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Monitoring, reporting, player tracking and marketing functionality of gaming devices.

The SmartCount System integrates complex monitoringand reporting of all known types of gaming devices withplayer tracking, loyalty, bonusing and Jackpot programs,offering full remote control of your business

“ Everybody is talking about M2M but thinking about how to use it, howto provide services, reduced costs, increase revenues...

Innovative, business-oriented, commercial solutions are appearing.This is making the market more attractive. ”

Director, consulting firm, Europe

„Toat` lumea vorbe[te despre M2M, dar gândindu-se cum s`-lfoloseasc`, cum s` furnizeze servicii, cum s` reduc` costurile,

cum s` creasc` veniturile... Apar solu]ii comerciale inovatoare, orientate spre business.

Acest lucru va face pia]a mai atractiv`. "Director, consulting firm, Europe

Source / Surse: The M2M adoption barometer `,,

M2M is attracting attention on a global scale. Analysys Mason forecaststhat the number of M2M device connections will grow to 2.1 billion by

2021. In the Analysys Mason research, 78% of respondents said thatM2M will be at the core of successful businesses in the future.

What is M2M?

Machine to machine (M2M) communication is what happens whencars, white goods, security cameras, TVs, industrial machinery, drinks

coolers, gambling devices — in fact, nearly any fixed or mobile assets —are connected. Using M2M, these assets can send and receive data and

requests to each other and to central management systems,autonomously and often in real time, opening up a whole new world of

opportunities for business agility and efficiency.

Ce este M2M?

Comunicarea ma[in` la ma[in? (M2M) este ceea ce se întâmpl` atuncicând autovehiculele, electrocasnicele, camerele de securitate, televi-

zoarele, ma[inile industriale, aparatele de vending, dispozitivele dejocuri de noroc - în fapt, aproape orice activ fix sau mobil - sunt conec-

tate. Folosind M2M, aceste active î[i pot trimite reciproc [i pot primidate [i cereri atât unele de la celelalte cât [i dinspre [i c`tre sisteme de

management centrale în mod autonom [i, de multe ori, în timp real,deschizând o întreag` lume de noi oportunit`]i de afaceri, agilitate [i



• Remote access, reporting and real time alerts

• Intelligent monitoring and reporting of the gaming activity through serial (SAS) or digital (mechanical

meters) communication, fully integrated into a singleapplication

• Real time alerts SMS/email for preset levels (cash in, cashout, communication errors or interruptions, device in stand-by

longer than x hours, days etc) or third party incidents (power cutoff or unauthorized RAM clear reset)

• Full autonomy through additional power sources for non-interrupted,real time communication of the gaming devices with the application

• Acces de la distan]`, raportare [i alertare în timp real

• Monitorizare [i raportare inteligent` asupra activit`]ii aparatelor dejoc prin comunica]ie serial` (SAS) sau digital` (contoare mecanice),

integrate complet într-o singur` aplica]ie.

• Control la distan]` prin transmiterea alert`rilor în timp real subforma mesajelor de tip SMS [i e-mail în cazul întreruperii

activit`]ii cauzate de lipsa curentului electric sau de inter-ven]ii neautorizate asupra aparatelor de joc.

• Autonomie total` prin surse adi]ionale de energiepentru a asigura comunicarea neîntrerupt` a module-

lor instalate pe aparatele de joc cu aplica]ia.

Features & Benefits• User friendly interface adaptable to any mobile

device• Easy access to all monitored devices and appli-

cation functions through serial (SAS) or digital(mechanical meters) communication

• Customizable reports, exportable to XLS formof any type of information that can be retrieved(IN, OUT, BET, WIN, GAME etc)

• Programmable alerts and reports to set dead-lines for license and metrology expiration

• The system is adapted to all major producers ofgaming devices: Novomatic, IGT, EGT, CasinoTechnology, Atronic, Merkur Gaming, AlphaStreet etc.

Caracteristici & Beneficii• Interfa]` prietenoas` adaptat` oric`rui tip de termi-

nal mobil• Acces facil c`tre toate aparatele monitorizate prin

comunica]ie serial` (SAS) sau digital` (contoaremecanice)

• Rapoarte la cerere, exportabile în Excel con]inândorice tip de date transmise de c`tre aparatul de joc (IN, OUT, BET, WIN,GAME etc.)

