SIX MONTHLY COMPLIANCE REPORT ON … EC Compliance Report for period Jun… ·  ·...


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Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance Sl. No.

Stipulated Conditions Compliance

1 Applicant (Project proponent) will take necessary measures for prevention, control and mitigation of Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution and Land Pollution including solid waste management Plan (EMP) in compliance with the prescribed statutory norms and standards.

Following Pollution control systems has been installed for Phase-I expansion from 0.9 MTPA to 1.35 MTPA and shall be installed for Phase-II expansion by installation of second CVRM and 27 MW CPP for prevention ,control of pollution and mitigation of Air, Water ,Noise & Land pollution including solid waste management - Air Pollution Control For Phase-I we have installed Bag filters as per

enclosed Annexure-1 (a). For Phase-II expansion 1. For second CVRM we shall install Bag filters

enclosed as Annexure-I (b). 2. For 27 MW CPP we shall install ESP enclosed as

Annexure-1 (c). Water Pollution Control For Phase-I, we have already a Sewage Treatment

Plant (STP) For Phase-II, we shall install an Effluent Treatment

Plant (ETP). Noise Pollution Control Noise pollutions from fans, centrifugal pumps,

electric motors has been kept below the permissible limit OF 85 dB(A) at 1 meter away from the source for the Phase-I expansion and it will be followed after Phase-II expansion also including CPP. Noise from safety valves, start up vents, steam jet ejector and condenser etc will be reduced by providing silencers at outlet of down stream piping.

Solid Waste Management For Phase-I expansion, due to use of dry process of

cement production and recycling the dust collected in bag filters etc , there is no solid waste . However the sludge from STP shall is used as manure for green belt development.

For Phase-II expansion, Sludge from ETP shall be disposed as hazardous waste. Fly ash shall be transported pneumatically with the

help of dense phase pneumatic to the fly ash storage silo.

Bottom Ash will be collected from overflow spouts into ash cooler hoppers. Ash from the hoppers, after sufficient cooling will be discharged through ash vessel of pneumatic conveying system to bottom ash silo. The balance ash shall be used for filling of low lying areas and road construction.

Sl. No.

Stipulated Conditions Compliance

2 The applicant will take necessary steps for socio-economic development of the people of the area on need based assessment for providing employment, education, health care, drinking water and sanitation, road and communication facilities etc. after a detailed primary socio-economic survey.

A detailed Socio –economic survey has been got done by M/s Jansadhana for the people of peripheral areas and action has been taken of providing need based employment. Work is being done for development of education by adopting village school and giving help to schools in form of books, stationary etc. For health, the company has sponsored a Mobile Medical Unit through Help age India, which visit the peripheral villages and gives medicine to needy. For drinking water we have already made 6 bore wells in peripheral panchayat, 3 nos rain water harvesting ponds etc. It usually takes repair maintenance of most of roads leading to factory from the villages, through Panchayats help. These has been already done for Phase-I and will be continued with Phase-II expansion also.

3 The applicant will comply to the points, concerns and issues raised by the people during public hearing conducted on 06.01.2011 and 07.01.2011 in accordance with the commitments made by him thereon.

A detailed compliance report in this regards is already provided as Annexure-2.

4 The applicant will take statutory clearance/approval/permissions from the concerned authorities in respect of his project as and when required.

It was already done for Phase-I and Noted for Phase-II expansion.

5 For post environmental clearance monitoring, the applicant will submit half-yearly compliance report in respect of the stipulated terms and conditions of Environmental Clearance to the State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Orissa on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.

Being complied by this report for Phase –I expansion and Noted for Phase II

6 Bag filter will be provided to ball mill to control particulate emissions within 50 mg/Nm3. Dust emissions will be mitigated by water spraying on the roads within the plant premises.

It was already provided for the Phase-I expansion & it shall be provided for Phase-II expansion.

7 Dust from cement grinding unit collected in pollution control equipments will be recycled back to the process. Waste/used/spend oil and used batteries will be sold to authorized recyclers/re-processors.

It was already implemented for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion.

8 Particulate emissions shall be controlled within 50 mg/Nm3 by installing adequate air pollution control system viz. bag filters and stacks of adequate height etc. Data on ambient air, fugitive and stack emissions shall be submitted to the Ministry, Orissa State Pollution Control Board and CPCB regularly.

