Sister of the Nile by Carlos Vargas



first draft of a new play based on Cleopatra's sister. Still in the work and

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Arsino IV:

Arsino IV:The Hidden Sister of the Nile

By Carlos Vargas

Based on the legend of Arsino lV

Character: Narrator Cleopatra Vll Arsino lV Ptolemy Xlll Julius Caesar/ Mark Anthony Messenger* Royal Advisor*Priest/ Priest Megabyzus* Bishop* Guards 1 and 2*Villagers 1 and 2* Time Vortex people*

Time: Ancient Egypt/Rome during the last dynasty of Egypt (51 B.C-41 B.C)

Casting Notes: any villager can be a guard Priest Megabyzus can be doubled with priest Royal Advisor can be doubled with Messenger All dead people must not be doubled except as a time vortex person Transitions are important to this piece, when doing them try to use Music and movements that would have been done in Egypt. There should be no blackouts unless told to do so.

*The time vortex came is created using these people to create images which help the audience with location. They pretty much help with transitions between locations.



(Curtain is closed and the stage is dark. After a moment a spotlight suddenly appears downstage center. The narrator enters downstage left; he or she is a very professional person probably wearing a suit or formal dress. The narrator walks toward center. When he or she arrives, he or she takes a breath and begins to speak.)

Narrator: Welcome. I am professor ______________ (Please put actors last name here). Welcome back to Ancient History. I hope everyone had a great semester break. Today we will be finishing our discussion on the Egyptian empire. We will be talking about a queen who not only managed to get what she wanted by seducing her opposite sex but also ended the Egyptian empire.

(Spotlight shoots on stage right. We see Cleopatra; a famous Egyptian, standing stage right. Cleopatra does not move because she is a statue. Cleopatra is a beautiful woman. She poses like a statue would have been posed Egyptian time (A.K.A. Prayer poise with left foot forward))

Narrator: (points toward stage right) Cleopatra the Seventh, Queen of the Nile and last ruler of Egypt. Beautiful isnt she. All who beheld Cleopatra fell down at her feet. (Beat) except for one person who was not persuaded by her.... somewhat outer charm and saw the inner demon inside.

(Spotlight shoots stage left. We see Arsinoe, a beautiful woman (more beautiful than Cleopatra). She is in the same pose as Cleopatra

Narrator: (points toward stage left) Arsine the fourth, one of the last members of the Ptolemaic Dynasty and Half-sister to Cleopatra. The one of two people who knew of Cleopatras dark side and tried everything to make sure it was not released in Egypt.

(Beat. Both statues come to life and look at each other; they begin to walk toward each other (spotlight is following them) until.... Snaps fingers, spotlight from stage left and right. Beat Cleopatra and Arsine exit)

Narrator: Now many people have heard different parts of the story as well as different opinions based on hieroglyphics or even historian opinions. So in order the stop the arguments about this topic, I _________ (Insert name here) have asked the science department to create a device that could settle this feud once and for all. And By George they have!

(Snaps his or her finger, the curtain opens to reveal a projection screen showing a large room that looks like something from the future. The audience also views some sort of futuristic machine. The audience then sees a screen from the machine that shows the time period of (Insert year here).The machine also has a timer which has 15 seconds on it.)

Narrator: (Moves toward the machine). This, my friends, is in fact a time machine. I will be sending you to the time of sands, pharaohs and mummies. As you can see I have already set the year to the beginning of Ptolemy Xlll and Cleopatras reign in Alexandra, Egypt. This is because most of the drama happens after the death of their father Ptolemy Xll. Which we all know was the ruler of Egypt until a terrible accident which killed him. (Beat) Now please do not be afraid, this machine has been tested many times and you will arrive without any problems.....I hope. And of course the ride will be completely smooth.....maybe. Unfortunately, I will not be joining you for I have much more work to do here, so I have set the timer to 15 seconds so that I can get out of here before you go on your journey. (Quick Beat) So are you ready? ((toward audience, (NOTE: give them a beat) and then pulls lever, quickly) OK Then let the adventure begin! (Runs off stage right)

(As the clock starts the count down the audience begins to see the lights on the stage go on and off. Music starts (kind of like futuristic instrumental music), and suddenly the audience see the lights darken and the scene is now in a vortex sort of like if we were in a time loop. As this happens the time vortex people appear and start creating events in which have happened in history while the time machine tells the audience what year it is. As soon as the time machine reaches 51 BC)

Scene 1: Alexandra 51 B.C

(The screen disappears. The machine is gone. We arrive in the throne room of Ptolemy Xlll. There are 3 thrones, one bigger than the other 2.The bigger one is in between the two smaller one. The audience also sees two columns about two from to each of the smaller thrones. Ptolemy Xlll, a 13 year old boy and brother/ husband of Cleopatra, is pacing the room while Cleopatra is sitting on the right throne.)