• Alertari programabile [i rapoarte cu data presetat`pentru urm`rirea expir`rii licen]elor [i metrologiilor.

“ It’s difficult for enterprises to fully comprehend the value of the data they will receive from M2M connected devices.

M2M is such a shift in the way we value the objects in our life.M2M can literally give voice to every nonhuman object.

And even better, that voice is translated into a language wecan understand using data aggregation and analytics. It’s a

completely radical concept and it doesn’t surprise me thatthe cost savings benefits are eclipsed by other more power-

ful benefits post-launch. ” Steve Hilton, Analysys Masonv

"Este dificil pentru companii s` în]eleag` pe deplin valoareadatelor pe care le vor primi de la dispozitivele conectate

M2M. Conceptul M2M este o schimbare incredibil` a modului în care valorific`m obiectele din via]a noastr`.

M2M poate da literalmente voce oric`rui obiect non-uman. {i chiar mai bine, aceasta voce este tradus`

într-o limb` pe care o putem în]elege folosind agre-garea datelor [i analiza. Este un concept complet

radical [i nu m` surprinde c` beneficiile de costsunt eclipsate de alte mult mai puternice

beneficii post-lansare. "Steve Hilton, Analysys MasonvSource / Surse: The M2M adoption barometer,,

Player tracking and game monitoring system fully integra-ted with SmartCount Reporting.

• Fidelity and bonusing programs are set individually for each location

• Number of bonus points, different occasions (ex. Happy Hour) and prior condi-tions are set for awarding into the bonusing system

SmartCard retrieves detailed information about player activity & gamestatistics and offers complex marketing functionality including loyalty and

bonusing programs.

Sistem de urm`rire a juc`torului [i monitorizarea jocului integrat total cu SmartCount Reporting.

• Programe de fidelizare [i bonusing ce pot fi setate individual pentru fiecare loca]ie

• Num`rul de puncte bonus, ocazii speciale (ex. Happy Hour) [i multe alte condi]ii prestabilite pot fisetate pentru acordare în sistemul de bonusing

• Profilul unic al juc`torului poate fi creat [i urm`rit pentru a determina comportamentul de joc [i consum, preferin]e legate de jocuri sau loca]ii.

SmartCard comunic` informa]ii detaliate despre activitatea juc`torului [i statistica jocurilor, oferindfunctionalit`]i complexe de marketing, inclusiv programe de loialitate [i bonusing.

The SmartCount System integrates SmartCount Reporting,SmartCard and Jackpot in one single application

Sistemul SmartCount System integreaz` SmartCount Reporting,SmartCard [i modulul de Jackpot într-o singur` aplica]ie

“ With the right blend of business ambition, tech-nology vision and expert support, M2M can deliver

truly transformational results. And the possibilitiesare changing all the time, as new and creative

M2M solutions emerge. It will be fascinating tosee how different the state of adoption, and hopes

for the future, will be next year.” Erik Brenneis, Director, M2M, Vodafone

"Cu amestecul potrivit de ambi]ie în afaceri,tehnologie, viziune [i cu sprijinul exper]ilor, M2M

poate livra rezultate cu adev`rat transforma]ionale.Iar posibilit`]ile se schimb` tot timpul, pe m`sur`

ce apar solu]i M2M noi [i creative. Va fi fascinants` vedem cât de diferite vor fi starea de adoptare

[i speran]ele pentru viitor, în urm`torul an."Erik Brenneis, Director, M2M, Vodafone

Source / Surse: The M2M adoption barometer,,

Barriers to adopting M2M

“ Putting together complete M2M solutions can bechallenging. Integrations between equipment, con-

nectivity, applications and back-office systemsrequire careful planning and consultancy services.

The expected integration costs of M2M componentscan often scuttle M2M projects. ” Steve Hilton,

Analysys Mason

Bariere în adoptarea M2M

"Ob]inerea solu]iilor complete M2M poate fi oprovocare. Integrarea între echipamente, conec-

tivitatea, aplica]iile [i sistemele de back-officenecesit` servicii de planificare [i de consultan]`

foarte atent alese. Costurile previzionate de inte-grare a componentelor M2M pot descuraja

multe proiecte M2M." Steve Hilton, Analysys Mason

Jackpot System – customizable on request, multiple functionsfully integrated with the SmartCount and SmartCard application.

