Simulating the Performance Characteristic of Passband


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Computer and Information Science; Vol. 9, No. 4; 2016 ISSN 1913-8989 E-ISSN 1913-8997

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Simulating the Performance Characteristic of Passband Modulation

Techniques in MATLAB Environment Saed Thuneibat1, Abdallah Ijjeh1, Huthaifa Al_Issa1 & Mousa Ababneh2

1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan 2 Department of Finance and Administrative Sciences, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan Correspondence: Saed Thuneibat, Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan. E-mail: Received: May 19, 2015 Accepted: June 21, 2015 Online Published: October 31, 2016 doi:10.5539/cis.v9n4p52 URL: Abstract Now days, digital communication systems become complex and sophisticated. Not all vendors, if any, can understand the system and components of system that represent different modulation techniques, line and block coding, multiplexing and multiple access. They need the conclusion about which of modulation techniques is the suitable for transmission and in the same time can save the power and bandwidth. Engineers can study and analyze the modulation techniques and then compare between them to give such conclusion using modeling and simulation. MATLAB is a high level mathematical language for technical computing. In this paper we use MATLAB environment as simulation software to give on display a clear result that used to compare between two digital Passband modulation techniques BPSK and QPSK, and pinpoint the performance of the two techniques over selected parameters. Keywords: simulation, modulation, performance parameters, MATLAB 1. Introduction Nowadays, digital modulation techniques are the most widely used in communication systems. We need to achieve higher data rates in limited bandwidth of spectrum to improve the performance of transmission. A great deal of interest for a digital Passband digital transmission system that is bandwidth efficient with low signaling rate and high data rate and provide low Bit Error Rate (BER) at a relatively low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Various digital modulation schemes are well described in different literatures but cannot fulfill actual requirement in different kind of varying environment until studded and analyzed. Recently, a large number of research papers which study the modulation techniques were published. In (Masud, 2010), authors have investigated the performance analysis of M-ary modulation techniques when the digital communication system is subjected to Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and multipath Rayleigh fading in the channel. The study has been performed by using MATLAB program for the simulation and evaluation of BER and SNR for W-CDMA system models. It shows that the analysis of quadrature phases shift key and 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulations which are being used in wideband CDMA system, Therefore, the system could go for more suitable modulation technique to satisfy the channel quality, thus can deliver the optimum data rate to mobile user. The paper (Samson, 2013) analyzed the performance of different passband modulation techniques in AWGN channel and multipath fading channel. This study examined the inherent attributes of the digital modulation to overcome the channel impairments and was carried out to understand the contributions of channel characteristics to effective wireless communication and made comparison between the two channels. The BER for simulated modeled channels agreed with the theoretical results. It was found that the performance of 64-QAM is better compared to other passband modulation schemes in AWGN Channel. It was also observed that the BER is higher in frequency selective channel as compared to the AWGN channel and was also observed that multipath fading


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3. SimulatHere, to dpassband communic3.1 BPSK BPSK moWLAN 11modulationamount ofsubcarriersDifferent csystem relBPSK is lpossible). running th

3.2 QPSK

QPSK usesatellite syMPEG-2 vWith four BPSK in ththe maintaAs with Bnormally unot relativneed the reThe phase


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Computer an

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of Modulation

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Vol. 9, No. 4;

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4. NyquistData rate telecommunormally icommunic

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The Data RThe result



n phase with r5o for 00 and 3nel interferenc

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Figure 3

t Data Rate is a paramet

unicating deviin one secondcation channel

uation we assu

bit rate of QPS

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22 logb B L= ×

reference signa3150 for 01, wice (ICI) is signhase of QPSK

PSK relative tchronized veryuency as referen

demodulation ure 3. as an original

wn in figure 3.