Cleopatra: But she knows that if we do not have this conference......

Ptolemy Xlll: Quell thyself dear

Cleopatra: (overlaps Ptolemy Xlll) ...Egypt will be in peril and then our Empire will...

Ptolemy Xll; Please dear, she will be here.

Cleopatra: (overlap) crumble into.....

Ptolemy Xlll: (Interrupts) PLEASE JUST BE QUIET OR SO HELP ME IF YOU DON"T SHUT UP I WILL THROW YOU to THE CROCODILES! (Beat). Please you have been complaining since the messenger arrived and informed us that the Roman Empire is coming Egypt. She WILL be her I swear on RA she will be here

Cleopatra: But how do you know?

Ptolemy Xlll: Because after the messenger arrived I sent him to fetch our sister from the Nile. It will take him many moons to reach the Nile for I sent him out at dawn. I trust him. He has been loyal to me since I was born. So please calm thyself.. Cleopatra: Ok, Ok Sheesh.

Ptolemy Xlll: Ok (Beat, sits on central throne) Now regarding other matters, my dear sister I must inquire you of something. (Turns to Arsinoe) Are you trying to claim the empire for your own?

Cleopatra: (lying, gets up moves stage left) Foolishness, why on earth I would do a thing like that.

Ptolemy Xlll: I have heard that you are seducing the guards while I am out on business. (Beat, Cleopatra is not looking at him) I know you since I was put on this earth, sister, so please do not lie to me. (Beat, NO Answer, Upset) Is this true?

Cleopatra: (lying, moves toward throne right) Of course not. How on earth could I rule this country? I am not a man.

Ptolemy Xlll: Dear sister you may find it in your best interest to tell me the truth, for I do not wish to dishonor our father's name in the eyes of the Egyptian people. You know that our subjects loved our father and everyone mourned his death, even Julius Caesar. (Beat) Do you not want the people of Egypt to honor you as Queen of Egypt? (Beat) If they do not honor you then we, as an empire, will surely fall. (Beat) For now we must insure that the people do not know about Rome advancements. If our subjects hear the news they will surely panic.

Cleopatra: Oh relax, as long and you and I keep it a secret no one will possibly know.

Ptolemy Xlll: IF the Romans come here and start a war, all of the underworld would break loose.

Cleopatra: (Short Beat) Ptolemy, I have told you already, if we make peace with the Roman's then we would become the most powerful empire in the entire world. In fact, the Romans may be able to give us military advances as well as other necessities needed for....

Ptolemy Xlll: ENOUGH CLEOPATRA! (Beat). Like I said before, if we side with the Romans we will have open rebellion in Egypt. Remember Egyptian people do not like the strange culture of the Romans. We need to choose which side to be on. Therefore, since you and I cannot make a Decision, Arsinoe is the only one who can decide what we do. Our Father left us three in charge after his death. So we must wait for her and.

Messenger: (enters stage left) my pharaoh, Arsinoe, Princess of Alexandra has arrived.

Ptolemy Xlll: Excellent Please see her in (Messenger exits, Arsinoe enters stage left) my dear sister it is great to see you. How was your walk down the Nile?

Arsinoe: It was quite refreshing my Pharaoh. (Beat) Now why, may I ask, did you called me in such short notice?

Ptolemy Xlll: Come here my dear sister and I will tell you. (Arsinoe comes and sit on the throne on stage left) Now, I have just been sent a message from my spies in the Roman Empire that Emperor Caesar is planning to come to Egypt. We are sure that Rome intensions are violent since their empire continues to grow and expand. In fact much our empire, mostly from the east, is getting into wars with them over land. Your sister and I are not sure whether or not we should go to war. Caesar was a good friend to our father. Therefore, it is up to you to make the final decisions. (Beat)

Arsinoe: My lord, please give me time to review the choices that you have given me. Is that alight with you?

Ptolemy Xlll: Of Course (looks at both women) I pronounce that the verdict will be postponed until Arsinoe has given me her final decision.

Cleopatra: We cant do that. The spies did not tell us when they were arriving. For all we know they might be on our soil before the next sunrise we must act NOW!

