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A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the degree of


Submitted byHANUMANTHA RAO.VRegd No: 09JK1E0015






Department of Master of Business Administration


CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that this study on “A STUDAY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT” (a case study of SILICON CIRCUITS RESEARCH LABS PVT LTD, HYDERABAD) as been submitted by Mr.HANUMANTHA RAO.V (09JK1E0015) in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of master of Business Administration as per the requirements of JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, KAKINADA during the period 2009-2011.

PROJECT GUIDE Head of the Department



The completion of this study makes me to recall several persons who have

extended their co-operation in one way or the other in preparation of this

project report.

We would like to thank our honorable Principal Dr. K.L.NarayanaM.E, Ph.D, FIE,

who had inspired a lot through her speeches.

We express our deep sense of gratitude and indebtness to our Head of the

department Mr.K.MadhusudhanaraoM.Com, MBA, M.Phil, (Ph.D), for her valuable

guidance during the course of the project.

I would like to thank My Internal Guide, Mr.I.SRIDHAR MCOM, MBA, Associate

Professor, Department of Management Studies GUNTUR ENGINEERING

COLLEGE, YANAMADALA, was valuable in his guidance and constant


I humbly acknowledge my profound gratitude to Mr. S. RAMESH of


extending her kind co-operation and guidance in preparing the Project Report.

I express deep, sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to the entire Departments’

personnel who extended their wholehearted co-operation in the collection of

information and technical help in completing the project.

Last but not least, I am deeply indebted to my friends & family, for their

consistent support in times of need and constructive critic.



I Mr. HANUMANTHA RAO.V (09JK1E0015), declare that

this project report entitled “A study on Training and Development in SILICON


by me to be submitted to Guntur Engineering College, Yanamadala, Guntur on

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of

Business Administration.

I also declare that the project report is the result of my own effort

and that it has not formed the basis for any degree, diploma and other similar title

submitted by anybody to Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University Kakinada or to

any other University in any year.

Place: GunturDate: (HANUMANTHA RAO.V)
































Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed

behavior. It is application of knowledge. It gives people on awareness of the rules

and procedures to guide their behavior. It attempts to improve their performance

on the job or prepare them for an intended job. After an employee is selected,

placed and introduced he or she must be provided with training facilities. Training

is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a

particular job.

Training is short term educational process and utilizing systematic

and organized procedure by which employee learns technical knowledge skills for

definite purpose With the dawn of civilization and as back as the beginning of the

stone age, as men invented tools, weapons, necessities of life like clothing and

shelter and language, these came in its take the need for training. So, times passed

on and better intelligence, understanding and capability development in man

devices by sign and by words for imparting message to another who successfully

understood it and acted up to the same, were introduced.

With the advent of industrial revolution about 1750’s and as a result

there of through its technical and mechanical up surge, there came about further

awakening knowledge and intelligence in man and training process underwent

miraculous changes in the course of century or so say by 1900’s. In this historical

retrospect, training and learning may be viewed as occupying a high place in the

life of people.


Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help

employee’s growth. Development is not primarily skills oriented. Instead, it

provides general knowledge and attitudes which will be helpful to employees in

higher positions. Development activities, such as those supplied by management

development programmes, are generally voluntary.

Managers play a vital role in the success of an organization hence

development programmes are essential for managers, special attention needs to be

provided for their development. Different levels of management have different

development needs. Management Development is a systematic process of growth

and development by which the manager develop their abilities to manage the

people as well as organization activities. They will get skills through experience

practical knowledge helps to develop the managers in effective decision making as

well as problem solving techniques. It is concerned with improving performance

of the managers by giving them opportunities for growth and development.

Executive development is eventually something that the executive

has to attain himself. But he will do this much better if he is given encouragement,

guidance and opportunity by his company. The role of the company is to provide

conditions that accelerate the growth.

Inputs in training and development programme:

Any training and development programme must contain inputs

which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help

acquire vision to look into the distant future.

1) Skills:

Training provides the skills when the worker is need to operate

machines and use other equipment with least damage and scrap. In this situation

the skill is required for an effective operation of machinery. Employees,

particularly general managers, supervisors and executives require interpersonal

skills. Examples of interpersonal skills include listening, understanding the others


2) Education:

The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts & develop a

sense of reasoning and judgment. Some CEO’s, professors provide the theoretical

concepts to the employees. Education is more important for managers and

executives than for lower cadre workers.

3) Development:

Through training employees increases their knowledge about business

environment, management principles, techniques etc and to improve the problem

solving techniques, communication, leadership styles etc.

4) Ethics:

The organization must follow the ethical values in individuals as

well as department level & function level. Because unethical practices influencing

on HR management.

5) Attitudinal change:

Attitude refers feelings and believes of individuals. Attitude effect

on motivation, satisfaction and job commitments as a HR manager we must

change the attitudes of employees negative to positive.

6) Decision making and problem solving skills:

Decision making and problem solving skills focus on some methods

& techniques for making organization decisions and solving work related

problems. Through training programme we can improve the decision making and

problem solving skills in the employees.


Training & Development is one of the important functions of Human

Resource Management. In this present era, HRM is very important for every

organization to achieve its goals and objectives. So effective functioning of

training & development is required for the effective functioning of the



the best methods of training & development procedures to increase the efficiency

of workers as well as employees. For every organization, it is very important to

operate the best Training & Development methods.

Training & Development are strong enough in the organization, and

then there is a lot of chance for the organization to increase their effectiveness at

the key points. So finally this training & development becomes the heart of the

particular organization.

So, studying of this topic is done to understand the training &

development activities in this organization and to know what extent these activities

have been successful in the organization and also to know how the organizational

goals and objectives are reached.


To present the theoretical frame work of training and development.

To assess how far the training is beneficial to the employees.

To analyze the effectiveness of the training programme.

To understand the methods followed by the company while giving training to the employees.

To identify the areas in which training is to be imparted to the employees.

To offer the suitable findings, suggestions and conclusions based on the study.


