SOAR workshop 'Effective Strategies for Improving your Academic English


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The SOAR Centre is a peer-to-peer support service for Higher Degree by Research & Honours students. The SOAR Sessions are small group discussions, where our SOAR Ambassadors (also HDR candidates), share some of their skills and experiences. One-to-one appointments

are also available Mon-Fri 9.30am – 4.30pm

SOAR Session:

Effective Strategies for Improving your Academic English

Presented by Arman Abednia (SOAR Ambassador)

Do you need to improve your knowledge of common academic phrases? Do you have trouble deciding what words to use together (e.g., is it solve or answer a question)? Are you looking for ways to deal with your language questions effectively? SOAR Ambassador, Arman Abednia, has taught English as a second language for over 10 years and is well aware of the major language barriers international students have to deal with. In this workshop, he will provide you with some highly successful strategies which can help you handle your language problems independently, effectively, and quickly. Topics covered: - How to improve your knowledge of academic English without having to spend too much extra time on it; - How to sound more natural in your writing; - Online language sources which can help you find answers to your language questions on your own; - Tips for using these sources; - Hands-on activities based on real-life examples of students’ mistakes during the session. While this workshop is intended for international students, English speakers who need to improve their academic language skills are also most welcome.

Thursday, 27th March, 2014

9.30 am – 11.30 am

SOAR Centre, Mount Lawley campus, 3.251

Target Audience: HDR Candidates and Honours Students

Limited places available! To register for this event, please visit the Events Calendar

Coffee and Tea will be provided.

Graduate Research School
