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Steve Vavrus1, John E. Walsh2, William L. Chapman2, and Diane Portis2

1 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI2 University of Illinois, Urbana, IL


Influxes of extremely cold air adversely impactlarge areas of the heavily populated middle latitudesduring most winters. In addition to causing humansuffering and fatalities, temperatures during severecold outbreaks can kill vegetation and fall below thethresholds for which buildings and otherinfrastructural components were designed. Since1989, when the National Weather Service begankeeping statistics of cold wave fatalities,approximately 30 deaths per year have been directlyattributed to extreme cold. Worldwide, the toll iseven greater. During the recent winter of 2002-2003,for example, widespread cold in Eurasia causedover 500 fatalities in Bangladesh, over 600 fatalitiesin northern India, and widespread suffering inwestern Russia, including the Moscow area.

In the United States, the greatest economiclosses from severe cold result from damage in theagricultural sector. During the cold outbreaks of1983 and 1985, Florida citrus growers sufferedlosses of $3.6 billion and $2.9 billion, respectively,contributing to a significant shift from citrus growingto other types of land use in central Florida. Theeconomic losses from such outbreaks are also highfrom broken water pipes, road damage andcommercial slowdowns, especially in southern areassuch as Florida and the Gulf Coast.

The incidence of extreme cold outbreaks isintertwined with climate variability in several ways.First, the atmospheric circulation patterns conduciveto the build-up and southward migration of extremelycold airmasses show intra-seasonal to inter-decadalvariability that is a fundamental characteristic ofclimate. Second, climate changes, especiallychanges of mean temperature, can be expected toaffect the intensity of cold air outbreaks. One of theapparent climatic paradoxes of the past severaldecades is that the northern continental regions(northwestern North America, northern Asia) haveshown the greatest warming during winter, a patternnot inconsistent with model-derived projections ofgreenhouse warming ---- but also a pattern that is

Corresponding author address: Steve Vavrus,Center for Climatic Research, 1225 W. Dayton St.,Madison, WI 53706; email:

consistent with natural variability over seasonal todecadal timescales. However, the incidence ofextremely cold outbreaks has been at least as greatin the 1980s and 1990s as in earlier decades of thecentury (Walsh et al., 2001, Fig. 2). In support of thelatter finding, we note that, in the United States, 16 ofthe 50 state records for the lowest measuredtemperature have been set during the recent two-decade period 1979-1999, despite the widelyreported warmth of the Northern Hemisphere duringthis period. Also somewhat paradoxical is Thompsonet al.’s (2002, p. 1426) finding that extreme coldevents are less common over the south-centralUnited States during the warm phase of the ENSOcycle, even though mean temperatures are below-normal in this region during winters in which ENSO isin its warm phase.

Similarly intriguing findings related to trends oftemperature have been recently reported, apparentlyindependently, by Michaels et al. (2000) andKalkstein et al. (1990). While both groups found thatthe coldest and driest airmasses over subarctic landareas have warmed significantly in recent decades,Michaels et al. contend that the Northern Hemispherewarming since the mid-1940s “is almost exclusivelyconfined to the dry, cold anticyclones of Siberia andNorth America”. Since outbreaks of cold polar air intomiddle latitudes of North America have not lessenedin the period since the 1940s, atmospheric dynamicsand the large-scale circulation must play a key role incold air outbreaks.

Among the atmospheric circulation patterns thathave been associated with cold air outbreaks overNorth America are the Arctic Oscillation or its regionalcounterpart, the North Atlantic Oscillation; the Pacific-North American anomaly pattern; and ENSO, asnoted above. In the case of the Arctic Oscillation, thenegative phase (characterized by a weakenedannular mode of the Northern Hemisphere circulation)is associated with increased cold outbreaks overmuch of the United States as well as parts of Europeand Asia (Thompson and Wallace, 2001). Thistendency is consistent with an amplified longwavepattern in the troposphere; there are indications that abreakdown of the polar vortex in the stratosphereprecedes the amplification of the tropospheric wavepattern by several days to a week or more(Thompson et al., 2002). The Pacific North American(PNA) teleconnection pattern has long been known to

be associated with cold outbreaks over central andeastern North America through a build-up of anupper-air ridge over western North America, surfaceanticyclogenesis over the northwestern part of thecontinent, and a northwest-to-southeast steering flowaloft that facilitates the equatorward transport of coldairmasses. The PNA pattern shows some correlationwith ENSO and with the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation(Thompson et al., 2002).