The study provides on insight into the various aspects of training

programmes. Hence the company can make necessary changes in the policy

relating to it.

Studies of this type are more useful to academicians and scholars to make further

insights into the various aspects of the topic in training programme in other

similar organizations.

Studies of this type are also useful to competitors to make necessary steps to

improve their training programme.

Studies of this type are also useful to policy makers to make necessary

changes in the policies relative to Training & Distribution programme.


The scope of the study is limited to Silicon circuits research labs pvt ltd.

The study has been constrained by limitations of the time & cost factors.

Accuracy of the study is based on the information given by the respondents

and may be biased.

The study is limited to training and development only. Survey was done

only with the sample size of 30 as the employees of the company work in

shifts and as they are busy with their schedule.

The study is subjected to bias of the respondents. But all the steps are taken

to reduce bias in the study.

The study had been done during working hours. Hence, it was inconvenient

to disturb the workmen with questionnaire at the time.



Methodology is said to be the procedure or way in which the project

work has been done. In this project work, the methodology consists of some steps.

These steps are as follows:

1. Sources of data collection

2. Sample plan

1) Sources of data collection:

For any statistical enquiry, the investigator may collect the data from

two sources.

A. Primary data

B. Secondary data

A) Primary data:

The data which is collected for the first time is called primary data.

Primary data can be gathered by the following ways.

Observation method

Interview method



Of these 4 methods, questionnaires have been used for the collection

of data.


It is a formalized set of questions, which are logically and

systematically arranged to collect the information useful for the proposed study.

The questionnaire in this study is structured containing a limited number of

questions which are easy and clear to understand. The layout of this questionnaire

is framed in such a way and confusing and recording errors are minimized. The

questionnaire is mainly designed to know the effectiveness of the training.

B) Secondary data:

The data which was already collected by some other persons is

called secondary data. Secondary data can be collected by the following ways.




News papers etc.,

2) Sample plan:

The sample plan is the procedure or way in which the sampling has

been done. As no project or research can be taken into consideration the whole of

the population or universe, the concept of sampling is used. As per the concept of

sampling, only some sample is taken from the universe in order to find the result.


a) Sample method

b) Sample size

c) Sample unit

a) Sample method:

Sample has been selected by using ‘convenience sampling method’.

A convenience sample is one where each item in the universe has an equal chance

of known opportunity of being selected.

b) Sample size:

The sample size mentions the size of the unit that has been taken into

consideration for the survey. The size may be numbers, weights or even

sometimes qualitative. Here as the unit is employees, the size to be considered has

been taken in numbers. The sample taken for this study is 50 employees.

c) Sample unit:

The sample unit concept speaks about the unit, which has been taken

into consideration for the project. And the executives are the units to be surveyed

for this project work.




Silicon circuits Research Labs Pvt Ltd has been involved in the design and

development of electronic based systems and we do extensive research in VLSI,

Embedded systems and DSP based systems. Our technological focus is on DSP based

Electronics. We do providing quality training to students, fresh graduates, employees,

professionals sponsored by various corporate houses. The focus is to impart latest

technical advancements into Industry and Academia.

The courses are designed to impart advanced training &practical implementation

to the in-service students of Engineering Colleges. All over India, to enhance their

knowledge on latest technologies and to create awareness about recent trends in the field

of Information Technology, a dedicated team of R&D Experts and Professionals working

in these specialized areas would be sharing their knowledge and experience.

The Silicon circuits Research Labs Pvt Ltd backed our excellent team consists of

energetic, dynamic and laborious professionals, each one trained in their own specific

field. They will make the coming out professionals aware of the high-end technologies

and involve them in exclusive project training.


'Our mission is to be a Global Institute aimed at imparting industry specific,

Academically structured, rigorous education, focusing on building competency for

Enabling, measuring, and sustaining excellence in Software profession, for corporate and

Individuals in Electronics, Electrical and IT sector.


'To become the primary resource centre for providing Electronics, Electrical and

IT training for students and corporate.

Our R&D experts

1. D.Rajender: Working as a senior VLSI Engineer since 8 years.

2. Dr. K. Mahendar: Working as a senior Embedded Engineer since 8


3. Mr. Aditya, Working as an embedded engineer since 4years.

4. Mr. Ramesh, Working as Embedded engineer since 4 years.

5. Mr. K.Sandeep reddy, Working as a Mat lab Engineer since 3


6. Mr. Shastri, working as a VLSI Engineer since 4 years.

7. Mrs. Swathi, Working as a Embedded Engineer since 3.5


8. Mrs. Ramesh, Working as a VLSI Engineer since 5 years.

9. Mrs. Ratna, Working as an Embedded Engineer since 4


Live projects:

Silicon Circuits Research Center provides Live Projects for M.Tech,

B.Tech and MCA final year students as a part of requirement of their academic project.

The Projects will be implemented based on the technologies like Embedded systems ,

VLSI , DSP/DIP, MAT lab, Power systems , power electronics, Java, .Net, etc. The

faculty of the training division comprises of the Project Leaders, Team Leaders with rich

Industry Experience and high academic qualifications.

The Nano Advantage…

Silicon starts Nano technology, The Nano operates with a vision to provide high-

quality training to its clients through innovative and pioneering processes. Our programs

are focused on helping students meet or exceed academic performance goals in terms of

Effectiveness, Efficiency and Excellence. We continuously strive to equip our students

with knowledge, expertise and skills that help them enhance their productivity and the

quality of their skill set.

Some of the key factors that make us the preferred learning partner for leading

colleges in Andhra are:

Customized training for your college students.

Hands-on instructor led project guidance.

Globally recommended course curriculum.

Post training support.

Convenient batch timings.

Certified Instructors with Considerable Industry Experience.


We provide real time live IEEE projects for the streams M.Tech & B.Tech.

We provide the projects specializations in ECE, EEE, CSE, & IT.

