Sinusitis Camilla Curren, M.D. The Ohio State University College of Medicine Division of General...


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Camilla Curren, M.D.The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Division of General Internal Medicine

Learning Objectives

In adult patients with symptoms of illness, abnormal physical findings, or abnormal lab findings, identify age appropriate diagnoses.

Identify the differential diagnoses for common issues in ENT(hoarseness, pharyngitis, hearing loss, nasal obstruction, epistaxis and inflammatory disorders of the nose and nasal cavity).

Learning Resources

Practice Guidelines, August 9, 2013. ACR Practice Guidelines for the Performance of Computed Tomography(CT) of the Extracranial Head and Neck in Adults and Children.

Sinonasal Disease, November 13, 2013, ACR Appropriateness Criteria for diagnostic imaging.

An Overview of the Treatment and Management of Rhinosinusitus, 2012, US Pharmacist

Chronic Sinusitis, Brooks, I. Updated 4/7/2014 from

Module Instructions

Articulate Module

• Review Module content

• Complete Quiz

• Utilize Learning Resources

Virtual Patient

• Interview the patient and obtain a Full Patient History

IHIS Learn

• Access the Patient Chart

• Review Physical Findings

• Interpret Patient Data

• Place Appropriate Orders

• Document Encounter

Patient Centered Medical Home Concepts

Enhance Access and Continuity

Identify and Manage Populations

Plan and Manage Care

Provide Self Care Support

Measure and Improve Performance

IHIS Instructions 1. View the articulate module associated with this activity, “Sinusitis” and review basic IHIS

navigation information including the creation and documentation of a patient encounter. You may access the IHIS Ambulatory Modules via the NetLearning site at Please be sure you are familiar with access to IHIS Learn before beginning.

2. Interview the patient “Alexander XX Spiros” by performing a full patient history for documentation in your Progress Note. You may click on the blue oval link on the last slide to access a hyperlink to meet the patient and perform your interview.

3. Access IHIS Learn and review your assigned patient chart “Alexander XX Spiros” documenting Chief Complaint, Vital Signs, Allergies, Medication Documentation, History, and Progress Note in the appropriate sections.

4. Review and document the Physical Examination findings using the dot phrase “.EXAMALEXANDERSPIROS” in the Objective section of your progress note.

5. Review and document lab testing results using the dot phrase “.LABALEXANDERSPIROS.”6. Review and document imaging results using the dot phrase “.IMAGEALEXANDERSPIROS.”7. Create an assessment based upon the findings of the History and Physical Examination, lab

and imaging, and choose an appropriate diagnosis in IHIS Learn Dx and Orders.8. Select additional orders as indicated, and associate a corresponding diagnosis to each order.9. Create a plan in the Progress Note, documenting orders placed, medication ordered, patient

education and follow up instructions given in the appropriate sections. Remember to include any plans you may have for the patient for routine preventive or self care and return appointment.

10.Enter “NCNC” and desired follow up for the patient in the LOS &Follow-up section.11.Close the encounter by clicking on the appropriate tab at the bottom of the Navigation bar on

the lower left column on the screen.

Sinus Disease


Acute Chronic Recurrent Allergic

Sinus Disease





Complications of Sinus Disease

Periorbital Cellulitis Abscess

ImagingCongenital anomalies

Facial trauma

Proptosis on exam

Diplopia or visual field change

Chronic inflammation, infection or obstruction

Post surgery

Sphenoid involvement suspected




Infectious Disease

Respiratory Therapy




Nasal Saline


Hydration, rest

Risk Factors For Chronic Disease


• Intubation• Anomalies• Tumor obstruction• Kartagener

syndrome (ciliary dyskinesia)

• Dental Disease• GERD


• Cystic Fibrosis• Sarcoidosis• Granulomatosis• Vasculitis• Immunosuppressive

disease, HIV• Immunotherapy• Smoking


• Allergy• Aspirin Sensitivity• Hormonal

(Pregnancy, oral contraceptives)


Acute, chronic and recurrent sinusitis Common presentations and clinical findings Risk Factors for Chronic Disease Common Causes Imaging and Referral Indications Utilization of Care Teams For Patient Care

Thank you for completing this module

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?Access IHISLearn

Interview Alexander Spiros


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