Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Congregational Retreat ... Liturgy booklet.pdf · 5:30 p.m. Picnic...


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Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Congregational Retreat

June 22-26, 2017



Thursday, June 22, 2017 7:00 p.m. Gathering Ritual Chapel Friday, June 23, 2017

7-9:00 a.m. Breakfast Dining Room 8:00 a.m. Mass Chapel 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Chapel Session, Janet Mock, CSJ Chapel

Contemplative Dialogue Chapel

12:00 p.m. Lunch (Quiet) MH Dining Room

2:30-3:30 p.m. Listening Session (optional) Cedars Room

5:30 p.m. Dinner (Conversation, for those who choose in the East Dining Room)

7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer (optional) Chapel

Saturday, June 24, 2017 7-9:00 a.m. Breakfast Dining Room 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Chapel Session, Janet Mock, CSJ Chapel

Contemplative Dialogue Chapel

12:00 p.m. Lunch (Quiet) MH Dining Room

2:30-3:30 p.m. Listening Session (optional) Cedars Room

4:00 p.m. Liturgy, Mass of Anticipation Chapel

5:30 p.m. Dinner Dining Room

7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer Chapel


Sunday, June 25, 2017

7-9:00 a.m. Breakfast Dining Room 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Chapel

Session, Janet Mock, CSJ Chapel

Contemplative Dialogue Chapel

12:00 p.m. Lunch (Quiet) MH Dining Room

2:30-3:30 p.m. Listening Sessions (Optional) Cedars Room

4:00 p.m. Associate Commitment Chapel Ceremony

5:30 p.m. Picnic Dinner

Monday, June 26, 2017 7-9:00 a.m. Breakfast Dining Room 8:00 a.m. Mass Chapel 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Chapel Session, Janet Mock, CSJ Chapel

Contemplative Dialogue Chapel

11:30 a.m. Closing Ritual Chapel

12:00 p.m. Lunch Dining Room

Note: All sessions in the Chapel and Cedars will be livestreamed.


Deeper into Divine Mystery Congregational Retreat

As you enter and leave the Chapel, please help to create a silent open, receptive atmosphere.



Out of the quiet of this night…

CANTOR 1 Graces from God flowing free; drawn into Your Presence we come. For the life of the world you are making us whole, drawing us deeper into Your Love. Your summons invites and delights us; We’re alive in the joy of our being.

Verse 1 SPIRITUALITY Aware of our oneness in God, the compassion of Christ transforms us for a world wounded and wonderful, Spirit’s tenderness is woven among us.

ALL: Refrain




Verse 2 MARGINS Open the door to the stranger, for the other is Christ incarnated. Sister and brothers together, in the margins of grace we now gather. Proclaiming together the weak can be strong and the power of justice right wrong.

ALL: Refrain

(pause) CANTOR 3 Refrain Verse 3 Relationships Connecting our lives as one blessing, You companion us, Spirit, into the deep. Tenderly healing the sorrows; nourishing each other’s dreams. Open hearted we walk toward each other, our humanity yearning for life.


ALL: Refrain


CANTOR Refrain: Verse 4 Creation “Gaze at the beauty of Earth’s greenings,” in the Kindom of plenty, God’s graces grow. With Sun as God’s witness we flourish; as one Garden toward wholeness we bloom.

ALL: Refrain

Above all, clothe yourselves with love,

which binds everything together in perfect harmony (Col 3:14)


Reading (Excerpted from Catholic Women Preach, April 9, 2017) Shawn Copeland

In his passion, in allowing himself to be handled and seized, beaten and mocked and spit upon, Jesus discloses for us a distinctive quality of God, which disturbs us: Jesus discloses the vulnerability of God, the willingness of God to suffer with us and for us. And even though we know the end of his story, the idea, the image of a suffering God disturbs and unsettles us.

This is the image of Jesus, which unsettles us because it brings us to anguish: If our God so suffers, is so exposed to the brutality and power of the world, what shall become of us? It is a daring and daunting theological prospect—for God and for us. For as we believe that our God suffers, we who confess, who worship, who love are called to a share in the suffering of Jesus, a share in the suffering of the peoples of our world. Moreover, we who confess, who worship, who love are charged to bring about with him and with them that trajectory of expectation released at the Advent of our God, signified in the Resurrection, and to be realized in the eschatological banquet.