We offer the projects based on the technologies like :

1. Embedded systems



4. Wireless communication

5. Tele communication

6. Optical communications

7. Robotic based projects.

8. Power systems

9. Power electronics

10. Mat lab

11. Java

12. Dot net .




Human Resource Management is management function that helps

manager’s recruit, select, train and develops members for an organization.

Obviously, HRM is concerned with the people’s dimension in organizations.

Human Resource Management is also a management function concerned with

hiring, motivating, and maintaining people in an organization. It focuses on people

in organizations.

“Decisions relating to employees must be integrated. Decisions on

different aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource


“Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries or

inventories. They are people. It is the people who staff and manage organizations.”

HRM is a management function that helps the manager to recruit,

select, train & develop members for an organization obviously. HRM is concerned

with the people’s dimension in organization.

1) Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries (or) inventories.

They are people it is the people who staff and manage organizations.

2) HRM involves the application of management functions and principles. The

function and principles are applied to acquisitions, developing, maintaining

and remunerating employees in organizations.

3) Decision relating to employees must be integrated. Decisions on different

aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource


4) HRM functions are not confined to business establishments only. They are

applicable to non-business organizations, too such as education, health care,

recreation and the like.


The scope of HRM is indeed vast. Specifically, the activities

included are HR planning, job analysis, and design, recruitment and selection,

orientation and placement, training and development, performance appraisal and

job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation and

communication, welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like.

Human Resource planning is a double-edged weapon. It leads to

maximum utilization of human resources, reduces excessive labor turnover and

high absenteeism, improves productivity and aids in achieving of an organization.

For the purpose of systematic manpower supply analysis more intensive and

extensive particulars are needed.

The quantitative and qualitative dimensions of manpower employed

are properly assessed and recorded. For this purpose a systematic and exhaustive

manpower inventory analysis is under taken. Training and development are

necessary in the organization for improving the quality of work of the employees

at all levels. It refers to the imparting of specific skills and knowledge to an


The purpose of both training and development is similar. The

difference between the two is, in nature and orientation. Training is a short-term

process utilizing a systematic and organized effort by which non-managerial

personnel acquire technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.

Development is a long-term educating process utilizing a systematic

and organized procedure by, which management personnel get conceptual and

theoretical. To be successful every organization needs to exploit its resources. The

most valuable of them is the “Human Resources.”

Training & Development = Standard Performance - Actual Performance


Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed

behavior. It is application of knowledge. It gives people on awareness of the rules

and procedures to guide their behavior. It attempts to improve their performance

on the job or prepare them for an intended job. After an employee is selected,

placed and introduced he or she must be provided with training facilities. Training

is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a

particular job.

Training is short term educational process and utilizing systematic

and organized procedure by which employee learns technical knowledge skills for

definite purpose.

In other words training improves, changes, moulds the employers

knowledge, skills, behavior, aptitude towards the requirements of the job and

organization. Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for

the primary purpose of helping number of an organization.

Definitions of Training:

“The training is the organized procedure by which people learn

knowledge and / or skill for a definite purpose”.

“Training is a short term purpose utilizing a systematic and

organized procedure by which non managerial personnel learn technical

knowledge skills for a definite”.

“According to Calhoun function of training is the process of aiding

employees to gain effectiveness in their present and future work.”

“Training is learning process whereby people acquire skills,

concepts, attitudes or knowledge to aid in the achievements of goals”.

Training & Development need = Standard performance – Actual


Historical Evolution of training:

With the dawn of civilization and as back as the beginning of the

stone age, as men invented tools, weapons, necessities of life like clothing and

shelter and language, these came in its take the need for training. So, times passed

on and better intelligence, understanding and capability development in man

devices by sign and by words for imparting message to another who successfully

understood it and acted up to the same, were introduced.

With the advent of industrial revolution about 1750’s and as a result

there of through its technical and mechanical up surge, there came about further

awakening knowledge and intelligence in man and training process underwent

miraculous changes in the course of century or so say by 1900’s. In this historical

retrospect, training and learning may be viewed as occupying a high place in the

life of people.

With the approach of the 19th century, there came about social

legislation in the U.S.A that had a deep impact on the change in the concept of the

worker’s organization, resulting in the awakening of the working class & seeking

their development through quality training of providing then a wide range of

vocational training.

It was during the early 1900’s that vocational education came to be

deployed usefully, gainfully and extensively in a big way 1st the U.S.A. industry.

In 1906 two hundred and fifty educational experts interested in industrial

education met at cooper union in NewYork and formed the ‘National society for

the promotion of industrial education’.

Employee Training:

Organization and individual should develop and progress

simultaneously for their survival and attainment of mutual goals. So every modern

management has to develop the organization through human resource

development. Employee training is the important sub-system of human resource

development. Employee training is a specialized function and is one of the

fundamental operative functions for human resource management.

Every organization needs to have well–trained and experienced

people to perform the activities that have to be done. It is necessary to raise skill

levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employers.

Importance of training:

The importance of human resource management to a large extent

depends on human resource development. Any organization does not get a

candidate who exactly matches with the job and the organizational requirements.

Hence, training is important to develop the employee and him suitable to the job.

Job and organizational requirements are not static, they are changed

from time to time in view of technological advancement and change in the

awareness of total quality and productivity management (TQPM). The objectives

of the TQPM can be achieved only through training as training develops human

skills and efficiency. Trained employees would be valuable asset to an

organization. Organizational efficiency, productivity, progress and development to

a greater extent depends on training. Organizational objectives like viability,

stability and growth can also be achieved through training. Training is important

as it constitutes significant part of management control.

Need for training :

Every organization big or small, productive or non-productive,

economic or social, old or newly established should provide training to all

employees irrespective of their qualifications, skill, suitability for the job etc.

Specifically the need for the training arises due to the following reasons.

To increase productivity:

Instruction can help employees increase their level of performance

on their present assignment. Increased human performance often directly leads to

increased operational productivity and increased company profit.

To improve quality:

Better informed workers are less likely to make operational

mistakes. Quality increases may be in relationship to a company product or service

or in reference to the intangible organization employment atmosphere.