Ptolemy Xlll: Silence! (Slaps Cleopatra. Beat). My Verdict is FINAL!(Long Beat) Now if you don't mind (Stands up) I must go. I am about my daily trip around Alexandra. (Looks at Arsinoe) Arsinoe (Arsinoe looks at Ptolemy Xlll) please come with me to my study when I return. (Arsinoe stands) I would like to have a word with you.Arsinoe: Yes Brother (Both exit stage right. Beat)

Cleopatra: How dare he ask to see Arsinoe? I am the true pharaoh. I am older sister of my father, Ptolemy XII (Stands) I was the first born child. I should be the running this empire not him! (Beat) And every time that my dear sister Arsinoe comes to see my brother he always ask her to come and talk with him in the study. (Beat) They must be planning something against me. This is not good. (Beat) But just wait, dear brother and half-sister, I, Cleopatra, will become the most powerful person in Egypt will become pharaoh and when I do.You TWO WILL BE NO MORE!


Scene 2: Throne Study

(We now are in Ptolemys study. There is a wall of scrolls in the background. There is also a table center stage which has sculls on it. There is also a chair this is place next to the table stage right and one behind the deck. When the lights go up, we see Arsinoe sitting in the chair on stage right and Ptolemy Xlll is passing the floor. Knock on the door)

Ptolemy Xlll: Come in (Arsinoe enters Stage left) Arsinoe. Thank you for coming. I need to ask you something.

Arsinoe: Yes my lord

Ptolemy Xlll: Do you trust my sister Cleopatra. She does have a point with siding with the Romans but something tells me that that is not a good Idea.

Arsinoe: (Beat) Well can I be honestPtolemy Xlll: yes dear sister

Arsinoe: I actually have trusted her all my life since I was brought into this family. But now I dont

Ptolemy Xlll: Why the sudden change of heart may I ask? Arsinoe: Well, to be honest, I think she is trying to kill me. (Ptolemy stares at her) I am very serious. When the guards and I arrived at the Nile we took a stroll toward the northern mountains. When we arrived I noticed that many of the guards had left me alone. Also I felt like I was being followed when to my surprise a poisonous arrow landed in front of me. I looked up and say all of the armys archers drawn to shoot me. Luckily I found a tomb and before they were able to shoot I hide inside. I waited for hours. Then your messenger arrived and took me back to the palace. (Beat, Ptolemy Xlll stares away) You know something dont you? (Beat, Ptolemy Xlll looks away) There is something. Please tell me.

Ptolemy Xlll: (Sighs) I was afraid this would happen. (Arsinoe stares at Ptolemy Xlll) Well it is time for me to tell you.

Arsinoe: Tell me what?

Ptolemy Xlll: Sit down sister. (Arsinoe sits down in right chair and Ptolemy Xll sits behind desk) A few months ago, my spies reported that Cleopatra had left her quarters every night for the last couple of months. She had been spotted visiting a hut on the outside of town. Some of my best spies were able to infiltrate the hut and gained knowledge that she is planning to betray us by starting a civil war.

Arsinoe: But why does our sister want to kill us?

Ptolemy Xlll: I dont know. (Beat) All I know is that the pieces are falling into place. Seducing the guards to do whatever she wants, even kill us.

Arsinoe: Are you saying that our sister has been able to get the guards on her side by seducing them? (Ptolemy Xlll nods) That evil little snake! When did she start this?

Ptolemy Xlll: According to my most loyal guards, a couple of months after our fathers death. (Beat) And thats not all if not for these loyal guards watching us we could been dead right now. . Arsinoe: (standing) why was I not informed of this issue sooner?

Ptolemy Xlll: Because I did not want you to get into this problem so I kept it a secret from you. (Beat) I am sorry I did not tell you sooner. I was afraid that you were on her side. (Long Beat).

Arsinoe: I believe that this is only one thing for us to do. (She stands). We are going to have to exile her away from Alexandra far away from here. That way when the Romans come here Cleopatra will not be able to seduce them. (Beat, Ptolemy Xlll looks sad)

Ptolemy Xlll: I do not know if I could do that. (Ptolemy Xlll sits) She is my sister who I have grown up with for years.

Arsinoe: I know that you do not want to do this but we must because once I am out of the picture she will be coming for you. So you need to ask yourself who you love more: your sister or your empire. (Beat)

Ptolemy Xlll: Youre right. I did not want to do this but, Arsinoe go to the massager and tell him to get the spies to arrest Cleopatra. Also tell him to send her as far south of Alexandra as you can. IS THAT CLEAR! (Arsinoe nods) I will send my most loyal of spies to your chamber. They are the only ones who you are allowed to tell. Do not tell anyone else. We do not know who is on her side.Arsinoe: Yes my pharaoh. (About to exit)

Ptolemy Xlll: Wait (Arsinoe turns around) There is one more thing. Cleopatra must never know about this meeting. If she finds out I will personally execute you. Am I making myself clear (Arsinoe nods)? Now leave my study. (Arsinoe exits).