We can stand with our God only insofar as we stand beside and wait in active and compassionate solidarity with children, women, and men who suffer concretely, unbeautifully and actually in our world which is God’s world—the poor, oppressed and excluded; abused children, battered women, and homeless men; those who believe, those who believe differently, and those who are afraid to believe. We stand and wait in love for Love to cast upon us the rays of dark, divine glory.

Harp Reflection Lament: Pipe Variations on Scottish Themes by Nancy Bick Clark

Our Response to the Reading

“The most important key to finding love is found in our willingness and ability to be vulnerable.”


“Opening up the inner landscape is a natural longing that we possess, but doing so can feel daunting because it makes us vulnerable.”


“When we betray the innocent and vulnerable nature of the pure heart, we cause hurt. The separate mind is the betrayer of the universe of heart and true being. “


“Christ’s instructions for being born again were clear. What he was talking about was that childlike quality of pure vulnerability. This is the space of pure being. “


“To treasure vulnerable love is the first law of a pure heart…”



“My tears flow. My being opens totally.”


“The purpose of life here on this earth…is to expand and grow our being by coming into a direct relationship with the vulnerability of being. “


“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy and creativity. Awareness of this truth disengages our fear.”


(Statements about vulnerability taken from Brene Brown, Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD and Krista Tippett)

Extended Period of Contemplative Silence During this time you are encouraged to experience God being present to your vulnerability… feel God’s response… deeply… in this place, at this time. Experience the invitation to go deeper into Divine Mystery.

(At the chime, our period of contemplative reflection ends and a symbol of Earth: God’s Vulnerable Planet of Glorious Life is brought into the sanctuary.)

Opening of Retreat S. Joan Cook: We come as we are, ALL: We come, believing

S. Joan: We bring our Church as it is, ALL: We come, believing

S. Joan: We bring our world as it is, All: We come, believing

Introduction and Blessing of S. Janet Mock, CSJ.

Blessing of S. Janet S. Joan: Janet, you come as you are, ALL: We ask God to bless you, our Sister.

S. Joan: In the days ahead, may the Creator sustain you, the Redeemer companion you, and the Sanctifier fill you with deep peace.

ALL: We open ourselves to your gifts and thank God for all that will be.

Opening Retreat Session: S. Janet


Response to what has been spoken…

ALL: Refrain Graces from God flowing free, drawn into Your Presence we come. For the life of the world you are making us whole, drawing us deeper into Your Love. Your summons invites and delights us; We’re alive in the joy of our being.

S. Joan: (closes our session)

As we leave this space tonight, we ask you to do so in quiet. May you rest in the tenderness of God’s quieting presence this night. Amen

By the tender mercy of our God the dawn from on high will break upon us

to give light to those who sit in darkness... (Luke 1)


Friday Morning Prayer

Enter into the Mystery Jeremiah 33:3

“Call to Me your God and I will answer you,

and I will tell you great and mighty things,

which you do not know.”


Silent Reflection CHANT Chime closes our prayer…


Friday Evening Prayer Come to the Quiet

Opening Song: “Quiet My Soul” Monica Brown

Quiet my soul in your silent presence Gentle my soul in your stillness and peace Tender my soul in your beauty and grace God of this moment, here in this place.

We’ve been open to God speaking to and through us today. There are wonderful models of open listening in Scripture. Let’s recall a few of them. Elijah – 1 Kings 19:11 – 13

The Lord said, “Go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will be passing by.” …the Lord was not in the wind …the Lord was not in the earthquake …the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound…Elijah hid his face and went and stood at the entrance to the cave. A voice said to him, “Elijah, why are you here?” (Pause)

Samuel – 1 Samuel 3:2-5; 8-10

One day Eli was asleep in his usual place…Samuel was sleeping in the temple…The Lord called to Samuel, who answered “Here I am.” He ran to Eli and said, Here I am. You called me.” “I did not call you”, Eli said. “Go back to sleep.” . . . After this happened 3 times, Eli understood that the Lord was calling the youth. So he said to Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’” When Samuel went to sleep the Lord came and revealed his presence.