To help a company to fulfill its future personal needs:

Organizations that have a good internal education program will have

to make less drastic manpower changes and adjustments in the event of sudden

personnel attentions. When the need arises organizational vacancies can be more

easily staffed from internal sources if a company initiates and maintains an

adequate instructional program for both its non-supervisory and managerial


To improve health and safety:

Proper training can help prevent industrial accidents. A safer work

environmental leads to more stable mental attitudes on the part of employees.

Management mental state would also improve if supervisors know that they can

better themselves through company designed development programs.

Objectives of training:

The primary purpose of training is to establish a sound

relationship between worker and his job.

To keep pace with changing technology, mechanization, automation,

electronic data processing etc.

Training becomes mandatory for employees in order to update them, teach

them newer skills and increase their efficiency.

To impart broad based knowledge relating to the plant, machinery, material,

product, quality and standards to factory, work place and work


To minimize operational errors and to create safer and better working

environment to employees.

To increase productivity. The most efficient and cost effective ways of

performing jobs are taught to the employees who naturally leads to

enhanced productivity i.e. increased output at higher quality.

To enhance employee confidence and morale.

To reduce the cost of production.

To bring down labor turnover and absenteeism.

To develop healthy, constructive attitudes.

To prepare employees for higher level tasks.

To ensure economical output

Principles of training:

Training would only have proved truly useful if the trainee is able to

utilize the skins and knowledge acquired in his actual job situation. The principles

of learning are basic to all training programmes some of the principles of learning

which have been developed over the past century.

The following principles of learning that are applicable to the design

and implementation of training programmes.

1) Motivation:

The effectiveness of an employee depends on how well he is

motivated by management; the effectiveness of learning also depends on

motivation. In other words the trainee will acquire a new skills or knowledge

thoroughly and quickly if he or she is highly motivated.Thus, the training must

be related to the desires of the trainee such as more wages, better job,

recognition, status, promotion etc the trainer should find out the proper ways to

motivate employees.

2) Practice:

A trainee should actively participate in the training programme in

order to make the learning programme an effective one continuous and long

practice is highly essential for effective learning. Time must be provided for

practice and repetition of subject matter that has been learned.

3) Reinforcement:

The effectiveness of the trainee in learning new skills or acquiring

new knowledge should be reinforced by means of rewards and punishments.

Positive reinforcements are promotions, rise in pay, praise etc. punishments are

also called negative reinforcements. The management can punish the trainees

whose behavior is undesirable. The management should take much care in case

of negative reinforcements.

4) Feedback:

Feed back is a form of information about one’s attempts to improve

and in fact is vital for learning as well as for trainee motivation. Feedback

allows specific goals to be set to enable trainees self-assess their progress and

maintain their performances at required levels.

5) Transfer of training:

Transfer of training would be further enhanced if the training is

designed in such a way that the trainees can see its applicability to their jobs

and actual work situations. They should also be encouraged to discuss their

approaches, ideas and thoughts with other participants.

Methods of training:

As a result of research in the field of training, a number of programmes

are available. Some of these are new methods, while others are improvements over the

traditional methods. The training programmes commonly used to train the operative and

supervisory personnel. These programmes are classified into two types as follows:

On the job training methods:

On the job training is internal training programme. It is conducted by

the programmer for the purpose to improve the operation skill, performance skills

in employees. This is mostly & widely accepted method, this is suitable for all

levels of employees like workers, superiors, sub-ordinates under this method the

employee gets training on job & his work place itself. This method is also called

learning by doing.

On the job training method include job rotation, coaching, job

instruction (or) training through step-by-step and committee assignments.

Job Rotation


Job Instruction













Committee Assignments

Job Rotation :

This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one

job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from

his supervisor or trainer in each of the different job assignments. This method

gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of employees on

other job.

Coaching :

The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who acts as a

coach in training the individual the supervisor provides the feed back to the

trainee on his performance and offers him some suggestions for improvement.

Often the trainee shares some of the duties and responsibilities of the

coach and relieves him of his burden. A limitation of this method of training is

that the trainee may not have the freedom (or) opportunity to express his own


Job Instruction :

This method is also known as training through step by step. Under

this method, trainer explains the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job

knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the

performance of the trainee, and provides feedback.

Committee Assignments :

Under the committee assignment, group of trainees are given and

asked to solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the

problem jointly. It develops team work.

Off the Job methods:

Under this method of training, trainee is separated from the job

situation and his attention is focused upon learning the material related to his

future job performance. Since the trainee is not distracted by job requirements, he

can place his entire concentration on learning the job rather than spending his time

in performing it. There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the

trainees. This method is also called external training programme. It includes the

following methods.

Vestibule training

Role playing

Lecture method

Conference (or) discussion

Programmed instruction

Vestibule training:

In this method, actual work conditions are stimulated in class room.

Materials, files and equipment those are used in actual job performance are

also used in training. This type of training is commonly used for training

personnel for clerical and semi-skilled jobs. The duration of this training

ranges from days to a few weeks.

Role playing

It is a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior in

imaginary situations. This method of training involves action, doing and

practices. The participants play the role of certain characters, such as the

production manager, mechanical engineer, superintendents, maintenance

engineers, quality control inspectors, foreman, workers and the like. This

method is mostly used for developing interpersonal interactions and relations.

Lecture method

It is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor

organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of talk. To

be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the trainees.

Conference (or) discussion:

The participants share their feelings, ideas, and facts regarding the

problem. This method helps to develop conceptual knowledge. The success of

this method depends on the leadership qualities of the person who leads the


Programmed instruction:

In recent years this method has become popular. The subject matter

to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential units.

These units are arranged from simple to more complex levels of instruction.

The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling the

blanks. This method is expensive and time consuming.

Process of Training:

Training is a short term process (or) a system by which employees

learn technical knowledge, skills for a particular purpose. The following are the

steps in training. The following are the steps in the process of training:

1) Identification of training Needs:

Training activities related to the specific needs of the organization

by individual employees a training programme should be launched only after the

training needs are assessed clearly, especially the effectiveness of training

programme can be judged only with the help of the training needs. Training needs

can be identified through organizational analysis, resource utilization analysis,

environmental scanning.

