Simple machines powerpoint


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By: Mike Tsang

Definition: Pushes materials apart, cuts them

Example: Axe, knife, and fork

Definition: Makes it easy to move things by rolling them, and reducing friction

Examples: Car, bicycle, and office chair

Definition: Makes lifting weight easier by using a fulcrum to redirect force over a longer distance

Examples: See-saw, dump truck, and broom

Definition: Makes it easier to move objects upward, but you have to go further horizontally

Examples: Highway or sidewalk ramp, stairs, and roads

Definition: Turns rotation into lengthwise movement, takes more twist to go a shorter distance, holds things together

Example: Screws, clamps, and jar heads.

Definition: Makes lifting things with a rope easier by redirecting force and the addition of additional pulleys

Example: Flag pole, sails, and elevator

A bike is a compound machine due to the gear and wheel + axle. As the gear spins it exerts force on to the wheel forcing it to rotate. This is my brothers sports bike that I found in the tools shed in the back of my house.

The wheel barrow is considered as a compound machine because it uses the simple machines named inclined plane and wheel + axle. The wheel and axle allow the wheel barrow to be pushed. The pocket that makes up most of the wheel barrow holds the weight of objects. It allows the object to slide into place for easier movement.

I found this in my neighbors yard.

A nail is a simple machine because it is a wedge. It separates objects by puncturing it and going in between. I found a screw near my house that was rusted. Backyard gate.

The shovel is a simple machine due to its levering. You can garden with it, or even pick stuff up. This shovel was laying in my yard and cannot pick big things up, but other shovels can. This is used for making holes and for planting seeds.
