Sizzler Sustainability Report


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Sustainability Report for Sizzler Toowong


13[Type the company name]

Contents1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Background

1.3 Scope

1.4 Methodology

1.5 Authorization

2.0 Findings

2.1 Definitions

2.1.1 What is sustainability in the work place?

2.1.2 What is Greening a business?

2.2 What are the current issues at Sizzler?

2.3 How can environmental sustainability help the issues help Sizzler?

2.4 What should be included in the environmental sustainability program to help Sizzler?

2.5 What is the current attitude of Sizzler staff towards sustainability and will they support it?

2.6 What was found from the surveys?

2.7 Sustainability Programs

2.7.1 Recycling of glass

2.7.2 Energy saving scheme

2.7.3 Water saving scheme

3.0 Analysis

4.0 Recommendations

5.0 Reference list

5.0 Appendices

5.1 Primary data

5.1.2 Percentages

5.1.3 Surveys

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

To investigate if the introduction of an environmental sustainability program could help

reduce costs, high levels of waste, high electricity use and help improve the ‘green

image’ of the company.

1.2 Background

Sizzler was the first to introduce the first Soup, Salad, Pasta, Fresh Fruit and Dessert Bar

concept. They sell a variety of foods including steak and sea food but also chicken, BBQ

ribs, combination meals and burgers. Sizzler is currently owned by Collins Foods Limited,

and Australian listed public company with its Head Office in Newmarket, Brisbane.

1.3 Scope

This report shall be covering the Toowong Sizzler. It will be focusing on all areas of the

shop. This report will also focus on what programs can benefit the store the most.

1.4 Methodology

Information was gathered using a survey of 10 staff members of Toowong Sizzler as well

as other various sources such as text books, internet websites and journals. The main

sources used were government websites. Data was also gathered from bathroom


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1.5 Authorization

This report was authorized by Mr. Noel McLean, who is this class’ teacher, on the 29th

of January 2013.

2.0 Findings

2.1 Definitions

2.1.1 What is sustainability in the work place?

Sustainability in a business can cover a vast array of issues which include governance

and ethics, preserving the environment, labor, health and safety conditions at home and

in the supply chain, company-sponsored voluntary work by staff and much more; and

for some companies it includes to quality of their products and services. (Johnson, 2010,

p. 4)

2.1.2 What is Greening a business?

Greening a business is the environmental practices considered to be changes to the

products, processes and policies such as reducing energy consumption and waste

consumption, using ecologically sustainable resources and implementing an

environmental management system. (Van Heeswijk, p. 24)

2.2 What are the current issues at Sizzler?

At sizzler there are currently no strategies to keep the business environmentally

sustainable. This was verbally confirmed by Ms. Emily Templeman, one of the managers

at Sizzler. (E, Templeman 2013, pers. comm.).

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2.3 How can environmental sustainability help the issues help Sizzler?

Recycling their glass bottles from wine, beer and other beverages that contain glass will

be one of the solutions. Not only glass will be recycled but other materials will be looked


2.4 What should be included in the environmental sustainability program

to help Sizzler?

By linking the primary and secondary data we can see that the staff is happy to have a

sustainability program within Sizzler. By linking what the staff feel the program should

include and the research from various sources, a program can be devised that includes

recycling, saving energy and saving water.

2.5 What is the current attitude of Sizzler staff towards sustainability and

will they support it?

Sizzler mainly hires younger staff for casuals, as proven by Ms. Emily Templeman (E,

Templeman 2013, pers. comm.). Younger generations are the pre-eminent carriers of

change; in an ideal situation it should be they who are sensitive towards this concept.

Sustainability is emphatically directed at safeguarding the interests of future

generations. However, younger generations find sustainable development of less

importance than what the older generations do. (Hesswijk 2009, p24). This being said,

the managerial staff of Sizzler are usually older people ranging from 25 and upwards.

The casuals may be slightly hesitant towards the changes but as for the managerial staff,

they will be more on board then the younger generations with the changes.

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2.6 What was found from the surveys?

From the following tables it is easy to deduce how the staff felt towards a sustainability

program. Seven out of ten staff wasn’t fazed if a sustainability program was

implemented, as shown by this graph created from the survey results.

1 2 3 4 5 NA012345678




How much is Sizzler in need of a sustainability program



The staff understood that if a sustainability program was implemented that it can have

an impact on them which is shown by the next graph.

Yes No0123456789

10 9


Do you feel a sustainability program in Sizzler would impact you?



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Although the previous research stated the younger staff felt that environmental

sustainability within the workplace does not affect them as much, nearly everyone

surveyed said that if a program was introduced it would affect them. This could be

because either mainly older staff was surveyed or because the younger staff feels

strongly towards sustainability.

