Simple B1 English test



A 70 question simple B1 English test. Covering present tenses, past tenses, and some conditional exercises.Check for it mistakes before using!!

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Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. She ____________________ (play) golf with her husband.

2. I ____________________ (not eat) lunch today.

3. Some birds ____________________ (fly) to warm countries in the winter.

4. We never____________________ (go) on holiday at Christmas.

5. Why ____________________ she____________________ (do) the washing-up?


Present passiveComplete the passive sentences.

1. A lot of people in Canada play ice hockey.A lot of ice hockey ____________________in Canada.

2. They keep the results on a computer. The results ____________________ on a computer.

3. Her mother is helping her to do her homework. She ____________________by her mother.

4. The invitation says `arrive at 12.30'. Guests ____________________to arrive at 12.30.

5. They pay me on the first day of the month.I ____________________ on the first day of the month.


Past Simple or Past Continuous?Complete the conversations with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. A Sorry I ____________________ (not meet) you at the railway station - I was ____________________ (wait) at the bus station.B That's OK. I ____________________ (wait) for fifteen minutes then I____________________ (take) a taxi.

2. A She____________________ (not look) very happy this morning.B She ____________________ (not be)! Someone ____________________ (phone) while she____________________(sleep).

3. A ____________________ you ____________________ (watch) the football last night?B Yes, I ____________________ (see) it while I ____________________(do) the ironing.

4. A ____________________ you____________________ (look) for me earlier?B Yes, I ____________________ (want) to ask you something.

5. A I ____________________ (start) skiing while I_____________________ (live) in Austria last year.B I____________________ (not know) you'd lived there.


Past Simple or Past Perfect?

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. He ____________________ (buy) her a ring after he ____________________ (know) her for a week.

2. I ____________________ (not ring) him because I ____________________ (forgot) to take his number with me.

3. He ____________________ (not pass) his driving test when he ____________________ (drive) from San Francisco to LA!

4. When I ____________________ (get) home, I ____________________ (remember) that I ____________________ (leave) the baby in the shop.

5. He ____________________ (not know) how the cat____________________(walk) 100 kilometres to its old home.

6. She only ____________________ (hear) about the interview three months after she ____________________ (apply) for the job.

7. When he first ____________________ (go) to Moscow he ____________________ (never travel) abroad before.

8. They ____________________ (not enjoy) the film because they ____________________ (see) it before.

9. That's a surprise! I ____________________ (not know) you two ____________________ (already / meet).

10.They ____________________ (be) married for five years when they ___________________ (have) their first child.


First conditional

There is one mistake in each sentence. Find it and correct it.

1. Where do you live if you can’t find a flat? _________________________________________________________

2. If you will run, you'll catch the train._________________________________________________________

3. I won't ring you, unless I'll be late._________________________________________________________

4. If it be sunny, we’ll go to the beach. _________________________________________________________

5. I won't go to the football match if Beckham can't playing._________________________________________________________


Second conditionalComplete the second conditional sentences so they are true for you.

1. If a friend gave me a horrible present, I __________________________ _________________________________________________________

2. I'd be very surprised if_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________

3. My best friend would be very angry if____________________________ _________________________________________________________

4. If I saw a bank robbery, I_____________________________________ _________________________________________________________

5. If I found an expensive watch, I________________________________ _________________________________________________________


Zero, first or second conditional?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. If you cook, I ___________________ (wash up).

2. If you go to the cinema before 6 p.m., the seats___________________ (be) cheaper.

3. I'd be very angry if you ___________________ (forget) my birthday.

4. If I see her, I ___________________ (tell) her.

5. If I saw a ghost, I ___________________ (take) a photograph of it.


Present and Past tenses

Look at the SHORT letter from Claudia, a student in England, to her friend Julie. There are 20 gaps. After some gaps there is a verb in brackets. Put the verb in the correct tense.

Example: Last week I visited (visit) Liverpool.

When there is no verb in brackets, write one suitable word — a preposition, an adverb, an article, etc.

Example: I came to York to learn English.

Dear Julie,I (1)____________________ (arrive) in England three days (2)____________________. I (3)____________________ (stay) with a family in a suburb of York. They're really nice. Mr Jones (4)____________________ (work) in York. Mrs Jones has just had a baby, so she (5)____________________ (not work) at the moment. I haven’t asked her what she does yet, but I (6)____________________ (think) she's (7)____________________ accountant.

I (8)____________________ (have) a good time here, (9)____________________ everything is very expensive. Yesterday I (10)____________________ (take) thetrain (11)____________________York to do some sightseeing.

York Cathedral is wonderful. I have never seen such a beautiful cathedral! it (20)____________________(be) built between 1200 and 1470.

That’s about all the news for now. Write soon and tell me about your holiday in Portugal.

Love, Claudia/60

Present Perfect or Past Simple?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Ana ___________________ (not be) on holiday yet this summer.

2. Daisy and Jane ___________________ (not receive) their exam results last week.

3. I ___________________ (learn) to swim when I was a child.

4. I ___________________ (work) in Tokyo in 2001.

5. Leon___________________ (go) to school in Dublin until he was twelve.

6. Ute___________________ (live) in this house since she was a baby.

7. We___________________ (be) married since last autumn.

8. ___________________you ever___________________(win) anything in a competition?

9. She ___________________ (not speak) to him since their divorce.

10.Jan ___________________ (not go) abroad since a business trip in 1998.




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