We are already maintaining these for the Phase-I expansion and we will maintain it for the Phase-II expansion also.

9 The National Ambient Air Quality Standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R. No 826 (E) dated 16th November 2009 should be followed.

We are already following these for the Phase-I expansion and noted for Phase-II expansion.

Sl. No.

Stipulated Conditions Compliance

10 The company shall install adequate dust collection and extraction system to control fugitive dust emissions at various transfer points, handling (unloading, conveying, transporting, stacking), vehicular movement, bagging and packing areas etc. All the raw material stock piles should be covered. A closed clinker stockpile system shall be provided. All conveyers shall be covered with GI sheets. Covered sheds for storage of raw materials and fully covered conveyers for transportation of materials shall be provided besides coal, cement, fly ash and clinker shall be stored in silos. Pneumatic systems shall be used for fly ash handling.

It has been already implemented for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion. All conveyors are covered with GI sheets. Clinker is stored in close clinker silo. Gypsum is stored under cover shed. Auxiliary bag filters installed for dust collection at transfer points to control fugitive dust emissions at various transfer points.

11 Asphalting/concreting of roads and water spray all around the stock yard and loading/unloading areas in the cement plant shall be carried out to control fugitive emissions. Regular water sprinkling shall be carried out in critical areas prone to air pollution and having high levels of PM and RSPM such as haul road, loading and unloading points, transfer points and other vulnerable areas. It shall be ensured that the ambient air quality parameters conform to the norms prescribed by the central pollution control Board in this regard.

Already we are followed these for the phase-I expansion and it will be continuing after the phase-II expansion. Regular water sprinkling is carried out in critical areas prone to air pollution and having high levels of PM and RSPM such as haul road, loading and unloading points, transfer points and other vulnerable areas. It is ensured that the ambient air quality parameters conform to the norms prescribed by the central pollution

12 Efforts shall be made to reduce impact of the transport of the raw materials and end products on the surrounding environment including agricultural land. All the raw materials should be transported in the closed containers only and should not be overloaded. Vehicular emissions shall be regularly monitored.

It was already implemented for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion. All the raw materials is transported by railway rakes or in the closed containers only and same is not overloaded. Vehicular emissions are monitored regularly.

13 Total water requirement from bore wells shall not exceed 104m3/day. Efforts shall be made to further reduce water consumption by using air cooled condensers. All the treated wastewater should be recycled and reused in the process and / or for dust suppression and green belt development and other plat related activities etc. No process wastewater shall be discharged outside the factory premises and zero discharge should be adopted.

It is being complied for Phase-I. Noted for compliance for Phase-II also. All the treated wastewater is recycled and reused in the process and / or for dust suppression and green belt development and other plat related activities etc We will ensure zero discharge by re-circulating and reusing the treated water through ETP for Phase II expansion also..

14 All the bag filter dust, raw meal dust, coal dust, clinker dust and cement dust from pollution control devices shall be recycled and reused in the process used for cement manufacturing. Spent oil and batteries shall be sold to authorized recyclers/re-processors.

It is already implemented for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion.

15 High efficiency Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) shall be installed to ensure that particulate emission does not exceed 50 mg/Nm3.

It will be noted for CPP.

16 Excess water along with storm water during monsoon should not be discharge into the surrounding low lying area. The storm water during monsoon will be collected in a pond and after appropriate treatment shall be stored in a reservoir for use in plantation, dust suppression etc.

It was already followed for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion.

17 Under no circumstances the process water shall be discharged to nearby water body. It should be properly treated, stored and 100% recycled in the process.

It was already followed for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion.

18 The proponent shall obtain permission from Water Resources Department, Govt. of Odisha for drawl of water.

Already got for Phase-I and noted for Phase-II expansion.

19 No ground water shall be extracted for the project work at any stage.

Noted for compliance.

20 The technical specification of AFBC system, lime requirement along with point of injection into the bed, peak temperature of combustion, SO2 and Nox emission potential etc. from the manufacturer to ensure the pollution potential (both qualitative and quantitative) of the proposed project with respect to bed ash, fly ash, effluents, emissions etc. to be submitted to SEIAA before commissioning of the plant.