Cold outbreaks over Europe are associated witha breakdown of the North Atlantic Oscillation or itslarger counterpart, the Arctic Oscillation. Walsh et al.(2001) have shown that surface airmasses ofSiberian origin migrate westward when the onshoreflow from the Atlantic Ocean weakens during thenegative phase of the North Atlantic or ArcticOscillation. The correlation between wintertimesurface air temperature and the Arctic Oscillationextends well eastward into northern Asia, as shownby the correspondence between recent decadal-scaletrends of the Arctic Oscillation and surface airtemperature (Thompson and Wallace, 1998). Thelinkage to conditions over the southern part of theAsian landmass, such as the cold outbreak of thewinter of 2002-2003, is less apparent, although it islikely that factors affecting the intensity of the Siberiananticyclone must be included in a diagnosticevaluation of such outbreaks.


The linkage of cold outbreaks to climate, and thelikelihood of climate changes over the comingdecades to a century, gives climate models apotentially valuable role in (1) the diagnosis of thevariability of extreme cold outbreaks in terms ofdynamical and physical processes, and (2) a soundbasis for projecting future changes in thecharacteristics (i.e., frequency, intensity, geographicaldistribution) of cold outbreaks over the decade-to-century timescale. However, climate models’handling of cold-air outbreaks has yet to be examinedsystematically in a climatic context. We areinvestigating the capabilities and limitations of globalclimate models with respect to diagnoses andprojections of cold wave characteristics. The impactsof changes in the characteristics of extreme events,of which cold outbreaks are prime examples, arelikely to be at least as important as changes ofclimatic averages.


A first step in the application of models to thestudy of cold waves is an evaluation of theirsimulations of cold outbreaks in the present climate,

i.e., in control simulations. A model that successfullyreproduces the temporal, spatial and intensitycharacteristics of cold outbreaks can shed light on themechanisms that drive cold outbreaks, e.g., therelative roles of thermodynamic and dynamicalprocesses in the evolution of a cold outbreak. Anexamination of the synoptic-scale heat budgetvariations in the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, forexample, shows that horizontal advection and verticalmotion (subsidence) make the largest contributions tolocal changes of temperatures during a cold airoutbreak in the middle latitudes of North America.However, diabatic processes appear to predominatein the northern regions of the continent, especially inareas where insolation is minimal. We are examiningwhether unconstrained models (vs. reanalyses) showsimilar patterns.

In a preliminary assessment of the extreme coldepisodes simulated by several global climate models,we have examined the frequencies with which low-temperature thresholds and high-pressure thresholdshave been exceeded over North America duringwinter in several state-of-the-art models. Thesemodels, which are being used in the Arctic ClimateImpact Assessment (,include recent-generation models of the CanadianClimate Center (CCC), Geophysical Fluid DynamicsLaboratory (GFDL), The U.K. Hadley Centre(HadCM3), the Max-Planck-Institute (ECHAM4), andthe NCAR Climate System Model (CSM1). Figure 1shows that the frequencies with which the cold-airmass thresholds were exceeded in “control”climate simulations (for 1980-1999) are generallysimilar in the NCEP reanalysis and four of the leadingGCMs used in ACIA. In other words, the modelsappear to be capturing the broad statistics of cold airoutbreaks (CAOs) over North America in the presentclimate. This finding suggests that the models may beviable tools for addressing the possible changes incold air outbreaks in greenhouse scenarios of climatechange.