(Beat. The machine from the time machine enters and then the lights come down. The scene then enters as the time vortex appears. And the music plays again. The screen appears and the Time Vortex people create pyramids as Cleopatra and the guards walk in front of it show Cleopatra trail to exile. As soon as Cleopatra exits the time vortex people create a ship in which Caesar crosses the stage (Transition)

Scene 3: Caesar Camber 48 B.C

(A bed chamber in Egypt. It was now been a few months later and Caesar had arrived in Alexandra. There is a bed on stage right of the stage and a small thin table on stage left. As the lights come up we see Caesar with his Royal Adviser (the Messenger plays this character). Cease is sitting on a chair next to the chair while the Royal Adviser is pacing. They are in mid conversation.)

Royal: So are you sure about this?

Caesar: Yes I am positive. Ptolemy Xll was a good friend of mine. I promised him that when he died that I would try to create peace between our two empires.

Royal: (moving toward chair next to chair stage right) But what if they say no?

Caesar: Then I must convince them that that is the only way to get peace in our world. If that does not work then war it is.

Royal: Great! And what if they try to make peace with us.

Caesar: The thing is I dont think they would listen to that is how Egyptian is. Arrogant people. They will never trust me. And besides.... (There is a knock at the door. The Royal advisor goes off (stage right) to open the door. He returns with a guard caring a bed mattress (a sheet with twigs and anything that could comfort a person.). Oh this must be my mattress. Please place it in on my bed. I like my beds nice and soft. (Guard places mattress on bed and exits stage right. beat then Caesar stand) And besides they know that they would never win a war with the mighty Rome. They have heard of all our epic victories taking over other countries. They would not think twice in taking my peace proposal. (Beat) Well my adviser please allows me my privacy as it is time for me to go to retire for the night.

(Adviser nods and exits stage right. Beat. Caesar goes off stage left to change. Beat. Suddenly bed mattress moves and Cleopatra appears. She then moves toward the chair next to the table which is next to stage right. She sits and tries to get into a sexual pose. Beat. Caesar re-enters. Beat. They walk toward each other. Cleopatra kisses Caesar and leads him toward the bed. Once Caesar is thrown on bed,)


Scene 4: Throne Room 48 BC

(The next day. We are in the throne room, which is set up just like scene 1. Arsine is sitting on her throne when suddenly Ptolemy Xlll storms into the room stage right)

Ptolemy Xlll: (entering) NO!

Arsinoe: (standing) what is wrong?

Ptolemy Xlll: This cannot be happening!

Arsinoe: What is happening?

Ptolemy Xlll: How could she do this?

Arsinoe: She? (Realizing who it is) NO you are not meaning..

(Cleopatra storms into throne room with two guards. Beat) Cleopatra: Hello my dear brother and sister.

Arsinoe: How did you get here? My brother exiled you as far away.

Cleopatra: Well my dear sister, I was glad that I made some acquaintances with the guards. (Ptolemy and Arsinoe look Confused) Oh they did not tell you? They are so loyal to me. Well your guards actually sent me to a remote paradise. In fact I wish I did not have to leave, but I needed to make things right. Right for me that is.

Arsinoe: Get out of here this palace belongs to your brother.

Cleopatra: Actually dear, this is MY palace now. (Beat)

Ptolemy Xlll: You are mad

Cleopatra: Am I? (Moves toward center stage throne) Well why dont you ask Caesar and I think he will answer that for you.

Arsinoe: But how.. How did you know he was here? We did not tell anyone about his arrival.

Cleopatra: Well one of my own spies had found out that Caesar had arrived so I knew it was the perfect time to plot my revenge. I told my servants to place me into a bed sack and set me on the servant ship toward Alexandra. The all I had to do is ask the guards to take me to his room. Now if you dont mind I would like you to leave

Ptolemy Xlll: NO! You get out of here you .

Cleopatra: Not any more. You had your chance now it is my turn. (Beat) After last night discussion, Caesar and I came to an agreement.

Arsinoe: And that is?

Cleopatra: (sits on central throne) well I simply gave him Egypt! (Beat) Actually I signed a non dare I say lifelong deal with him.