Noted for Phase-II expansion.

21 The proponent shall treat the flue gas through Flue Gas De-sulfurisation (FGD), if SO2 emission level exceeds the prescribed norm.

We shall be taking up treatment of flue gas accordingly, in the event of the SO2 emission having exceeded the prescribed norm for CPP expansion in phase II.

22 Adequate dust extraction system such as cyclones/bag filters and water spray system in dusty area such as in coal handling and ash handling points, transfer areas and other vulnerable dusty areas shall be provided.

Adequate dust arresting and extraction systems are installed as mentioned below- i) Bag filters are already provided at belt

conveyors transfer points to control fugitive dust for Phase-I expansion and it shall be provided for Phase-II expansion.

ii) Bag filters will provide in flyash silo areas to control fugitive dust for Phase-II expansion.

iii) Pneumatic transportation system from CPP to Cement plant to eliminate fugitive dust emission in ash handling shall be provided for Phase-II expansion.

iv) Water spray system installed at dusty area of coal handling and other vulnerable points

Sl. No.

Stipulated Conditions Compliance

23 Fly ash shall be collected in dry form and storage facility (silos) shall be provided 100% fly ash utilization shall be ensured as per fly ash notification of MoEF, Govt. of India. Unutilized fly ash and bottom ash shall be stored in the ash pond separately through high concentration slurry disposal method. Mercury levels along with other heavy metals (Pb, Cr. As etc.) should be monitored in the fly ash/bottom ash, leachates and effluents emanating from the ash pond.

Not applicable for Phase I expansion. For Phase II expansion 100% Fly ash utilization in our cement production will be ensured subject to the technological support. As stated above. Any surplus from the system shall be stored in fly ash silo and compartment silo of the cement plant, duly protected (It shall be provided for Phase-II expansion).

24 Ash pond shall be lined with HDPE/LDPE lining or any other suitable impermeable media such that no leachate takes place at any point of time. Adequate safety measures shall also be implemented to protect the ash dyke from getting breached.

Storing of fly ash will be done in the fly ash silos and compartment silo of the cement plant. However, installation of the dry ash with pneumatic conveying system is considered in this project (It shall be provided for Phase-II expansion).

25 The treated effluents conforming to the prescribed standards shall be re-circulated and reused within the plant. There shall be no discharge outside the plant boundary. Arrangements shall be made so that effluents and storm water do not get mixed.

For Phase-I, there is nil effluent discharge outside. For Phase-II expansion also we shall be ensuring zero effluent discharge by re-circulating and reusing the treated water through ETP.

26 A sewage treatment plant shall be provided and the treated sewage shall be used for raising green belt/plantation.

It was already done for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion. The treated sewage is used for raising green belt/plantation

27 The project proponent shall undertake proactive water harvesting measures and water storage for a larger period not less than 30 days storage shall be developed. The rain water harvesting system shall be put in place before commissioning of the plant. Central Groundwater Authority/Board shall be consulted for finalization of appropriate rainwater harvesting technology/design within a period of three months from the date of this clearance and details shall be furnished. The design of rain water harvesting shall comprise of rain water collection from the built up and open area in the plant premises. Action plan and road map for implementation shall be submitted to the SEIAA within six months.

It was already implemented for the Phase-I & it will be continuing after Phase-II expansion. At present we are able to manage more than 6 months from the harvested rain water. A detail note is attached as Annexture-3

Sl. No.

Stipulated Conditions Compliance

28 Adequate safety measures shall be provided in the plant area to check/minimize spontaneous fires in coal yard, especially during summer season. Details of these measures to be taken along with location plant layout shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Odisha.

Adequate safety measures have been provided in the plant area to check/minimize spontaneous fires in coal yard for Phase I expansion. For this purpose, the stacking of coal is not done higher than 4 meter height, coal removal is on basis of first in first out and a ring main with valves at the periphery of ring at a distance of about 20 m has been provided. Annexure-4 gives the layout and details of water ring. Further we have taken all required safety measures in our Plant area for Phase-I expansion like provided fire extinguishers as earmarked places for use during any fire. It will be followed for the Phase-II expansion also.