Annunciation – Luke 1: 35 And the angel said to her “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God…and Mary said, “May it be done to me according to your word.” (Pause)


Annunciation by Melanie Svoboda, SND The truth is, to ask questions, God does show up, to offer excuses, often when we least expect it: to bewail, “Why me?” while tending sheep, or protest, “I can’t!” threshing wheat, working at our desk, But eventually, peeling potatoes, eventually, puttering in the garden, eventually, walking the dog. we learn to bow our head, and pronounce our yes God comes, whether willingly or (or barges in or sneaks up on.) begrudgingly. And we’re allowed to be surprised, taken aback, Then God leaves, frightened, incredulous. (not really, or course.) And all may look the same Then God invites. as before, And it’s perfectly understandable but no, no, if we’re puzzled or disturbed. everything is changed -- And, yes, we’re allowed everything. Quiet Reflection – 15 minutes Closing Prayer – “Surprises” by Marie Shonk, OP

May the God of Surprises be with you, awakening you to the gifts already in you,

giving you a sense of eagerness and anticipation about your life, opening you to unimagined blessings and the deepest wisdom of your being.

May God startle you with infinite love and presence so that you look for sudden inspiration in all you do.

May the God of surprises bless you! Take from Blessing Upon Blessings, 2010. Published by Spirituality Network, Inc.


Saturday Morning Prayer

Something New

Mantra: Something New- Jan Novotka Open, the eyes of my heart Purify and bless my heart. Open my heart that I might see,

that I might be something new. Behold, behold I am making something new.

Behold, behold I am making something new Open, the eyes of our hearts Purify and bless our hearts. Open our hearts that we might see,

that we might be something new. Behold, behold we are making something new.

Behold, behold we are making something new Often times we move too fast to meet up with our day and we miss the opportunity to slow down and appreciate the beginning of a new day. As we begin this day, please turn to the person next to you and let them know you appreciate their presence on this journey. Reading from Isaiah 50:4 reminds us that God helps us listen:

“The Lord God has given me a well-trained tongue that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them. Morning after morning God opens my ear that I may hear.”

In silence, reflect on what we hope to hear this day from God.

We join with a cloud of witnesses to hear the Good News.

Something new is happening!


Gesturing Stand straight and imagine yourself with deep roots extending down into the earth. Bring your arms up straight and reach to the sky. Take a few moments to image the circular movement of energy from earth to sky, from feet to hands. Stretch your arms out straight, shoulder-high, in a gesture of reaching to people everywhere who are struggling. (Name the needs of people you have in mind right now.) Bring your open hands, one on top of the other, palms up to the space below your heart; think of all those people who love you and give thanks for them. Stretch your arms upward, hands together, gesturing outward into the day asking for an openness of spirit to whatever may happen today. Bring your hands together and bow deeply from the waist to reverence all of life and all that is. Sit quietly, pray for the needs of people around the world, your own personal needs and those of our families and community. Mantra: Something New Open, the eyes of our hearts Purify and bless our hearts. Open our hearts that we might see,

that we might be something new. Behold, behold we are making something new.

Behold, behold we are making something new


Saturday Afternoon Mass – 4:00 pm Mass of Anticipation

Presider: Fr. Jim Meade

Prelude Music Southwind Traditional Irish Be Thou My Vision Traditional Irish Gretchen's Red Rose Nancy Bick Clark

(Arrangements by Montiel Rosenthal, S.C., Paula M. Russell, S.C.)

Presider: Fr. Jim Meade

So do not be afraid; look how God cares for the many sparrows.

Does not God care also for us?


Opening Hymn: Enter the Journey (BB#655)


Gloria: Mass of Wisdom


First Reading Jeremiah 20:10-13


Psalm Response: Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting by Steve Angrisano (BB# 768)

Second Reading Romans 5:12-15

Alleluia: Alleluia! Raise the Gospel (BB # 617)


Gospel Matthew 10:26-33

Homily S. Joan Cook


Oh God, Hear Us


Offertory & Table Setting: Gracious God (BB# 117, v. 1-3)


Holy, Holy, Holy

Mystery of Faith



Lamb of God


Communion: God’s Holy Mystery by Paul Tate


Closing Song: O Sing, O Sing (BB # 550) by Dan Schutte


Saturday Evening Prayer God Singing In Our Stories

Leader: As Isaiah told us this morning:

“Morning after morning God opens my ear that I may hear.”

What did you hear today that will nurture your well-being – that you can extend to bring healing to our broken world? Take 10 minutes of quiet reflection. (When the chime sounds, you are invited to share the fruits of your reflection with one person.)

