SIP)I Port!'r, … Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960...SIP)I...


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~_-=- W~)IIt' 10ld \ I~()U-S- f;-~fI+y

'Ii! 11;J(1 ~Lak(} In I'U'" I 10 Cuun!\ SIP)I Port!'r, thai: •

the ('Oi)llnJtU'c dlsi:IPPJ'uv("1 ill"1 " ;~~~ll~t~ili~~1~~~~i=ii~~~~~~~~~;~?~~!~1~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ ('aLI.~(· 111<' lllt'r<.:(t'rs will "r{'''LlIt JIll Near Decord Aud"lence T Y an ('nl:jr'~l'd rlls11'"Ld heIng formT'Cli _J\ _____ -- - - - ,I-I-we· ear WlilCh h<l~ :)f~IlLradlllg I ,-::.-' I ,'.". Wllh ollu'r Inr thp t'dut"u Hears SAC Bana Here A two-year pflson .';(.nl('nc~ la~l ~ !JOIl of the! lllllrli{ll". . '~ week WIS dl'<TCcd lor Charlie I \. schools at 'I .give-

I -W,aring. __ , ____

illS lerrltJrks hC'/lU,;il\--,lpr5ilcd 1;1 An';!> estimated crowd of 2,500 Ward, no ;l(\dre~s S~nlenee .was ,', 'j,} , -lltldress, _ i Portions o( the dis:rict will be year --4fl-4~,.l~l~ and - ~ .st II people tUlned out 1D hear the SAC! pass(,(1 by DIstrict Court Judge I .~,:, The summrr musie camp bJnd attached to Districts 9 (Hoskins) one mill;

, ('(I Ih,l! Ow e!2. oj tlw tour dlst , band l'uesqay mght at the WSTC 1 L\~><l;dac~:~I~cd wit to aSSln a "".: • I wilf playa' 45-rn i nute com;crt -be- and 11, Wayne county ... and Dlst- one mill; fire department, up-.J!.i~~ '. , Ilct:-; 111\ 01\ {d ~IlOl\Jd l){'glll \\ork I Wdlo\\ Bowl _ ~,I ( <fed check at" Ce~tral P MarkgN ' <. ~ -~,,~4.MJ I fore commencement and will ""pro· rlct 26, Stanton coun'y. Bulk of tenths; park fund t down two-___ 11l~ ~~l'-{! org-~'n:rz;mon uf a I (oller;e officials sa} thIs IS~IS the second sentence Ward ' - Herald ~tarf Ph'oto vide graduation mu-sic, Fred Voic-c ~~:t~~s:.rict will go to the.t-Ioskins tenths; Social Security·, up- two

t'-().mfl-I(lh-!'.n~I~C' dlstll.t:1----,,\hlch lan nearl} a record attendance for ah I haS- rc'lclved -,n Wa n county In DICKIE LEE TIETGEN, son of Mn and Mrs. W~yne Tietgen, real- ~ill, give the invocation and be~l\e. 1 _________ ..... __ 1 tenths; intersection' bond~; down prol.-Ide 1 c(llllnlcti' ptdgrdlll for all-k-vent ~taged at the Willow Bowl 0 1 b 1940 h 1 y e 't nc Iy digs into the ice~cold wotermefon served as the final treat of dl~lond'd [ d 'U lb I· one·tenth 'and library bonds down"""

PUTHI:;; tht'rcln " I The band, 'whi('h.~ IS attached to I ('~ ~ ~r two-yea; t~rS~ ~~\l~~ns:me the summer park recre.Qtion .pro!~om. Dickie ob~~<;LJJ Way~e preirn~e(~te~y O~eg~:;reaers ~. iB~ WSTC Profes"sor to, one·tenth. ' , When h~ ...... m('(ln'l by a I the Strategic All' Command in 1 offense I Her,ald phot?gr.apher Fnday With tJust one more bite to pose f04' Chllds whi1e Dr. Russe.ll Owen. A comparison or the 1957-195~L "t'olllpl{ tl' ).yolle s:lld Gma)la, was brought to Wayne as I He has served three prison terms 0 picture. Dickie was one of more{'than 50 Wayne youngsters who clean of administration Am aw~rd k levi~s is' shown below: ~ ~. '

he l'n\ . 11 a,;1 pr?g.ram thatla paI;t of the calendar of events "In California. two pr<.'viot!slv ill Ne· took part in the summer program,sponsored by Community Chest I diplomas. the cerem~IlY is'op,'en See B-ach Mosie Fund 1957)'1958' 1959 ~kt'~ I'! Irh!l~! f:;;;11 kll~ll'rg~~t~~ I for· t.he\ 'n:-STC musl<1. camp. bl'aska, and one each in' Oregon tuntl~, ~- ,1 to the public. . I General 5,0 ,s:o- 4.0

rot!~ 1 ~~V('· ~~r~ ~~I.l1 . T~c nfusic can'fp -wzll cnd Sunda.y and Okl<lhoma HE:' waS released In Eu~ropean Tour Streets, 1,!.1Icys 1.5 I 1.5. _1.5 tilt ~.I:1Il . tt+---" • , ~iT11 ~~~n~-e-I't---m- 2-:-3f.j-p-:m~rrrm a-rr--Dklahoma pnson_ July"'~j ~r'-' _~~_ _ 0,3-,' 0.1 1.(J

I"' ""L"","1. h"''':'''o'h'l '~~~hi\vm, Gerhard Schrolh. CIHCago; a~, Shenff [Jon l)'e1hle said. U· ke1' .eeld 51.-Jo· hn' 's L, uI.her··u·-n-'~-.(J1" u" r'Cfi, 1.0 1.0 1.0 I j{' .. ,Lilt .1I1{ {OUlI!:- .cor.,<lntz:l . n I guest conductor. Ward who savs his chl'ck-writ- whAonsee1imghul;I.cCnlhhascemnloustIYlyeol'~llnPo.:.en_'~ 2.0 2,0 2.0

- lontm!ll!,['... h,1\ l' only adVISory I 0 ing mI~·arlventu~es date ba{'k fo ., " y ••... -, 1.0 2,0

-_. J1()\\'t r ... "Inil could no~ fun'f'ff~~anc _ • . . 1926, IS 57 }E'ars old. I" d j ;. ~~~!iS~~rerm~:~ m:~:kin~~ ~he~l~~~ .0.8 0.4 ,l,n

. ~::',;,:~.;'",;r ,10' '''''''~; ~r'~hel'~~,~IISoClal Security Off,c,al e S ...... B.S._.D,·,.I, Je".ul.e'on-~"'vi_tes. f, O.iI'- Sund'ur, ~ -~}{}~~-[H'h \\,;Jntf'd ~o-ah('ad with the lAt Court House Todoy- I ____ - Ull _ _t.f ~VI 'I ~s~e:1;e~~n;~;o:;-~';TAliiu,cnneiir IlH'r~{'r" '. I A represc~1ta(IV~ of ~hf' NorfOlk~unera ServlteS the music faculty, will' go 0,2 0.2 0.4 (

_~~~~~~~I~I~~~MU~.I~ __ {. ~w~-~~~~m~·~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~.~u~r~~~e~W~K~h~h~~~W~i~h~~~~~~~5~S~~~UUU ~ - atl(,<Ic1 \,ittJ the m"ITgrr,"-=h-e a-dtlt.'cl-'I clerk -::e~Hiti'lct~--our-t-'.s o:£1iC:e ~ ~, H r: h f~r the' new ~~. . ~.Q2 0.4 "(hen It IS ULit' .lUll til hclp you get the courthuuse until noun today. I 1Jr .lam~e~ • ~pliU r church will be Sunday. Three sep. -----{}.;-B • I.e T.If" I I f A I I I I

~ I ~ -.4.8 4.0 ..

:: __ ty: h:~ ~·,~~~·a.t~n.~o:~~{'~n or your ~y~nc'_~ p annmg" ~_ .a pp y ~)r H -M --:01 ~rate .services are planned, .!:i1.a~t-

ch~"n -~~ __ ~.~I~"~' Hdy'~_a~_~~_~.~~;n~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~t~~~i~l~~~~~f~~;~~;:~~~~:: Woik~=.Rb() Sind one of--t1lL-----:mOSt te--.rsh:t-mtm!h bcfot--e Ilt'-i-:; el~-glble. --- -- -- - I'" - - the ~uld church- at--lO B.m:--illlPOl't,lI11 nt'd.s f91' a tQ.p;n~Ig:te _'-p~sabled f~mers",!~.!r 65_-!..h~ 1_ £~tl~('"r~-~ serviFe-s ~or -James H, Hea-ded -Oy..:-fhe·crei y program IS ~ junior hlgh school expect to qualify for disabiltty Spahr, 85, were nelCl Thlonday af· th - - t' 'IT t th

"There, w( are -not <do1ngl!t*e job benefi:s or the disability freeze tcrnoon III the First IVlethodlst e cohngrehga I~n w~h gdO d'o t' e we shOUld," hl' t'xplaincc!." by the end pf this year are urged ('hurch Mr. Spahr died last Thurs· new C u.rc. ~ne~e h ~d e Ica Ion

'fht' nUl11h('r of Fural sebJlol dist· to makli! inquiry now. day In the Wa)~ne hospital follow- ceremon!~;;;; Wl e e . nets III :\t'llt,tlska is ste:tdily de· InqUIries may hC' made in person I mg a lengthy illn('ss. Rev. W'. A. Gerdes, pastor ~f the {'lilliII t;, Wolff' sairl. lnrhcating a wh-en a represenlati\{' visits thtsl R{'v. William Simmer officiat-ed e~ngregatlOn_ 1929 _~o~ 1~4~ trOl1<!' low:,r,l J"( organization into ar{'a 0r in writing to the Norfolk at the service.1 Monty McMahon Will be, dedleatlOl!. .speaker. "Rev.

iI'-_....-"~See R-EDtS.TRICTIN6 page 5 social.-§E'{'uqty offl<·cs. , sang "Bey~md (he Suns€'t" and Gerdesh

IS nOw serving a Ho~~.ton, .----- ---- ~ ----- --~------ "GrJI'T"Be With ,lYou 'fill We Meet!Tex. c urch.