Arsinoe: You monster (Goes to strike Cleopatra but one of the guards grabs her and takes her towards stage left)

Cleopatra: And in return he allowed me to rule. So if you dont mind brother (Guard 2 two strikes Ptolemy and gives Cleopatra the crown) thank you. (Ptolemy tries to hit Cleopatra but Guard 2 strikes him down)


Cleopatra: Well honestly dear sister, I never loved either one of you. I just wanted the power of ruling Egypt. My father is right, never trust anyone especially family. (Arsinoe and Ptolemy look confused) Oh you did not realize that I knew you wanted to get rid of me. So I devised a plan to seduce the guards and servants in order to gain there trust then later when I get exiled they could send me back to Alexandria without any trouble at the exact time when Caesar was to arrive so I could make him an offer he could not refuse. Now then ( puts crown on) as my first decree, I, Cleopatra the Seventh, new Queen of Egypt, sentence Ptolemy Xlll to be thrown into the Nile , for crimes against the new pharaoh of Egypt


(During this point Ptolemy Xlll and Guard 2 are exiting when Arsinoe get loose and tries to get her brother out of Guard 2 hands but Guard 1 knocks her out as soon as she gets loose. Ptolemy then tries to get loose but fails and both of them exit. Tears come from Arsinoe face. )

Cleopatra: Now for Arsinoe, (to Arsinoe) You I want to keep. Two Beautiful women like ourselves cannot be in the same square. Therefore I want your death to be slow and painful. (To guard 1) send her to the cell with little food and water.

Guard 1: Yes my most fairest of Pahroah

(Guard nods and drags Arsinoe. off stage licking and screaming. Beat. Cleopatra goes sit at the throne Beat. )


(The Screen appears and the Time vortex people create a dessert where we see a strange figure cross through we then see arsine being taken away by two guards. Suddenly she is thrown onto the ground. Both guards are laughing at her. Suddenly a strange figure comes and kills both guards and takes arsinoe away. Blackout).

Scene 5: Temple 48 B.C

(We are now in a small temple in the outskirts of Alexandra. There are two benches and a pedestal. At the rise we see a couple of villagers who are having a meeting. We also see a cloth person (Arsinoe) who is sitting at the back of the temple.)

Priest: Welcome my dear friends. Thank you for coming. We are here to discuss what actions to take against those tyrannical Romans who have taken our homes, family and farms away from us. (Beat) Ever since they have arrived they have brought nothing but pain and suffering to the Egyptian people. We must send them back to where they came. Are we going to sit around and doing nothing?

Villager 1: Whats the point? The Romans are more powerful nation. Even our Backstabbing Queen, Cleopatra has sided with them.

Villager 2: Besides if we try to revolt the Romans will kill us. That is what happened to my husband. He tried to help protect the pharaohs lighthouse; unfortunately,(Starts to cry) The Guards found his home and killed him along with my son right in front of my eyes. (Silence. Weeping)

Arsinoe: What you need is a leader who will help you get Egypt back to the people.

Bishop: And who do think could lead? Cleopatra? That spineless rat betrayed us for some Old Roman Scum!

Arsinoe: What If I became your Leader?

All: (Laugh)

Villager 1: Oh my Dear, Why would he want to give our leadership to some old poor wo.. (Arsinoe removes hood) Arsinoe! (Everyone bows. Beat)

Priest: We were told you were thrown into the Nile like your Step Brother!

Arsinoe: (moves toward Priest) that was a lie. (Crowd gasp) I was placed in the dungeon under the palace with little food, water and sunlight. However, I was able to escape a few months ago thanks to some of my step-brothers trusted servant, Markov. He was able to get the key from the guard and unshackle me from my chains. He also helps me escape through the service tunnels, but sadly he could not make it since he was killed by the palace guards.

Villager 2: Why should we trust you? Because of your Sister I have no son or husband. (Crowd bustles)

Arsinoe: I know that I am closely related with her but I am not her sister. Please I want revenge on her and the Roman Empire as much as you do. So I really need your help. Will you help me? (Beat .no one answers) Listen, you do not have to trust me but I want to revenge on my half-sister killing my half-brother. She is a mad Tyrant and she must be stopped. Isnt that what you want, too revenge on the Roman army and my sister for killing a love one. (Beat) All I need is your help and we could take back Egypt for Egyptian rule. What do you say? (Long Beat)

Villager 2: (Stands will join you, but on one condition, you must become our queen and come out of hiding.

Arsinoe: I cannot do that. My escape must be kept secret from everybody. If my step sister finds out that I have escaped and are helping the rebellion, you all will be in peril.