“A Sharing” by Edwina Gately Side 1: We told our stories – That’s all. We sat and listened to Each other And heard the journeys Of each soul. We sat in silence Entering each one’s pain and Sharing each one’s joy. We heard love’s longing And the lonely reachings-out For love and affirmation. We heard of dreams Shattered And visions fled. Of hopes and laughter Turned stale and dark. We felt the pain of Isolation and The bitterness Of death. Side 2: But in each brave and

Lonely story God’s gentle life Broke through And we heard music in The darkness And smelt flowers in The void


We felt the budding Of creation In the searchings of Each soul And discerned the beauty Of God’s hand in Each muddy, twisted path. Side 1: And God’s voice sang In each story God’s life sprang from Each death. Our sharing became One story Of a simple lonely search For life and hope and Oneness In a world which sobs For love. And we knew that in our sharing God’s voice with Mighty breath Was saying Love each other and Take each other’s hand.

Side 2: For you are one Though many And in each of you I live. So listen to my story And share my pain And death. Oh, listen to my story And rise and live With me. Pause to reflect for a few moments.

Chime will ring and leader will guide the closing of evening prayer.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. (Colossians 3:14)


Sunday Morning The Mystery of Our World

Philippians 4:6

“Be anxious for nothing,

but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,

let your requests be made known to God.”


Silent Reflection

LEADER: Be anxious for nothing ALL: Open us to new ways of caring.

L: Be anxious for nothing ALL: Remind us of who we are.

L: Be anxious for nothing ALL: Heal the brokenness in ourselves, our earth, our world.

L: Be anxious for nothing ALL: Refresh our commitment to bring hope to the world.

L: Be anxious for nothing ALL: Deepen our trust of your life with us.



Monday Morning Prayer

Courageous Women - Jan Novotka

Awaking to the Christ! Set ablaze as Fire on Earth! This is our time! Yes, to our True Self! We live as Love! Christ awake in you and me! (R)

Mys’try unfolding! Mys’try beholding! Christ emerging! Christ is waking! Christ is rising! Rising as you and me! (R)

REFLECTION: A Reflection on Hope by S. Joan Chittister, OSB

The spiritual task of life is to feed hope. Hope is not something to be found outside of us. It lies in the spiritual life we cultivate within. The whole purpose of wrestling with life is to be transformed into the self we are meant to become, to step out of the confines of our false securities and allow our creating God to go on creating. In us.




May the God of Hope be with you, inspiring, calling, inviting you to dream and to believe in possibilities. May you trust the dream that is forming in you and may your uplifted face and courageous spirit inspire others who have lost hope. May the blessing of Hope be with you.

Blessing of Hope” from Blessing Upon Blessing © 2010 Spirituality Network, Inc. Maxine Shonk

Courageous Women by Jan Novotka

Evolving into Christ, consciousness of the Christ! Eyes are open! Truth revealed! Light pierces through! All is one, all is Christ!


Sending Forth Ritual

NARRATION: Welcome to this dwelling place of our God. We are a sacred people, for God dwells within and among us and we are One with the Divine Mystery. To the ends of Earth, sacred is our call….

In the Circle of Life, we gather. Illuminated, challenged, blest and hope-filled. As a sign of our unity, we have welcomed God’s renewing and energizing Spirit into our midst. We now call ourselves to carry the flame of God’s Love that burns within us into our world.

(The Retreat Symbol of God’s Consuming Fire of Love is carried into the Chapel…having been lit in Mother Margaret Hall by our Sisters and sent to us with their blessings and prayers.)

Passing from one generation to the next, the fire of God’s Love is fusing us into one charism of life for the world. We light this candle recalling the Divine Mystery that holds us together, one with the groaning world.

In charity, we will find our purpose. (pause)

In simplicity, we will find our way. (pause)

In humility, we will walk on common ground. (pause)

MANTRA (Terry will lead this cappella until the light arrives in the Chapel)

NARRATION Let the fire of God’s Mysterious Love lead us…

From the shores of New York and Maryland, Elizabeth’s spirit sends us the gifts of hospitality and vision.




Let the fire of God’s Mysterious Love lead us….

From the battlefields of the South, the spirits of our Sisters give us the gift of courage to comfort the wounded, the dying, and the brokenhearted.



Let the fire of God’s Mysterious Love lead us….