Again." Mrs, (;:'. N. Olson was ac· Women of the church ~wlll comp'anJst. ~ " serve luncheon !n the W.k&fieJd

Pallbearers yer-€ LeRoy Spahr, I high school auditorium following J~'~:;';:;;:;,~.":.~:t:'41,,:';";;~n;.GitiH:""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''';'''''''''''''''*",-i I Frank rrmt Dorrald1-the '

-+r·;"'""'"·i'h""i~;"';.,i;,, •. an-d--Harry The service-

,was in Greenwood I k'~: ;.IIIA.have

James H, Spahr, son of James iE·1 Paul's and Ad('lia Spahr, was horn Mayl ' 12, 18-74 in Logan county, Ill. In J ern 1877. he mov~cI with hiS parents' eran to Shelby ('oub(Y.....~{l., and in 1~84

. i

The exteriQr of -the c-hurch- i"S -finished in Iigh~ buff brick. Art glass windows irl\!3anels of .tfl.ree carry numerous Christian sym­bols.

Ev~nts' and winrel's WE're: .~ A Flratun~: Patchen, Dude Dar·

nel!. Gene .B(>hJl1er:~ Ray Haase. _ B Feature:· frehmrr, Gory Ncl­

Inciudl'd in' the ~uilding are. a! son, HogC'r Pof<Jhl. Fuzz Strong. large elevated mOthers' room, I C Feature, Australian I, PursUit: pastor's office and ~ sacristy on I Darnell, Raasch, Benmer: the main floor w~lHe ,t~e undercroft I First Hent: l'Ilerrill Forslund, is comprised of a la~gc auditor· I Jerry Suhr, Marvin Herscheid, ium, kitchen, two rest rooms, two I Strong -­large ,storage rooms and a fUrnaCe! scco,nd

'HOSKINS _ ______.--'-_.,

FiteDestroys Building," He is the son of ~r. and Mrs

T I - W' W 5 I -rIlPm Lloyd W;,·d~man. San ,jose,

00 son" • - _ e e y rVl:-' EUS-youtn.lloWship ,

A tool shed' and its contents burn·------~---~ EJn~l~lli!~\10~~~~~ to! Jh0 dl~~t~I~~~ NI Ja7t. Wednesday --'aft-er~oon .onlgnt'n by M~' E<~rl ATI:lcr<:ol1 I chllrc~ met at ~he Ra),mond Jo. were

- -'--:-fu Wllha.m We~ely fa~m SIX 'm~I~s Round table dISCl1SSlOl"!- was ~n chens home Monday evrning Lw1tf1 northwest of Hoskins Loss WIlli ~pil'king wild flow(']'".· TIlt' club Will J f. I ho _{ Vic Chair-I'sti.mated at ab_out, $2,,000 ... lpcl~d, have a famIly picnic 0\lJ~. 19 ~~I ttiann ':~~ll[f~~ g~,~e th; I(,SS9 n t (,d m. Il!'~Jos~ we-re,,!I!l::eIeetrl(! 41:.111 Ta--Ha-Zotlka ~ -Norfo:lk-. j on "The Shadows They-Cast", and we]rhng outfit, a-lT compressor and .Gw_'sts Wl'rc' 0Jl'~· ChUonl Gla-+condu-eted Uie business session. pnwl'r to?~. ". vin. l\1eLl'an. )\.fro, DOI\;lld ,Larson flaV -rar-K-'~;..'~~",--,~:;u.-:~q'''''T",,"'''->ITr''"T'n'>i"ili''p ~Thf' ,hlaze was dlseov~red about aud ~1~S~+~In~<; Ruth1llan.,_~(',!~~~~~ Irll'W~fu,-mf'mh~rS mpcting a.t ?:30 I

lQ!!!-'~4~'!:r.5--.- '-.----_ - __ ~. _ ~, p..-iJI,..24l{;,the Blother-hood hUI~{hng, , w<ls_.preparmg-ro~re~fner f~rm Lmlls Benrhn . _ • \Ir and MI'-s Leo Joruon and Schmidt h{)me Sunday

rtH'n wert~ ea.lled and kept the blaze BUs,v Cooks and Stitchers J\(r and l\frs -Ezra Joe-hens Will Henry Asmu~, and

peoP~1!" entrust,



to Serve You

hom,~_lo", .!LlTIeeting HosklOs'"'ilre --- 1 Jochens Plan Oae.n House Soh C<lrroll, and Mr Mrs·

-' Jrom--Spr.ead-illg--t~umr-ngs., ..=ftIisy--Uttlc: Cooky :mrl Slttrher'> ob.s~rvc their SlIver weuchng anm gftCSls - in the ,_~,,~""'n' .. '._

mgt wJ1b JliJ s LOllls Benr~1l fOl I t~' ~~:.~h~Y~~I~~~~OP~"~";~;:~~~~'~E~::~~;'~~~~~~~;:;~:;~~t~~H2~~~~~~~~~~1r~i7'it6ra~~r:/~~~~:: PIriT< ancflftU. SfiGW,,.r-Mrs Oscar Weiher anrl baby

CQl,'don were honored ~t. a I' pink :mcl blu£' shower Wednesdayiafter· no'on at the home of Mr~. 1ilina

d{'1nonstration d:1Y Ia ... t TUl'rd:1Y i , Mothers of nwmhcr<i, /lomp Extl'n' I borne south . Mr.' and Mr. and sIan Agent MyrtJp And('l'"on' atH: ]l\frs. Jochf'lJs have spent all of

~l::t~~o~n sr,~~rs;~~;Jg~;~~0!f7)il;~';'~ ;~~lr l~~~Jr~~?c~~em~nnlN~~. NS~~o\~ the demonstrations. MrS. Bcndin the former Alice Prince. They served lunch. bave two daughters, Mrs. David

~-~.JI["=...EJ:aqlI<llIJ,=,,,IAIllIllJ!l:"-MJ:l,:+~~_= ____ 1 1\1ors('. Grant, N. M .. and Virginia Sorris Klug, rs. Hans Asmus and Baptismal Service I .. at nome, and a son, Alhert, at :\.01 rs 1:.a~w.e--HelntIORt. -, - Theryl Kay, lh~3nT o3ugmer 0 home: ' . G\ll'"s-t-s- were 1rom- wayne, Stan- Mr. and Mrs. Mahin Wittler, .was _


ton) M~adow Grovej Norfolk, Oma- baptized Sm:tday ,,'morning ill srrv- Puis Reunion --h-a- :and- Ho!<k-ifl-s,--Hestesses - . --m--the---Hoikins- -E-v-angeH-cat- The annual Puls-------reiTIlion ,,,",..,,"~r"4",~"~'"

._.- Mrs'. Anna Weiher. Mrs. F~ United Brethren /g:hl.IJ.'Ch With Rey': el~mll1ay ~aL1h(> Q!!.h.liQ1M.~_jn , Pierce, were 'd~::~ry~~:::::~Ju:~~~+~~~~~~_~:rll":.~~':"IT1O~---1~li4=lfqlniJl2::ugt!if.wITIli'2J~~~jsJrLi1~;e;~p;;~r -' - Landrf'th, LeMa~Ia-,,--' rIfe L. Schr~'urs Officiating. Ta-Ha·Zouka park wit I]. a pjcni~ k.';;';;~~,;7'n,~ . rd Hall,,,h,,om=ep.c,me.l\i ~ --' ~dinner at noon.--

, her, Chur' "hes' •• ~ . T and C Garden CLUb . __

-tfl)-rfhern Heights Club). k~" Trinity I,utherah C!lUrch l\lrs .. G. B. Frank ~as hostess at MJ' Wilbur Anderson was hosl Wisconsin Synod a ninr o'clock la,','n breakfast at

C'ss t~ the Northern Heights Gar: . (G. 'B. "Frank, ,pastdr) her hOlnf>---rtwsduy. Picnic t3bles ":"-----Uen club last Wednesday afternoon. Sdnday, AUg. 2: Divine service, W0re decoratC'd .with a centerpIece

l\lrs. Oliver lQ;~w conducted 9:30 a.m." of flowers. Mrs Frank gave a th '" l' g Roll c II was "Name ' comprehensive' study on mosq~!-

-tl ~1~nteII'~1 iike to·~a've." The les- Evan. U~~,ted Br~thren Church toes. Roll ('<Ill was "A newcomer --son was on pest contTQI 'by Mrs. (Wayne L. Schr1lellf's, pastQrY _ t() my,.,gardpn." Lesson was round Ernes~genberg. A compre- ·Sunday, Aug. 2(. Morning wor- tanl-e.dlscusslon nn n£'w v<.IrietH;'s hpnsive studY""on catalpa trees was ship, 9 a.m.; Sun~ay school, 10._. of iris. The flower and vegetable

:\11'. and Mrs. J~lm Asmus and Lorna. WinSide. and their grand­children. Stanley and Duane, Der­QY, Colo, Were vi!-.Itors in the 1fans Asmus home Friday evenin~

Mrs. William Se!lings and Ro­b{'rt, Des Moines. la, returned to

!~~:r wl~~~e i~~r~~~y v~~~e~n ;;~:";;;:~f""l'--'>JUJl<', h0me.

