Skills Evaluation System Promotion Program - … · Skills Evaluation Traials / Study Visit ......


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Issued in March 2016 (No.13)

JAVADA has been implementing Skills Evaluation System Promotion Program as a part of international

cooperation by ODA of Japan. The Program includes piloting activities of national skills testing as well as

skills competions in Asia to help them share the skills evaluation system with the governmental agencies

and local industries. They are expected to develop their skills evaluation system through the activities in

near future.

In fiscal 2015, JAVADA has conducted the following activities in seven countries - Indonesia, Thailand,

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and India.

Skills Evaluation System Promotion Program

Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method

We provide workshops in Japan and the member countries to responsible officials from skills

evaluation organizations on how to create skills test projects and marking criteria.

Skills Assessor Training

We provide lectures in Japan and the member countries to skilled people in the industry on how to

administer and mark skills test.

Skills Evaluation Traials / Study Visit

For the Skills Evaluation Traials, the participants in the above workshop and training conduct skills

tests on a trial basis so that they can try the results of the workshop and the training under the

cooperation of industrial organizations and committed partner companies in the member countries.

Also, for the Study Visit, we invite examiners from various countries to member countries where

these events are actively held in order to provide an opportunity to make a study tour of a skills

evaluation trials and exchange views.

Assessors Certification Test

For those member countries where skills evaluation trials have been well-established, we accredit

skills evaluation assessors by selecting from outstanding skills asssessors, and contribute to

promoting skills test by local leadership.

Public-Private Joint Committee

Based on the results of skills evaluation trials, a public-private committee consisting of the

government, industrial organizations, companies, etc. in the member countries is held to study how to

disseminate the skills evaluation system to the member countries in the future.




● In Cambodia

In January 2016, the training was newly started for

skills assessor of “Electronic Equipment Assembly”

(Power Distribution and Control Panel Assembly).

(See page 8)

Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method in Japan / Skills Assessor Training in Japan /

Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method and Skills Assessor Training in Member Countries ・・・P3

Skills Evaluation Trials ・・・P4

Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method in Japan ・・・P5

MOU Signing with Indonesia / Study Visit of Skills Evaluation Trials in Thailand ・・・P6

Skills Assessor Training and Skills Evaluation Trials in Vietnam ・・・P7

Skills Assessor Training in Cambodia / Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method in Lao PDR


Skills Evaluation Trials in Myanmar / Skills Assessor Training and Skills Evaluation Trials in India /

Assessors Certification Test in Indonesia ・・・P9

Public-Private Joint Committee ・・・P10

● In Thailand

In January 2016, the Study Visit was held by

inviting policy makers in the field of skill development

from Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and

India to Thailand for observing good practice of Skills

Evaluation Trials for “Electronic equipment

assembly” and “Turning”. (See page 6)

● In Indonesia

In May 2015, JAVADA and Indonesian

Professional Certification Authority (BNSP) signed

the MOU to add JAVADA’s signature on the national

skills certificate of BNSP in the case the qualification

is based on the Japan’s practical skills test project

and signed the MOU. (See page 6)

● In India

In December 2015, Skills Assessor Training and

Skills Evaluation Trials were held and the training

was newly started for skills assessor of “Turning”.

(See page 9)

● In Vietnam

In September 2015, the National Trade Skill Test

of “Mechanical Inspection” was implemented. By

adding this, there are four trades, “Turning”, “Milling

Machine”, “Information Network Cabling”, and

“Mechanical Inspection” in National Trade Skill Test

based on the MOU. (See page 7)

● In Myanmar

In December 2015, Skills Evaluation Trials for

“Plastering Work” was held. The practical test and

theoretical test which were made at the Trial were

adopted as skills evaluation test in Myanmar. (See

page 9)

● In Lao PDR

In October 2015, the Workshop on Skills

Evaluation Method was held to train persons in

charge of developing skills test standards and

marking criteria for “Plastering Work” and

“Mechanical Inspection”. (See page 8)


Summary of FY2015 Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method in

Japan (14 participants from 4 countries)

Held at Makuhari International Training Center and Institute of Technologists


Job Trade / Grade



Lao P







l no. o




Electronic Equipment Assembly (Power Distribution and

Control Panel Assembly) Grade 3 2 2 2 2 8

Plastering Work Grade 3 2 2 2 - 6

Summary of FY2015 Skills Assessor Training in Japan

(2 participants from 1 country)

Job Trade / Grade

Cooperative Partners


No. of participants

Information Network Cabling Grade 3

Advanced Info-Communications Promotion Community

Vietnam 1

Cambodia 1

Summary of FY2015 Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method

and Skills Assessor Training in Member Countries

(Grade 3 Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method (SEM): 1 country,

Grade 2 Skills Assessor Training (SAT): 3 countries, Grade 3 SAT: 6 countries)