2) Getting ready for the job:

Under this step it is to be decided who is to be trained either new

employees (or) old employees (or) the supervisory staff. All of them selected from

different departments. The trainer has to prepare for the job. The success of the

training is depends upon the trainer. He should have the technical skills, good


3) Preparation of the learners:

The learner is the person to whom training is to be imparted he must

be mentally prepared for to learn it is also necessary to create a desire for learning.

The employee to be interested in training with a believe that it benefit them


4) Setting the training objectives:

The next step is to set the training objectives, decide the strategies to

be adopted to achieve these objectives. The overall aim of the training programme

is to be in the gap between existing and desired knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Objectives of the training express the gap between the training present and the

desired performance level.

5) Designing the training programme:

In order to achieve the training objectives, an appropriate training

policy is necessary. The training policy represents the commitment of the top

management for employee training. Once the training objectives & policies are

designed an appropriate training programme can be implemented.

6) Implementation of the training programme:

Once the training programme is to be designed the next step is to

implementation of the training methods and techniques.

a) Scheduling the training programmes

b) Conducting the training programmes

c) Monitoring the training

7) Evaluation of the training programme:

Evaluation of the training effectiveness (or) results is the process of

obtaining information on the effects of the training programme and assessing the

value of training and measuring the techniques. Evaluation involves controlling

and correcting the training programme. Evaluation helps to determine the results

of the training.


Identification of the training needs

Getting ready for the job

Evaluation of Training:

The process of training evaluation has been defined as “any attempt

to obtain information on the effects of training performance, and to assess the

value of training in the light of that information. Evaluation leads to controlling

and correcting the training programme. The following are the five levels of



Training programme is evaluated on the basis of trainees reactions to

the usefulness of coverage of the matter, depth of the course content, method of

presentation, teaching methods etc.

Preparation of the learners

Setting the training programme

Designing the training programme

Implementation of the training programme

Evaluation of the training programme


Training programme, trainer’s ability and trainee ability are

evaluated on the basis of quantity of content learned and time to use or apply, the

content be learned.

Job Behavior:

This evaluation includes the manner and extent to which the trainee

has applied his learning to his job.


This evaluation measures the use of training, learning and change in the

job behavior of the department / organization in the form of increased

productivity, quality, morale, sales turnover and the like.

How to make training effective?

Ensure that the management commits itself to allocate major resources and

adequate time to training. This is what high performing organizations do.

For example Xerox Corporation in the US invests about $300 million

annually, or about 2.5 percent of its revenue on training.

Ensure that training contributes to competitive strategies of the firm.

Different strategies need different HR skills for implementation. Let

training help employees at all levels acquire the needed skills.

Ensure that a comprehensive and systematic approach to training exits, and

training and retraining are done at all levels on a continuous and ongoing


Make learning one of the fundamental values of the company. Let this

philosophy percolate down to all employees in the organization.

Ensure that there is proper linkage among organizational, operational and

individual training needs.

Create a system to evaluate the effectiveness of training.



Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help

employee’s growth. Development is not primarily skills oriented. Instead, it

provides general knowledge and attitudes which will be helpful to employees in

higher positions. Development activities, such as those supplied by management

development programmes, are generally voluntary.

Managers play a vital role in the success of an organization hence

development programmes are essential for managers, special attention needs to be

provided for their development. Different levels of management have different

development needs. At the executive level, managing time and team building are

crucial needs, while at the supervisory level instituting motivation programmes

and appraising sub-ordinates are important needs.

Management Development:

Management Development is a systematic process of growth and

development by which the manager develop their abilities to manage the people as

well as organization activities. They will get skills through experience practical

knowledge helps to develop the managers in effective decision making as well as

problem solving techniques. It is concerned with improving performance of the

managers by giving them opportunities for growth and development.

Executive Development:

Executive development is eventually something that the executive

has to attain himself. But he will do this much better if he is given encouragement,

guidance and opportunity by his company.

The role of the company is to provide conditions that accelerate the

growth. And these conditions should be part of the organizational climate itself, in

order to be away from the unrealistic expectation that we can create and develop

mangers only in class room.

Objectives of management development:

The management development programmes are organized with a

view to achieving specific objectives. They are:

To overhaul the management machinery.

To improve the performance of the managers.

To identify the persons with the required potential and prepare them

for senior positions.

To increase the versatility of the management group.

To improve thought process and analytical ability

To keep the executives abreast with the changes and developments

in their respective fields.

To understand the conceptual issues relating to economic, social and

technical areas.

Need for management development programme:

Technical managers like basic chemical engineers; mechanical engineers

need to be developing in the areas of managerial skills, for to manage

technical works.

Efficient functioning of public utilities like transport, communications etc.

Depend on professionalization of management in the sector.

Professionalization of management at all levels.

To introduce the total quality management strategies.

To face the competition.

To emergence of new concepts in management like enterprise resource

planning, supply chain management & total quality management.

Methods of Management Development Programmes:

There are mainly two types of methods by which the managers acquires

the knowledge, skills and attitudes and make themselves competitive mangers,

improve decision making skills, problem solving techniques and manage the

activities and control the human resource in the organization.

On the job methods:

This method of training has its own values. It is inexpensive and saves productive

hours. But the main drawback is that neither the trainer nor the trainee is free from

the daily chores and the pressure of their respective routine jobs. A senior has

seldom the time and patience to impart training to the person.


job rotation

Methods of Development





Coaching Job rotation Multiple management

Case study Incident study In-basket method Role play Business games Lecture method Sensitivity training

Multiple Management


Coaching is a method which is used in developing managerial

thinking process as well as operative skills. In coaching, the superior plays the role

of the guide and the instructor. The coach sets some mutually agreed upon goals

and tell the trainee what he wants to be done, suggest how it might be done,

follows up suggestions and correct errors. He helps the trainee live up to those

goals through periodic reviews of the trainee’s progress and by suggesting

modifications in his behavior where needed. The objective of coaching is not only

to teach and guide a sub-ordinate in the performance of his immediate assignment

but also provide him with diversified work so that he may grow and progress.