1\1rs. Martha Rohrke accomp' ho;;:. and Mrs. Arthur Walker, allled her ~on, Lloyd. 'l'hicago, to Elmherst, Ill., were guests in the Ot'naha Wednesday. Henry Walker home from Satu

!'Ill'. and l\lrs. James n. Guntcl'. day until Tuesqay. Arthur and D('~na and ,.Jimmy .. G.enew. Ill .. Henry are brothers and M,r. and Mtt. Wllham Gunter Mrs. Kennard ~nall and Mrs-. and their grandchildren, Linda and Louis Bendin took their Busy' Little JImmy, San FranCISco, we reCooks and Stitchers 4-JI club on a glJ('s~s in thc L;\fayette Gunter tour to Norfolk Thursday morning 110111(' laSt wrt'k. and cnjo-yed a picnic dinner at Ta"

iI'tl ).lnc.G'Ylrs Vernon Beh~er en- Ha-Zouka park. 'Norfolk ,f.<-'tt<J,uH'd gucsts at a ptelllC la\~n Prof. and Mrs. L. Hahnke ancI

Sunday ,. in honor family, New Vim. Min

day l\lrs Lestcr Dre.fke and Gary and

I\Jrs.~llarfJct Drefke, Norfolk. were visitors in the Mrs. Emilie Schmidt home Thllrsda~ ('vening.

1\'11'. and Mrs. James Gunter, Hadorc-l'wr:folk .... Dmai1'-a, were w('ekend guests in

the Lafay('tte Gunter home. Mr. and Mrs. Wa-,Yne


uf Ivan Wednesday, Aug <. __

Iml1l<llHlf! !.lIlh~" :111 ('lllplps t'ltr,l

Miss Bakrf- :lnd Mr. Hallslmm <' btll'bf~l'U(, - . are students at WSTc:---- "'"'-Thur,da~ __ ~~~§~ ,---- __ . No wedding dntc lws h(,t'n :-;i't:-----_ L(j~all -1-{n!lH~Ill:1k1'fs Club -- liJ'!>.. 1

. . SUSI!' i\Jrlkr J

,Methodist Circle I ,,-AlethocJ1 .... t ("in'k' I 11-\-(-'-1 I:lsl

WednLSd.1Y wi1h l\Irs Ed Wol ske. Co·hostesses wt'rl' Mrs.. M:lr­tin Lagp, :l1rs Ht'nn' JOhn:-on and Mrs. W. A. W:lUf-nll,llIpl Mrs.- !f~rty G. K'l'ty had-----rrevo·

---tiOllS . .-_ ~__ _ ___ -

Sept. "23 meeting IS wi1h 1\11",,­K. [\1. Pn.r!tc

'Evening Cir~le Meets St. Paul's evc,!ling cit.cle met

Thurs~ay,- -Ml'_S. TlJ.flY"~H1henla - had the ·scr.ipture reading and

grayer. Rev. R. .K Sh!r,ck·- pre­sented the lesson. Leona Bnhde served.

[1t'dCl'Jlwr ~LlI-HH'r:ln ",:1:(1/'" -;1]1( -t',lrdl'!tt \.'111),- .'11'­


E(l\V l~Juh-\I1"'" niH}

There'sMtre to (w:Senice Than

PUMPINatiAS at M &S W ~~Just Jhe Beginning

True car care begins at

_ t!.Lp-um_l?~it_h _.!..!_~~.!<:f~_.~~ Skelly Keotane, but­

the b&ginnin,g.

In" order to function

your car needs:

• • Tke ServiCe

• Battery Service

• Accessories

• Washing and Wax;ng

• ~.Brake Service

That~ Where W.e.. Come :In

I-Missiona;'ySociety Has Three Guests Thursdoy

Baptist fI'lissiunary society mt'l Thursday with :'IIrs. Eugene An'~ derson. 1\1rs, Besse Peterman,



When you are planning your school ·wardrobe remember, "­




,<'ITor -of 'K 'I'

-v\'~If.l!c~JeOllIJ -I.mle!i-l-'",,'L ~-(h ('I HI, W~lync pitchcr~ allfow{'rl

W Th d II:'! ,~nd ISSl1NJ lW{l Inl! ntlOll,d ~\ 1Iks

auso urs oy : 1~~~;~:~kf:~ut\\~~Il~;J\ ~i~~(~(> \:~:tJ~~~: 12-inning-· Gefme -to ;1:~J\~<,j~;:-:lIJ]{III~~~. 1~IJ;1 ~:;~~J~';~'I~~~L~'::~ I

___ J.\'<1yne ball ~ l<! lnnJl\g .1I1(\ \\alkNl llOfll )'1 10-1 3 Illn tlmJlel' t6 Ptl,,'!:---l.t.:>l Thllrs~.u_\-ll1l~,," 1 l!l~(' ST'f'Olni \-\ ,)11"t1 -hLH 1_ I

IlIght on til, latte~_dl.'lrn()fld. ----I-'-It:·""'gHVf'r-HJ-)-~f_;,_ iUHI ."",,*_-L.-Hank OverJ.ri' and" Wausa;,: :[,Yf\c.- \\</\/1(' h;'lt-~r - ---. '.-­

Jorgen!;~11 locked hcirns in a" \A;:f~'n(" WH-().l.U-lliJ1l IHIL~'l 11' , I pitc-her-s duel- for- 11 inRu,gs;...-JO"9- \\.'iHt~'-1 - - )110- 1_0(1 (lOO_~)(l:~~ 8_ U ensen was lifted in ihe twelf~n.-: Tlaltt'n('s' 1L\l'l'~rl illld TH'fsor/; Overin pitched, all the game. ! .lorgt'llsC'n, I allg(' (11) and U,,·

Wayne ,~('(lr\'d Tirsl with a YlIfl1 wald

;~I' tJ;~;'s·~1:~1lcltIUl:::~ ~,Ir~x~~,ll!~~~ }~~ I • .

~\,pr.('d 011 HlJh[,~ l~uubtt..'.. _Wil,lIsa I Woyne~_ent5-­lJ('d tht, score m the fourth Of!

(';It'I~(\Il'~ 11(Inw rlln ;ft'ltil('f lC;)1I1 W~' 'd' 8 1 U ",('ored ll~;lln until the twetfth inn,: InSI e ... ,' rllere ing" 'I

III 1111' top of tlH' ,(,\'l'if1h W;)\nt' Sunday Evenl'ng :'i.t'lll'l'd (wo runs Oil [uur J.ll.t.~, 'I'm . '. :-.bynsld.ol>C1J.('d Wit I! a hil ;Ind SOI!'I'lC1I't',1 In ,'-.('l'I)Jlr!

;'1\~r()!'{'d(J1l SIl(':.Jr'~

[1t'ld'Snt'ar !-o1'OI'l'rl ~I'1LT ,i!Jd ZIIH m(,I'm~!JJ iloth SlJJ)!.1t>d

" .. : .... ~ \\:ilIL~;1 ('11 Ill!' hat'/.; with thrl't' III tllf'lr h,1I{ of 1111'

\\':I\J!t' b<lll club 10111\ :1 11)11:-.('

1,\ ll~'1.'d gailit' lrom' \\'In.~ld(' on I Ul(' !(Jt:<.Ij "dwJllOnd S'!l, ll!.L;h! 1_ In' ,Ill H 1 H'II]'(' ]'0\\'('11 Zll1l11lt'l'

. Oil till' Il1UUll\! IIII' \\ :lylH'. <II

I" ~Hera.lIlStattF'nQtc

WAYNE'S JUNIOR LEGION'basenail team sailed left to right are: Kenneth Vogel; Roger DenesiD, past Tekamah, 9-2, last week to take the Dist- Dennis Lutt, Monte Schram~ ,.),cr·fy-Ahlver:s, 9nd '. riet III championship but were stapped 3-2: by Ro!}old Blecke. PloyerJi_kneeling left to right are: Papillion in- on Area· A battle for o . .state post. Bus.. Li~e~_la.ny. ,XLti.ll~C!..!!~ljn Lutt, 'Batboy 1

In the bottle against Popillion at Tekamah Sun- Steve Schr~m, -Oann'y Vrtiska and Bill. Denkinger...::

!-oIX hils anti b:I.II('1'. SI'lbll'l', f~<I\'r 11\1 mill' lllt~, \V,ill:('ti


day night Wayne o~t-.hit Papillion 5-2 but could At letrls' Coach Ralph Bishop, Manager D'ean­gorner" only tw_o runs to c,ut .down a thtee.~un _.Scnrom. with the team mascot Mark

, jjrst inning lead~~~~-=-~~~~~_ her:~sta.~mg S~Cc~h~~ ___ -f--'---____ ~_~~~~ __

! t

W5TC Distance Ace I S()UTHEAST ,

Running in West :Wake~ield ", (~'~'(" '~~q"f.1;;,,;;,,---+m---mmma-=hry-to-rlrect---tfu,';;'.Wiek

~Aug. 12-13-14;-15

-BURWELL Four Afternoon Performances At 1:30 p.m., rain ar shine

Contesting ·A~conaarcm··_·

ct u, S. Champion.

", -se;e-casey---rtbbs--in Action. -~


Ticket Info - Box ?,l,,~i: ·--ca..----oIcilH4JRt'"-tJ;o-T87!!'


