SignalsSignals. What is a Signal? A signal is a notification that some event has occurred. Usually a...


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What is a Signal?What is a Signal?What is a Signal?What is a Signal?

A signal is a notification that some event has occurred.Usually a signal is sent to a process asynchronously andwhatever the process is doing is interrupted.

Signals have been around since the early days of Unix, butearly versions were not reliable, signals could get lost. Both4.3BSD and SVR3 made revisions to their signal code to makesignals reliable, but the changes were incompatible. Posix.1standardized the reliable signal routines.


A signal is born when an event occurs that generates the signal.

A signal ceases to exist when it is delivered, whichmeans that some action specified for the signal hasbeen taken.

Between generation and delivery a signal is said tobe pending.

The Life Cycle of a The Life Cycle of a SignalSignal

The Life Cycle of a The Life Cycle of a SignalSignal


Conditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signals

Most signals can be generated naturally


for example, by a divide by zero erroror a segmentation fault

All signals can be generated synthetically by oneof the following system calls:


Conditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signals

Five signals cannot be generated naturally



terminate immediately


requests termination

Signal names are defined in signal.h

Conditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signalsConditions that generate signals

Terminal generated signals: occur when users type certain keys on the keyboard. For example, Ctrl-C normally generates the signal SIGINT.


Hardware exceptions: conditions detected by hardware, like divide by zero, are sent to the kernel. The kernel generates the appropriate signal.The kill( ) function or the kill command:

The kill function allows a process to send any signal to another process or process group, as long as it owns that process.

Software Conditions: Some software conditions can cause signals to be generated. For example, SIGURG is generated when out of band data arrives over a network connection.

A signal is a classic example of an asynchronous event.They can occur at random times as far as the process isconcerned. A process must tell the kernel what to doif and when a signal is received. A process can:

* Catch the signal and ignore it - sigkill and sigstop cannot be ignored - ignored signals have no effect on the process

* Catch the signal and do something with it

* Let the default apply - usually terminates the process


When you get a signal from a hardware detected errorcondition, you cannot ignore the signal. Your programwill likely not get safely past the condition.

Such signals should be handled right away and the program terminated with a call to exit( )

More on this later . . .



A signal is a software notification of an event.

A signal is generated when the event that causes the signal occurs.

A signal is delivered when the process catches the signal and takes some action on it. A signal that has not been delivered is pending.

A signal handler is a function that the programmer writes to take some specific action when a given signal occurs.

A program installs a signal handler by calling sigaction( ). A signal handler may choose to ignore a signal, in which case it is thrown away.

A process can use a signal mask to block a set of signals. A blocked signal waits in a pending mode until the process unblocks the signal, at which time it is delivered to the process.

A signal is a software notification of an event.

A signal is generated when the event that causes the signal occurs.

A signal is delivered when the process catches the signal and takes some action on it. A signal that has not been delivered is pending.

A signal handler is a function that the programmer writes to take some specific action when a given signal occurs.

A program installs a signal handler by calling sigaction( ). A signal handler may choose to ignore a signal, in which case it is thrown away.

A process can use a signal mask to block a set of signals. A blocked signal waits in a pending mode until the process unblocks the signal, at which time it is delivered to the process.


Some Common Signal Some Common Signal NamesNames

Some Common Signal Some Common Signal NamesNames

Symbol Meaning

SIGABRT abnormal termination, initiated by abortSIGALRM timeout signal, initiated by alarmSIGFPE arithmetic error, such as divide by zeroSIGHUP hang up on controlling terminalSIGILL invalid hardware instructionSIGINT interactive attention signal (Ctrl-C)SIGKILL terminate ( cannot be caught or ignored )SIGPIPE write on a pipe with no readersSIGQUIT interactive terminationSIGSEGV invalid memory referenceSIGTERM terminationSIGUSR1 user definedSIGUSR2 user defined

default action for allof these signals is to terminatethe process.

This set is required by Posix.1OperatingSystems

Job Control SignalsJob Control SignalsJob Control SignalsJob Control Signals

Symbol Meaning Default Action

SIGCHLD child process has stopped ignoreSIGCONT continue if stopped continue processSIGSTOP stop signal (can’t be caught/ignored) stop processSIGSTP interactive stop signal stop processSIGTTINbackground process trys to read stop processSIGTTOU background process trys to write stop process

See all of the signals theos supports by typing

kill -l

See the key sequences that generatesignals on your system by typing

stty -a


What to do with a SignalWhat to do with a SignalWhat to do with a SignalWhat to do with a Signal

Ignore the signal. Most signals can be ignored, butSIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot.