The survey asked why they felt it would impact them. Some good answers were:

Any sustainability program that is implemented at any level always trickles

down to the lower levels (casuals etc.) in any work place. It usually requires the

help of all staff to succeed.

Sustainability affects all areas of the workplace otherwise there would be no

need to implement a sustainability program in the first place

Because changes in policies can be disruptive in work flow

An interesting answer was given by the person who selected no for this question:

I imagine any change wouldn’t be too significant and if it was then I’d just have

to adapt

These previous answers help to understand that the staff is willing to adapt to the

sustainability program if it is implemented.

To try and understand what kind of programs could be used, some questions were

asked about various sustainability aspects such as a recycling program, whether or not

an energy saving scheme would be followed and also gave the person surveyed a

chance to say what they think would be a suitable program to introduce.

The next graph shows how the staff feels towards a recycling program

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1 2 3 4 5 NA0











How well would a recycling program suit Sizzler?



This graph displays that the staff feel strongly about a recycling program. After this

question it was asked for them to write down what they feel should mostly be recycled.

The 2 things that the people surveyed should be recycled are card board as well as glass

bottles from whines and beer.

Next is a graph that shall display how well the people surveyed would follow an energy

saving scheme.

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1 2 3 4 5 NA0










If an energy saving scheme was implemented, how well would you follow it?



The majority of the staff was above average with 3 feeling like they don’t care to much

and 1 not really wanting to follow it.

When asked are there any sustainability programs in place at the moment, the staff only

put down that cardboard was recycled as well as polishing cloths were washed instead

of being thrown out.

From the data gathered it can be easily concluded that the main sustainability programs

to be investigated are recycling of glass as well as an energy saving scheme.

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2.7 Sustainability Programs

2.7.1 Recycling of glass

Glass is a very energy intensive material to recycle, but can be recycled endlessly. The major

down fall of glass recycling is that even five grams of the wrong glass is enough to contaminate

and weaken a whole tonne of recycled glass, resulting in it being sent to land fill (Brisbane City

Council Recycling list 201, P 9). The main types of glass that can be recycled are bottles and jars,

which is the main glass source that needs to be recycled at sizzlers. When preparing glass items

the labels must be removed from the item and also washed. The primary data has identified that

glass is one of the easiest resources within Sizzler to recycle.

A program that can be introduced is hiring a co-mingled recycling bin from Visy. This means that

any recyclable material, such as metals, cardboard and glass, can be placed into this bin and

recycled. This would mean that another non-recyclable bin can be replaced thus proving to have

no extra costs to the business. The bins at Sizzler are currently costing $20 a week to hire and

$15 per pick up. Sizzler has its bins picked up once a week. With Vizzy the bins will cost $18 a

week for hiring and will cost $14 a week for each pickup thus proving less expensive than their

current situation.

2.7.2 Energy saving scheme

Main categories that can be used for Sizzler’s energy saving schemes are lighting, heating,

ventilation and air-conditioning and refrigeration. Lighting

Some small changes that can be done to lighting are. One major and simple fix is swapping all

bulbs for Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). These CFL lights save between 67% and 80% more

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energy compared to incandescent bulbs (Energy-Efficient Bulbs: Halogen vs. Fluorescent vs.

Incandescent 2010, ¶ 1).

Another program can be to install signs to remind people to turn lights off. When lights are

turned off when un-needed they save 100% energy compared to if they are left on. Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning

An improvement for air-conditioning can be running the air conditioner at 250C. Every degree

under 250C will add an extra 10% running cost. (Energy sense for aircon, ¶ 1).

2.7.3 Water saving scheme

Some schemes to save water can be install water efficient toilets and also install water saving

tap heads. Install water efficient toilets

Older models of toilets use up to 12 litres of water per flush where as a dual-flush toilets use

only 3 litres of water on a half flush. A 4 star rated toilet can save up to $312 per year as well as

saving up to 50,808 litres of water per year. (The sustainable bathroom guide, ¶ 5-6). A Caroma

Mila is a toilet with a 4 star saving rating that saves 4.5 liters on a full flush and 3 litres on a half

flush. This toilet will cost $589.99 which means it must be used for 2 years until it will start

saving money. Water efficient tap heads

A 5 star tap head for the bathroom can save up to 67% on water, energy and greenhouse gasses

(The sustainable bathroom guide, ¶ 4). Annually the tap will save up to $297. A tap that can be

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installed is a Porcher Saga. This tap only costs $129 which means it will take less than half a year

to make back the taps price in savings. (Happiness Zone, ¶ 1)

3.0 Analysis

The previous schemes are simple schemes that require little effort from the staff. The survey

shows that the staff feels Sizzler can benefit from a sustainability program and that the majority

of staff will follow a scheme, such as energy saving scheme, if it was implemented thus proving

that a scheme should be implemented.