Monday, Aug, 3 -wors'Ke·SfaM'Stetter

." Firestone Store

Bressler Feed .- ~vs.- ---" .. -Pierson __ lnsurance

Wednesday, Aug. 5

Friday, July 31


~~TlME DANCE~' . .- KMNS Disk Jockey's


I Adm;,"ion SOc Parent,


were a closs Qsslgn~ mCllt In elementary educatIOn ~ classes ot WSTC tbjs symmer ~

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bonawitz (Kansas City, -Mo ~ aT,f' V[sUlng Mrs I ~atherJl1g 1lnd piCIll{ SlIPPt'1 thdt Two of the dlOr~m~s ore. ~owdn S!wril:lfll' ~and ~orralll't' W E RoggenblHh <lml i'l1! s lkr ('\ ('nJnt.: her" Rick 'OxenJord produce

/ <- allf were glcsts in "till' RIchard I Iha iIa[fleld I Mr. and Mrs Ken Fisher and I a work coiled the "Great New ./ugl'/ home last, Wednesday .md ~ !A!cke:'l-- He-dri-ek, Mon'lJOmery,--filml1) nlal! I\{ I" iH'rk{ llrl World,'" de'd'hng With the space Thursda~ Mr -and M-rs Hll'hdld \la, Silent ,\ \\('pk \~ III 11l'- parr-Ills IIf LIlt' ( A g () d honll age The other tl!!ec-dtmen-Jugi'll and ,Mr ilt~d l\IIS Ra} ,\11 and Ml~ ( [<, Ihdlilk :\Il-:.--i \11's 11~thil dlllncieri Ih(' \\.I\lll slOnal work shewn wa~crealed ~ ShefIan(t and JO.lCJ,I(' I Htdntk :.11)(1 \lllkt'y \1:-'11('0 hil I [ip l'lly ll,I:-'S IPUllion Sllllll'lr--t---b-r-Mrs Emma Jorgensen7 Hos­

~)~r~~ ~~d~~:t~o~~~nJ~gN~~s~~n anLi Mrs, ( B (dub (ld.lI Hap I Mr and Mrs-Rob~rt WickWIre, kms:-Icft~~ow, and' Ronna

d,l) dtn~('r guesls III Ihe Hlch<lrd 'l'dto~~m~~~~O'd and S~ern Nel., ~i'th~( l~n~III~~(~~~ 1I~(:)t\:~Il}slt;\I~:\ I ~~hr~~~ e-:~ S~t~I~I:~c~n Jug{'Lh()m~,w('r(' MI .al~d MIS r SOIl ~D('nt thl w(Ct'k \\Itll Utto llelt ~JRltlnh d \\ttk 'In tltt !\lJ,~d ~I The works In the class ranged II Obsl an sons !1('[11(ft !\1('IVIll j bold" Thul~d<l) II~tholds VIStted lu\', hOlllt _ __ +-fr~

-- ------a-ttt!-~nd Ge.1'.a-ld-R-u$(8~~1l v..'--U])I~L ew - - --- ~~~~~:~"..'t~~-~:=-==;;';'=~~~:-:::::-----: man, Mrs l\lmmc Wonhler, Ml s man Grove Frida) c\ enmg tl;lc\ Mike and Carol CreIghton Vl!.ltl:l'd were mtended as samples of H W eonawlh: and Mr and Mrs Wl'I-€- Clllll'rs m the D.r:Y..I.Uc NelSO;lllast w('c'k Ill) !h( 1\1al\111 I,hlers

l tE;:ochmg aids

Elsel Wilson Mr and Mrs AI hOllH' Sunday l\lr and' Ml-S Otto home, \\est I OInt • fred Baden and chIldren W('fe II Helthold, Lon llclthold and Sherrll .Mrs. George Wiseman and sons, I SU'1day evening vl~lt()rs to (h(' Nelson 1:IIld J\lr <lnd- 1\11 s Dan LIVingston ("1\11 sppnt inst Sun I

.Iugel home i li('lthoirl \dsJled l\!1 ,llld Iini Alii d,'() (0 lu( ~d~l J.b~'\~_.J __ Mr. ilnd Mn. Clyde W . ..stewart,-Ji1~ltJlOid Ilarlmgtoll \ (l0! hl( ~ ho,))(' _ I

-.Ka.lispeil, Mont, were supper and r Marilyn Henegar and Jo Ham.' "'~alter J Ulrich was hostess ovcrnlght ~u('~ls Thul :-.<1,,\ III till' I 1101\(1 () llJh.l ~Pl'llt idSI \\{'(kl'IHII tu nlllll'~( (hl'( k( I (11Jh r rld,I\ ,fTi Ch,lrips.H MIJUchome Othcro\('('jJll the Lonnie Hl'l1:g(l[ hOllll'- 1('11\(1(11 ~II:-' :\Idl\ ('I(~( lshosllSS, nIght gU('sts WNC 1\11' and Mr~ .M:r.,5,.,..- Henry Hmnet1cbs spent \Ilt; 21 I n,dph R 1\I1l1le, Llm,l OhIO undll\Jnnda\ IT) Ihut"ddl In nil' WIlll'l Mr and Mrs Robert Carl and l• Ihv and Mrs J C Sut(r <lnd Johll~()n 1101lH' \\akefU.'id Tucsd,h ldlll)1\ (lllllill \1~I1(d SlImil\ Inl DavId, York Ali wc'nt to thl' POll( a I rlft!'l nrW/1 !\1 t.., I !1I11l('! i(.ht> ,\1 I ~ I iltl Ah III .J \ om Ill( s 110111 ( Stale park Fnday for a thrl'l'd.ty jJohn:-'(11l ,Ind ,J.llll{l' S,llllpsun {.Ill Mr and Mrs Walter J Ulrrchr rt'tJlllOn WIth Mr ~lI11c s iJI utlH.'1 f> I ('c! 'un !\It s Ho)wld S<tlllp~on \\( r( \ 1~lr()] ~ 11:-.1 '-'\1'111 1\ ,d(~ 111(Hltl

and !il!iters OUIE'lS attl'F1ulOg tilt I Mr an':l Mrs John Black, Emer· III tht' ll( nl' I\OIlI()( II IWIll{ 1 (l..,h I r('unlon were Mr and !\irs llaln son \lsHed l.lst Sund~1 afternoon Mrs Emil W -Roeber aUenderl E MlJlIe and Mr and Mrs Ot'dn III tlw S J 11<\le hallle ,I !Jlttlu!,t\ Pdrt\ 1,1:-'\ \\l'dm<;d,l\ I ~ 1

~~;l~ry Ban~:~~~'tJ~~n~~'(II\}~lm~~\d la~;': a~'a ~(~:~ g:~~:~"~I~:d T~:~:t 1~~)~(,1~(:(~~'1:::~1 ~11 ~ 1 It I bel t \\ I:-,t II J ,) \~~ "J ------:--sl~tty, Ml aud .... l\trs~-:V--ilJtern()()n ,. Mr al1d Mrs Owan Jenkins we~re ' 1 \ '

Mull(', Ced,lr RapIds Ia :.Inll 1'\11 ~ I Mr. and Mrs. E. J Echtenkamp rill1ltN gIll ~(" 1.ISt Thill S[~.J\ HI the "~ • i

~r('(l W Henkel, Salt Llike CIty a!t('ndC'd th(' (,l1USl' lCUllion al Wl'SlIT P RolH'lts hornp ,~ \ >~ -Mrs;- Fred----Y/;- H~"3.a1:f....La e _trtflt frtttultt), --- - ,., j Mr~s Lloyd Russel!, KIt and KIrk, I, ,

lll) and M1I anrr~ll'" Cl\ue W "Mr.--and--M-F-S.--.e.d....J,.ti1e.c.~ (I.n4-~OR-l-~,~fll~ ~~:._::::~.~,_~i~--"--~'-~.~t~;;-;;;;;;;;::=:;==~_=::-:--.:::.:._=_~_=..::.=._:.~.;"..,===:.:~I Stewart, Montana, \\:~leov~rnlght ltl dlllv('d Thuf.srla)- to \-Isit Inian"iT"""Gr(g-~"t""t"Jto-is-'l'--IttIf-S~-::""'------ --- --"ucsls Monday In thc CharI('s I tilt A n EllIS home Dr GEl C'\-t nmg 111 lit(' !'II r~ 1)(o(ln R('cd ArliHe home Rev and Mrs J C IH.lrlm,Ui Will rletUln WIth th(' 110mI' Norfolk fOl'IHr hHthda\ ICars Tru('-s - -Suter and D.avld Wl'l(' dInner HItC'IS 1 Mrs Howell Roberts and child· I A ' N f W ne Ch h J!uests Mrs Henkel,llcotnpanlcd Harold Hart'!!.a~~i'h and1rl'n \!:-'I!f'd 1,1,,1 Sdt r lllLl\ 10 'v\{ti. ews-o ay urc es th(' SufC"l'S to YOlk Stewarb left Gal)- Om,dl.l \1';I\ei/ T'llda} (lfttl 11l(>~rll\ In til<' T l' RuiJ(ltS l](lI11C RegIstered Monday~ their home III Kaltsp('ll noon In tl\{' A n ElliS home I KIt Russell sp<mt the weekend Mont Mrs Wilbur Hall, accomPdniedlwlth hP! gf:\ndp.lI(nt~ !\11 dtldl ___________ _

Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth KlandeC'Ud',b\ l\IIS Oltk S~II(klt'tt Bl<llr VIS 11\11'''; DOlldld ~llilIk('n lIod famIly, Omaha Wl'lC' \ Isitors Iller] last wl'l'k III the Llo)-d Stru:k Mr and Mrs John H. Owens I 1959

nesday III the Charl(,s If 1(,lt honw, Haeme. Wl-S- li:l~t oSunrld\ "Hp! noon In the

Sunday evening Mr. and. Mrs. Anton Pedersen attendt'd a fare well party for Mr and Mrs Laur its Hansen it Wir'lSlde The Han· sens were formerly of Wmslde and have visited there the pa~t two weeks

(Mr. and Mrs. e-arl ~n"S;-Mrs. DIck K} 1 and daughters and Mr -and -Mrs; Manon PerkinS, Des Momcs. who came 10 Wa} Re thIS week to attcnd 'the funefal of J H Spahr, caned ----on--wl:rs Jul1a Perduc Sunday afternoon

Mr. and IMrs. Virgil Hansen and family, CounCIl I

Mr. and Mrs. David J. lll.lms hOIlH'



-.. -~------~-----------j'-------'-~~-----=:--='--------


/--c-----------. -

\ I

-~ ----- ---- -------



-t------- -----t--.-:-~--~-~-______ _

-- -- ~

~~--~--Ic---------+----:=--c-~ _______________ ~ ________ _





· ,-.~,: .. .::..~.~ .. ,~~,~ y.y-~y-,:, ~.", ......... ;.-



ling to do yet th.i.s...-se<ffi-iTrl. I2(l~Y-rnc:rnod

PO}v~~~~~\~~"~~~W class ~ .. eJl("h~' tp·f A~l'i p~"er mowers. You.'lI-never_ sOfry you got onC'. Ooast·To-Coasl, Wl;lyn~. . ~,., jy23t3