Job Rotation :

Job rotation represents an excellent method for broadening the manager or

potential manager, for turning specialists into generalists. It refers to the transfer

(or) movement of executives from one job to another and from one plan to another

on some planned basis for educational learning purposes. “Job rotation is often

designed for beginning level managers while planned progression is more likely to

occur at higher managerial levels.” Such rotation may continue for a period

ranging from 6 months to 24 months. This method provides a great deal of job

experience for those who are potential executives.

Multiple Management:

It is a technique where by juniors are assigned to board (or)

committees, by the chief executive. They are asked to participate in deliberations

of these board and committees. In these sessions, real life actual problems are

discussed, different views are debated and decisions are taken. The juniors get an

opportunity to share in managerial decision making, to learn by watching others

and to delve into specific organizational problems. It helps to identify the numbers

who have the skills and capabilities of an executive manager.

Off the job methods:

Although a number of on the job management development

programmes are in vogue, they are considered inadequate for a number of reasons.

Hence there is need for off the job techniques.

case study

Incident method

The basket method

Role play

Business games

Lecture method

Sensitivity training

Case Study:

Case method is an excellent medium for developing analytical skill.

In this method, an actual business situation is described, in writing, in a

comprehensive manner. The trainees are asked to appraise and analyze the

problem situation and suggest solutions. The actual decision taken in the subject

case is known only to the executive and is disclosed only at the end of the session

when it is compared with the various solutions offered by the group.

Incident method:

This method includes the intellectual ability, judgment in decision

making, problem solving. Incidents are prepared on the basis of actual situations

which happened in different organizations. Each trainee (executive manager) study

the incidents and to make short term decision making.

The basket method:

In this method each team of the trainees is given a file of

correspondence bearing on functional areas of management. Each individual

studies the file and makes his own recommendations on the situation. If further

information is required by him, it is supplied by the members of the team. Later,

the observations of each individual member are compared and conclusions on

different functional areas reached and these are put down in the form of a report.

Role play:

Role playing is the concept of creating a more realistic situation,

usually one of human problems and conflicts, and then acting out of the various

parts. The role assuming closely approximate a real situation and affords the

participants the vicarious experiences that enhance their sensitivity, growth and


Business games:

Under this method the trainees are divided groups different teams.

Each team has to discuss and to make decisions relating to production, pricing,

research expenditure, advertising etc.

Lecture method:

This is the simplest way of presentation and explanation regarding

the facts, concepts, principles, this method also emphasis on few innovative

managerial concepts which are supply chain management, total quality

management etc.

Sensitivity training:

According to Chris Argyris, “sensitivity training is a group

experience designed to provide maximum possible opportunity for the individuals

to expose their behavior give and receive feedback, experiment with new behavior

and develop awareness of self and of others.”

Inputs in training and development programme:

Any training and development programme must contain inputs

which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help

acquire vision to look into the distant future.


Training provides the skills when the worker is need to operate machines

and use other equipment with least damage and scrap. In this situation the skill is

required for an effective operation of machinery. Employees, particularly general

managers, supervisors and executives require interpersonal skills. Examples of

interpersonal skills include listening, understanding the others feelings.


The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts & develop a

sense of reasoning and judgment. Some CEO’s, professors provide the theoretical

concepts to the employees. Education is more important for managers and

executives than for lower cadre workers.


Through training employees increases their knowledge about business

environment, management principles, techniques etc and to improve the problem

solving techniques, communication, leadership styles etc.


The organization must follow the ethical values in individuals as well as

department level & function level. Because unethical practices influencing on HR


Attitudinal change:

Attitude refers feelings and believes of individuals. Attitude effect

on motivation, satisfaction and job commitments as a HR manager we must

change the attitudes of employees negative to positive.

Decision making and problem solving skills:

Decision making and problem solving skills focus on some methods

& techniques for making organization decisions and solving work related

problems. Through training programme we can improve the decision making and

problem solving skills in the employees.

Training and Development – Indian Scenario:

In spite of the fact that rapid strides have been made in the

independence era the decade 1950-1960, more particularly being marked by

industrial development in the country, training and development in the country,

training and development hardly received any serious attention of the industry and

business for some to come. It is about 1964 that the training and development,

under the gradual technological developments, come about just emerging as a

separate function.

In most of organizations it was more or less a personnel area

function and as such it was given a low priority and importance. Both in private

and public sectors, training and development activities remained shelved.

Gradually management institutes and management departments in

the universities came to be established. Unfortunately these institutions hardly had

any training programs to offer most of the programs as were introduced related to

the job training. Today a part from over a hundred autonomous institutions

engaged in the training and development, there are in house training institutions in

over one hundred public private sector organizations. In addition there are a large

number of technical vocational and serial training institutes functioning in the


Prospective outlook:

What will be the scenario twenty years from now? Looking at the

pace, the technological and scientific developments, having their deep impact on

the business and industrial performance, placing recent times, one could visualize

and reasonably predict that these developments are likely to give Philip to the

introduction of powerful wide covering communication media.

The microprocessor will make its own impact many of us who still

use the chalk and the black board, in spite of the audio-visual aids, may have to

bring about changes in the training and development methods and tools, rather

drastically in these terms and preparing ourselves to meet these challenges ahead.

Training and development use in industry:

The success of any industry mainly depends upon employee’s

talents, skills, abilities. To improve their skills, talents, knowledge and abilities

and attain organizational objectives training is important factor through that

training employees attain skills and knowledge. With the help of that skills and

knowledge employees achieve the organizational objectives through that

development of industry is possible.

Different types of employees have different training methods. For

example technical employees have their knowledge about operating the machines

and technical skills. Managers develop their management skills. Training is

essential for every employee who are working in the organization through that

organizational goals are achieved.