Recycling will require some effort from the staff. The current bin costs $20 a week to hire as well

as $15 per pick up. The Vissy bin will cost $19 per week to hire and $14 per pick up. The staff

however will have to wash plastic bottles and remove labels off most items such as glass bottles,

milk bottles, tinned goods and other various plastic goods. It is recommended that the store

trials with the staff on whether or not they will follow the procedure of preparing items to be

recycled and if all goes well to go ahead with hiring a recyclable bin.

For saving energy with lighting it is recommended that all incandescent bulbs are swapped for

CFLs. This swap will help save 67%-80% of energy per light bulb.

For air-conditioning it is recommended that the air conditioner is maintained properly by

cleaning the filters regularly and keep the air conditioner at 250C. As the energy consumption

goes up by 10% per degree under 250C it is an easy and efficient fix. If customers are unhappy

with the temperature inside the store it should be kept as close to 250C as possible.

If the business if confident they will still be around for more than 2 years it is recommended that

a Caroma Mila toilet is installed. The toilet will help save up to $312 per year. The toilet will cost

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$589.99 a year which means the toilet must be in use for 23 months until it will start returning


It is recommended that in the bathroom water efficient tap heads are installed. If the Porcher

Saga tap head is installed it will help save up to 67% in water, energy and greenhouse gasses.

The tap only costs $129 and will save up to $297 per year meaning that it will take less than 6

months to save the money the tap had has saved.

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4.0 Recommendations

Based on the findings the following, the following schemes are recommended:

1. The staff should be trialed to see if they are willing to do what is necessary to recycle goods,

if successful a Vissy co-mingled recycling binned should be used at the store.

2. Incandescent Bulbs should be swapped with CFL bulbs

3. The air-conditioner should be kept as close to 250C as possible

4. The business should install Caroma Mila toilets

5. Lastly it is recommended that Porcher Saga tap heads should be installed

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5.0 Reference list

Johnson, M, 2010. Environmental Sustainability within the Restaurant Industry, 2-11.

van Heeswijk, J, 2009. Younge people, sustainable development and education. Younge

and Sustainable, 24.

© The Economist Intelligence Unit 2007. 2007. Action or Aspiration? Sustainability in the

work place. [ONLINE] Available


Publicationsandreports/PDF/eiu_sustainability_research_global_final.pdf. [Accessed 26

February 13].

Mair, J, Jago, L, 2010. The development of a conceptual model of greening in the

business events tourism sector. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18, 78.

Smart Energy Savings Program | Queensland Government. 2013. Smart Energy Savings

Program | Queensland Government. [ONLINE] Available


ideas/smart-energy-saving-programs. [Accessed 26 March 2013].

Visy - For a Better World. 2013. Visy - For a Better World. [ONLINE] Available

at: [Accessed 26 March 2013].

Sizzler. 2013. Sizzler. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26

March 2013].

14Rowan Semple 4/24/2013

Recycling list - Brisbane City Council. 2013. Recycling list - Brisbane City Council.

[ONLINE] Available at:


[Accessed 08 April 2013].

Energy-Efficient Bulbs: Halogen Vs. Fluorescent Vs. Incandescent | National Geographic.

2013. Energy-Efficient Bulbs: Halogen Vs. Fluorescent Vs. Incandescent | National

Geographic. [ONLINE] Available at:

efficient-bulbs-halogen-vs-fluorescent-vs-incandescent-3228.html. [Accessed 08 April


Caroma Milan BTW Close Coupled Toilet Suite | Reece Bathroom Products.

2013. Caroma Milan BTW Close Coupled Toilet Suite | Reece Bathroom Products.

[ONLINE] Available at:

btw-close-coupled-toilet-suite. [Accessed 08 April 2013].

Ergon Energy - Energy sense for aircon. 2013. Ergon Energy - Energy sense for aircon.

[ONLINE] Available at:

sense-for-aircon. [Accessed 08 April 2013]

Porcher Saga Basin Mixer | Reece Bathroom Products. 2013. Porcher Saga Basin Mixer |

Reece Bathroom Products. [ONLINE] Available

at: [Accessed

20 April 2013].

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5.0 Appendices

5.1 Primary data

Rank TotalQuestion 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 0 0 4 4 2 0 105 0 1 7 1 0 1 106 0 1 4 3 2 0 109 1 0 3 4 1 1 10

12 0 2 1 6 1 0 1013 0 1 3 4 1 1 1014 0 1 2 6 0 1 10


Rank TotalQuestion 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 0% 0% 40% 40% 20% 0% 100%5 0% 10% 70% 10% 0% 10% 100%6 0% 10% 40% 30% 20% 0% 100%9 10% 0% 30% 40% 10% 10% 100%

12 0% 20% 10% 60% 10% 0% 100%13 0% 10% 30% 40% 10% 10% 100%14 0% 10% 20% 60% 0% 10% 100%

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