On ~. FREE TR-t-At, no obligation. See '. ,' .. ·a' ·.ty-, 'how easy ·it. is 10 weld wilh Twentie-th Cl.'ntury t8tJ amp. weld-

cl'. 5 rCllr gtt-ar<lnlh'. W('](i1llg Slip·

I pli( S S~mhlps, w~ync: _ .iY~Ol3 Ii U N D H 1':-0 S OF SCHOOLS,

SUPER sao -1~'E-EDs~vIJl-i~~c;-;{' hu~:~:~~~e~~h'~' nllh;~i~ I h(~~;li~l~l~;I~~~~ .;;;;=========;;;;;j;;

U 5 ED- your poullry, hog and t:iltUe ]elns w\lh Gr{'t'n ColoniClI furnaces

, ._ .. :. ,_ IprofltwCom~ in and.lf'I_~ us.exP]ali~ F'rt'c factqry '('ngmcering assi"st """~==~===,....~~ - C" ~ so SPl.'C1Cl.1ZC III "f".H 1- anCl":' Arnold Mau J~lllmhll1g (lncl :--:-

alar ('((,finIng. 1\1arvlI1 Johanson. Hf:'atmg. Phon(l- ,'102 WANTED' Expt'f]t'nc('d

A :R', '.s I PI:~~(';~:W, w~~n~ :'Jl'h~~~! FO~ SALE: Good Case Comb~ s,/:r/:;r\e~~·:~('a~f;;aii~~ 26 Sl H\\ INN-- Ble Yt LF;S as l.ow wl1h motor. Also a l'nOWCI;: wme!· I ~, - -~~--... -~~~=-c-

as $4UIS. ,-\'1.' als:) have a ~mt' row('r. Ll'vi Gi('se. jn2SIf I WA:'-:TED: Feed. Sa!.esm~n, . select·wn of use!"1 hltws al prwC's -'- =--o----=--._~- -~-- ----- - Ul'ill'ld SupervIsor In thiS, Coun. [<lOSing from- $-1.0 ~llll. SP~RTS-! SUMIV!ER JEWELRY CLEAr~. ty, V .... I'II.t' or ~.all I-High MortiqIer, LAI\D, WAYNE. jy23t3 ANl E ... I ha .... e some he.111\I- 62:1 l\l:l~fll't SI, Norfolk, Nebr., I'nr,,'''nj,.-nf~'-Y-~""~~Y_"':-~i.!!'',~''

-"~I'C~.MH~fI~tf----II-I---L......-....- - ful summer jewelry thaI must go', Phone 2.4'~7,.1 - jy30tZp


--:.. TILE ~ TILE - TI~T - Eamng' rn,t p~,fi'ii; ,f::III\N\AA"f-i~'Tlff':ITJ)=:iAi~;mrn=To=-;;:;;S;;;'H~~~;~'!;!c~cI,,;~~c.JI~4 , lond pall 15e 2 PI('l't:' s{'\ first sl't s .. Ill', m In calling on ARRIVAlS

Extra Buys

Let llS iTMp \OU sclC'('1 Ihe right 1$225, second s('t 15c TILl IES fal mel S In Wayne and Dixon Coun floor and w,ll] Itle itl! }our home GIFT SHOPPE, WAYNE tIt'S An easy way for exIra In \\ e carry a complete Ime of Ken --- C'llll1e by f('(>(1- salesm('n or others tile. Wp also ha,·c OXf1Jrd ceramk FOR S.ALE: 1T;;NI Rpfngpr<ltors now ('ontadrflg- farmers. For com.

~~?~~lltl~._~~.nd ~=H_~_.;G~,I~la~r~an~'~~~0~.~'~k~"'~i~~~'~.~~~.'~'~B;.;X~S;C;~J~~~~O~~~~~~~~j@~~~~~~ii~~i~~~~ii~~i~~i~~~ Conohle f(lr ('ounter lops. leeri. $19.95 a!ld up. Usc our hudgd WaynE' Herald. jy23t3 plan. Merchant';; Fjl'~stolle Slore.



j vein. BULLDOZING • n d LAN D

LEVELING, dams, trees reo ~ moved, gullies _ filled and , reclamation. Large -andlTi(.u· , ium m~~.hinefi. - _

v'DRAGL"INE WORK. .Channel changing or building or truss erection. Also 20 ton lowboy for heavy moving. .

Phone Forest 8·5317 ev,('nings

~;;;;:::;:~~~~::;::;;t' .. Jhope.rty Exchart§e __ i ~ 117 Main Phone 19~

Federal Land Bank Loans_~ NATIONAL FARM LOAN


Wakefield, Nebraska

Sec:r~ta rv~ Treasurer

"Quick! Let's Cdl Th:l Plumhe~ ad Sil!md,,":

:::t'e~:'. ~;'p~:-

best regula.ted of

109 W. 7th PHONE 733

Public 'AoCtita-

Oliver is the sprayer you need. greater capacity of its 200~gallon tank will cutoyour over~all spraying time b~ as much as 30 %. -' .

The trailer tread of the Oliver 233 adjusts ea:~ily to Rny~row 'Yidth} and there's a choice of PTO-driven -

;:~~~;fturripS'cwith pressures-up-to- 400 pounds, needed for alfalfa aphid control. And you get many ather proved Oliver features-like the new a-way control valve located himdilytothe-tractor s~at.


Enter Now

FO·RD" OR:-=~_




-~-~ ..

<md Mrs. Louie Wille1"S and Y\Lo.nnc were dinner guests -Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Hilpert.

1\1r. and l\lr5.-.E-:--5. -V~;lderlagc, Fremont, were Wednesday {'veiling


family, Wayne, an'J WITITS RIlz{' and solis -"TI,.iC"ii'~r--c""~,,,,n barbecue supper- in the I ~H.?f ho-.Jll€-"WedncsdHY.

Guests ill tile WHrrcn

~~, -.fI-- ,-

JtJ)pr.~nc-e_s~ nsitors at the" Rev, H. M. Hilpert ii.:;:JIiii;;;;;;;;;:;';;;;;;;;;;;;;; IHiml'---Margo and Jana Vonderlage, who have been visiting their grand­parents, Rev. and Mrs, Iiilpert, ae­('.ompanied their' paternal ~rand-


Reg. 3.75 Value

Rere's Wliitwe Do---;-~ 1 Remove Fron. Wheel. and In •

• pect Broke Drum. and LInIng.

2,~ect and Repack Front Whee'- Bearing ..

3 In.Jt!~,-:GreCl.e ~all. -4 Check and Add B~~-k. -FluId-if

NHclad. 5 AdJu •• Brake Shoe. '0 Secur.

Full Con.'!ct wl.h Drumo. 6 Car'fullY te .... Brake ..

Phone 99"

I ~------- -~-----

'I'his- 'Ys' Drive S-KSet in- __ cludes 8 Deep Sockets, %.­to 1,0/" '. Fine~t Steel, Chrome Plated, Polished. Makes -spark plugs and hard-to­reach bolts and nuts easily jLCcessible.

JuSt $6.95

~'---------"-'" n----~)URBER'S



'AlL WOOL twEED ... ~ ..

G-E REFRIGERATORS -:-10 ttl. ft.J.IllD.:~ .. ~~ .•... ,-d-Zt9Sc~ 13 cU. It. BHlf.399.95 ex. WALL ~ODEL, 11 cu. ft. LW11 369..95 ex.

G-E FILTER FLO WASHERS WA95~ ...... ~~---:.- ...... ~279.9~ ex.

• • , • • . • • • • • j •• 'r":;-;' .~ 188.00 ex.



10 cu. ft. HU10

CON~ERV knV"i-Y----+-.­P£Z\Rltm=====t==a=



13. cu. h7 Frost Free



1 H. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249.95 1KP-;-Deluie,u: -:-.-.--:=--:=-==.--:-=. --::-. =-==-:.~;;;;;=;;:;::=I=.

~~-"r---­. 44.00

G-E-=-bISHWASFIER 17'1.00

EASY COMB. WASH-DRY .. 279.95 GAS SPACEHnlERS::39:fJS:n~~ -

0'1 AC--ClEANERr~3UB=3'1n-~:

nAlt~-E-W- -ADMIRAL--.-~--EAD-~­---- - ----~-\I1\--·---1--70U_

• ALL NEW STYLING Ultra-Slim S-wivel-Console R~flcct$ True Elcgonce_of fine Furniture .

.-.. .. i

. . Provides 282 sq. in. of Viewing -Areo='=~(Hn; morctnati ordinary T. V-sets. .

He's searching for a lost -receipt. You can . avoid this predicament. Pay bills by check ..• your cancelled checks are~ automati-e-r.e.ceipts. Play safe ... open your checking _account wi~h us today! Save time and transp.ortatiQ{l worr-ies ... too.

Member of FDIC


2 -~---"";-~~;;;;;;;;;:~';;;;:;:';;;;;:;;;;;;'~~=~='=':Wav-Capitol News- I _

State Engineer;6---l~unch _an i vVhen- .