29 Storage facilities for auxiliary liquid fuel such as LDO and HFO/LSHS shall be made in the plant area where risk is minimum. On site and off site Disaster Management Plans shall be prepared to meet any eventuality in case of an accident taking place. Mock drills shall be conducted regularly and based on the same, modifications required, if any shall be incorporated in the Disaster Management Plan (DMP). Sulfur content in the liquid fuel will not exceed 0.5%.

This is strictly complied with, as specified and also in terms of the guidelines under the Explosives Rules, 2008 for the Phase-I expansion and it shall be implemented for Phase-II expansion also.

30 Regular monitoring of ground water in and around the ash pond area shall be carried out, records maintained and half yearly reports shall be furnished to the SEIAA, Odisha.

This may not be applicable to us in Phase I expansion, as we do not have ash pond at present. We do not envisage in future also, in terms of the fact that we are to store the fly ash in the fly ash silo and compartment silo of our cement plant after Phase II expansion..

31 A green belt of adequate width and density preferably with local species along the periphery of the plant & alongside roads etc. shall be raised so as to provide protection against particulates and noise. It must be ensured that at least 33% of the total land area shall be under permanent green cover. The project proponent shall ensure proper maintenance of green belt throughout the year & for this purpose they may engaged professionals in this field for creation and maintenance of green belt. An action plan for this purpose shall be prepared accordingly and submitted to the SEIAA, Odisha.

Already plantation was stared over 112 acres of land which was the 33% of the plant area. Till now we have planted 35753 no of trees. And in future the density will increase over 112 acres. Plantation detailed enclosed as Annexure-5

32 First aid and sanitation arrangements shall be made for the drivers and other contract workers during construction phase.

First aid and sanitation arrangements are being provided for the Phase-I expansion and it will implemented for Phase-II expansion.

Sl. No.

Stipulated Conditions Compliance

33 Noise levels emanating from turbines and air compressors shall be limited to 75 dBA. For people working in the high noise area, requisite personal protective equipments like earplugs/ear muffs etc. shall be provided. Workers engaged in noisy areas such as turbine area, air compressors etc shall be periodically examined to maintain audiometric record and for treatment for any hearing loss including shifting to no noisy/less noisy areas.

Noise level is being maintained as per norms and will be maintained as per norm after Phase- II expansion also. Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) with respect to noisy area are provided and use of PPEs is being ensured by the concerned people. Necessary test, as stipulated, were conducted for Phase-I in regular interval for the persons working in noisy area and it will be followed after Phase-II expansion.

34 Regular monitoring of ground level concentration of SO2, Nox RSPM (PM10 & PM2.5) etc. shall be carried out in the impact zone and records to be maintained. If at any stage these levels are found to exceed the prescribed limits, necessary control measures shall be provided immediately. The location of the monitoring stations and frequency of monitoring shall be decided in consultation with SPCB, Odisha.

Regular monitoring of SO2, NOx RSPM etc will be carried out as per guideline of SPCB for Phase-I expansion and it will followed after Phase-II expansion.

35 Management and disposal of other solid waste and hazardous waste generated shall be done by the project proponent as per the provisions of the relevant statutory rules.

Solid waste from STP were used in green belt development for Phase-I expansion. Noted for Phase-II expansion.

36 Provision shall be made for housing of construction labourers within the site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care, crèche etc. The housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be improved after the completion of the project.

This has been taken care.

37 An Environmental Cell comprising of at least one expert in environmental science/engineering, occupational health and social scientist, shall be created at the project site itself and shall be headed by an officer of appropriate superiority and qualification. It shall be ensured that the Head of the Cell shall directly report to the head of the organization and he shall be held responsible for implementation of environmental regulations and social impact improvement/mitigation measures.

Environmental Cell has been formed for implementation of environmental safeguards. The cell consists of expert from environmental science / Engineering, occupational health / social scientist and headed by Divisional Head of the Factory. A detailed Organizational chart of same is enclosed as Annexure -6.

Half yearly report on the status of implementation of the stipulated conditions and environmental safeguards shall be submitted to the appropriate authorities (SEIAA, Odisha).

Being complied with accordingly.

