability;

2. Community leadership. Manifested in a big-picture awareness of the school's role in society; shared leadership among educators, community partners and residents; close relations with parents and others; and advocacy for school capacity building and resources.

3. Visionary leadership. Demonstrates energy, commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, values and conviction that all children will learn at high levels, as well asinspiring others with this vision both inside and outside the school building.

Karen Cotton (2003) Principals and student achievement: What the research says.

Core Role of the Principal:1. Establishing a clear focus on student learning.

This includes having a vision,clear learning goals, and high expectations for learning for all students.

2. Building interactions and relationships. This entails communication, interpersonal support, visibility and accessibility, and parent and community outreach and involvement.

3. Establishing a positive school culture. This includes manifesting behaviors such as shared leadership and decision-making, collaboration, support of risk taking, continuous improvement, and professionalism.

4. Being an instructional leader. This includes discussing instructional issues,observing classrooms and giving feedback, supporting teacher autonomy, protecting instructional time, and promoting professional development.

5. Upholding accountability. This calls for monitoring progress and using student progress data for program improvement.

James H. Stronge, Holly B. Richard & Nancy Catano (2008) Qualities of Effective Principals

Quality 1 – Instructional Leadership Quality 2 – School Climate Quality 3 – Human Resource Administration Quality 4 – Teacher Evaluation Quality 5 – Organizational Management Quality 6 – Communication and Community

Relations Quality 7 – Professionalism Quality 8 – Principal’s Role in Student


Quality 2 - School Climate

The principal fosters the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a positive and safe school climate for all stakeholders.

Quality 6 - Communication and Community Relations

The principal fosters the success of all students by collaboratively effectively with all stakeholders.

Goldring, Ellen & Mark Berends. (2009). Leading with Data: Pathways to Improve Your School.

Key Indicators of School Improvement: Shared mission & Goals Rigorous content standards for all students:

agreed upon, understood & measurable Alignment to Standards – curricular and

instructional coherence Expert teachers supported by coherent,

consistent professional development

Partnerships with parents, families

and the community Culture and Climate for Student Learning Resources Aligned to Goals

Elaine McEwan (2008) Ten traits of highly effective schools: Raising the achievement bar for all students.

Characteristics of an effective school: Climate is academically focused. Multi-direction communication channels keep information

flowing among the principal, staff, students, and parents. Members of the school-community agree on parameters

defining acceptable behavior. Learning, academic achievement, and educational excellence

are top priorities. A relevant academic curriculum is applied.

Resources are made available to enhance teaching and learning.

High academic expectations are set for students. The principal, staff, students, and parents, work

together as a team supporting one another and creating a synergy that moves the agenda of the school forward.

Teachers are well-trained, motivated, and use methods that produce results.

Students are motivated, disciplined, self-directed, and eager to learn.

Parents are involved in the life of the school in real and important ways.

The principal sets the school agenda, communicates the school’s mission, determines what gets measured and noticed, and distributes the necessary resources.

A Critical Theory of Education and Social Dimensions

John Dewey– My Pedagogical Creed – 1897

What Education Is

What the School Is

The Subject Matter of Education

The Nature of Method

The School and Social Progress