IFconomyc-Highway-Program-f ' -- - - ---- ---

n".' «()('h-ran I !Itlue to ('onrJ.\u~k.JlJ" own S'IIIII\ nf --4-fII*===*,("-#flBI»¥-»1I~(-l==i»1d~ant<; the departml'nt

1(1 ~!,1 tlH' maxImum value out of Two things alrcady have rr">lIll ltH' hJglmay dollar pd from hIs ~IIHh The 111"q I~ the

I {'o('hr:w, was the last Demo defmltlon of til!" fCSPOIlSlbllil:- of (r,III( gl)\prnor ,l2rlOr t6 .Q.ove-UJ.Qf thC---.-di.\,j,sl(j-n-;<'111im('('r~ S('(on(1 IS

-~lr:lTj\'1i"'1'fi-"OO!{s .InrI bf'fore that w-as rxpanslOfl of th£' rl~hLof v..<l\ ~('(~(nmp!(tt>d --I,I\!' (,tlC'inp!,!,. said hl' IS consider IlIOn mto a full fledged dl\l'i]Of1-lU+_ l:fw n-l-!ll-f thrl'(' plio! . Inc: th(~r(jSSlh!llt} of I()w€"hng ,con I the department \V 11 :'Ilt'n).!;t:1. tI 11('dr {,()111pl(,/hlll ,11 (' S,dl ~lrll{ IlllI! "t.lrH!~lrds on some rural long-time department Plllploy{', ha~ ~\\l'd('htl!"c: In ! .. IIl{,:ISI('r a n II ,1,111' 1",llb been- promoted as ehll'f of thl' lH'W S<Illnril'I" l'()lInl!('~ the Browne\!

TIl\' ()hvlolLS- .reasoo for consider dIvIsIon 'w,lt('f~IH'd In (Hot' {Ollll\; ,inri tl1L' ill\! ~ll('h a movc, the sta~cn COl2hran ('xplal1lcd the operawntls! Indian ('J'('c'l- II 11{,I',hl d In {;d'c:'" Inc: '11 "I'gl ~1. tll(' ("I~ nl,lns to ~IVt' the

~,lId, "IS to get dustless sur were cxp.,nded because nght-of'l l()ll~:l\ I IdlkJlI~' plllllrt''i "deh we-ek a 11111(' faster," By IO,wer· way work has ;:rssllmed "Irelllend I N~w Flog I * *

~I,lnd.lnls, Cochran explamed, Otlli importan('c llfl'<lUs(' - or _ l'hl'l A 49 ~I.H flu~ !Jl'\\ n\ rr th_"lk~ he h,I" III ,mind 1.0 red\1ce the thick vo[um(' of hUslIll'sS dnd the mOfl('Y~ I1fHIS<' lor d s Ill).! 1(' d,l\ tllt'n \\:lS I 25 Years Aga

~ I)(:>~~r bllummotls -:ur!ace and re· Involved" _ . taken \0 th" grt\'l'I'nl)r'~ Offill"

~~lt~(~lIfl:~:(,~<l:>(' s1ablTIzauon under ThiS espeti,l1!r is tru~ nec{lus.c'\.\11Pff'--II--\\111 l't'1ll:'111 -TIH-;-il~;-;-:- -~h ~(;, \9:11 Kl'nnJt .... ~lrwart, musIc !fl~O:~;~-tor nl

S\l~h construction would not ortf1if1ntcrstatl' hlghwCl)- WIH'l'l', \\dS ohl,tinf'Ti (!II' (;u\('rnor R dph \\<l~l1l' I1llhll(, srilool. was touring Sm'i("t Russia Ue v, Hil'Sllread, hli smd-:--ott rlght·of way must bc purth<l~ ,BIO()kc; h) Hell Llrr~ BIllt1- Ill, plantwd III ~Illd~ mU"I(' while III Moscow Wilbur, ph onh tu ,1fl'as where traffic I a,r():-ts Ihl' stat£' \Lll\l'I11'ld BnwK ohtdl!lcd 111(> fla;'!1 "un (II :}Ir dnd \IIS H~-AhI\{>I~li fromj!w

, r' I'd J, • I. Conlerv~otion In Wd:>hmgl(ltl, J) (', II [WI'(' II ~lIpp('r~ ~jldl' In Bn'~:;ler park ana broke his lC'ft ~~:;~~~:;'I;lCn~1\7t an w~.ert!f S~I con· Rur'1l.l Nebraska is sl't\ Ihl'.;_II,'\\ o\'('!' ~IH' lld\lU!l's capitol ! \\11';\- _. Elll<; I' OWC'ns \\ns overeo~ bv helli

SI,lJll!,Jtlls would remain at pres pacc across thC' nation In land ('on 1 f\,Iew Sidewo.lks \~h( 11 w{)rklng III IIt(' hay field :lIlrl he [ Pllt IllJ.;h hlPls on all m'ajor high.!Senatlon \Varr('n-Fairl'hlicl. . I ,., I ! w, \ .... l'dlTylng heavy traffic .and tary 10 the SLiIt' \Valer -,\Ilcl at (./lrt'l' l'nlLll1l'('~ III thl' StJtl" on 1I1l' Illlers.ta~e higJiwaj' l'ons{'rv~J~!1_~'on1l11l11('('. saId th.!l hOl!~c arc bl'lng repj,It'.('d

Th(' n1U~\ logical places for the m~ny ) ('<In -Xt'1Jr~f:st:<1 has i('d: I"'emtrntt<ll)' Inffl~ -wf'-r-e.-l"e"'··-37.i::-. IhllilW!" blacktop. Cochran stud, nahon 111 tI}E' dpplil'.ll1Ul1 \)f 10 IIp till' uld (illllTctl' at till'

~ \\UlJld be III sllch places as the tcrr<l('mgr ~ 'and "(Hlth l'lltr.II~({'~ of:

,,11111 dJ Inri northwestern Nebraska I do some 20 to 25 p(.l,J;~'l'nt of I ------------.l.,aPlwarld

:;'11H'~1:~~1\t' ~;~I~~C'~Or ~~nsal!ls~ll~~~:~. ~~~, 1~~'t\ot~rr;.~~)I(~~~( d~:~~o l~othleO,~~(l1 'I S~e by the Herald' :';~~I~'II(I,'(~I~'~· ~~II~~~l~~~I~~tI:: p~~j~~?; mdt'S of (('!TaN'S arC' l'!'Pc\Cr.\ each J ___________ _

,\1 d reCl'n\ meetlflg' in LIncoln Ill' Lilli sqllar('ly In thC' laps oP'the ,'I III dJ\,lslun l'ngmeers the ~TFITliF --011 - construct1oii- in !!\\ 11 dl~lnl Is H(' said thiS mer('h·

rpsponsibilffy of th~ t'ngl!lc{'rs whIch had not

(lpar-l'ut in the past. II( !iran, With the echoes JlL-"",+,,=t--,""--1llL'-JaI"Lln

Ilund." for an mve~tiga-iion ('{' ('onllnu{'s I still

-Iii .

Business _and ·Professional I Sf't and an( hor(>d hY thr of thiS 1 c<lrlu Jd of aillmlnum ('onductors and a i transformers arrived Wayne county

L,nto:1 held lIs nlllHwl nicnic July 28 at Wtnside.

* * 15 Years Ago .JlIl~ 27 1944' Oats thrC'shed on the Perduc and

Bu"h farm ilOl"th\\l'st of \\ayne a\eraged 60 bushcls" to tlw a( re Kermit Fork IS on the place ' Myron

!leware Poison Ivy Lat£' SUllll1WI;,.ll1d fall. \"~I' ill I

1\) ('on !lnH', 111;IY bp II fjJTiinli ('X~I ;-;r, fur t i1o~t' who conl.l cr P0"(';-I ,., f

POlson 1\ y ,!.!I 0\\ 'i 111 Pl.ll1,\ _]1 ~I

and IIl.many form" Thl' I \ .... ivs grov. 'In e!1I~t~'r::- 1 I,

----.;-----,.....----,:""00:"'::-. -----,- ~~;~~~l'l~~I(~l'O~ln S~~OI[~;:~~ :::,;:.II1r1_W~ , ~"l)lll" ,lIh 11l',It!{';, it! ):wlll'1IC.u.lllllt' 1(', .. \hl' OIJ In--tiH' jllal1! Ihal (, ,-'

In Bookland ~/ 0

~ : Cit)' librarian

Mrs, F. A. Mlidner

-.J-1l.2. til,'~(' :><1\ 1Il~ (If I,lim!')'(' T'~ Jl()I~(ltl1ng ot hlHll.Jl1 .~ld:1 III~ 11\' '1 l'Illlll11,ltl(lll of sepa 011 I~ pn'~\'nt on l"d\'0~, ~1('l1h "I'

.....Rl111111~ \\.a.s.lllB"..: UIl' "('pdr.I!Or, <illil ('\('11 roolS' oj Ih(' Pf>ISIJll I\~ II~.III! ldlnll1~ 111(' ,,10m lll~k 10 thp farm Th( '011 IS lIl\hll>4, hut 1:>'~II"1 '

;'l1d qu.d!!\" of bllttE'r and sitek\' and wI!h'11llg hi I lulh : .- \\111111 Illlpro\""d whl'1l mddl'~and :.llOl'S for 111()[Jlh~ ,llld ~IIII I",

L:lLli!r';"·5~'p.!r.-w'~~.I~.!.'1 _I_d_'_df-{'dl'.'ll. III {,IIH,tnt.:\ltii,j::;""" 11I.ill_ IrUlll f;Tl'Jl1 gdlh('Il'd Ill<ll](ln

tll,1t Ill(' ""5(,!l"1\1\ I\~ te) p()j~on I\~' \ ;lllr.;

greatl-y.. arpong PI'Ollll' \\1](1\ ,\ POS! d to till' IV) pl~ln( \\.hll Ih"l

~(I:;hl: lil;ll~'~,~n :~\:~I;ll~)/~~::I\III'lllr II I II

! ColSlJn plans to estahlish hls·fox farm near Stevens,

~S-D~l'~"~~lt~~b~~~l~oi~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c~~~~~~;;;,~~~~~~~'~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I~ ;j; .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 from Wa~I1~' to Slc\C'lls next week.. :'I10r(' than' = I' 'II:>.: tOilS (If naper l~erC' {'olll'ttC'd in last-wcek's dr-l-¥e

WAYNE CITY OFFlCIALS I 111 \\ll~tH'. Jc('ordl to T P. RO-berts and R, E

, -~ - -- I ;\l~lrd;" ('h~:llrm(>1l dnve .. , About 4ll-lialiatr+tmr~~lOiT"1liIS


Drs. Jensenand Brown ~lQ, West 1st Street

Office PhoBe 75


Drso Lewis and Lewis CHIROPRACTaIlS

(EsC 1914) Neurocalorneter Service

ti2-Easl-4!h-st-. ---Phone· 49

City Treasurer­LeSlie W. EllIs _

City C'lerk­Howard Wltl

City AUorney-. B B. Bornhoft----:-

Councilmen-Gordon \V. _ Wllham Pfeil _ Everett Rees Irernard Meyer __ Wm, A. Koeber _ Wayne Marsh


OPTOMETRISTS : \hn' t!l'IMHi-f'r~ the debriS

W. A Koeber, O. Do


111_ West 2nd Phone

I flolld 111

I Hallon POlllt:- on butkr were raised I 12 tl) lQ prJ' pound Army railroad ! _.