Country Job Trade / Grade Cooperative Partners No. of participants



Plastic molding Grade 2

Mechanical Inspection Grade 2

Metal Press Work Grade 3

PT. KMK Plastics Indonesia


Panasonic Corporation




Thailand Machining (Turning) Grade 2

DENSO E&TS Training Center Corporation

DENSO Corporation 8

Electronic Equipment Assembly Grade 2 Panasonic Corporation 8


Machining (Turning) Grade 2

Mechanical Inspection Grade 2, 3

Machining (Milling) Grade 3

DENSO E&TS Training Center Corporation

EBARA Corporation

TOYOTA Motor Corporation





Electronic Equipment Assembly (Power

Distribution and Control Panel Assembly)

Grade 3

Toshiba Infrastructure Equipment

Technology Corporation 5

Lao PDR Mechanical Inspection Grade 3

Plastering Work Grade 3

EBARA Corporation

Japan Plasterers’ Association



Myanmar Electronic Equipment Assembly Grade 3 Panasonic Corporation 9

India Machining (Turning) Grade 3

Electronic Equipment Assembly Grade 3

India YAMAHA Motor Pvt. Ltd.

Panasonic Corporation



Grade 2

Grade 3







Summary of FY2015 Skills Evaluation Trials

(18 sessions in 7 countries)

※We are very grateful to instructors and committed partners who cooperate to dispatch instructors, lease equipments and so on

when carrying out local trainings (Skills Evaluation Method, Skills Assessor Training, and Skills Evaluation Trials). Thank you.

Company Job Trade Country

DENSO E&TS Training Center Corporation

DENSO Corporation Machining (Turning) Thailand and Vietnam

Panasonic Corporation Metal Press Work

Electronic Equipment Assembly


Thailand, Myanmar, and India

TOYOTA Motor Corporation Machining (Milling) Vietnam

Advanced Info-Communications Promotion

Community (Information Telecommunication

Engineering Association of Japan

Information Network Cabling Vietnam and Cambodia

EBARA Corporation Mechanical Inspection Indonesia and Vietnam

Toshiba Infrastructure Equipment Technology


Electronic Equipment Assembly

(Power Distribution and Control

Panel Assembly)


Institute of Technologists Plastering Work Myanmar

Indonesia 3 times


PT. KMK Plastics Indonesia

PT. Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia

Thailand 2 times

Panasonic Management (Thailand)


India 2 times

Panasonic India Pvt

India Yamaha Motor Pvt

Lao PDR 1 time


Cambodia 1 time


Myanmar 2 times

Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte


No. of sessions by country

Vietnam 7 times





TTC (2 times)


Cooperative partners in evaluation trial implementation and dispatch of instructors


Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method in Japan

For a period of eight days from October 19 to 26 in 2015, the workshops were held at mainly Makuhari

International Training Center to learn outline of National Trade Skills Tests and know-how of making test

questions as below. Regarding the Plastering Work, the workshop was held at Institute of Technologists.

【Workshop lecturers】

【Site visit】

Electronic Equipment Assembly (Power Distribution

and Control Panel Assembly)

Skills Evaluation Method Study Committee

Plastering Work

Skills Evaluation Method Study Committee

・Mr. Yukio Hagiuda (Toshiba Infrastructure Equipment

Technology Corporation)

・ Mr. Katsunobu Tokusa (Japan Switchboard & control system

Industries Association)

・ Mr. Shoji Sugaya (Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.)

・Mr. Ko Suzuki (Suzuki Kentokogyo Co., Ltd.) ※

・Prof. Hitoshi Mihara (Institute of Technologists)

・Mr. Yuji Nomura (Nomura Plaster/Stucco Company) ※

・Mr. Toshio Kawakami (Taisei Corporation)

※Belongs to Japan Plasterers’ Association

Electronic Equipment Assembly (Power Distribution

and Control Panel Assembly) Plastering Work

Toshiba Corporation, Fuchu Branch Harada Sakan, Co., Ltd.

Lecture for “Electronic Equipment Assembly” Introductory Lectures

Lecture for “Plastering Work” Presentation of Action Plan


MOU signing with Indonesian Professional Certification

Authority (BNSP)

On 20 May 2015, JAVADA and Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP) signed the MOU to

add JAVADA’s signature on the national skills certificate of BNSP in the case the qualification is based on the

Japan’s practical skills test project in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Study Visit of Skills Evaluation Trials in Thailand

JAVADA invited a examiners from each member countries – Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar

– to Bangkok, Thailand to conduct a Study Visit of Skills Evaluation Trials as below.

[Duration of the Training] 18 – 21 January 2016

Site Visit of Skills Evaluation Trials of Machining (Turning), Grade 2 : 18 January 2016

[Venue] Samutprakarn Institute for Skill Development Region 1

[Lecturer] Mr. Tomoyuki Ueda, DENSO Corporation

Site Visit of Skills Evaluation Trials of Electronic Equipment Assembly, Grade 2 : 19 January 2016

[Venue] Panasonic Management (Thailand)

[Lecturer] Mr. Naruhiko Yasuda, Panasonic Corporation

Site Visit of automotive assembly: 20 January 2016

[Venue] Honda Automobile (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.