The highly episodic behavior of CAOs indicatesthat many years of climate model output arerequired to accurately evaluate their simulatedbehavior, both under modern radiative forcing andenhanced greenhouse gases. Such long recordscan be obtained either from an ensemble ofsimulations by a single model or from a set ofsimulations by different models. Our large collectionof climate model output allows us to utilize bothapproaches. The GCM simulations in the ACIAarchive (CSM1, GFDL, HadCM3, ECHAM, andCCC) provide a useful suite of control simulationsand 21st-century projections forced by the IPCC’s B2greenhouse scenario. This archive, compiled at theUniversity of Illinois as part of the ACIA activity,

includes monthly as well as daily output (cf.

Figure 1. Frequencies of low-temperature (oC), high-pressure (hPa) threshold exceedences in theNCEP/NCAR reanalysis and GCMs.

The large horizontal scales of most CAOs shouldallow climate models to simulate them, withoutresorting to higher resolution than today’s typicalglobal model. The preceding discussion and Figure 1show that frequencies of extreme temperatures andpressures over North America during winter are, in abroad sense, captured by today’s models. Morespecifically, our preliminary work indicates that theCSM1 (at its standard T42 resolution) is able tosimulate realistically the formation and evolution of aCAO in its control run (modern boundary conditions).Figure 2 illustrates the synoptic pattern at the surfaceand aloft (500 hPa) during the life cycle of a CAO thataffected the eastern U.S. In this instance, the modelproduces a classic CAO, in which an Arctic air massis advected into the U.S. by a strong northwesterlyflow aloft that develops due to blocking over Alaska.The surface air temperatures over the Midwest andeastern U.S. resemble those observed duringextreme cold-air outbreaks over these regions.

Another important result from our ongoingresearch is the strong relationship between CAOs

and the skewness of wintertime temperaturedistributions across North America. At manylocations the variations of daily mean surfacetemperature show a pronounced negative skew(many more extreme cold days than extreme warmdays), indicative of occasional incursions of Arctic airmasses. Furthermore, both observations andsimulations show that there is regional structure tothe skewness pattern, as locations in the northernU.S. and western Canada tend to experience verynegatively skewed distributions, whereas lessnegative and positive skewness prevails over thesouthern U.S. (Fig. 3). Because skewness provides ameasure of the relative frequency and magnitude ofextreme cold days, we are finding that it serves as anaccurate quantitative proxy for CAOs. This is a veryuseful discovery, since we can then characterize thebehavior of cold waves in terms of an index thatconsolidates large sets of observational data andmodel output. One of the aspects we are analyzing isthe pronounced north-south gradient in skewnessacross the U.S., with large negative skew to the northand moderate positive skew to the south. Thisfeature agrees qualitatively with observations, but themeridional variation of skewness simulated by theCSM1—and the newer Community AtmosphericModel, CAM3--is too pronounced compared withobservations. This bias suggests that the simulatedArctic air masses may not be penetrating far enoughinto the southern U.S.

Figure 2. Arctic outbreak over the Midwest and eastern North America as simulated by the CSM1 in itscontrol run. Maps display the evolution of a CAO every fourth day from day 55 (February 24) (top panel)to day 63 (March 4). Shown are (left) sea level pressure (hPa), (middle) daily mean surface airtemperature (oF), and (right) 500 hPa wind vectors (m/sec).









Surface Temperature Distribution(46N, 118W) DJF CCM3 (T42)



y (%


Normalized Daily Mean Temperature Anomaly(Standard Deviation Departure from Mean)

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3



** ** **

Figure 3. (left) Skewness of wintertime distribution of daily mean surface temperature simulated in a 19-year Community Climate Model (CCM3) run driven by observed SSTs from 1979-1998, (right) histogramof simulated wintertime daily mean surface temperatures in the Pacific Northwest (46oN, 118oW) in thesame simulation (solid bars), compared with a Gaussian distribution (asterisks).

