Site Plan Development Course




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Fall 2009 Landowner Workshop

in partnership with theOntario Forestry Association

Hosted by X Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.


1. Introductions2. Trees Ontario

– The State of our Forests– About Trees Ontario– A Short History of Tree Planting in Southern

Ontario– Tree planting – What you Need to Know– Trees Ontario Subsidy Programs– Ontario Heritage Tree Program– Q&A

3. The Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program4. Partner Agencies Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Why Plant Trees?

• Fights climate change

• Cleans the air

• Protects and filters watersheds

• Supports wildlife with habitat and food

• Beautifies our landscapes

• Decreases energy consumption

• Protects crops and farmland

• Produces oxygen

The State of our Forests Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

The State of our Forests

• A healthy sustainable ecosystem requires at least 30 per cent forest cover

• Forest cover in some regions of south western Ontario are as low as 5%

• To achieve an 30% average we need to plant over a BILLION more trees Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

The State of our Forests

• In Ontario we used to plant 30 million trees a year on rural, private lands in the province.

• Levels dropped to as low as 2 million trees per year Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

• With our partners Trees Ontario is working at rebuilding the tree planting infrastructure necessary to significantly increase tree planting levels

• But - Trees Ontario requires the financial support from individuals and organizations to run its programs

About Trees Ontario Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

About Trees Ontario

• Founded in 1994, Trees Ontario is the largest not-for-profit tree-planting partnership in North America.

• With our partners, Trees Ontario has increased levels to approx 3 million trees each year in Ontario

• Our goal is to support the planting of 10 million trees a year by 2015.

• TO - leading partner in the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources’ 50 Million Tree Program Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

About Trees Ontario

Trees Ontario provides:

• Funding to our partners to reduce landowner planting costs

• Planning tools for our partners• Regular planning and communications support for our

partners• Technical competency workshops• Public education programs Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Our Planting Partners

We work with over 2,000 partners, program participants and natural resource professionals Our partners:

• Conservation Authorities • Local Ontario Stewardship councils• Other Environmental non-profit organizations• Municipalities• Tree nurseries• Private landowners• Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources• First Nations• Forestry Consultants Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Trees Ontario’s Work Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Trees Ontario Planting Sites 2009 Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

A Short History of Tree Planting in Southern Ontario Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Tree Planting History

1871: An Act to encourage the planting of trees on highways Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Ontario has a rich history of tree

planting on private lands

Since Ontario’s planting programs began in the Since Ontario’s planting programs began in the late 1800's, over 1 billion trees have been late 1800's, over 1 billion trees have been

planted across the provinceplanted across the province Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Tree Seed and Nursery Stock Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.


The principle means of

perpetuation for most woody


Seed Zones Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.Ontario Tree Seed Plant Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Forest Nursery Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Tree Planting – What you Need to Know Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

What’s Involved in Participating in a Tree Planting Program

If eligible to participate in a planting program, your local delivery agent will work with you to complete the following:

• Site assessment• Discuss your objectives• Develop a planting plan• Organize the plant

– Prepare the site– Plant the trees– Tend trees– Report Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Know Your Property

What information your Planting Delivery Agent will work with you to collect:

• Access• Topography• Soils• Drainage• Existing vegetation• Boundaries Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.KNOW YOUR PROPERTYKNOW YOUR PROPERTY Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Matching Species to Soil



Well to Moderate Imperfect to Poor


White PineRed Pine

Norway SpruceEuropean Larch

Red Oak

White CedarTamarack


White PineWhite Spruce

Norway SpruceWhite Cedar

European LarchBlack Walnut

Red Oak

White CedarTamarack

Silver Maple


Norway SpruceWhite Cedar

European LarchBlack Walnut

TamarackSilver Maple Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Trees Ontario Subsidy Programs for Landowners Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Trees Ontario Subsidy Program to Reduce

