Soc A101 Introduction to Sociology Spring 2013 Mondays and


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Soc A101 Introduction to Sociology Spring 2013

Mondays and Wednesdays 1-2:15pm, RH 117 Instructor: Nelta Edwards, Ph.D.


Phone: 786-4654 Office: SSB 364

Office Hours: 11:30-12:30 Ms and Fs Required Text:

1. Ballantine, Jean and Keith Roberts. Our Social World, Media updated edition. Course Objective: Sociology is concerned with the contexts of human action: systems of beliefs and values, the patterns to which social relations conform, and the processes whereby social institutions are created, maintained, and transformed. The intention in this course is to develop students’ sociological imagination and provide a broad overview of the field of Sociology. Course Requirements: Students are expected to have read the assigned reading before class meets. The reading assignments are sometimes long and often complex so plan ahead! Student learning will be evaluated in the following ways.

Quizzes: There will be three multiple-choice quizzes during the semester. Students may bring one 8 ½ by 11 “cheat sheet” for the quiz. The quizzes will take place in the first part of the class. The second part of the class will be used to move on to new material. Students who come late to class will have less time to complete the quiz. Final Exam: There will be a comprehensive multiple-choice exam given during finals week. Doing/writing assignments: There are three writing assignments. Students may choose to do either of the first two assignments (toy/card or nail polish) and every student must do the Working Poor assignment. Student may also do both of the first two assignments and take the higher score. Students must turn in papers on the dates indicated on the syllabus. Papers will not be accepted after the due date. Full instructions for each assignment are posted Blackboard. For the best grade read and follow the instructions carefully. Each paper must be typed and doubled spaced with appropriate margins. Papers should be edited to assure accuracy in spelling, punctuation and clarity. Points will be deducted for writing errors. It is always a good idea for students to take a draft of the paper to one of the writing centers to get help from a writing tutor. Do not include a cover sheet or put the paper in a binder. Simply staple the paper together on the upper left hand corner. Put your name, the date and the course on the upper right hand corner. Center the title of the assignment on the first page. The first two assignments are worth 50 points; the last one is worth 100 points.

1.Toy and card store. Visit stores to make observations about gender socialization 2.Nail Polish. Discover the relationship between gender bending and sexuality. 3. Book of the Year. Report and analyze, The Working Poor.

Extra Credit. I do not usually give extra credit. I have never given the opportunity for extra credit up front. However, an important film and speaker are coming campus in February. I want to encourage students to attend enough to offer extra credit. In order to earn the extra credit students must attend the screening of the film, Booker’s Place, on Friday, February 22 at 6:30pm at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium and complete the assignment posted on Blackboard. This will be the only opportunity for extra credit, so students should arrange their schedules accordingly. Point Breakdown: Quizzes (3 @ 25 points each) 75 Final Exam 75 Writing Assignments Either toy/card OR Nail 50 Working Poor 100 300 Grades will be awarded on a standard percentage basis:

90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60-69% = D, less than 60% = F

Course Policies: Late Work. All work must be turned in on the day that it is due. I will not accept late work except under dire student circumstances, verified by documentation. If a student misses a class, s/he must make arrangements to turn in any assignments that are due before the class meets. (Note: you may email assignments to me; however, you must make sure that it arrives in the format specified above in a MS Word file.) Academic Integrity. Any one caught cheating on any of the assignments or exams will receive a “zero” on that exam or assignment. Moreover, cheating could result in expulsion from the university. Attendance. I expect students to attend every class session. Even if a student misses a class, s/he is still responsible for what was covered in her/his absence. I do not formally keep an attendance record, but I do remember who comes to class regularly. Electronic devices. Students may not use laptops, cell phones, Ipads, etc, during class time. Although students often argue that taking notes on laptops during class helps them, the empirical evidence does not show this. Students who use electronic devices once class has started will be considered disruptive and will be asked to leave.

College Level Etiquette. Students may not engage in behavior that disrupts the learning of other students. This includes, but is not limited to, using electronic devices, writing notes, having side conversations, and/or entering class late or leaving class early. Students must respectfully listen to the opinions of their classmates, whether they agree with them or not. I expect everyone to treat the ideas, opinions, values, and beliefs shared during the course with the same level of respect you wish to receive when sharing your own. This applies not just to this classroom but to living in a democracy in general—there must be tolerance and respect for expression of diverse opinions and positions.

Schedule Week Date Reading Assignments and Films Quizzes/Exam Assignment


01/14 UAA closed 01/16 Chapter 1. Sociology: A Unique Way

to View the World, read the first half


01/21 Alaska Civil Rights Day—No Class

01/23 On Blackboard: “Body Ritual Among the Nacerima” Chapter 1. Sociology: A Unique Way to View the World, read the second half


01/28 Ch. 2. Examining the Social World: How Do We Know? read first half

01/30 Ch 2., read second half


02/4 Ch. 3. Society and Culture: Hardware and Software of Our Social World Film: National Geographic: Worlds Apart, Saint Louis meets Mongolia

02/6 Quiz #1


02/11 Ch. 4. Socialization: Becoming Human and Humane, read first half

02/13 Ch. 4., read second half


02/18 Toys and Cards Assignment

02/20 Ch. 8. Race and Ethnic Group Stratification: Beyond "We" and "They," read first half

2/22 Extra credit opportunity. Go to the film, Booker’s Place, at the Wendy Williamson at 6:30pm


02/25 Ch. 8., read second half Extra credit, Booker’s Place

02/27 Ch. 6. Deviance and Social Control: Sickos, Perverts, Freaks, and Folks Like Us, read first half


03/04 Ch. 6., read second half

03/06 Ch. 7. Stratification: Rich and Famous-or Rags and Famine?, read first half


Spring Break Holiday


03/18 Ch. 7., read second half

03/20 Quiz #2 11

03/25 Ch. 9. Gender Stratification: She/He-Who Goes First?

03/27 Ch. 9., second half


04/01 The Nail Polish Assignment

04/03 Discussion of The Working Poor 13

04/08 Discussion of The Working Poor

04/10 Film: 30 Days, Muslim In America Paper on The Working Poor


04/15 Ch. 12. The Meaning of Sacred Meaning, read first half

04/17 Film: Devil’s Playground Quiz #3 15

04/22 Reread chapter 1

04/24 Review and wrap up

16 05/01 Final Exam