From the grandeur of the mountains to the fertileness of the plains, the spirits of our Sisters give us the gift of vitality to receive the future as possible.


Let the fire of God’s mysterious Love lead us…

From the skies of the North, the spirits of our Sisters give us the gift of wisdom to follow the Mystery of God into the night.


Quiet (5 minutes)


Our Response Sacred Is the Call (Suzanne Toolan, RSM)

v. 1 (cantored) May Christ live in your hearts; through faith may Christ be with you, that rooted and built in love, you may proclaim Christ’s goodness.

v. 2 (cantored) For this I pray to God; that you may be given power, in the Spirit that you may grow, may grow in the inner strength.

v. 3 (cantored) Behold then, in your prayer; approach our God in trust, for you are God’s work, you are God’s work of art.

v. 4 (cantored) So stand your ground in truth; hold fast the shield of faith. Proclaim the gospel of peace in eager honest deed.

God has sent the Spirt into our Hearts


Music Credits

Graces from God Flowing Free, S. Marge Kloos, SC. © 2017, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. Text based on Chapter Direction, 2015.

Lament: Pipe Variations on Scottish Themes, Nancy Bick Clark (SC Associate). Arrangement composed for this Congregational Retreat, © 2017.

We Enter Into This Mystery. Chant, S. Terry Thorman, SC. Text, Sisters of Charity, Mary Lou Knapke, Anita Maroun, Donna Steffen. © 2017, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati.

Enter the Journey. Mark Friedman and Janet Vogt. © 2000. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. OneLicense # A-702647.

Mass of Wisdom. Music Steven R. Janco © 2010, World Library Publications, 3708 River Road, Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158. All rights reserved.

Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting. Text based on Psalm 63: 2, 5-9. Music and verses text © 1997, 1998, Steve Angrisano. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. OneLicense # A-702647.

Alleluia! Raise the Gospel. Text © 2002, Owen Alstott. Music © 2001, 2002, Bernadette Farrell. Text and music published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. OneLicense # A-702647.

Gracious God. © 2009, Jesse Manibusan. Published by Two by Two Ministries and Spirit & Song, a division of OCP. Administered by Spirit & Song. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. OneLicense # A-702647.

God’s Holy Mystery. © 1998, Paul A. Tate. Published by World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. OneLicense # A-702647.

Sing, O Sing. © 1987, 1989, 1992, Daniel L. Shutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. OneLicense # A-702647.

Courageous Women. © 2012 by Jan Novotka’s Music LLC (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Sacred Is the Call. Text based on Ephesians. © 1993, 2006, text and music by Suzanne Toolan, RSM. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. OneLicense # A-702647.


Graphics, Photo & Environment Credits

Cover Design by Whitney Schieltz, Affiliate. Mandala Artwork by artist Kirsten Malcolm Berry and used with permission. Photos by S. Marty Dermody, pages 14 and 17. Sanctuary retreat symbol by Associate Pam Korte, Earth: God’s Vulnerable Planet of Glorious Life.

THANK YOU! Committees & Ministers of Prayer

With the efforts of many Sisters, Associates, and collaborators, our Congregational Retreat has been a blest encounter with our God. Thank you to all those who worked to nourish, inspire, care for our temporal needs, and make it possible to be joined across the limitations of geography. To those who served on the Food Committee, Prayer & Liturgy Committee, Registration, Hospitality, Transportation Committee, and Technology Committee, we are most grateful. In the sharing of your talent and generous gift of time, we have been blest in immeasurable ways.

Thanks, also, to the many who served as ministers of the prayers and liturgy. Inspired by the words you proclaimed, the rituals you guided, the music you raised up, the Eucharist you shared, the messages you received and shared, and the gestures you birthed. We have received the Living God!

So we, who are the many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members of one of another. Romans 12:5


About the Retreat

Invitation into Silence As we enter into this time with the Spirit and one another, there is an expectation that we will do so by quieting ourselves, inside and out. We ask that all retreatants respectfully participate in prayerful silence. Throughout the retreat, there are optional opportunities for conversation. Some will choose to engage with others in conversation during these designated times, while others will not. Both choices honor the common good during this time of going deeper. For those who feel called to conversation during retreat, the afternoon sessions (2:30-3:30 p.m. in the Cedars) will be a facilitated opportunity to share what we are receiving from the Spirit. As well, during the evening meal the East Dining Room is reserved for those who choose to converse. Again, we would ask that you honor the times and the spaces that have been dedicated for conversation while respecting silence in all other common areas.