Landowners’ Costs

• Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources’ 50 Million Tree Program– Announced by provincial government August ’07– MNR partnering with Trees Ontario to deliver the

program– Contributes to United Nations 7 Billion tree target– Minimum area 2 ha. (5 ac.)– Landowner contributes a min of 15 cents/tree– Landowner agrees to protect forest for 15 years– Assistance up to $1.25/tree Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Trees Ontario Subsidy Programs to Reduce

Landowners’ Costs

• Full Service Program*– Plant a min. of 1,500 trees– Agency does the planning and planting– Your participation encouraged – 15 year agreement to protect trees is required by landowner– As the landowner you save 50 cents/tree

• Special Projects*– Trees Ontario supports select special projects, which are dealt

with on a case-by-case basis. Planting agency partners are asked to submit a project proposal, which will then be reviewed by a technical advisory committee.

*Availability for these two programs is dependant on Trees Ontario’s fundraising program. Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

How to Apply forTree Planting Services

• Talk to your local delivery agent tonight to discuss your eligibility

• Pick up a contact sheet and map of Ontario’s Conservation Authorities and Stewardship Councils

• Visit the Trees Ontario website for more program information: Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time. Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time. Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Ontario Heritage Tree Program Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Ontario Heritage Tree Program

• The Ontario Heritage Tree Program celebrates trees with cultural or historical significance to the community.

• Heritage trees are identified and assessed based on their age, size, appearance, and cultural/historical significance.

• Recognize one of Ontario’s timeless story keepers.

Nominate a tree Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.

Help Save our Environment One Tree At A Time

• If you’re considering tree planting - contact your local planting agency – planting trees on your property benefits all of us

• Consider making a financial donation to support our programs. Donate at

• Join our mailing list and tell friends and family about our programs and how they might help Help Us Save Our Environment – One Tree at a Time.


The Managed The Managed Forest Tax Forest Tax

Incentive ProgramIncentive Program

Ontario Forestry AssociationOntario Forestry Association

Direct economic value> 40% of hard maple Around 15% of wood processed in Ontario comes from private land (8% of conifers and 24% of deciduous species)

Habitat82% of vulnerablethreatened or endangeredspecies (southern Ontario)


Ecological value and source water protection

Privately Owned Forests In Ontario

Basics voluntary program eligible areas taxed at 25%

residential rate MFTIP participants submit a 10 yr

management plan, commit to good forestry practices & that area remains as forest

Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

Maintain or enhance healthy forests that contribute to the maintenance of a healthy environment


To bring greater fairnessto the property tax systemby valuing forest landaccording to its current use

Program Objectives

Increase landowner awareness of forest stewardship

Recognize the long-term nature of forest stewardship

Encourage tree planting on marginal lands

Reduce land use conversion pressures



Minimum forest area 4 hectares (9.88 acres) – per property roll #

Minimum number of trees per eligible ha

Some open areas can be included

Non-eligible Areas

Residences and landscaped areas (minimum 1 acre deducted)

Lands subject to a Registered Plan

of Subdivision

Lands licensed under theAggregates Act


Approved Managed Forest Plan

Forest Stewardship & Good Forestry No High-Grading or Diameter

Limit CuttingNo removal of soil from the

forestNo pasturing of LivestockNo continued inactivity

that degrades forest health

Management Activities

Plantation tending Trail creation & maintenance Wildlife habitat & monitoring Forest Products – timber, syrup etc Environmental protection and restoration

Ongoing Participation

Follow Management Plan (general intent)

5 yr Landowner Report 10 Yr plan renewal Severances – amendment to

reflect new property Sales – purchaser

chooses whether to participate

Contact InformationContact Information Ontario Forestry AssociationOntario Forestry Association

200 Consumers Road- Suite 701200 Consumers Road- Suite 701Toronto ON M2J 4R4Toronto ON M2J 4R4

(416) 493-4565(416)

Ontario Forestry AssociationOntario Forestry Association