Villager 1: You must. Please, the people of Egypt need you. We dont care about our lives. We just want our children to live the way we have lived for thousands of years

Arsinoe: But I have no experience as a ruler

Bishop: You must please for all our sake. We trust you. We will fight with you until the very end.

Arsinoe: Is this true? (Everyone nods) Bless you all. Dear priest will you please start the crowning ceremony.

Priest: I shall do it as short as I can. (To bishop) Please retrieve the head piece. (Villager 1 exits. to Arsinoe) Are you sure about this?

Arsinoe: (Beat everyone stares at her) I am positive. If my people want to ruler then I shall rule them. We shall avenge our love ones!

Priest: As you wish my queen. (Bishop enters with head piece) Thank you. Let the ceremony begin. (Arsinoe places her knees on the floor facing the audience. the Priest stands behind her) With the power of Ra, I know pronounce you Arsinoe live, the true Queen of Egypt. (Priest place head piece on Arsinoe head)

All: All Hail Arsinoe IV, true Queen of Egypt!

Captain: My league, I was once a captain for the Egyptian guard. I have acquired a group of men who are loyal to the revolution. What are your orders?

Arsinoe: I request to be alone

Captain: (Nods, to everyone else) Now everyone please make haste home we do not want the Romans to find out about this ceremony. (Everyone Exits)

Arsinoe: (To Captain,)) A word with you. (Captain moves toward Arsinoe) I will need your help. Take me to the lighthouse. From there I will send a messenger to tell your other guards of our plan but for now I need someone to protect me.

Captain: Yes My Queen

Arsinoe: Also once my guards have arrived I would like yours and my men to protected Pharaohs Lighthouse at all cost. If the Romans capture it then they will take our last line of defense. You will have to guard it with your life and make sure no one get into it. That will be our base of operation.

Captain: Yes my league.

Arisnoe: Now quickly, to the light house

(As Arsinoe and Captain Exit, the screen appears and the time vortex people start creating war scene in which might have happened during this time.)

Scene 6: Pharaoh Lighthouse 44 B.C

(It has been several months since the occurrence of scene 5. We are now inside the light house. There is a desk stage left with 2 chairs. At the rise, we see Arsinoe and Captain talking.)

Captain: Out of all the battles I have participated in to protect this lighthouse, this has to be the most challenging.

Arsinoe: My guards are trying their best to make sure that this place does not become captured by the Romans for six months.

Captain: I pray that they can hold them out so that we can get you somewhere safer to retire.

Arsinoe: (surprising) I told you already I would rather stay here and be on the front line then be somewhere safe.

Captain: My queen; you are the hope and symbol of the people of Alexandra. If you stay her you will be murdered.

Arsinoe: Then I will die with all you!

Villager 3: (enter) The Romans have broken into the third wall and.....

(Spear appears in villager chest. lies dead on floor)

Captain: (To Asinoe) Go hide I will stall them as long as I can.

Arsinoe: I am not.

Captain: GO!

(Arsinoe timidly exits stage left. Captain stands behind desk looking casually. Caesar Cleopatra and Guards 1 & 2 storm from stage right)

Cleopatra: Where is she!

Captain: I have no idea who you are talking about.

Caesar: You know exactly who we are talking about. (No reply from Captain)

Cleopatra: (to guards) find her (Guards exit stage left. To villager 4) if she is found you will be charged with harboring a fugitive.

Captain: You are not the boss of me missy. I do not take orders from you. The Egyptian people have decided to support the revolution and take you out you Foul Witch! (Toward Cleopatra) And besides you will not find her; she left hours ago. By now is probably in safe hands.

Cleopatra: Well then youve just sealed your fate. Caesar, will you do the honors?

Caesar: (Smiles) Gladly

(Caesar put sword, Captain does the same, and Swordfight Guards come back with Arsinoe. Captain sees him and then Caesar stab him in the heart. Captain falls dead. Arsinoe stars hysterically yelling. Beat. Caesar puts sword away...)

Cleopatra: Well if it isn't my dear sister. I see you successfully escaped from prison.

Arsinoe: You spineless little B.....

Guard 2: (Slaps Arsinoe) you do not talk to the queen like that. (Beat)

Cleopatra: Well (Moves toward Arsonoe) I really wish you would have joined our side. You may have ruled the empire with me. But alas, you had to join these ruthless people (kicks Captain hard. Moves toward Arsinoe). In fact I will give you one last chance to join me.

Arsinoe: (Beat. Spits in Cleopatra's face) I will never join you.

Cleopatra: (Moves toward Caesar) Well then I have no choice but too...