39 Half yearly report on the status of implementation of environmental protection measures along with item wise break-up. These cost shall be included as part of the project cost. The funds earmarked for the environment protection measures shall not be diverted for other purposes and year-wise expenditure should be reported.

It will be complied with accordingly. Earmarked funds have since been created and we will ensure the same for not being diverted to some other purpose.

Sl. No.

Stipulated Conditions Compliance

40 The need of the local people should be appropriately addressed in the CSR activities to be undertaken by the project proponent in the area. An action plan in this regard should be prepared and submitted to SEIAA, Odisha.

We have already undertaken quite a good number of developmental work under CSR and some are yet in offing to address the needs of the people dwelling in the vicinity, based on socio economic survey report. A detail action plan for the year 2012-13 onwards is given in Annexure -7

41 The project proponent shall advertise in at least two local newspapers widely circulated in the region around the project, one of which shall be in the vernacular language of the locality concerned within seven days from the date of this clearance letter, informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and copies of clearance letter are available with the State Pollution Control Board and SEIAA.

Advertisement done in two local news papers “The Dharitri” dated 10.12.2011 in odia language and in “The Odisha Post” dated 10.12.2011 in English language attached as Annexure-8.

42 A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concerned Panchayat, Zila Parisad/Municipal Corporation, urban local Body and the Local NGO, if any, from whom suggestions/representations, if any, received while procession the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put on the website of the Company by the proponent.

Receipted copy of letter sent to 5 Panchayat (Paria, Uchhapada, Garudagaon, Kanheipur & Byree) attached as Annexure-9. Already putted on Company website.

43 The environment statement for each financial year ending 31st March in Form-V as is mandated to be submitted by the project proponent to the concerned State Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the Environment (Protection), Rules, 1986, amended subsequently, shall also be put on the website of the company along with the status of compliance of environmental clearance conditions and shall also be sent to the respective Regional Offices of the Ministry by e-mail.

The environment statement for each financial year ending 31st March in Form-V will be submitted to the Orissa State Pollution Control Board for Phase –I expansion and put on the website of the company along with the status of compliance of environmental clearance conditions. Same will be also followed for Phase II expansion when due.

44 The above mentioned stipulated conditions shall be complied in time bound manner. Failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned above may result in withdrawal of this clearance and attract penal action under the provisions of Environment Protection (EP) act, 1986

We take a note of it.

Annexure-1 (a)

List of Pollution Control Equipment Installed for Phase-I Expansion

Annexure-1 (b)

List of Pollution Control Equipment to be Installed for Phase-II expansion

2.7 MTPA Cement Grinding Unit .

Annexure: 1 (c) For 27 MW CPP Stack Emission The ESP shall be designed to provide an outlet dust concentration level of 50 mg/Nm3 with all (n=4) field in service, with the CFBC boiler operating with the design basis as specified for the worst operating condition of the fuel composition and overall dust collection efficiency 99.96% with all field in service. Outlet of ESP will be connected to a tall stack of 72 m height designed as per CPCB EIA/EMP Study for Expansion of Cement Plant & Establishment of 27 MW CPP-KCW guidelines. The aspect ratio of the ESP (electrode zone) shall be optimally selected, so as to minimize re-entrainment and carryover of the collected dust, and for assured ESP performance.

Sl No

Proposed Pollution Control


Pollution Control

Equipment attached


Quantity of

Pollution Control

Equipment in Nos

Designed Gas Handling

Capacity of Pollution Control

Equipment in m3/hr

Quantity of emission m3/hr

Efficiency in %

1 ESP Boiler 1 2,60,000 2,55,000 99.96









The actual monitoring system of pollution equipments at plant premises .Further they wanted the Panchayat sarapanchs should be associated with actual monitoring of pollution equipments.

As per requirement of State Pollution Control Board OCL does monitoring of pollution equipments by its own competent team and send the monitoring data to the authority of State Pollution Control Board on monthly basis. The monthly pollution measurement data is being displayed at main gate notice board. However if any panchayat Sarapanch wants to see the data he can go through in details. In addition to this monitoring is also conducted by the OSPCB office, Cuttack during their periodical visit to our plant. Regarding the association of the Panchayat Sarapanchs OCL can constitute a joint committee with the representative of the OCL and concerned Sarapanch of panchayat. Since the panchayat does not have monitoring/measuring equipment so OCL official will involve for monitoring/measurement of the same with them.