Catch the signal by telling the kernel to call a functionprovided by the programmer, when a particular signalis generated.

Let the default action apply. The default for most signalsis to terminate the process.


A really polished program will . . .

Block all signals as soon as your program begins.

Set all keyboard generated signals you don’t want tohandle to be ignored.

Catch SIGTERM and arrange to clean everything upand terminate when it arrives. This is the standard waythat a sys admin will shut down processes.

Catch all error generated signals and arrange to log them,print an appropriate error message, do any necessaryclean-up, and terminate.

Generating SignalsGenerating SignalsGenerating SignalsGenerating Signalsfrom the command line

A user can only kill a process that he or she owns.

Generate a signal with the kill command. From the shell

kill –s signal pid

This is one of the signal names less the “sig” prefix

Example: kill –s USR1 3423

Generating SignalsGenerating SignalsGenerating SignalsGenerating Signals

#include <sys/types.h>#include <signal.h>

int kill (pid_t pid, int sig );

if pid is positive, kill sends the signal sig to the process pid (must own the process)if pid is negative, kill sends the signal to the process group |pid|if pid is zero, kill sends the signal to members of the callers process group

returns 0 if successful

from within a program

Killing a Parent ProcessKilling a Parent ProcessKilling a Parent ProcessKilling a Parent ProcessSounds grim, but …..

#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <signal.h>

if (kill(getppid( ) , SIGTERM) == -1) perror(“Error in kill command”);

Generating Signals (cont)Generating Signals (cont)Generating Signals (cont)Generating Signals (cont)

The function

alarm ( unsigned int num )

will generate a SIGALRM signal after num seconds have elapsed. The signal is sent to the calling process.

A process needs permission to send a signal to another process. The superuser can send a signal to any process. For others the basic rule is that the real or effective user id of the sender has to be the same as the real or effective user id of the receiver, i.e. you can only send signals to processes that you own...

The Signal setThe Signal setThe Signal setThe Signal set

A process can temporarily prevent a signal from being deliveredby blocking it. Blocked signals do not affect the behavior of theprocess until they are delivered. The signal mask contains theset of all of the signals that are currently blocked. The followingfunctions initialize and modify a signal set.

int sigemptyset(sigset_t *set);int sigfillset(sigset_t *set);int sigaddset(sigset_t *set, int sig);int sigdelset(sigset_t *set, int sig);int sigismember(const sigset_t *set, int sig);

use either of thesefunctions to initializea signal mask beforeusing it.

This function returns 1 if sig is a member of the set. Otherwiseit returns 0.

contains no signals

contains all signals

* note that blocking a signalis different from ignoring a signal.

adds a signal to the signalset


deletes a signal from the signalset

Example CodeExample CodeExample CodeExample Code

#include <signal.h>sigset_t twosigs;…

sigemptyset (&twosigs);sigaddset (&twosigs, SIGINT);sigaddset (&twosigs, SIGQUIT);

this code initializes the signal set twosigs so that it containsjust the two signals SIGINT and SIGQUIT.

create a signal set

make the signal set empty

add sigint

add sigquit

sigprocmask ( )sigprocmask ( )sigprocmask ( )sigprocmask ( )

#include <signal.h>

int sigprocmask (int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oldset);

SIG_BLOCK: add this set to the signals currently blockedSIG_UNBLOCK: delete this set from the signals currently blockedSIG_SETMASK: set the signal mask to this set

the set of signals to beused for the modification.If this value is NULL, then thefunction simply retrieves thecurrent signal mask and storesit in oldset. No change is made tothe current signal set.

the function returns thecurrent set of signals beingblocked in oldset. This allows the program to restore the old signal set. If this valueis NULL, then no value is returned.

Installing a signal set

Example codeExample codeExample codeExample code

#include <signal.h>

sigset_t mymask;…sigemptyset(&mymask);sigaddset(&mymask, SIGINT);sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mymask, NULL);…sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mymask, NULL);…

initialize the mask setand then set SIGINT

add to the signal maskusing the signal setwe just created

//if a ctrl-C occurs here, it will be blocked.

clears the SIGINTfrom the signal mask

this code adds SIGINT to the set of signals that the process currently has blocked.