• Programmable settings on request, complex configuration

• 3-6 local and general levels

• Video & audio signal for unlimited connections

• Animation personalized on request

• Compatible with any type of slot-machine

• Serial or digital communication

Sistem Jackpot – set`ri programabile la cerere, func]iuni multiple integrate în totalitate cu aplica]ia SmartCount [i SmartCard.

• Compatibil atât cu conexiunea serial` (SAS) cât [i cu cea digital` (contoare mecanice) - toate aparatele dumnea-voastr` de joc vor fi conectate la un singur sistem, indiferent de anul de fabrica]ie al acestora sau de num`rul

de loca]ii în care se afl`.

• 3-6 nivele, local sau general

• Semnal video [i audio cu num`r nelimitat de conexiuni

• Anima]ie creat` la cerere

Case studies: what results“ M2M gives us a view into how our products are doing and when our customers are

going to be coming back for more.” IT Director, consumer goods and retail, Americas

“ We are saving time being able to supervise gas pressure remotely — instead of

sending someone to get the information. It allows us to react to events quickly.”Consultant and Project Manager, energy and utilities, Europe

“ We’re seeing the bottomline numbers in our fuel consumption and I think

that’s one area where we can really tighten down on the operational costs.”

IT Director, transport and logistics, Americas

Expecting the unexpectedWhile the ROI is clear, it doesn’t necessarily mani-fest as predicted. While saving costs stand out asthe biggest driver in the M2M planning stage —and is undoubtedly a key factor in justifying invest-ment — many business find improvements in deci-sion-making are more significant after they launch,as shown in Figure 7. Cost savings decline inimportance.

Changing times Analysys Mason used this data to make predictions about how the use of M2M will

evolve.• The tipping point for M2M adoption could be nearer than some forecasts predict,

as the costs of implementation continue to decrease.• Smaller organisations will use their greater agility take the lead in M2M adoption,

leaving many of the largest organisations a year or more behind.

Timpuri in schimbare Analysys Mason a folosit aceste date pentru a face previziuni cu privire la modul în

care va evolua utilizarea M2M. • Punctul fierbinte de adoptare a M2M ar putea fi mai aproape decât au anticipat

previziunile, pe masur` ce costurile de implementare continu` s` scad`. • Organiza]iile mai mici î[i vor folosi agilitatea superioar` preluând conducerea

în adoptarea M2M, devansând cu un an distan]` sau chiar mai mult, multe dintre cele mai mari organiza]ii.


The importance of M2M is not in doubt.Analysys Mason shows that two-thirds of

businesses that are currently consideringM2M, or that are in the process of implemen-

ting M2M, consider it a key priority.

Concluzie Importan]a M2M nu poate fi pus` la îndoial`.

Analysys Mason arat` c` dou` treimi din compa-niile care în prezent au în vedere M2M sau care

sunt în procesul de punere în aplicare a M2M,consider` acest proces o prioritate-cheie.

Source / Surse: The M2M adoption barometer,,

The last word

“ With the right blend of businessambition, technology vision andexpert support, M2M can deliver trulytransformational results. And the possi-bilities are changing all the time, as newand creative M2M solutions emerge. It willbe fascinating to see how different the stateof adoption, and hopes for the future, will benext year.” Erik Brenneis, Director, M2M, Vodafone

Ultimul cuvânt

“Cu amestecul potrivit de ambi]ie în afaceri,tehnologie, viziune [i sprijinul exper]ilor, M2M

poate livra rezultate cu adev`rat transforma-]ionale. [i posibilit`]ile se schimb` tot timpul, pe

m`sura ce apar solu]ii M2M noi [i creative. Va fifascinant s` vedem cât de diferite vor fi starea de

adoptare [i speran]ele pentru viitor, în urm`torulan.” Erik Brenneis, Director, M2M, Vodafone

Source / Surse: The M2M adoption,,

The driving forces behind M2M Any technology investment has

to present a compelling business

case and clear return on invest-

ment. Which benefits are putting

M2M on the radar today?

Syswin Solutions l Romania l32-36, Pechea St., floor 2 l Bucharest 1 l+40 734 954 444 l +40 314 251 298