Caesar: Wait I have a better idea. (To Cleopatra) Why don't I take her back with me to Rome? That way she will not stop you any longer. I will be able to give my people a wonderful show and you dont have to get your hands dirty my love (Beat)

Cleopatra: (excitedly) that is a great idea. Guards take Arsinoe to a private jail cell. Under no circumstances are you allowed to let her escape is that clear! (Guards nod). Good. (To Caesar)Tomorrow, Arsinoe will no longer be in Egypt. (Guards are exiting stage right with Arsinoe is trying to rebel) One moment there is something I must do before you go (Punches Arsinoe which knocks her out). Now leave. (Guards drag her stage right exit. Beat.).

Caesar: I must be off. I must prepare for our voyage tomorrow (exits stage right)

Cleopatra: Excellent. My plan is working perfectly. No one can stop my rule (laugh triumphantly and crazy) NO ONE!



(The Screen appears and we see the time vortex people creating a ship in which crosses the river showing Caesar return to Rome. After the cross we see the people transform into villagers as if they are about to watch an execution. Suddenly we see Arsinoe being dragged in front of the Screen by a guard where the crowd starts to have uneven emotions. After a few moments a messenger appears and tells the guard something, Arsinoe is then dragged offstage and during this Fade)

Scene 1: 43B.C Caesar Chamber

(We are now in Caesar office chamber. On stage left is a table which contains war objects like a war strategy table. Center stage contains a deck. At the rise, we see Caesar sitting in his desk. Suddenly his Royal Adviser (like the one in Act 1) enters stage right caring a golden challises. He places it on the desk and says).

Royal: Why did you not do it?

Caesar: Do What?

Royal: You know what I am talking about! (Beat)You have done it every time you come back from Egypt. All the rebels in Egypt were burned at the plaza. Even our other enemies in the past were burned there. The people love it. And are entertaining for you as well as them. Why now do you decide not go through with it? (Beat) Tell me!

Caesar: Because she is too young! (Beat as Caesar gets up and moves toward upstage left) Every time that I come back with enemies of the Roman Empire, I know I persecute them and kill them in front of our people in celebration of our victory. (Looks at royal advisor). This is a different story. She is only 16 about the age of our daughters and wives. It just does not seem right for me to kill her when she reminds the people of their own children.

Royal: Yes, but sire what about keeping a strong image of our empire. (Moves toward Caesar) Without these sacrifices our enemies will consider us weak.

Caesar: I do not care.

Royal: but sir...

Caesar: That is enough from you! (Beat) Now I need you to fetch me Arsinoe from her cell. (Beat)

Royal: Are you crazy?! She will kill you!

Caesar: Arent you my royal adviser who is to do anything I say. And besides we have some UN finish business to attend to, her and I. (Beat) now go and bring her to me. (Royal adviser nods and exits stage right. Beat as Caesar moves to stage left of table. He is breathing and staring out his window. Arsinoe enters). Hello my dear, how are you? (Arsinoe spits in Caesar face) I am guessing not well.

Arsinoe: Shut up! Why have you brought me here?

Caesar: I am here to....... Arsinoe: OH wait don't tell me. You want to kill me right now in private instead of right in front of your people. (Caesar turns around). Please I know what you have been doing with the rebels and why you did not kill me in front of your people. So instead you are going to kill me right here. Well if you are going to does it just do it now? Ok? (Beat)

Caesar: The reason why I called you was to tell you that I am sparing your life.

Arsinoe: (Beat) What?

Caesar: I have decided to spare your life but under one condition.

Arsinoe: And that is?

Caesar: You are never allowed in Egypt.

Arsinoe: (Beat. Arsinoe looks at him then hits ground with head up) kill me

Caesar: Listen to me. I can make sure you are never found. There is a temple in which your sister does not know about. I can legally get you there where you will be protected.

Arsinoe: Why are you helping me? I am you enemy is that not. If my Half-sister finds out shell.

Caesar: Because what your sister is doing is wrong and you are the only thing that gets under her skin. (Beat) Back then I thought siding her was a good Idea but knows I was wrong. She is literally drying up our resources and money. Soon there will be nothing left and both our empires will crumble. I dont want tea t and so wouldnt your step farther. (Beat) Listen you have two options at this point. You can take the deal or go back to the cell where this time you will be executed at the steak. (Beat)

Arsinoe: Ok I accept.

Caesar: Excellent. (There is a knock at the door) Right on time. Come in. (Enters Priest Megabyzus) this is Priest Megabyzus he is the priest at the Temple of Artemis, the secret temple I was talking about before. He will be taking you to the temple. (To Priest) Make sure no one sees her.