1) K. Aswathappa, Human Resource and personnel management, Tata – Mc –

Graw Hill, Fourth Edition, 2006.

2) Bhaskars Chatterjee, Human Resource Management, Sterling Publishers

Limited, Second Edition, 2004


1) For how long have you been working for Silicon circuits research labs pvt


Description No. of Respondents Percentage of


Less than one year 5 10

1-5 years 6 12

More than 5 years 39 78

Total 50 100

CHART I: Long term working for Silicon circuits research labs pvt ltd

From the above respondents of employee’s diagram we can understand that majority of the employees working in silicon circuits research labs pvt ltd are experienced.

Inference: The above table reveals that 78% of employees working in the silicon

circuits research labs pvt ltd are from more than 5 years, 12% of employees are

working from 1to 5 years and only 10% of employees are working from one year.

From the above table we may understand that majority of the

employees working in the silicon circuits research labs pvt ltd are experienced


2) Does your organization promote training for employees?

Description No. of Respondents % of the respondents

Yes 45 90

No 5 10

Total 50 100

CHART II: Organization provides training for employees

The above respondents of employees chart reveals that the

organization provides training for employees. Majority of the employees feels that

organization provides training.


From the above table we can understand that the silicon circuits

research labs pvt ltd provides training for employees. Majority of the employees

said that organization provide training for employee.

3) Have you ever undergone for training programme in the organization?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 43 86

No 7 14

Total 50 100

CHART III: Attending for training programme

From the above depict we may understand that most of the

employees are attending for training programmes only few employees are not

undergone for training.

Inference: The above table reveals that 86% of employees undergo training

programme 96% of employees said that they get feedback on their performance

only 4% of employees said that they are not getting feedback on their


From the above table we can understand that the majority of the

employees get feedback on their performance after completing any training


4) To what extent the training programme is useful at your?

Description No. of Respondents % of Respondents

To Great Extent 25 50

To some extent 18 36

Not at all useful 7 14

Total 50 100

CHART IV: How far the training is useful

The above chart shows that the training programme is use for

employees to complete their works.

Inference: The above table shows that 50% 0f employees using the training

programme to great extent in their jobs, 36% of employees using the training

programme to some extent and 14% 0f employees feel that it is not at all useful in

their jobs.

From the above table we may conclude that most of the employees

feel that training programme is very useful in their jobs.

5) What is the method used in training programme?

Description No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Lecture method 24 48

Demonstration 9 18

Coaching 15 30

Any other 2 4

Total 50 100

CHART V: Methods used in training programme

From the above chart we can understand that mostly the organization

follows lecture method for giving training.

Inference: The above table reveals that the employees get feedback on their

performance. 96% of employees said that they get feedback on their performance

only 4% of employees said that they are not getting feedback on their


From the above table we can understand that the majority of the

employees get feedback on their performance after completing any training


6) How do you rate the quality of training programme?

Description No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Good 27 54

Better 12 24

Average 7 14

Poor 4 8

Total 50 100

. CHART VI: Rating the quality of Training programme

The above chart shows that the quality of training programme giving by the

organization is good. Most of the employees rating the quality of training

programme is good.


The above table reveals that the employees feel that the quality of

training programme is good. 54% of employees feels that quality of training

programme is good, 12% of feels that it was better, 14% of feels that it was

average an only 4% of employees feels that it was poor.

7) Do you get any feedback of any training programme?

Description No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Yes 48 96

No 2 4

Total 50 100


CHART VII: Feedback on training programme

From the above chart we can know that most of the employees get

feedback on their performance.


The above table reveals that the employees get feedback on their

performance. Most of the employees get feedback on their performance by

conducting the examination on the training programme which was undergone by

them 96% of employees get feedback

8) Who will mainly involve in training programme in your organization?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

H.R manager 6 12

General manager 33 66

External trainer 11 22

Total 50 100

CHART VIII: Involvement of trainer

The above chart reveals that mostly the general manager involved in

training, in some cases the external trainer and HR manager involved in training.


From the above table we can understand that H.R manager general

manager and external trainers are involved in the training programme. In majority

of programmes the general manager involves in training programme. In some

programme the external trainer and HR manager also involved in the training.

9) To whom the organization provides the training?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

New employees 11 22

Promoting employees 7 14

To certain existing 6 12

All 26 52

Total 50 100

CHART IX: Organization provides training

From the above chart we know that the organization provides training for

all levels of employees. For new employees organization compulsory provides


Inference: The above table reveals that the organization provides training for all

levels of employees that means for new employees, promoting employees and for

existing employees. For new employees organization compulsory provides the

training in majority of the cases training provides for all levels of employees.

10) How the training needs are identified?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

Oral feed back 3 6

Discussion you and & employee

21 42

On the performance of appraisal

26 52

Total 50 100

CHART X: Identification of training needs

From the above chart we know that the training needs identified

through the performance of the employees.

Inference: The above table reveals that in 52% of training need is identified

through performance of the employees in their work 42% of training need is

identified by the discussion with employee and only 6% of training need is

identified through oral feedback.

In majority of the cases the organization identifies the training need

through performance of the employee.

11) How often do you know think is essential for training performance be


Description No. of respondents % of respondents

Monthly 2 4

Quarterly 26 52

Half yearly 5 10

When job demands 17 34

Total 50 100

CHART XI: How often training is essential

From the above chart we may conclude that the majority of

employees felt that training is essential for every 3 months and when job demands.


The above table reveals that majority of the employees feel that training is

essential for every 3 months in a year. Some employees feel that training is

essential for every month, half-yearly and when job demands 52% of employees

feel that training is essential for every 3 months.

12) Are there any training councils (or) committees in the organization?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 46 92

No 4 8

Total 50 100


Training councils

From the above chart we understand that the organization having the

training councils. Majority of the employees that organization having the training



The above table reveals that 92% of employees said that the

organization had the training committees (or) council

13) Is the training programme relevant to the present nature of work?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 45 90

No 5 10

Total 50 100

CHART XIII: Relevance of training programme towards present work

The above chart reveals that majority of employees feel that training

programme which was undergone in organization is useful in the present work.


