SK news janurary 2012



SK news jan 2012

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January 2012 No. 416


ADVANCE NOTICE Friday in March / April Fish Supper Village Hall

Friday 20th

April Edward Garnier MP Surgery Village Hall

Monday 4th

June Jubilee Party Village Hall

Saturday 3rd

November Bonfire Night Village Hall

Saturday 17th

November Safari Supper Village Hall

Saturday 16th

December Children’s Christmas Party Village Hall

The South Kilworth News is edited by Ann Saunders

Please send copy for the February edition by 23rd

January to

Ann Saunders Smithy House, Welford Road Tel: 575 338 Email:

The South Kilworth News is printed by Colin Olle. Advertising enquiries to

Colin Olle Croft Acre, The Belt Tel: 575 791 Email:

VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Contact Michael Murphy on 01788 861877 or 0777 6065385

Sun 1st 10.30 First Sunday of Christmas, Avon Swift Group Holy Communion, St

Nicholas Church

Fri 6th

19.30 First Friday, White Hart

Sun 8th

09.45 Baptism of Christ, Family Service, St Nicholas Church

Mon 9th

18.30 Football, Playing Field

19.00 Parish Council, Village Hall

Tue 10th

09.30 Weekday Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church

Tue 10.00 MaMites, Village Hall

Wed 11th

Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50)

Thur 12th

19.00 Art Club

Fri 13th

20.00 Kilworth Korks, Village Hall

Sun 15th

09.45 Second Sunday of Epiphany, Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church

Mon 16th

18.30 Football, Playing Field

Tue 17th

10.30 MaMites, Village Hall

20.00 W.I. Open Evening, Village Hall

Thur 12.00 Luncheon Club, Village Hall

19.00 Art Club

Sun 22nd

10.30 Third Sunday of Epiphany, Avon Swift Group Holy Communion,


Tue 24th

10.00 MaMites, Village Hall

Wed 25th

Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50)

Thur 26th

19.00 Art Club

Fri 27th

19.30 Burns Night, Village Hall

Sun 29th

09.45 Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, North Kilworth

Mon 30th

18.30 Football, Playing Field

Tue 31st 10.00 MaMites, Village Hall


New year, new life, new hope...

Happy New Year! I hope you’re all recovering from the Christmas feast and that you’ve made lots of

resolutions for a fresh and healthy life in 2012.

Looking back over 2011 is not altogether a cheering retrospective. We’ve seen all sorts of violence and

horror around the world. We’ve seen the effects of corporate and individual greed and selfishness

breaking out on our streets in rioting and looting, and protests that gradually turned into what felt like

threats to our peace and stability. In our individual lives, I hope that things have been calmer; but we all

face distressing events in our human lives – all of us.

There is always hope, though. I have never forgotten an experience I had years ago as a teacher when I

was on a course. I went to what is now High Cross in Leicester to photograph the ground being prepared

for the building of The Shires. In digging down to make the foundations, the builders found Medieval

and Roman artefacts, and archaeologists came to explore and record them. Fascinating...

But what was even more amazing was that suddenly plants appeared on the banking there which hadn’t

been seen in this country for 500 years. People from the natural History Museum came to examine and

collect them. Their seeds had lain dormant in the earth until the builders dug down and produced

conditions which were right for them to germinate and grow.

It had been a long time since those tiny seeds had felt the sunlight and the rain! As soon as they did, they

burst into life. They have been for me ever since a symbol of the hope that is at the heart of my faith in

God. However dark the days, however unpromising the ground, the seeds of the Kingdom of God are

always there in each and every one of us. All they need to grow, flower and bring forth fruit gloriously is

for the right conditions to prevail.

We have a new start every day, a chance to create the right conditions for fulfilling, fruitful growth. Each

morning is an opportunity to revise ourselves, in tiny ways and greater ones, and to resolve to make

things better for others, and so for ourselves. We can all be sowers of the seeds of kindness and

unselfishness, generosity and neighbourliness that make for happy communities - the heart of the

Kingdom of God.

In spite of the gloomy news we often see, the plants growing from those seeds are visible all around us, in

people we meet. This year, one of my resolutions is to take time to notice the seeds of hope, and to

nurture them wherever I can. As we look forward to the spring that is sure to come, let us also look

forward to a new growth of goodwill and kindly relationships that are always possible, with the help of


We can be new every morning!

