Silver Pramann NENO, EU structural funds network project coordinator


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Silver PramannNENO, EU structural funds network

project coordinator

Since 1 May 2004 Estonia has been eligible for the support provided by the EU:◦ the Structural Funds and ◦ the Cohesion Fund.

For the period of 2004-2006 Estonia was allocated 371.4 million euros from the Structural Funds and

428.2 million euros from the Cohesion Fund.

The use of the EU Structural Assistance was in 2004-2006 based on the Estonian National Development Plan.

In the period of 2007-2013 Estonia was allocated more than 3.4 billion euros from the Structural Assistance.

The National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 defines the overall strategic approach to using structural support.

 Operational programmes will be made for implementation of the National Strategic Reference Framework.

Three operational programmes will be drawn up in Estonia:• Operational Programme for Human Resource Development;• Operational Programme for the Development of Economic Environment;• Operational Programme for the Development of the Living Environment.

MEMBERS◦ 22 organizations mainly big, roof organizations,

different fields ◦ Representing smaller organizations


◦◦ over 160 addressis ◦ organizations, ◦ individuals, ◦ many are not members

European Union funds network: Partner for public sector Representing common interests of NGO-s Coordinating cross sector cooperation Collecting and distributing information Representing NGO-s in EU funds planning and

implementing process Raise awareness and public attention about EU

funds implementation, transparency, participation

“EU Structural Funds provide significant opportunities, but without transparency they will not be used effectively”.


Operational Programmes Steering Committees

Estonia-Latvia cross border cooperation Monitoring Committee

Norwegian and European Economic Area Financial Mechanisms Steering Committee


New members New, smaller ngo-s Non-Estonian speakers

New planning period for use of EU structural founds 2014 and beyond

Motivating NGO-s to participate in planning process and applying funds


Finding co-financing Very long application period Bureaucracy Financing after spending Lack of transparency in processes Not enough measures for NGO-s

Lack of time Lack of communication Lack of valuation of civil society participation of NGO-s marginal Decision making possess too centralized Program evaluation needs more

consultation with experts and not politicians Application evaluation methods not so clear Some unnecessary demands in application

Procedures in Estonia more complicated than other states

Lack of cooperation between ministers Efficiency Cross sector cooperation Participation and consulting needs more

time and recourses Decision makers do not take into account

the opinions of experts