Monitoring is already being carried out in association with the Panchayat Sarapanchs , they have been invited to be member of committee.


Rs 2000/ per yr for conducting meeting

People raised the issue regarding the plantation programme of the factory 20 acre patch will be provided by people for plantation in

OCL clarified that plantation on 112 acres of land will be made within 5 years after clearance of MOEF to create the green belt in and out of the plant premises. In addition 20 acres of land,

After completion of balance plantation on own, within

For own land completion by 2015..

Cost of plantation on about Rs 24 lacs and

Kanheipur area. if the village Kanheipur provided for plantation, OCL will take up the plantation work within 2-3 years after completion of 112 acres in the own land.

2015, the work of Kanhaipur Panchayat will be taken up, provided the land with permission of govt for plantation is handed over by panchyat for the same.

For kanhaipur land by 2016-17

on 20acre at kanheipur land Rs 8 lacs

Heat radiation of Power Plant and its effect in the locality.

OCL clarified that, with respect to heat emission from chimney the effect on the environment will be about 0.00040 in the area of 5 Km which is negligible.

After getting the EC clearance work will start. OCL will be taking care of proper insulation and undertake massive plantation in around the plant premises.

NA Cost of insulation , which is already in project cost will be about Rs 190 lacs and Rs.32 lacs for plantation.

People were interested to know about the bad condition of the approach road to the plant.

Mr. M K Mohanty Chief Mgr. Prodn. clarified the following for the Bhagatpur to Kanpur approach road to plant. Bhagatpur-Kanpur road is the shortest approach road from Tangi to plant which is at present moorum road under RD department. Since govt. is not having budgetary provision for improvement of this road hence OCL has approach govt. of Orissa through Collector, Cuttack to improve the above road under People Partnership Project (PPP) in BOOT model. OCL, KCW has submitted a DPR of Rs. 17.00 crores

Construction work will start immediately on recipt of approval to be made under BOT(Built Own Operate Tower) from Govt of Orissa , handover of land by R& D Dept.

Govt. Of Orissa has not yet indicated any date for approval.

Rs 17 crores ( as per 2010 estimate ) if approved .Additional to take care of inflation.

and requested for permission and handing over the road and l and without encumbrance as 6 to7 people claim that some portion of road is on their private land.

SOCIAL ISSUES The employment and wages to the employees of the Company.

About 90% of local people is engaged in the factory, the same process will be continued after expansion also. Regarding permanent employment, he clarified that, the workers those who are working with registered and licensed contractors under the contract labour (regulation & Abolition) act. The benefits like PF and insurance polices etc. are also covered under this scheme. Regarding daily wages he has clarified that, the workers are paid the minimum wages as per the provision under the Minimum wages Act/Rules and their wage revision are being done according to revision made by the govt. of Odisha from time to time.

After getting EC , further employment will be done and OCL shall take care of 90 % local employment as per Govt of Orissa guideline.


The issue of Hospital/Medical facility to the locality.

One mobile Health Van visits fortnightly to five panchayats, the visits will be more in the panchayats and some extra points will be included in the area after consulting the panchayts body. As suggested by people the company will extend the service to safa panchayat also.

It is already functioning, as a sponsored project of KCW and it will continue in future also.

Regular Rs 11 lacs per year







How the company control the dust pollution after expansion of the factory?

The dust pollution in the factory will be controlled by fixing Bag Filters in each chimney where dust is likely to get emitted. The company will put ESP for control of dust in power plant. The Fly Ash of the power plant will be utilized in production of fly ash bases Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC).

After getting EC permission the work will be started.

15/5/12 Cost of bag filters- Cost of ESPs per project report about Rs 20 crores

Use of ground water in the factory premises.