Another way of evaluating climate modelsimulations of CAOs is to compare their simulatedcharacteristics with observations at a specificlocation. The following table shows such acomparison for the grid point corresponding toMadison, WI, in terms of the frequency, duration,and seasonal timing of CAOs. The table illustratesthat the CCM3 model accurately reproduces theobserved frequency and duration of these events.Simulated and observed CAOs occur at a rate of 1per winter and typically last 2-3 days, although theymay persist for a week to 10 days. The modelcaptures the fact that January is the most commonmonth for CAOs, but both model versions producetoo many events late in the winter (February-March).

Madison, WI (43N, 90W)

Observed (1940-2002) T42 (19-year run) T85(19-year run)Frequ ency 0.9 CAO/winte r 1.1 CAO/winter 1.1 CAO/winter

Duration 2 Day s 55% 67% 57% 3 Day s 23% 19% 24% 4 Day s 12% 9% 9% 5 Day s 4% 0% 5% 6 Day s 2% 0% 0% 7 Day s 2% 5% 5% 8 Day s 0% 0% 0% 9 Day s 0% 0% 0%

10 Days 2% 0% 0%

TimingNovember 0% 0% 0%December 20% 19% 9%January 71% 43% 57%February 9% 33% 29%March 0% 5% 5%

Frequency, duration, and timing of CAOs at Madison, WI, asobserved and as simulated in the CCM3.6 at T42 and T85resolution (model output provided by Cecilia Bitz). In this study,CAOs are defined as at least two consecutive days during whichthe daily mean temperature is at least two standard deviationsbelow the DJF wintertime mean temperature. These resultssuggest that the model adequately reproduces the frequency andduration of CAOs but has more difficulty simulating their timingduring winter.

Although one might expect much less frequentand/or severe cold waves in a warmer climate, thissupposition may not be correct. The occurrence ofCAOs during the observational record is highlyvariable, and their frequency and magnitude areoften independent of the mean background climate.As noted in Section 1, the pronounced wintertimewarming of the anticyclones in Siberia andnorthwestern North America (Michaels et al., 2000),the source regions for CAOs, did not translate into areduction in the frequency or strength of CAOs. Weare analyzing the response of our collection ofmodels to increased CO2 to determine the relativeroles of large-scale circulation changes andthermodynamic warming. We are comparing the

characteristics of simulated CAOs in the modernclimate (frequency, duration, intensity, etc.) withthose of the enhanced-CO2 experiments. Apreliminary evaluation based on simple frequenciesof various threshold exceedences in B2-scenariosimulations by the ACIA models, shows that theoccurrences of extremely low temperatures and highpressures over North America do not alwaysdecrease monotonically. For example, during theperiod from the mid-21st century (2040-2059) to thelate 21st-century (2070-2089), CSM1 shows anincrease in the frequency of temperatures below–30ºC over Canada, while the Hadley GCM showsan increased frequency of sea level pressuresabove 1040 hPa over the United States and Canada(Figure 4).

The type of circulation change underlyingpossible increases in CAO events over NorthAmerica is shown in Figure 5 (derived from another21st-century simulation by CSM). Notice the impliedtendency for enhanced northerly flow aloft over theU. S. Midwest and enhanced northwesterly flow atthe surface over the northeastern quarter of the U.S., both of which would mitigate the thermodynamicwarming signal from increased CO2. We areextending this evaluation of model output to includeother models, including those in the IPCC AR4collection. We will also evaluate temporal changesin the occurrence of the teleconnections found to beassociated with CAO events. To the extent thatchanges in these teleconnection patterns areconsistent with projected changes in CAO events,we will be able to conclude that changes inatmospheric dynamics may over-ride the directradiative effects of increasing greenhouse gasconcentrations.

Figure 4. Time-slice values of low-temperature (oC)and high-pressure (hPa) threshold exceedences in21st-century simulations under scenario B2.

Figure 5. Simulated mean changes from moderncontrol during the last few decades of CSM1’stransient CO2 experiment (negative contoursdashed). Shown are differences in wintertime (a)250 hPa geopotential height (meters) minus theglobal average anomaly and (b) sea level pressure(hPa).


This project is supported by collaborative NSFgrants ATM-0332099 and ATM-0332081: “GlobalClimate Model Simulations of Extreme Cold-AirOutbreaks”.


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