The above table reveals that the training programme is relevant to

the present work in most of the cases. 90% of employees said that training

programme is useful in their jobs.

14) In what way training programme will be advantageous?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

It gives knowledge 12 24

It improves job skills 4 8

It improves ability 2 4

All the above 32 64

Total 50 100

CHART XIV: Advantages of training programme

The above chart shows that the training programme is advantage in

all aspects like it gives knowledge, improve skills and improve ability with



The above table reveals that the training programme is advantage in

it gives knowledge, improve job skills, improve ability with superiors. 64% of

employees feels that the training programme is useful for all the above

15) The reason for attending such programme was?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

Out of self interest 5 10

Training needs 35 70

Compulsory 10 20

Total 50 100


From the above chart we know that most of the employees attending

for training programme is it is need to do work perfectly.


The above table reveals that 70% of employees attending training

programme due to the training need 20% of employees attending training

programme due to it is compulsory in the organization and 10% of employees

attending due to out of self interest

16) What are areas preferred by the employees, it attending the training


Description No. of the respondents % of the respondents

Safety 18 36

Process 20 40

ISO 10 20

Others 2 4

Total 50 100

CHART XVI: Training area preferred by employees

From the above chart we understand that most of the employees

preferred safety and process training. Some employees preferred ISO training and

other training.


The above table reveals that 36% of employees prefer safety

training, 20% of employees prefer ISO training and other 4% of employment

prefer other training like English, Math

17) In the absence of training what sources help to update your knowledge?

Description No. of respondents % of respondents

Internet 2 4

Books 9 18

Workshops, Seminars 5 10

Interaction with others 34 68

Total 50 100


Sources use to update knowledge of employees

From the above chart we may know that in the absence of training in

the organization mostly the employees prefer interaction with others.


The above table reveals that in the absence of training 68% of

employees know the information by interact with others. Some people get the

knowledge through books, workshops & seminars and internet.


From the study it is observed that the employees are working in the Silicon Circuits research labs pvt ltd

are experienced employees.

Organization provides training for employees it is observed from the study.

From this study we may observe that majority of employees under gone for

training in the organization.

Mostly organization adopting coaching method in on the job methods to

train the employees it is observed from the study.

It is observed from the study the quality of training programme is good.

Majority of employees support both on the job and off the job methods to

train the employees.

It is observed that majority of employees get feedback on their training



Training methods must be oriented with more audio-visual aids as they

make training programs more interesting and reduce boredom.

There is a need to select suitable training program rightly suited to the jobs.

It is suggested to conduct more sessions for juniors.

It is suggested to undertake improvements in sending employees for external


Training should be planned so that it is related to trainees previous experience so

that it can be used as a foundation for new developments therefore the training

should be considered as a never ending process which never ceases in an


The employees are satisfied with existing training programmes the same may be


Continuing of these training and development programmes are helping to

organizational growth.


Training and development play an important role in the development

of human resources in any organization. The organizations today follow a number

of training methods for developing their human resources. However training and

development should be needed and useful to the organizations. It is in the view

training and development policy is to prepare and properly implemented in any










1. How long you have been working for Silicon circuits research labs pvt ltd?

a) One year or less than one year

b) 1-3 years c) More than 3 years

2. How do you feel about your work place?

a) Very good b) Good

c) Average d) poor

3. How your colleagues move with you?

a) Friendly b) supportive

c) Average d) Poor

4. Does your organization promote training for employees?

a) Yes b) No

5. To what kind of employees does your organization provide training?

a) New employees b) Promoting employees

c) To retain employees

6. How often the training being given in Silicon circuits research labs pvt ltd?

a) Once in year b) Twice in year

c) Three times in year d) When job demands

7. Have you ever under gone training program in the organization.

a) Yes b) No

8. How many times you attended for training programs in the last year?

9. What type of training programs is given importance in this organization?

a) On the job b) Off the job c) Both

10. If organization follows on the job training method which of the following

is/are adopted?

a) Job rotation b) Training through step by step

c) Coaching d) Committee assignments

11. If organization follows off the job training method which of the following

is/are adopted?

a) Vestibule b) Role playing c) Lecture

d) Conference e) Programmed Instruction

12. Do you prefer attending training program in?

a) On duty hours b) Off duty hours c) Both

13. The facilities and equipment provided during training are satisfactory?

a) Yes b) No

14. For how many external classes you attended?

15. To what extent does training program contribute to your personnel


a) Great extent b) Considerable extent

c) Very Little d) Not at all

16. Are you feeling any stress regarding training programs?

a) Yes b) No

17. What is your satisfaction level regarding training program?

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Neural d) Unsatisfied

18. Is feed back of the training program collected?

a) Yes b) No

Is feedback session is there:

Depending up on the feedback given by the employees is their improvements

in the next training programme.

a) Yes b) No c) Can’t say

19. Based on your experience would you recommend the same training

program to your colleagues?

a) Strongly recommend b) To some extent

c) Do not recommend

20. Do you need any other training programs in other areas?

a) Yes b) No

21. Are you satisfied by the evolution process after the training programs?

a) Yes b) No

If no what method does you prefer?

22. Any suggestions



VSP RAO “Human Resourse Management” 2nd edition – published by

Aneerag Jain.

JHON M IVNACEVIVCH “Human Resource Management” (2004) –

published by TATA Mc Graw-Hill publishing company ltd.

R. K. SAHU “Training & Development” 10th edition (2008) – published by

Excel Books.

P.L.RAO “Training & Development” (2008) – published by Excel Books.

G. PANDU NAIK “Training & Development” (2007) – published by Excel


TANUJA AGARWAL “Strategic Human Resource Management” (2007)

– published by Oxford University press.

PANEERSELVAM.R “Research Methodology” (2007) – Prentice-Hall of

India Pvt Ltd.,