Mr. R Pandey clarified that, the company has created Kachha drains inside the plant premises to preserve the rain water for recharging the same in the ground due to which ground water level remain high. Further stored rain water is used for cooling of the machines. The used water is re-cycle, thus water consumption is very low. The company has taken NOC from Central Ground Water Authority. Ground water survey done by Ground Water Survey and Investigation Division, Jobra, Cuttack Govt. of Odisha, indicates good water availability in

Kacha drain with check dams Completed


Cost to wards kacha drain- Rs 15 lacs

this area. As per the advice of CGWA, KCW has conducted a detailed hydrological investigation of the area. The hydrological survey done by SS Environics, there is hardly 10.94% utilization of replainishible ground water in this area of 5 Km including OCL (KCW). The company uses the preserve rain water for 8 to 9 months for plant use by which company had saved Rs. 14 lakhs in this financial year and achieved National Energy Conservation Award 2010 from central govt. OCL agreed to the proposal of Paria Sarapanch for renovation of Amiyajhari Sarbora Pokhari. OCL has agreed to make the check dam for Kusupada village water pond, as villagers has approach and same as per Govt. guide line for the benefit of the local people. OCL has renovated two ponds in Suniapada village and regarding deepening of Mania Harda, if it is approved by govt./panchayat it will done by OCL, provided harda gets dried.

Amiyajhari sarbora pokhari-deepening is going on Ckeck dam of kuspada village Renovation cost of two ponds of suniapada When the harda will dry up deepening activities will be carried out.

Within 1 year of getting permission from administration., say by June 2012 Completed

After drying of Harda


Renovation of Amiyajhari sar-bora pokhari- Rs 5.6lacs Check dam of kuspada village-2*2= Rs 4 lacs in two phases. Renovation cost of two ponds of suniapada- Rs 5.6lacs Deeping of mania harda pokhari Expected Rs 7 lacs

It is also clarified that ground water is so costly as it is to be taken for 100 M depth, no one can run power plant with ground water. So, OCL has already made application for 1500 Cum/day water from river Birupa, which has been sanctioned by WAC, govt. and permission is expected after taken clearance of power plant proposal.

After EC and on recipt of permission from Water Resouce deprt , before start of new construction

during 2014

Cost of intake structure , pipe line and reservoir as per project reports about Rs 15 crores.

The plantation programme of the company after expansion of the factory

The company will make 112 acres of land after approved of MOEF during course of time as given in the EIA report.

It is going on regularly

14/5/2014 Cost of plantation over 112acre—Rs 24 lacs

The uses of fly ash which will come out from the power plant

The fly ash of the power plant will be used in the production of PPC cement for which company has already got permission.

After getting the EC clearance, work will start.

-- Cost of system modification included in project work-

There will be rise in temperature due to expansion due to heat radiation.

Company will use best heat insulating materials for complete covering of the equipments where temperature is high so that working area temperature will be 300C or ambient temperature with respect to heat emission from chimney the effect on the environment will be about 0.00040C in the area of 5.00 KM which is negligible. So there will not be any rise of temperature due to expansion.

After getting the EC clearance, work will start. OCL will take care of proper insulation etc

-- Cost of insulation , which is included in project cost i.e; about Rs 190 lacs

SOCIAL ISSUES The employment of the local people after expansion of the factory and permanent employment/revision of daily wages.

About 90% of local people is engaged in the factory, the same process will be continued after expansion also. Regarding permanent employment, he clarified that, the workers those who are working with registered and licensed contractors under the contract labour (regulation & Abolition) act. The benefits like PF and insurance polices etc. are also

After getting EC , further employment will be done and OCL shall take care of

-- NA

covered under this scheme. Regarding daily wages he has clarified that, the workers are paid the minimum wages as per the provision under the Minimum wages Act/Rules and their wage revision are being done according to revision made by the govt. of Odisha from time to time.

90% of local employment as per Govt of Orissa guidelines.

The issue of Hospital/Medical facility to the locality.

One mobile Health Van visits fortnightly to five panchayats, the visits will be more in the panchayats and some extra points will be included in the area after consulting the panchayts body. He also clarified that, the company has made a dispensary out side the plant premises for First-Aid of the local people.

It is already functioning, as a sponsored project of KCW and it will continue in future also.

