Smart Catalogue



Catalogue of the SMART project final exhibitions

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Table of ContentsAbout 3Artists 5Teachers 17Artworks 22Video 41


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video


Project Idea

The sparking idea behind the project was for young people to meet up with peers from other countries in a relaxing intercultural environment using the language of art. Students are often obscured by language barriers, historical issues and stereotypical perceptions accentuating differences and therefore constraining the opportunity to share ideas and build new European perspectives.

The Project Partners represent three EU countries

Germany, Britain and Holland – are 3 in a contiguous geographical area of shared borders with similar‚ socio-economic‘ profiles. Common concerns over employment, economic growth and social welfare are further similarities of the nations.

The Aim of the Project

It was to confront students with clichés about nationality and for them to develop more tolerance towards each other by experiencing the human factor while cooperating on a professional level.The project was scheduled for 2 years with students visiting each other in 3 different countries. Workshops in art and design helped the students to mirror their personal experience, interacting with the other students.

Visiting the Partner Colleges

Students from the colleges visited each other successively in the 3 counties. Each group was made up of 6-10 students (aged 16-18) and 3 teachers. They learned about the other cultu-res, detecting and examining different natio-nal stereotypes. Quiz shows were organized by the hosting teams testing the students´ knowledge and ideas about the mentality etc. of the involved nationalities. Several games were played to ensure that no personal of-fence was taken and boost the competitors´ personal competence to verbalise “taboos”. This project enabled students to enhance their self-confidence via a fluid interaction between staff and students in a structured learning community acting beyond the

barriers of national culture and language. Working on their art pieces, the students were encouraged to review their approach and evaluate how they learn in multinational groups. Seeing and comparing technical colleges, experiencing lessons, but in a totally different and inspiring environ-ment and company, enabled the students to reflect on the merits of alternatives for design in process.

Follow-up back home students revised and extended their art work through their newly won experience in the countries they visited. They produced films, discussed the further steps, reflected on past encounters and planned the next exchange.


After processing three meetings the art material was chosen for a joint exhibition for which the students developed the entire concept themselves. It shows the different steps and states of mind during the project. The groups in the different countries worked on the touring exhibition concept and installation, created a logo type for the project, produced a poster, a catalogue, visual gallery and private viewings. These tasks were divided among all three groups, depending on



Video Artworks Teachers Artists About

the students‘ preferences. The exhibition is shown successively in Drachten, Königswinter and King´s Lynn in art galleries. Staging the art shows in professional spaces upgrades the college experience for the students.

Personal Development of Students

In retrospect it is obvious to the teachers and students that a certain development concerning the students´ communication skills as an overall group and approach to art has evolved.

End of Project:

The public viewing in all three countries again is a chance to meet up, celebrate and feel like friends or even more like SOUL MATES IN ART!

Students´ comments from different countries

Max (Bonn): The rally was really cool because we had a lot of time to exchange experiences,

laugh together and to enjoy the time. It was interesting to see the reactions about our habits and to discover Germany together.Philipp (Bonn): …. For lunch we went to the “Bönsch” where we could present both groups some typical German foods (Sauerkraut with dark bread…) and it was very hilarious to see how they looked at it and how they looked when they tasted it. I think not everybody liked it but most of us did.

Philipp (Bonn): In the afternoon we presented our artworks we had done before. It was really interesting how huge the differences in knowledge between the students of the three countries are, while we got some collages and some artworks the English guys did some great paintings and Photoshop stuff…

Charlotte (Bonn): The last day of the first visit: We all met again at the forum in our school and it was an open mood and the nationalities mixed a little bit by some talking…. It was sad to say goodbye to them but we will see us during the next 2 years and that´s a good feeling.

Marlies de Boer (Drachten): The SMART project was awesome. First everybody had to get to know everyone and then the ice broke and everyone was cozy together. I learned a

lot from the project… like: speaking English, presenting in front of everyone and being together with different people from different countries and feeling how the atmosphere is in their countries when we stayed there.

Jochem (Drachten): It is nice to compare all the different colleges with each other. Normally you would not think about others‘ education, but when you see it like this, we in Holland think that we don’t have to complain because it is more luxury than the other educations.

