SM4JS Session 11




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Session 11Win-Win Negotiations:How to Close the Deal

Dallas - Monday Evenings Northwest Bible Church

6:00pm to 9:00pm 8505 Douglas Avenue Dallas, TX 75225

(972) 702-0761

If God does not give you that which you like, He will give you

that which you need. (Thomas Watson)

Come now and let us reason; together. (Isaiah 1:18, NAS)

9 Negotiation Nuggets1.When should you talk turkey?• When is an Offer an Offer?  "We wuv u"• How Long to Prolong Joining On?• Can you Really Negotiate?• What Gives You the Edge?• When do you Win?• How Can You Bump the Bucks (Before)?• How Can You Bump the Bucks (During)?

• $ No Whine before Its Time • How Can You Bump the Bucks (After)?

Yield on the Minors

Zero in on the Majors

3 Tells to Win at Salary Negotiation