Regular Rs 11 lacs per year


Rain Water Harvesting

Presently KCW has made 2 reservoirs of 5000 m3 capacity each i.e total 10000 m3 in which the rain water is stored after collection from drain, ponds and is used for plant operation. We have also made kachha drain of 2m x 2.5m x 2000m in which check dam has been made to retain storm water up to 2m height. Thus about 10000 m3 water remains in drain in rainy season and after rainy season also. The Kachha drain not only helps in recharging the water to the ground but also throughout rainy season we are able to operate the plant by pumping this rain water to the reservoir. This drain water is used for plant operation by pumping to reservoir and from reservoir to the plant by pumping after treatment. The roof top water is directed to the main rain water drains as mentioned above through sub drains and pipes and utilized for plant as mentioned above. After rainy season about 20,000 m3 of rain water is available for plant operation for about a month. Since there used to be some rains during winter and summer, so rain water collected during that period is also used for plant cooling operation/drinking/sanitation after treatment. To store the rain water during the rainy season two nos. of ponds of capacities about 10000 m3 and 15000 m3 with check dams has been developed in village Suniapada, which is about 100 mtrs from the plant boundary. This water is usually used by villagers and after summer season, same (24250 m3 surplus after evaporation loss) can be pumped for plant also with consent from proper authority.

Annexure-5 KCW have already planted 35753 trees in side factory and the company also planed for further plantation in side/outside in future years. The table shows detail plantation done so far.


1 Devdaru 2504 2 Akashia 5013 3 Chakunda 4732 4 Peltapharm 201 5 Gold Mohar 2030 6 Niim 2506 7 Simarua 2150 8 Kaju 470 9 Putarangi 1065 10 American silport 1550 11 Teak wood 2141 12 Patoli 750 13 Mango 1066 14 Chatian 2510 15 Sunari 375 16 Karanja 225 17 Arjuna 510 18 Harida 635 19 Bahada 960 20 Ambla 712 21 Manjium 1160 22 Ashoka 78 23 Mainguim 80 24 Babula 20 25 Others 1710

26 Subhabul 600 Total 35753

Annexure-5(a) Greenbelt Development Plan

Sl. No.

Year(Implementation shall be done after Phase-II expansion)

Area to be

covered for Gap Filling (Acre)

Gap Filling (No. of

saplings to be planted

in nos.)

Species to be planted

1 1st Yr 22.4 10000 2 2nd Yr 22.4 10000

3 3rd Yr 22.4 10000

4 4th Yr 22.4 10000

5 5th Yr 22.4 10000

Total 112 50000

Mixed culture like Chakunda, Akashia, Babul, Teak, Debdaru, Mango, Jack fruits, Guava, Papaya, Sanjibani, Neem, Jamun, Simaru, Gulmohar etc.

Already Planted over 112 acres 35753

Total Target 112 85753


CHAIRMAN (Divisional Head)


(Chief of Production)

Member-2 (Chief of Occupational

Health Cell)

Member-3 (Chief of Personnel)

Field Officers Maintenance of PC


Field Officer-I Environmental

Testing & Monitoring

Field Officer-2 Environmental

Testing & Monitoring

Member-4 (Chief of Mech. Engineering)

Abbreviation: Division Head : Sri R. Pandey (B-Tech, Electrical)

Chief of Production : Sri M.K. Mohanty (B.Sc)

Chief of Occupational Health Cell : Dr. Raghunath Das (MBBS)

Chief of Personnel : Sri P.K. Panda (B. Sc, M.A. (LSW), MBA (HR))

Chief of Engineering : Sri S.K. Singh (B-Tech. Mechanical)

Field Officer –I : Sri D.P. Mohanty (M.Sc, Chemistry)

Field Officer-II : Sri P.R. Mallick (B.Sc Chemistry)

Field Officers : Sri G.P. Das (B-Tech, Mechanical) Sri A.A. Khan (B-Tech, Electrical)


YEAR WISE BUDGET FOR VARIOUS ACTIONS FROM YEAR 2012-13 ONWARDS (All figures are in lakhs) Activities 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Total

Education 4 5 6 7 8 30

Health & sanitation 12 13 14 15 16 70

Women/ Youth Empowerment

3 4.5 6 7.5 9 30

Infrastructure development

50 55 60 66 69 300

Env. Protection 6 8 10 12 14 50

Total 75 85.5 96 107.5 116 480

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