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Signature Assignment



Math 1314: College Algebra

Assignment Title Math 1314 General Education Assessment

Outcomes assessed

(per district-wide







Students will consider the relationship between the level of a drug in

the bloodstream and time. Specifically, students will consider the

concentration of the drug to be a function of time after consumption.

Students will consider the graph of the function when the drug is

taken orally. They will answer questions that demonstrate their

ability to think about a scenario in which math is relevant and vitally


Students will evaluate the equation that predicts the concentration of

the drug in the bloodstream as a function of time when the drug is

taken intravenously. Students will consider questions about dosage,

timing, and levels of the drug. Students will answer questions that

demonstrate the importance of mathematics in the health care


Whether students are considering the graph or the equation of a

function, students will demonstrate critical thinking skills,

communication skills, and empirical and quantitative reasoning


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MATH 1314 GENERAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT __________________________________________________________________________________________

Submission Instructions: 1. All explanations must be typed. Supporting math work must be neat, written by

hand, and suitable for copying or scanning.

2. The final document should be submitted as a single .pdf file or a single MS

word document.

3. Use the heading “GEN ED ASSESSMENT: MATH 1314” on the assignment.

4. Do not include your name on the assignment or the file name. Be sure to write

your CRN and G number of every page.

5. Submit your assignment to your instructor via Blackboard by the deadline.


Instructions: Read each question carefully. Answer in complete sentences.

1. The graph below shows the concentration of a drug (in mg/L) in the bloodstream, 𝑡 hours after it is taken

orally. Use the graph to answer a-f.

a. What is the concentration after 8 hours?

b. Over what interval(s) does the concentration

increase? Over what interval(s) does the

concentration decrease?

c. When is the drug at its maximum concentration?

What is the maximum concentration of the drug?

d. After the drug reaches its maximum

concentration, how many hours are required for the

concentration to decrease to 16 mg/L?

e. What does the graph predict about the

concentration after 1 week? After 1 month?

f. Summarize the concentration of the drug in the

bloodstream for the first 20 hours after it is taken.

Use findings from a-e to validate your statements.

2. Suppose another drug is administered intravenously. The concentration 𝑐 of the drug (in mg/L) in the

bloodstream, 𝑡 hours after it is administered, is modeled by the function 𝑐(𝑡) = 20𝑡

𝑡2+4 .

a. Determine when the concentration will be 0.5 mg/L.

b. Complete the table representing the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream, 𝑡 hours after

administration. Round to two decimal places as needed.

𝑡 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


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c. What is a reasonable domain for this function? Justify your answer.

d. When must the patient receive the next intravenous dose of the drug in order to maintain a

concentration above 1 mg/L and below 8 mg/L? Explain your reasoning.

e. Compare the concentration of the oral drug (#1) and the concentration of the intravenous drug (#2)

over the first 20 hours after it is given.

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Assignment Design Worksheet: Written Communication



Math 1314

Assignment Title Math 1314 General Education Assessment

Criterion Design (How does the assignment ask students to perform in the

manner expected by the criterion?)

Outcomes assessed

(per district-wide


Context of and

Purpose for Writing

Communicate key elements of the graph of a function as well as that

of an equation of a function. Express observations of properties of a

function using words. Communicate the relationship between the

concentration of the drug and the time after which the drug is

administered orally/intravenously. Compare levels of the drug when

taken orally and intravenously.

Content Development Recognize key properties of the graph of a function and that of an

equation of a function.

Genre and



1. All explanations must be typed. Supporting math work must be neat, written

by hand, and suitable for copying or scanning.

2. The final document should be submitted as a single .pdf file or a single MS

word document.

3. Use the heading “GEN ED ASSESSMENT: MATH 1314” on the


4. Do not include your name on the assignment or the file name. Be sure to

write your CRN and G number of every page.

5. Submit your assignment to your instructor via Blackboard by the deadline.

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Sources and Evidence Students investigate the relationship between the concentration of

the drug and the time after which the drug is administered to the


Control of Syntax and


Describe the relationship between the concentration of the drug and

the time after which the drug is administered to the patient in a

manner that is logical and sensible to an appropriate audience

(educators, health care professionals, patients, family members of

patients etc.).

Readability of Visual


Students complete the table of values by providing the concentration

of the drug when taken intravenously for given values of time.

Relevance, Accuracy,

and Integration of

Visual Elements

Use the graph in #1 and the calculations in #2 to answer questions

about dosage, timing and levels of the drug in the bloodstream.

Assignment Design Worksheet: Empirical & Quantitative

Reasoning (EQR) Math 1314

1314 General Education Assessment


Assignment Title

Assignment ID (to be assigned)

Criterion Design (How does the assignment ask students to perform in the manner expected

by the criterion?)

Interpretation Students will be able to understand the relationship between the time and the level of

the drug in the bloodstream. They will be able to interpret that relationship by considering the graph provided and by evaluating the given function using given values

of the independent variable. They will effectively communicate their findings by making reference to the graph as well as their calculations using the given function.

Representation By reading the graph and by evaluating the function, students will observe properties about the relationship between the time and the level of the drug. They will be

determine when the drug reaches certain levels. In so doing, they will demonstrate knowledge of relevant properties of functions as well as the ability to accurately solve equations and inequalities.

Calculation or Transformation

Students will demonstrate the ability to correctly evaluate a function. They will round appropriately. Students will show work to support their calculations.

Application/Analysis Students will be able to answer relevant questions including: 1. When does the drug reach its highest level? What is that level?

2. When does the drug fall to a certain level?3. When must the next dose of the drug be administered in order to maintain a

certain level of the drug?

4. What is a reasonable domain?5. Is there a difference between taking the drug orally and intravenously in terms

of time/level of the drug? If so, explain.

Assumptions Through communication, students demonstrate that they understand the relationship

between time (independent variable) and level of the drug (dependent variable). They are able to evaluate the graph/function for given times. They are also able to find the

time that corresponds to given levels of the drug. Students provide reasonable answers to the questions above. Students understand how to find the answers to the questions above, the relevance of the questions above, and the reasonableness of the

answers to the questions above.

Communication Students demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively. Students consider their findings both graphically and numerically. Based on their findings, they are able to make correct observations about both time and level of the drug. Students

demonstrate the ability to find the answers mathematically as well as the ability to convey that information in a logical manner.