Priest: Yes sire. (To Arsinoe) Hello my Queen, I and Priest Megabyzus

Arsinoe: Hello. Nice to meet you. But why are you calling me queen?

Priest: because in my eyes the way you were supporting the Egyptians was very valet and that is a quality of a queen.

Arsinoe: Thank you.

Caesar: Good now if you mind I need a drink so please leave me.

(Arsinoe nods and both exit quickly stage right. Short beat. Royal Advisor Enters with a knife and stabs Caesar. Caesar screams and falls on floor. Royal hides knife. Guards enter.

Royal: Caesar has been assassinated by Arsnoes hand. Sound the alarm!

(Guards nod and exit. Beat. Royal Advisor grabs knife and exits. Blackout. The screen appears and the time vortex people become a famous monument of Rome, which suddenly changes to an Egyptian pyramid.)

Scene 2: Throne Room in 42 BC (We are now backing in the throne room in Egypt. as in act 1 scene 1. At the rise we see only one throne, the center one where Cleopatra is sitting. She is reading a note. Then suddenly, slams it to the ground)

Cleopatra: Blast that Fool. Egypt will be unsafe because of Caesars assaination. He was my only protection against my conniving sister, Arsinoe who somehow escaped. Now with him gone.... (Beat) I must find a way to protect myself as well as kill my evil half- sister. According to the note, Arsinoe was escaped the roman prison and killed Caesar and is now hiding. If she finds out about his death I'm toast. I need to find this location and fast. But What?! (Beat Messenger enters stage left) What is it now!

Messenger: (Hesitates) My dear queen, a message has come from General Anthony.

Cleopatra: The Great Mark Anthony? (Messenger nods Cleopatra gets sly grin of face) Please give it here. (Messenger gives note to Cleopatra and exits stage left. Laughs.) It says here that he has become emperor of the Roman Empire. He also needs the resources to Egypt to help him pay off the deaths of his enemies so that he does not start war. Tis funny. Why would I help him? Caesar was the one I had the deal with not him. I would rather have the empire destroyed. Unless. (Beat) I have a plan. Messenger please leaves me so he wants to play games huh. I will play his game, but he will need to play it under my rules. I will first play hard to get. That way I can try making my demands more convincing. Then in exactly 6 months I will go and see Anthony and, make him fall in love with me the same way I did with Caesar. Finally I will tell him that I will give him Egypts resources under two conditions. The first is that I must be protected at all times by the Roman Empire. The second. He must find Arsinoe and Kill her! What a perfect plan. So sister, where ever you are hiding, be warned. I will find you and by all the gods of Egypt, I will make sure that you are no more. Then no one will stop me from taking my throne! (Evil laugh)


Scene 3: The Dessert near Giza 42 B.C

(The lights come up to Mark Anthony and Cleopatra playing with scorpions in a bowl. (Note: This scene has no lines). Throughout this scene we must see them getting closer to each other until they start to make out. Transition.) We then see Mark Anthony and Cleopatra lying on the floor. Mark Anthony is half naked and Cleopatra head is on his Chest)

Cleopatra: So do we have a deal?

Mark Anthony: Yes (Kisses Cleopatra)


Scene 4: Temple of Artemis 41 BC

(We are now in the temple of Artemis. the stage is full of roman Colums which are moveable. At the rise we Arsinoe praying center stage. Beat us then see two Roman guards start moving toward center stage. Arsinoe get up and turns around and sees the guards screams and starts running. The guards follow and start the "chase" scene where the roman columns start to move thanks to the time vortex people. Finally, blackout and a scream suddenly a spotlight appears and Arsinoe falls to the floor and is dead after a few moments the Light on stage right as narrator appears)


(We are now backing in the classroom. However Arsinoe is still dead on center. Spotlight on stage right as narrator appears. Arsinoe is there as said in the end of scene 4 and is frozen in time.)

Narrator: It is such a shame to see her die. She would have been a great ruler if it was not for the fact that she was born with an evil and vial sister who only wanted power. Cleopatra plan had succeeded and Arsinoe is no more. In fact her plan worked so well that both Cleopatra and Anthony became not only partners of business but also lovers. But sadly, after several years of torment the empire was no more after Mark Anthony's death in 31 B.C. This caused Cleopatra to commit suicide by snake bite. I would like to end this lesson with a question. If you were in the shoes of this separated family what would you have done.

(Arsinoe stands up and walks toward machine as she exits toward center toward the middle of the time vortex (without screen). Ptolemy Xll and Cleopatra appear one from stage left the other from stage right. They hold a family poses for a few seconds then blackout)