Sytske Nijp (Drachten): For my artwork I’ve made a short animation movie how I feel about the smart project and my experience. Because my study is AV ‘audiovisual’.Everybody is different and everybody has different languages but together we can come as far as possible. When we don’t understood each other we make drawings or we use gestures. And we learn from each other. That’s the Smart Project.



Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Jochem WoudaROC Friese Poort Drachten

Artworks: Together let‘s change the world, Open Minded, Cognates

Marlies de BoerROC Friese Poort DrachtenArtworks: Three continents together


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video


Marlies de BoerROC Friese Poort DrachtenArtworks: Three continents together

Floris van IJsseldijk ROC Friese Poort Drachten

Artworks: Chicken Terryaki

David PollardCollege of West AngeliaArtworks: Smart in the Darkroom

Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Sytske nijpROC Friese Poort Drachten

Artworks: together let‘s change the world, Open minded, Teapical

Tessa StelpstraROC Friese Poort Drachten

Artworks: Smart in the Darkroom

About Artists Teachers Artworks Video


Annika HoltewesROC Friese Poort Drachten

Artworks: Beverly Mills

Kimberly Veenhuizen ROC Friese Poort Drachten Artworks: Interview

Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Melissa KleinHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Artworks: Last supper, SMART in the Darkroom

Siem de BoerROC Friese Poort Drachten

Artworks: SMART in the Darkroom, Unity

About Artists Teachers Artworks Video


Melissa KleinHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Artworks: Last supper, SMART in the Darkroom

Egle SilinyteCollege of West Anglia

Artworks: Together let‘s change the world

Bryony RobinsonCollege of West Anglia

Artworks: SMART Interview

Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Charlotte Lawrence College of West Anglia

Artworks: Unity

Kim BowmanCollege of West AngliaArtworks: Typical british, Berverly Mills

About Artists Teachers Artworks Video


Kim BowmanCollege of West AngliaArtworks: Typical british, Berverly Mills

David Rawlinson College of West AngliaArtworks: Documentation

Joshua MarshallCollege of West AngliaArtworks: England, Flags

Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Maxi KleinHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Artworks: Trinity Force, Beverly Mills

Philipp SindermannHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Artworks: Fat Chicken, Trinity Force, Smart Interview

About Artists Teachers Artworks Video


Charlotte BaurHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Artworks: Trinity Force

Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Lisa KloseHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Artworks: Carnival, Together let‘s change the world,Scrabble

Melanie WidmannHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Lisa KloseHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Artworks: Carnival, Together let‘s change the world,Scrabble


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Tom GriffisCollege of West Anglia

EU coordination

Martina MühlbugerHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

English & Graphic DesignSimone KochHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Graphic Design


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Emily PaxtonCollege of West Anglia


Stefanie HaarkampHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

Photography & Graphic Design

Martina MühlbugerHeinrich-Hertz-Europakolleg

English & Graphic Design

Akkelien JeeningaROC Friese Poort Drachten

Manager Graphic Design Department

Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Johan Bouwhuis ROC Friese Poort Drachten

Graphic Design

Durk NoordmansROC Friese Poort Drachten

Graphic Design


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Scott JarvisCollege of West Anglia

Production Channel Manager

Emma Forrest-LeighCollege of West Anglia

Head of Departments Art, Media, Performing Arts & Music

Johan Bouwhuis ROC Friese Poort Drachten

Graphic Design


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About



About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Maxi Klein

Trinity Force

Lotte Baur Philipp Sindermann

The intention of it was to show the unity of the States and the annulation of cliches

by going the same direction wherever you are. The beam shell represent the

different influences meeting in the centre.


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About

Lisa KloseJochem Wouda Egle Silinite Sytske Nijp

Together lets change the World


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Kim Bowman

Typical British

My art work shows stereotype points about British people given to me by a Ger-man friend. Here, Sir Bernard Smith and Stefan Adams give their responses to each point. E.g.: ‘British people are ALWAYS

drinking tea’; ‘Every British person loves the Royal family, and they fill the news-papers!’; ‘Floral patterns are very popular with British people’; ‘British people eat unhealthy, mainly fish and chips’; ‘British

people are very polite’; ‘Queues are ever-ywhere in Britain!’; ‘British people are very stylish!’; ‘Britain has a cool history, Sherlock Holms, Agatha Christie’.


