Smart Growth & Social Equity



Presentation for the New Partners for Smart Growth conference

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Smart Growth & Social Equity:Lessons In Civic EngagementCity of South Gate, CA


Land Use & Transportation • Civic Engagement • Public Participation • Public

February 9, 2007

Monica Villalobos Executive Director

Civic Engagement in South Gate

I Overview of South Gate

II General Plan Update

III Traditional vs. New Models of Engagement

IV Civic Engagement in South Gate

V Lessons Learned

City of South Gate

Total Population: 103,547

Population Density (Per Sq Mile): 13,090

Area of the City: 7.5 sq miles

Proximity to PortsAirportsMajor HighwaysRailwaysAlameda CorridorConfluence of LA River

Major Industries: Manufacturing, Industrial, and Logistics

Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach


City of South Gate

Latino Population: 92.1%

Residents under age of 18: 35.6%

Average Household Size: 4.2

Average Adjusted Gross Income: $27,510

Unemployment Rate: 10.0%

Percentage of Individuals with Housing Cost Burden: 62.1%

South Gate General Plan Update

Community Visioning Workshop, 2004

General Plan Update, Phase I, 2006

Extensive Community Outreach and Participatory Planning

Stakeholders and City Officials

4 Community Congress Workshops

Week-long Community Charrette

Why Social Equity is ImportantInclusion and Diversity

disenfranchised & immigrant communities

Confidence and Accountability

historical disengagement

different cultural experiences



Building on and expanding civic traditions

The New Civic Engagement

Local Politics

Planning and


Demographics,Interest Groups,

Ad-Hoc Organizations

The New Civic Engagement

Old Outreach Targets and Methods


Business leaders

Environmental Organizations

Grass Roots Approach

Formal and Informal Community networks

Civic clubs

Parent and Educational Groups

Youth and Sports organizations

Average Citizens!!

The Why and How of Civic Engagement?


Power of citizen groups


Civic Empowerment

Participatory Democracy




Cultural Competency


6 Steps to Meaningful Engagement

6 Steps towards Meaningful Engagement

1. Go beyond Collateral

2. Get to know what really matters to residents

3. Build a local network

4. Trust and Rapport are essential

5. Publicity matters

6. Make it interactive, get community buy-in

Go Beyond Collateral

Seek out participants of:

Religious Institutions

Youth Sports and organization

Educational organizations

City Wide Events

Ad-hoc political groups

Civic Clubs

Senior clubs


The important thing is to be active in the community and engage people in

one-on-one conversations

What really matters to residents…


Local Businesses

Government Accountability

Neighborhood Issues

Public Safety

You are a resource, know where to refer residents who have particular


Build a Local Network

Get to know local leaders

Stakeholder Interviews

City Council Interviews

General Plan Advisory Committee

Build a Resident Database

Sign up’s at Community Meetings

Tabling at Community Events

Coffee Klatches

Follow up and Follow thru

Build your own network of local residents, participants, and leaders. Communication

is key.

Trust and Rapport

Acknowledge Resident Concerns

Addressing Immediate Needs

Distrust or Deceit

Hot button issues

Listen and Learn

Serve as a Reference

City Services

City Officials

Get out and get involved

Involve yourself in the life of the community

Publicity Matters


Information Sharing

Schools, Churches, Civic Institutions

Media Relations

Community Hot Spots

Corner Stores, Coffee Shops and levandarias (laundry mats)

Show up at local events

Promote Accomplishments

Publicize events in traditional and non-traditional ways

Get the Community Involved

Participatory Planning

Inform them of the process

Make it Engaging


Interactive Exercises

Small Group Conversations

Informal Discussions

Cultural and Linguistic Competency

Solicit Input, revise plans and report back

Make the planning process participatory and interactive. Give residents a record of the




A more informed and involved citizenry

Proponents and supporters of Smart Growth

Broader civic participation


Sense of empowerment

Greater understanding of city and planning processes

Information to advocate for change

Lessons Learned

Every community is different

Meaningful engagement takes commitment

Don’t underestimate the importance of inclusion

Stick to what works, while being creative and flexible

Show them the fruits of their labor

Create a legacy that goes beyond the life of the project

Smart Growth & Social Equity:Lessons In Civic EngagementCity of South Gate, CA


Land Use & Transportation • Civic Engagement • Public Participation • Public

February 9, 2007

Monica Villalobos Executive Director