Best wishes, Jane Kennedy

All enquiries regarding Church matters should be directed to:-

Revd Canon Chris Oxley - The Rectory, Kilworth Road, Swinford. Telephone: 01788 860445

Revd Emma Davies - The Vicarage, 5 Church Lane, Gilmorton. Telephone: 01455 556573

Revd Jane Kennedy - 17 Cromwell Close, Walcote, Lutterworth. Telephone: 01455 554065

BOWLS CLUB TOTE December 2011 winners

£50 Alan Ainsworth No. 8

£40 Mrs Wallace No 87

£30 Mrs Fleming No 10

£20 David Morris No 6

Thank you for your support.

To join the monthly tote please ring Mrs Rita Pickard 01858 571167.

Rita Pickard


An increased number, twenty one in all, met at Kilworth Springs for our Christmas lunch. The occasion

proved to be enjoyable kick start to the festive season.

The main course consisted of either turkey with the usual trimmings or salmon fillets as an alternative. A

very tasty Christmas pudding served with custard or biscuits and cheese followed by coffee with mints

rounded off this pleasant festive gathering.

The next three Luncheon Club meetings will be in the Village Hall on Thursday 19th

January, February


and March 15th


David Burd

ANOTHER HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped with and supported the

recent church bazaar; the record sum of £1363.31 was raised and a jolly afternoon was enjoyed.

Thank you to you all. Jacky Harrison


November 2011) Sixty one people joined in the Safari Supper evening starting and finishing at the Village Hall. A total of

£671 was made from the event which means that the extension can now be finished.

Michael Murphy

SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT AND NATIVITY Once again South Kilworth School has excelled itself. The event provided wonderful dancing, singing

and costumes. An absolute delight. A very big thank you and well done to staff, pupils and parents.

Rita Hallam

MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL This will restart on Monday 9

th January; however there will not be any on Monday 23

rd January.

There is a need for an adult female to attend the 19.15 – 20.00 session should any girl / girls wish to play.

Michael Murphy

PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS Parish council meetings are generally held on the first Monday of the month at 7pm at the Village Hall.

Planned exceptions to this are Monday 9th

January and 8th

May 2012.

W.I. OPEN EVENING On Tuesday 17

th January the guest speaker will be Dougie Wright session drummer from 1960 and

1970's. This will be an open evening from 8pm.

W.I. Diary of events for 2012

January 17th Dougie Wright ‘60’s / 70’s session drummer.

21st February Dr Audrey Matthews from De Montfort University. The Science of Underwear

20th March Alison Chapman Kilworth House. An insight into Kilworth House and Theatre

17th April Music Hall Goes To The Seaside with Janet Courtney

15th May Resolutions Meeting

19th June Sallie Hooper, Leicestershire Food Links. A look at local foods

17th July Armchair Yoga with Sue Winstanley

21st August Outing

18th September David Clarke, Sparkenhoe Farm Leicestershire Cheeses

16th October Nila Lodia. Lets experience India, its culture, food and traditions

20th November Janet Courtney's Victorian Lady at Christmas

11th December Christmas Party

Louise Boffey


Kilworth Korks Plans for 2012 Month Date Event



Friday 13 Jan

at 8pm

Kilworth Korks 2012 planning meeting at the Village Hall at 8pm

If any more ladies would like to join the Kilworth Korks please e-mail Claire Hubbard (Email to so that you can be included in future Kilworth Kork communications. E-

mail addresses will only be shared amongst other Kilworth Kork members.


SUPPER FRIDAY 27TH JANUARY 2012 All South Kilworth Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to the inaugural Whisky Appreciation

Society Burns Night Supper at the Village Hall on Friday 27th January 2011.

There will also be a live Ceilidh Band to help us find our Celtic roots. Supper (not just Haggis!), Beer,

Wine and of course Whisky will be on offer and should help even the east enthusiastic dancer find their


Tickets will be £25 per person and will be available via members of WASOSK.

EDITORIAL Hoping everyone has had a good festive season and has a happy new year.

Ann Saunders