173: '1 See by the Herald' i

- I Dr. and Mrs. Jam,<s Goblirsch SEWING MACHINES ! .md LlIi'I), \lllwaukl'e, \VIS, were

- - ! Thur"rj:l\ and Fndd)- VISitors III

Tiedtke Plumbing '~I;~ ~~~d(;;[\',~~(;;~,lnr~;hllr~~~lh~~~~ Heating and Appliances' ~lr <Jlld :'III'S Frt'dt'1'1lk Jense-n

Amencan Slandard dnd SU,-,111 \\abass(), .:'IIinn, alld Genl'l'al Electne \11' ,ll1d ,\!r~ 1{,ll'nld YO'lllgrlo'll.

PiaU ano 1Jor "~tl(' I lI'l'oln \\ ('I t' 1\ l't kcnd \ ISllors In

-:::=-:-:==-:::~=~~~~~~::::===~TIi!E:.:~2~~~:i=~;;C~=~~.~::-.::..~~p~J(one- (!() \ll( (;ElhllfSl)l hllmp _ _Keb.:-.ask.a :---Mr;-,ll1d- Mrs-: Mifbm-n-'fnm""nd+ -rl;1lIT;1Tn'Y~t:lty,-""~"",,,'Pl-~

EqUitable Life Assurance Society

OF TllE'UNITED STATES ---- . K~ith Jec~---:-- +-;;:="::S··~"--":'"

Ph. 368·.1 120% Wes~ 8th Wayne

Dependable In-sLircfnee­I'OR~LL YOUR NEEDS

Phone 259

Dean C Pierson-111 West 3rd,


tne I unusual ami mter~~l'lg onct when !1('. waS a b.1.Y It book ThiS (lne p-nlf'rtamed aH of us at the I!IJfi-)r~, ~o l1llH h one winter that he cau.gllt I heforC' It ,\:.\s catalogued. I (ollr fish In his rabon holler

BEST ENGINfSt One 0# 7 Big Bests Chevy' gives

you over any car in its field

----------------------------You"'e got more to go on than .our say-so",: Every motor magazine has given Chevy's standa.rd passenger car and Corvette VS's un~inted pr~ise_ SPORTS_ CARS ILLUS·,-. TRATED says it this way: " .•• surely' the most wonderfully responsive engine_~ _ ' available today at any price." And if you want the thrift of a six, you still get the best of it in a Chevy.

BEST ECONOMY No doubt about this: a pair of Chevy sixes with Powerglide came in first and second in.lheir C-'_Oc"'-'lIL ______ f-

Sl. Paul's Lutheran ('hurt hand :\Ial \' the Altona church wl!! not h"H e s('rvlc('s Sunday The~ \\ III ,lttend the dedicatIOn of tht' nCI., ('hurch

stem, student pastor, spoke at both chyrchjs Sunday He \HIL s~_\e <10,

at • fl'( ('II t' c:;,;';i,,-;;-t~~'Cc~~";;""'i~:~ITITini-i",~~~:-:-:-c'-c:·c-'-.2cC'"'--'---"cl";--~'c{;~'f---.~.-. -~~~- -"~~1~~~l=O-:)~!!!",--';.ii;;~p::...~=--,--.:..c:~-,-"=,,=,,=,,====-== ! ;\It and Mro, Ed K1U"('Ill,lrk \Is--and ;\lls \ L' I{ln~ atknded the

. Mrs Wendell Korth enll'rtalflcclilted the Art .Jurgl'IlS('IlS dllli olhl'f::>', I II dub ~t\lllt [lIMht at \\a~ne Ffl a group of ladies Fflda) afternoon I from 5t Clouo, Mmn at \\ In I rid:' PI l'llln~


The Undersigned owner will sell to the highest and best'- bid-der the real estate located. in Cedar -ciunty, Nebraska, legally

.. desc.tibJtus.-.lQllQ.l!!;_._-==:--==_-=--_=_ ~. 1\I1·tIuil-I).(rrrl)t1!I(!-S1JUthw~mr-tSWl;4) -of Sec-~--, tilln 19, Township·28, Rangel West of the 6th Princi-

I Meridia north and east of"I11"· C. St. P: M. &

All bids shall be in writing and shall be filed· with State Natiorial Bank, Wayne,·Nebr05ka..

on or before 11 :00 o'clock A~ M. (CST), August 15th, 1959. All bids ~hall be-iKcompdnied by l.Q.%..QUhe..hlcl.J>rice in the form of Cashier's --check or Certified check payable to ~Stote-'Nafionat--· .--t+-,.;~;;;-,,:,;;; ;;~;;~~ Bank, Wayne, Nebr_(l.~ka.

Sale~hq.tnie 's;'bj~C;f t; ~eneral taxes for the year 1959. Sale shall he subject, also, the tenancy of M. L. Lahphear on a written lease 28th, 1960, to be to bu



ncr '~'. W~~ rate t~f.S

- with particular men.

They like our. ?ervice I~.I;;~

(It 5:0Jt A. M.o "


Mr. and Mrs in ~~~~~. :ie~r~~ i,l \,["'1>"Vi'll""HI1[l'S,>v:-r.~lccJ[rencp:m',;t''':'!\l.D'''''rtm1r home last, Sunday' aftdnbon.

~ .. /

W~EK END MEAT ,SPE(JALS_, _ !=lLlaSJt~C"-'I<iUw:."",,'<-K,iWl-j--Rudolph.-K<>y<~FronI<-Ioon ... sif--=-2 Ib's; :GroundBeef . '?...._

P'reSbyteri~n -Church

Allg 2: Worsh·I~. school, 9.::10.

Christian Church ~~~t~~~m~~~~~~~;;,~~~~'s::,~'~ ',we:al'lt!!Hiay Breck a n I S~n(' (~i('se \V~r(' supper a?d mght gu('!>l~ In _llie_ LevI home.

~I <I In .

in the Friday ,+

Mr. and l\Trs. Arnold n'rudigam, Mrs. Alvl'na Wilson and Ml's.. ;\1a­hel Clmkenh('urcl callrd Sunclay m lhe Mclrin )ViJsoT!_hom~,-.!o ~.!?~_~he . ,I new oaT))~- ------ -----

Hayward. CallI, had e;upper at! 1\11'. and Mrs Robprt Ibnsol}, Ihe Norrnawiy in SIOUX City for I Tavarl's, 1<'la .. J.nd i\lrs. SQphw ?In· Carlson's I)!rlhdav Jul\' 22 and Henry and EuvodiJ, Wehster Clty.

Tn \. \\'('dnesday !:'vpn-ing-. In db.' :'Ill's. nark's birthda~: July' 2?, The Ia .. wcrp dinner gursts Monday of WIH (' (If the pr('~ir\(,llt, \1re;, OlIVl' i group w('r~ ('vening guests if! tht' !\1r. and Mr~. E. F.. H)ySf'. Ldll',iJ, l\!r~. tIliler enndueted tlw i Paul -E-v{'rmgham !lOtlle 1I1 honor ArVid Flonne, VentUl'd,

!JTl,~ll:~~I~r;~~l('~~~l~'b('rs of wak:;i';i~+~~ ;~~~~\~e~.d~:Il=t.r2 Holmberg and th(' Art FI?rules :'l1ld Emerson preSbytl'.!:i~n c.hureh'll Mr. and_ 1\1rs. -H~nr~' we~~:m_~F~_i_~_d . Mr .. and Mr~. Art Flo.rm~, l\-!r~ (, I pICniC fiuppcr In the I at the 1\l£'thocl1st parsonage In AnTOn HOI~1 g-and A-rvi-d F lorme, P;!I k !. • I Ventura, Call£.., Wl're guests Fn·

ill" amI l\lr~ entertained in the EIll1l'j' Nf'isoll home . l\Ir,; Dean LundAhl,

;\hllum family were


~~/(}?J s"tOCK FU,ND, INe.

itol"s Cuh Scoutf' enjoyed <l watermelon

feed, in the park Tuesdav .after-I LundDhl, l\li)rHla~ lH.on. >. • IHr. anri 1\Irs Carl Bengston and


and Jim, , i'tre I

spending_.several weeks in the- ("flri j Biehei home, -.. ", I

Robert Haberer, who has been I --,


AT 'fOU~ ljROCt::R5

~/l'lQf'4/(}?J SELECTIVE FUND. tNC.


Mrs. Maurice Olson and Mrs. daughter, Salina, Calif., and H,ilda Mlwdc Gray di-ove 10 Omaha Sun. ~('ng:ston c::lllerl in the Walter Fred· duy to visit in the BurdeltE' Fl.ed'j rickson homr Wcdnpsday.

I ric).;son 110111C'. PattI Fredrickson, Mr. and Mrs . .11m J\lcCaw. Dixon, 19 j \ .... ho has been visiti~g relatives and th(' Pr(~ton ~\1rner famJ!y ,prcmlum quality, ~, 12-m:. - C I here the 'past week, accompanied i were dmner gllf'sts S,unda y of Mr lh_gal1o[llt=monadc •••... ,Can "


JO H N SON I S L 0 ( K tB S 16W. 3rd-~ Phone 73 Wayne, ~e~r.