3. Simulation o

ter associated ces. Bit rate d

d. Mostly data not to informa

ume that the b, where L is th

SK larger than

QPSK and BPis program con

Computer an

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to BPSK is thy often, exampnce. code was wr

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of Modulation

with the rateescribes how mrate is measu

ation signal ba

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PSK was writtenfirms the abov

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QPSK requires

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ritten in MATL

he simulation p

and demodula

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sensitive to ppecial synchron

LAB environm

program and ta

ation using QP

nsferred betwedigits or bits ca

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BPSK and QPSK L is larger

AB environmenown in figure

shift of 45o foerence signal. PSK requires

mes its bandwi

phase variationization patter

ment. The resu

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PSK channelsr than the in B

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Vol. 9, No. 4;

or the data 11,

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ount the Gray


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. According toBPSK, this lea

which shown be



h can it the

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g this


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dth of high.

o the ds to



From figurBPSK in d

5. Bit ErrIn digital tthat have bBER is the

Also the d

energy co

code was w

0.5 BER e=


re 4, we can sedata rate

or Rate transmission, tbeen altered due number of bi

definition of b

onsumed in b

. Fo

written in MAT

0? berfc E N

BW=1Rb_B=Rb_Q=plot(Bhold onplot(Bgrid onlegendxlabel(ylabel(title('B

ee that at the s

Figure 4

the number of ue to noise, intit errors divide

bit error rate c

bit to th

or QPSK usin

TLAB environ


Computer an

1:30 =log2(2)/2.*BW=log2(4)/2.*BWW,Rb_B,'-rs')n W,Rb_Q,'-b*')n d('BPSK','QPSK('BW (MHz)')('Rb (bps)')

Bandwidth Vs.

same bandwidt

. Data rate for

f bit errors is thterference, disted by the total n

can be present

he signal spe

ng Q parameter

nment. The res

nd Information S


W*10^6 W*10^6



Data rate')

th for example


he number of rtortion or bit synumber of tran

ted in a simpl

ectral noise


ult of running




e at 10 MHZ, Q


received bits oynchronizationnsferred bits du

le formula; th

and repr


this program i


0bQ E N

QPSK shows tw


of over a commn errors. uring a studied

he equation be

resent bit err

Based on thes

is shown in fig

Vol. 9, No. 4;

wice superiori

munication cha

d time interval

elow is the rat

ror rate in B

se BER formul

gure 5.


ty on


. io of


las, a


To achieve6. Capacit

Signal to

provides h




e the same BERty and Signal

noise ratio is

high immunity


B code.

lc B= ×

Figure 5. B

R, for exampleto noise ratio

expressed as

y to noise as

Figure 6

(2log SNR +

Computer an

Bit error rate fo

e 10-4, BPSK no

s compare to

. Figure 6

6. Capacity ver

SNR Psigna=


nd Information S


or BPSK and Q

needs less ener

. T

the signal flo

represents SN

rsus SNR for B

Pal noise



rgy as 8.5 dB,

The SNR for B

oating through




while QPSK n

BPSK is very

h the medium

and QPSK as


Vol. 9, No. 4;

needs 11.4 dB.

low means th

m. The capaci

s result of run


hat it

ity is



The capac7. Power SPower spefrequencietransform.

The formu

Figure 7 re

8. ConclusIn this papused in wiWe used Mparameters Band Bit er Signa PoweAll of thessimulationReferenceBoulmalf,


Ferreira, AGilat, A. (

( )BS f =


ity of QPSK isSpectral Densectral density es variations ar

ula of PSD fo

epresents PSD

sion per, we had prreless communMATLAB for s. We can conc

dwidth and datarror rate is lessal to noise ratioer spectral dense expected an

n of passband mes

M., Semmarergraduate Infference, the// J. M. (2009)(2004). MATL

(24 bE Sinc=

s twice of BPSsity function (PSD

re strong and a

or BPSK mod


D for BPSK and

resented two knication systemthe simulatio

clude that: a rate of QPSKs occurred in Bo of QPSK is b

nsity of BPSK and theoretical modulation tec

r, Y., Lakas, Aformation Tece future

0.1109/EDUCO). MATLAB CoLAB: An Intro

( )bT f

Computer an

SK at the same

D) shows theat which varia

dulation is

d QPSK as res

Figure 7. PSD

kinds of digitalm. n and compar

K is better thanBPSK unlike Qbetter than BPand QPSK areresults prove


A., & Shuaibchnology Stud

of globON.2010.5492odes for Finite oduction with A


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e SNR.

e power as a ations are weak

ult of MATLA

D for BPSK an

l modulation t

rison between


e the same. the suggested

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( ) 2B bf E=


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AB code.


techniques BP

BPSK and Q

d idea of using

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( )2bSinc T f

frequency. PSDn of PSD is do

and for QP


QPSK over a s


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PSK modulatio

K which are w

set of perform

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