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Sytske Nijp


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Fat Chicken

Philipp Sindermann

This picture shows the federal eagle, the heraldic animal of Germany. It‘s pictured with lines, that you just recognize when you look from a distance on it.

After WWII the Germans weren‘t really allowed to show national pride so they performed it in a hidden way. That‘s what the picture should symbolize, if you look closer you just see a structure and if you look from a distance you see the federal eagle.

It‘s called “fat chicken“ because that‘s what the name the members of German Parliament called their eagle (in German: fette Henne).


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About

Carnival is a festival that people celebrate in the winter. It begins in February and it‘s the most important month of this festival. But not all people celebrate Carnival. For most people Cologne with the big church is the important place to be. Some people say cologne is the heart of Carnival. The people laugh a lot and go to a event with their friends where dancing groups dance or people tell jokes. All have lot‘s of fun to-gether. Some people in Cologne say it is a feeling and that is what I want to express with this picture.


Lisa Klose


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Last Supper

Melissa Klein

With this picture I wanted to represent the multicultural nature of German peop-le. Different famous characters from Germa-ny are united in this picture and occupy the places of the disciples. Angela Merkel, the German Federal Chan-cellor, is at the head of this round. This picture shall not criticize Germany but positively praise. Many young comedians, VIPs or musicians are united there. It shall activate thinking and vacate preju-dices this way.


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About

SMART in the DarkroomThis artwok shows the equality of the artists, working on one piece of art, as the the composition shows, we are one. This artwork still keeps good memories of the production process.

Melissa KleinDavid PollardSiem De BoerTessa Stelpstra


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

The artwork shows Big Ben, a German beer and a piece of cheese. They are all stereotypical features for the countries involved. The artwork should, even if there are different elements, melt into one image.

Melanie Widmann


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About


Charlotte Lawrence


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Beverly MillsTo inspire us for this artwork we visited some impressive places in Kings Lynn. We saved this event by taking photos and place them in circle around a windmill with colored wings and the James Bond shutter in the background, representing Germany, the Netherlands and England.

Annika Holtewes Kim Bowman Maxi Klein


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About

Typical British

Joshua Marshall


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

This screenprinting shows a rainbow in-cluding all countries by means of colours.

Open Minded

Jochem Wouda Sytske Nijp


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About



Smart project

This artwork is a poster - promotional art - for our exhibition to express the similari-ties of the three different cultures.

Siem De Boer


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

Jochem Wouda

CognatesThe idea behind this is that every word what you see in this poster is the same word in the three different languages. It also means the “same“.


Video Artworks Teachers Artists About

three continents together

Marlies De Boer

I made a mobile. I put a picture of the world instead of the two wooden sticks on the top, then I put the flags of our three countries below the world and below the flags I hung four typical things below the country’s flag. Isn’t it creative? Yes!


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

How we ArtFor my artwork I’ve made a short animation movie how I feel about the smart project and my experience. Because my study is AV ‘audiovisual’.Everybody is different and everybody has different languages but together we can come as far as possible. When we don’t understand each other we make drawings or we use gestures. And we learn from each other. That’s the Smart Project.

Sytske Nijp


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video




Video Artworks Teachers Artists About

Marlies De BoerKimberly VeenhuizenBryony RobinsonPhilipp Sindermann

SMART InterviewThis video is a row of interviews of students filmed in Kings Lynn. The questions were about the project itself, how the students got along with language barriers, if they had any clishés before and what the project has brought to them as a person. It was produced in April 2013 during the journey to Kings Lynn, UK. It is published on YouTube as well as on


About Artists Teachers Artworks Video

David Rawlinson

David‘s Camera

DocumentationDuring the whole project, David has docu-mented all the jourey with his camera and made short movies. No matter when and where, if it was breakfast, dinner or the evening in the pub, David has been with his camera everywhere everytime looking for THE shot of his life.

All videos available on: > european channel