Additional Information

Afternoon Sessions Each afternoon there is a scheduled “Listening Session” which is optional and will involve some small group sharing about what we are hearing. This gives participants a time for expressing and receiving the fruits of our deep listening. The conversations will be facilitated.

Using Technology/Livestreaming

• Muting Devices During Retreat: When in the Chapel and in any common areas (hallways, dining rooms, Cedars etc.) you are asked to switch your phone to mute or off position.

• Viewing Locations in Motherhouse and Mother Margaret Hall: Some have requested the option of participating in the Retreat in their rooms. While we hope everyone who can participates in the Chapel, we know this is not possible for all of us. You can view all sessions that are in the Chapel and Cedars by turning to the channel for the Chapel. You may want to gather with others to watch on televisions in the common living spaces.

• Viewing Locations outside Motherhouse and Mother Margaret Hall: All sessions in the Chapel and Cedars will be livestreamed. You can reach the livestreamed sessions on the password protected page of SC website. Click on “Webcast” in the upper right corner. If you have difficulty accessing the livestream call Steve James at 513.347. 5434 or S. Louise at 513.646.8593. You may also download the retreat booklet on the password protected page of the SC website.

Information and Message Board- Motherhouse Dining Room When leaving and retrieving messages please check the Message Board which can be found in the Motherhouse Dining Room.


Creative Expression & Sharing Some of us express our experience of the Spirit in artistic ways. The Art Room behind the Emmaus Room on the first floor of the Motherhouse is available to anyone who might want to create a visual representation of what is coming clearer to you during this time. As with all the venues we are sharing during retreat, please honor the quiet atmosphere of this time. There will be art paper, paints, chalk, crayons, markers, etc., available for your use. Please consider sharing your creativity by bringing it to the Cedars Room and hanging it in the designated space.

Pool Hours during Retreat All retreatants are encouraged to take full advantage of the swimming pool during the Retreat. The expectation for quiet extends to the pool area. The pool is ONLY open for Sisters and Associates during the days of our retreat and ONLY at the times indicated below.

Thursday, June 22: 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm Friday, June 23: 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm Saturday, June 24: 12:30 pm to 7:00 pm Sunday, June 25: 12:30 pm to 7:00 pm Monday, June 26: 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Snacks After the morning and the afternoon sessions, snacks will be available in the Motherhouse Dining Room.


Reflection on the Cover Design…

The flame of fire at the heart of Earth’s center is a mysterious companion across the ages, sustaining, consuming, illuminating life. Life could not—would not—continue without the ever-organic and dynamic fire in Earth’s center. The enduring fire reminds us always of God’s immanence and mysterious, dynamic Energy. Much like our mysterious God’s activity in our midst, the fire gives life even as the inextinguishable flames take back into her Energy the very earthly chemicals by which life-forms once took their shape and purpose. The cycles of life are spinning endlessly beyond the flame and into one unity. Expanded by diverse color, texture, density, and glorious speciation, the enduring Fire of God’s graciousness burns from within for the life of the world.

Wheat recalls our nourishing God,

feeding as a Mother nurses a newborn with great hope and confidence in one’s essence.

Sky makes visible our expanding Universe, filled with the dreams yet-to-be intuited, stars yet-to-be born, galaxies of precious possibilities yet-to-be realized.

Grass softens beneath our feet, grounding the tender faith that the path we walk is for life, for forgiveness, for generosity of spirit, for ordinary goodness that allures us toward Divine


Sand offers no allowance of mercy other than the gentle landing promised after hollowing to our imprinted passing, opening us to our own fragile, simple vulnerability.

Water originates from a point of essence, clarifying every molecule whose very life depends on the pure, ancient stream of justice carved-out by water’s ebbing and flowing.

Flowers speak in fragrances and colors reminiscent of a great Gathering of ancestors and heirs, befriending our consciousness in the care of present communal relations.

May the flame that burns from the center remind us that during this time together we ask the Spirit’s generous guidance and gifting in all that is nourishing, expanding, grounding, opening to vulnerability, clarifying, and befriending. We find comfort in knowing Spirit consumes what blocks and limits our passion for life and love while making space for God’s abundance to flow.