Small + Large Bowel - British Medical Association€¦ ·  · 2016-05-27Muscularis mucosae 2 thin...


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Small + Large BowelBMA Revision DayAndrew McCorkell


Small Intestine


Epithelium & specialisations

Simple columnarEnterocytes - Villi + Microvilli Goblet cells - secrete mucusPaneth cells - Mucosal defense system Enteroendocrine cells

Lamina Propria Loose CT; surrounds the crypts of Leiberkuhn and

supports villi; capillary network and lacteal found in

core of villus; lymphoid tissue increases proximal

to distal

Muscularis mucosae 2 thin layers of smooth muscleInner circular / outer longitudinal

SUBMUCOSA Loose collagenous and elastic CT; lymphoid tissue

may bulge down from lamina propria; Meissner’s

nerve plexuses; forms core of plicae circulares;


2 layers of smooth muscleInner circular / outer longitudinalMyenteric nerve plexus


Serosa present except distal duodenum which has





Duodenum• 1st part of small intestine

• C – shaped structure

adjacent to head of


• Retroperitoneal structure

except for 1st part of

duodenum which is

connected to the

hepatoduodenal ligament

Jejunum• Represents proximal 2/5

• Larger in diameter an thicker

wall than ileum

• Inner mucosa lining of

jejunum is characterised by

numerous prominent folds

that circle the lumen – plicae


• Less prominent arterial

arcades and longer vasa

recta compared to the ileum

Ileum• Distal 3/5 with thinner


• Less prominent Plicae


• Shorter vasa recta

and more arterial


• Ends at ileo-caecal




• Absorption

• Enzymatic Digestion


Clinical Case 1

• 72 yr old gentleman presents with central colicky abdominal pain, constipation, increasing abdominal distension and 2x vomiting episodes.

• PMHx - Stage II R Colon Ca. Underwent R Hemicolectomy 6 months ago.

• NKDA + Ramipril 2.5mg/ Simvastatin 20mg/ Omeprazole 20mg

• Retired banker and lives at home with wife in a bungalow.

• O/E: Patient looks in pain, Mild SOB

• Abdo is distended. Previous right paramedian scar from R Hemicolectomy. End Colostomy LIF appears healthy. Good output. Abdomen tender, no rebound. Hyper-resonant percussion. Bowel sounds high pitched and tinkling.

• Ix: FBP - WCC up

U+E - K 5.4/ Na 135/ Crt 48/ Urea 12

ABG - PO2 8.4/ pCO2 6.7/ pH 7.32/ HCO3 19

Amylase - 120

LFTs - Normal, Albumin 24

Small Bowel Obstruction

• Clinical Features:


✴Abdominal Distension

✴Central abdominal pain

✴Failure to pass Flatus


• Aetiology:

– Tumours

– Hernias

– Adhesions– Others - Strictures/ Inflammation/ Congenital/ post-op ileus/


Clinical Case 2

• 24 year old female attends GP with tiredness, generalized abdo discomfort, weight loss and thinks she looks ‘pale’. Reduced appetite over last 3-4 months. Concerned as she’s had to take time off work. Also complains of an extremely itchy rash on elbows, knees and buttocks.


• Non-smoker/ social drinker

• O/E: Patient appears pale, but comfortable at rest.

• Abdo - Slightly distended, generalized tenderness, BS Normal

• Ix: FBP - Low Hb, Low MCV, Low MCHC

U+E - Normal

CRP - Slightly raised

LFTs - Normal, but low Albumin

Anti-Endomysial Ab +ve/ Anti-transglutaminase Ab +ve/ Ant-gliadin Ab +ve

Coeliac Disease

• Commonest Autoimmune condition - 1 in 100

• Auto-immune immunologically mediated reaction against gluten

component of gliadin protein found in wheat, rye and barley.

• Genetic susceptibility with HLA haplotypes (HLADQ2/8) – those with

Type 1 diabetes mellitus and autoimmune thyroid disease have an

increased incidence

• Geographical clustering – common among west Ireland

• Can affect an individual at any age from childhood to old age

• Villous destruction by T-cells impairs small bowel absorption and

symptomatology is proportional to the length of bowel involved.


Large Intestine

MUCOSAEpithelium &


Simple columnar - except at recto-anal junction —> SSKE

Brush border + goblet cells

Lamina Propria Loose CT (surrounds the crypts) and lymphoid tissue – abundant in

appendix (MALT)

Muscularis mucosae 2 thin layers of smooth muscle

Inner circular / outer longitudinal

SUBMUCOSA Loose collagenous and elastic CT; lymphoid tissue may bulge down from

lamina propria; nerve plexuses;


Inner circular layer

Outer longitudinal as 3 ribbon-like bands - Taeniae Coli

Outer longitudinal – uniform thickness in appendix and rectum


Ascending and descending colon are retro-peritoneal i.e. serosa only on anterior surface

• The colon receives partially digested food, in a liquid

form, from the small intestine.

• Bacteria (bowel flora) in the colon break down some

materials into smaller parts

• The epithelium absorbs water and nutrients. It forms the

remaining waste into semi-solid material, faeces.

• The epithelium also produces mucus at the end of the

digestive tract, which makes it easier for stool to pass

through the colon and rectum.

• Sections of the colon use peristalsis to move the stool to

the rectum.

• The rectum is a holding area for the stool. When it is

full, it signals the brain to move the bowels and push the

stool from the body through the anus.

Clinical Case 3

• 67 year old lady presents to GP with change in bowel habit approx 8 weeks with intermittent diarrhoea and constipation. She has passed some blood PR and generally feels quite tired. Hasn’t taken part in FOB screening.

• PMHx: Hypertension

• FHx: Nil of note

• Social Hx: Social alcohol and non-smoker

• O/E: She appears comfortable at rest, but has yellow sclera.

• Abdomen - Palpable mass in RIF and palpable liver edge that feels nodular. PR examination reveals some blood on gloved finger.

• Ix: FBC - Low Hb

U+E - Normal

LFTs - ALP/ ALT/ GGT/ AST raised

CEA – Raised

Fe Profile – Fe def anaemia


Sigmoid Colon Carcinoma -Stage IV

Colorectal Cancer

• 3rd commonest Cancer in UK

• 2nd commonest cause of death by cancer

• 1 in 20 Females/ 1 in 16 Males in NI

• 2/3 Colon + 1/3 Rectum

• National Screening Programme - FOB (60-

74 yrs every 2 years)

Risk Factors

• Genetic: FAP/ HNPCC/ Peutz-Jeghers/ Gardners Syndrome

• Pre-existing: IBD/ CRC/ Pelvic Cancers/ Previous CTX/ Colorectal polyps

• General: Increasing age/ FHx/ Lifestyle/ Geographical


Adeno-Carcinoma Sequence

Red Flag Criteria

•40-60yrs old, rectal bleeding and change in bowel habit > 6weeks

•>60 yrs old, rectal bleeding only for > 6weeks

•>60 yrs old change in bowel habit only for > 6weeks

•Palpable abdominal mass

•Palpable rectal mass

•Fe2+ deficiency anaemia (Men <11g/dL, Women <10g/dL)

Right Sided Tumour Left Sided Tumour Rectum

• Mass in RIF• ‘Appendicitis’ type

pain • Fe def anaemia Blood

mixed in stool• Diarrhoea• Mucus

• Mass in LIF• Change in bowel

habit – constipation• PR bleeding• Colicky abdo pain

• Tenesmus• Urgency• Incomplete

evacuation + straining• Increased frequency• Bright red PR

bleeding Constipation or diarrhoea

• Palpable mass PR