Ropul?r, Gr.aYVariet~~ ~ 25-lb. Average_ Weighf

CRAPES ~. Thomp.on .«dl,,, v~iery, whit<, ,w,et, Juicy lib" 3 5 ~

! . Mrs, Gr' remained Lor -a,and Mrs. Loton !\Iclaw. !\1r. and Cal""'ni';f"..s"l;~.,,,,,,,,~dlemons, .. ,3,6-.oz:.Cans29C ...

' Geo~~_!~.~_~_ns" ,\\"",.~rer;;;"'(':nl:i;n.~gl'·-'-~r;.' •• --i~~'iiiiiij~.'i~~=:#~==='-"'-'-~='=~.--- :t~.-,,~=-~~!!f~Iii"~!4I-:!~~~~.f:J.I~~~-~l~!jJ:::===I M-rs. Nctlil -:'Ilarlcr and ClaLI ~ lIinrieh_ visited lheir sisler, 1\Irs Roy Garlberg, who ·js ill, in Prndcr


~~/(}?J DlVEtrsl n 1':0 s}o:n-vld:5:~C. lrW.,tOfi Bldg,. Minneapalil 2. Min'nelata

Sunday. The Wllhum. Don and Churles

r , family reli,nion l!l Pierce Sunday .•

he 19£0 rt'union will b{' held in ;\'lr. and Mrs. Ben Frpdnkson h(' IWayn(' Dark ihe s('c,)nd SunrLIY

companied the lkan [~carson fam"i in August-. ., .On·hanl Sunday to visit i 1 The Don. Dyer an,d D.(,:ln Dahl­the Oli\'er DC'mpster hom£'. I grcn fallllhcs and Edna Duhlgren

!\Jr. and ~lrs. "Art MaI1t ,! W{'l'e rlillner guests of Mr. amI Mrs. D('nI11S and Ruthi{'. and'lr. and~"P:a111 i),\filgrcn Sunday :\11'5. Rohc!'t MalJum. Omaho, ert': l\tr-,,,~-,lIHi Mrs. P,ui! dinner gll(Sls in til(> Charles 'Jal..i} v' Sunday

hOlfH'. -- _.- - - I the Adol!)h trc-r~, hon~c, I I 30 rf'!;tiivt's w('rf' gllPsts i Rev and 'l\lrs. 0,. W ('v('nill~: I in th(' Geurg£, Ft. Worlh, Tp\" arnv(>d

, Mrs, Songslad

, " J' 35 -. '

. . - ,; -'- --y-an Camp's; . No. 300 C _ PORK.fiANS2NO,mc.m.49C" C,", ..

- - Hi~~/Brand Pork and Beans - No. 300 Can 1 Oc ... ,2 No. 21/1 Cans 39c

The Wayne


--'Rev. P . Dunne Honored a'

~'-~---- ~--.~. ---'--

---- . _ viSitors' In --tnE'"- ---ct1e-.s--'- itIr-, - llnd -'!\l-n, -~t'--F-u~ "PM~.A;~€W . dil,.Y:~ ':~-S~I'·~·\ '""'H;,~·-'-'.

- I\lr'-_llnsL....:_I:,.~._ IlomC'I' Jurg~J)sl'lT It)!'_~fi.9.L..lit'1snll..JH1.1J112....-_~-:-. __ ,. COJlllTI'--';'he"Il," and family w. last Sunday dinnp ---Mrs, ('('('II ('1,1\'1-. ~.-", i\1111)1('

gUl'stsl in he Bill Chanjbds home Mt'Ca"Y ano 1\I1's. Y\(lUll.(> t~:n~·. 1'i1·f> ... ru11l Mrs. Tommy=t'i:i1dut'e, stNlt nifIl-d~lUghtl'l> ~Iwdt ,[,11111',:­

Sa.n Fr'In(:is('o, Calit, visited ffi the ,du)' nftl'l'lloon Jr~-4"fLl' !'III'S j){'Ii"il I~ilil BO'CsharnlCiTIrt:'ftte"st+t~· 1 v.ljn .JufiJLL .

-ill'g - Mr. and I\ll's-j 1\1 .. : and l\trs. Elmer 'Nelson WPI'C Wednl's~l(ly l"\'('m1\1C, \isJl(lr~ .,,: ~Ff'-rewelJ ~".~ SumJai~~~

l\1t'f1lb('r~ uf S! Anne"s Catholic ~~-. -~-- ~t~'a;;;:;;;;:;:~t:'l~~~P'n~¥'+~f£~~~'£..~~~~lbl"h~~II~I,~, ,,!lurch ,'l[ld,tlwlr famllics gathelCd

t '

.It the p<,!.osh hou~(' Sunday for a- DO ~{lt~~W('~;l'I~~(n~~ u ~lI~~er ;:;~:~~~ >Ixon Dunnt" [S Jca~ mg tllI~ week to ~ Mrs Sfuting, Borg SCI Vi: tlH~ pailsb at Plclce IIls Phone JU·4·2877 Il,placement !{e\ Norman PaIr will-- <l .. rnv(' In Dixon ThUf.sda y . I. M Mr., an~ Mrs,. -G. e-orge .EiCkhOff

-- HT'VPf't'"flfI ',,*rl'- has-----bcM1 -s'C'1'Wtn~ .llie'~D'om>1d--ot,""··cillidTI'n_.I..roi';;_LotreY _. __ ';1;'. <lb.!ilslanLp.;:I~St.- Cecilia's I wt'-re VisitOFS- evening ," .

l'.anJ(~dl'aL Omaha, . I the Clarence Long 110111e. --. ~ I • .'1 LilS! S;tu~day ('vening vio;i\ors

St. ~nne s Catho,llI: Church I Jrl Jht' Fred Salmon h,)ml'. -Con-JNOf!llan Parr, [J<I~!orJ .... : cord, were ,Mr afid Mrs, ndl

Sunday, Augu>-.t 2: l\las~, !) a·Jll'IGarvin and famIly.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 1 l: ~ , -. . I '

i Point. cnts

. ' gl~:tsn ~na rbe ~i~;~~~onLi~:~~n~l~~~ I Henry Ream, S,Duth ,Sioux. City lH~t S·unday I;'ve-llmg " were Mr. and Mrs. Kds Kvols and : ~nd. formerly of Dixon., IS scno~sly I M..llioIL.G.u.slais.on '"Wjs ---ami --M-r-s ----B-e-s " ! III In a RochesLer, MUlO. hospItaL I

l\lr. and I\Irs. P~ul Borg and I Davids'on -ar;;;; GraccL D'avids~-: 11 Mr. an.d Mrs. ~alph Peter-s~n,

Karen attended a pIcnic in Wake- I Wayne. were Friday e~emng callers 1n flc-Ie! park \1f'!>t Sunday honOring Saturday di.nner gL.l~§~S __ 1rL tlJ!;, the Ve_f!10n B._as~_ ~omc. __ - __ ," - - I[ 1\lr, and Mrs..- Ito~-gffi'-g and Frank Lisle hClln-c for l'vIarvin Hart. Rev. rr:-.J. Lu:nmus, Karen.lYe­family. San Antonio. Tex. man's birthday were Mr. and Mrs, ~l'SOI1~ M!lo, Lmda, and MI.l~on I

Mrs. Alice Herfe! retul'~cd. home' I Marvin an and. Clayton. o~s~. MJS~.1 Bl~ch.e Harrison lasl Sunday after a VISII In the Mrs. Jens Kvols and Charlotte, an r. an rs. en.o~ Bass at· Delberl Menken /lome, l\lounlam Mr. and Mrs.- Robert Wicket! -~nd ~~nd~1bi~n ~U,ng. ,PG,O~~es---~alt Luke. Min,n 1\1r:;. Menken is the famil.\', ,sIOUX CIty, Evcf('t Ltslc dac 'venin azalcnc cure T urs-

former _Altee H~smllsspn, l),1x9°, I and Gary Joslin. - 0in~y J~~s~n, Siooux City, was a Mr. and Mrs. Leo I Elsw,orth, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Eckert and Saturday overnight ouest in the

IMelb~rn, Fla., ~ere{ iuesday daughters ~nd Mr, and Mrs. R~n- John Young home '" ~. overnight guests rn the 5., E:-;'- Penlenck. and. K,aylenc PIC- l\lr and Mrs John Voun 'and

home. ,MI'. and I Els- I at Gavin:' POint Sunday. joined _a off!. rcla.


Fin.~ quality bleached muslin sheets BJ;' , .. lOB" or

Double Fitted

:t~~ 63" x 99"

72"x lOB" or ..... ,._. _____ ... Twin Fitted


~~-14v~ Md>"onaltl's Money' Bak sheets and pilloW cas-es are- made of. ~~ooth, durable

_ ...M.!ul~ ~i,tl1.y{iae taped selve~ges, Stock up how and 6av~,

S • K -I.; -tD:L-I"=I~1. . Bl" X 108" or 72" x lOB" 6r ~42" x 36" prmg nlgnt \I\} ",oJoreU ~nel:tSf "'-ases----=OoUbte"TiHea---- -Twtn~Fttted-'-~- --c-Pmow cases .---1-- -0-1.

PaStel rose, green, yellow, blue -a~d . lilac .. '- --------------- PAl R -

Famous SpringKnight (I') sheets ;:'-re woven- of iong':Weari-ng-l28' ~ .­count muslin_ Choose delicate, luxurious colors to match your bed. room decOi'_ --s-a-ver----------: - ., -114·

(R) Town and Country Ensembles


·strlpes and

12" x 1.2" Wosh Clotb

66c 46r-

... 26c

·Springcale (R) Bleached Sheets, Cuses



- .B~-!'.!.~I!'i_~.!!!~~!.I:t-, __ ~IQ~e:IY C"''''~"-'''';~-f-l. - and pillow cases made of luxurious

co'Lint com-beet-- ya-i-n ---Percale: Siiy-----now­t~ese budget~prices!

. Doncresf *Dacron Pillow---·
