Slavic mythology. Kupala God of joy water has special power “dead water”(parts of people got...


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Slavic mytholoSlavic mythologygy

KupalaKupalaGod of joywater has special power“dead water”(parts of people got

together) and “alive water”(they become alive)

When they wanted that a sick person felt better, they asked the water

VodyanoyVodyanoyHe lived near mills, he was meanSome of them, were like old menThey waited for imprudent

people, they pulled tmeh into the water and than they become their slaves

RusalkasRusalkasIf a girl get drowned, she become

a RusalkaSome of them were nice, some of

them were mean ( south-north)When they were bored, they

were playing with the mill and they destroyed almost everything

FuneralFuneralThe dead person was on a boat

with all his propertyNorth RussiaThe water was the line between

the world and the other side

Story of the lake of Story of the lake of RibnicaRibnicaThere live the “underwater man”When the village got the church, it

was to loud for him. One day a farmer noticed that his bull were tired and sweaty. After a week he found a bag of gold and his bulls were full of energy again.

It turned out that he underwater man used thoose two bulls to move the lake