Site visit for “Plastering Work” Site visit for “Electronic Equipment Assembly”


Participants from each country observed Skills Evaluation

Trials as a good practice, learned good practice of how to

administer National Skills Testing and precise evaluation methods,

and consider more effective promotion method of skills evaluation

system in their countries through exchanging ideas about the

efforts toward to skill evaluation in each country.

Skills Assessor Training and Skills Evaluation Trials in Vietnam

For a period of five days from 21 to 25 September 2015, Skills Assessor Training and Skills Evaluation

Trials for Mechanical Inspection of Grade 2 and 3 were held with the cooperation of EBARA VIETNAM PUMP

CO., LTD. at TECHNIQUE TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE in Hanoi, Vietnam. During the Skills Evaluation Trials,

“Vietnam’s National Trade Skill Test” of Grade 2 and 3 of “Mechanical Inspection” was held for the first time. Mr.

Kimio Ogawa from EBARA Corporation was the lecturer for training and trials.

National Trade Skill Test

Theoretical test of “Mechanical Inspection, Grade 2”

Skills Assessor Training


Site Visit of Skills Evaluation Trial of “Turning”

Site Visit of Skills Evaluation Trial of

“Electronic Equipment Assembly”


Skills Assessor Training in Cambodia

For a period of three days from 11 to 13 January 2016, Skills Assessor Training for “Electronic Equipment

Assembly” (Power Distribution and Control Panel Assembly) of Grade 3 was held at Industrial Technical Institute

in Phnom Penh, Cambodia under the instruction of Mr. Yukio Hagiuda from Toshiba Infrastructure Equipment

Technology Corporation.

Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method in Lao PDR

For a period of three days from 13 to 16 October 2015, Workshops on Skills Evaluation Method for

“Plastering Work” of Grade 3 and “Mechanical Inspection” of Grade 3 were held at Lao-Korea Skills

Development Institute in Vientiane, Lao PDR. For “Plastering Work”, Mr. Yuji Nomura from Nomura

Plaster/Stucco Company was the instructor and for “Mechanical Inspection”, Mr. Takayasu Masayuki from

EBARA Corporation was the instructor.

Practice of practical test of “Plastering Work” Practice of marking evaluation of “Mechanical Inspection”

Explanation of marking procedure

National Trade Skill Test, Marking evaluation National Trade Skill Test

Practical test of “Mechanical Inspection, Grade 3”

Skill evaluation practice


Skills Evaluation Trials in Myanmar

For a period of two days from 15 to 16 December 2015, Skills Evaluation Trials for “Plastering Work” of

Grade 3 was held at Central Construction Training Center (Thuwunna) in Yangon, Myanmar. Technical

guidance was provided by Prof. Hitoshi Mihara from Institute of Technologists. The practical test and theoretical

test which were made at this Trial were adopted as skills evaluation test in Myanmar by National Skills Standard


Skills Assessor Training and Skills Evaluation Trials in India

For a period of five days from 14 to 18 December 2015, Skills Assessor Training and Skills Evaluation Trials

for “Machining” (Turning) of Grade 3 was held at India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd. in Uttar Pradesh, India. Technical

guidance was provided by Mr. Fumio Inagawa from JAVADA.

Assessors Certification Test in Indonesia

In February 2016, Assessors Certification Test was implemented for those who had gained knowledge and

experience through Skills Assessor Training and Skills Evaluation Trials, in the field of “Mechanical Inspection” in

Indonesia. Mr. Masanori Yunoki, expert from Japan and Mr. Asep, Skills Evaluation Master assessed five

candidates as good assessors and they will be accredited after assessment of JAVADA.

Making theoretical test


Marking theoretical test Marking practical test

Marking / Evaluation


Public-Private Joint Committee

The Public-Private Joint Committee consisting of government agencies and private-sector companies was

held in seven member countries as shown in the table below. This served as a valuable opportunity for the

government and private sector to exchange opinions and to discuss a future direction of the dissemination of the

skill evaluation system based on the results of Workshop on Skills Evaluation Method, Skills Assessor Training

and Skills Evaluation Trials. There was a lively discussion about a further strengthening of cooperation between

the government and private sector, stronger efforts to train assessors and improve the skill evaluation criteria,

and the need for skills tests.

Country Date No. of participants Country Date No. of participants

Vietnam 13 Nov 24 Thailand 22 Jan 22

Myanmar 17 Dec 31 India 6 Feb 17

Cambodia 14 Jan 38 Indonesia 26 Feb 14

Lao PDR 19 Jan 13

【Edited and published by SESPP Forum】

International Cooperation Project

Japan Vocational Ability Development Association


5-25, 7-Chome, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,

Japan 160-8327

TEL: 03-6758-2854

FAX: 03-3365-2717



We would like to invite your comments,

suggestions, and opinions to improve


We would welcome photos and movies of

your activities.