The old setis not saved.

See ex1 on X-Server.

This code will block Ctrl-C then do some useless work. Ifa Ctrl-C comes in during this time, the process does notsee the signal. When the process unblocks it, the signalis delivered.

Handling SignalsHandling SignalsHandling SignalsHandling Signals

Remember that blocking a signal only means that the signal will not be delivered until the signal is unblocked. It is a way of temporarily protectingyour code from a signal. Once the signal is unblocked it will be delivered to the process. Then it must be handled in some way. In most cases, an unhandled signal will result in the process terminating.

Handling SignalsHandling SignalsHandling SignalsHandling Signals

What do you need to do inside of the signal handlerto change the state of the application so it is knownthat the signal occurred?

Where do you go after handling the signal. Choices are:

return to where the application was when it was interrupted terminate the program do a global jump to another part of the program

There are two issues to think about:

Note that when you in the signal handler, you arelimited to making system calls that are consideredto be asynch-signal-safe. These system calls areguaranteed to be re-entrant. POSIX defines thesystem calls that are asynch-signal-safe.

The Signal System Call

This call was defined by ANSI C, but has been deprecated.It does not work well in multi-process environments. However,it is a simple call and illustrates signal handling effectively.

#include <signal.h>

void signal ( int signum, void (*act) (int) )

this is just a pointer to a function that takes an integer parameterand returns a void.

Examplefrom Molay chapter 6

#include <stdio.h>#include <signal.h>

void f(int);

int main ( ){ int i; signal ( SIGINT, f); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf(“hello\n”); sleep(1); } return 0;}

void f ( int signum ){ printf(“\nOUCH”);}

The signal handler

int main ( ){ int i; signal ( SIGINT, f); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf(“hello\n”); sleep(1); } return 0;}

install the signal handler

void f ( int signum ){ printf(“\nOUCH”);}

int main ( ){ int i; signal ( SIGINT, f); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf(“hello\n”); sleep(1); } return 0;}

void f ( int signum ){ printf(“\nOUCH”);}




look at the code

Signal HandlersSignal HandlersSignal HandlersSignal Handlers

#include <signal.h>

int sigaction (int sig, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *old);

struct sigaction{ void (*sa_handler) ( ); // SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN, or pointer to function

sigset_t sa_mask; // additional signals to be blocked while in handler

int sa_flags; // flags and options


the function returns the currentsignal handling information in this structure. If NULL, nothingis returned.

the signal handlinginformation to be setfor handling this signal.

the signal to be caught

SA_RESTART Restart any system calls interrupted by this signal once the signal handler has finished

reset to default ignore

eliminates race conditions

May be null

A signal handler is an ordinary function that takes asingle integer parameter and returns a void. The operating system sets the parameter to the signalthat was delivered to the process. Most signal handlersignore this parameter, although it is possible to write asignal handler that handles several different signals.


The following code segment sets up a signalhandler that catches ctrl-C.

…char handlermsg[ ] = “User hit ctrl-c!\n”;void catch_ctrl_c (int signo){ write(STDERR_FILENO, handlermsg, strlen(handlermsg));}…struct sigaction act;

act.sa_handler = catch_ctrl_c;sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);act.sa_flags = 0;if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL) < 0){ // signal handler is installed…

this is the actual signal handler. It prints a message.

load the address of the handler

don’t worry about any other signals

no flags

note that write is signal safe ... printf is not!

ExampleExampleExampleExampleThe following code segment sets up a signalhandler that ignores SIGINT if it is using theDefault handler for this signal.

#include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> struct sigaction act;

… if (sigaction(SIGINT, NULL, &act) == -1) perror(“Could not get the old signal handler for SIGINT”); else if (act.sa_handler == SIG_DFL) { act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL) == -1) perror (“Could not ignore SIGINT”); }

This just gets the currentsignal handler in act

This sets the newsignal handler

See handler.c example

This code uses a shared variable as a flag.The program computes in an endless loopuntil the flag gets set. The flag gets set by the signal handler for SIGINT.

Waiting for signalsWaiting for signalsWaiting for signalsWaiting for signals

One of the primary uses of signals is to keep programs fromburning up cpu time while waiting for some event. Instead ofrunning in a tight loop and checking to see if a signal has beenreceived (polling), the program can put itself into a suspended state until the waited-for event occurs.

#include <unistd.h>

int pause ( );

pause suspends the process untila signal that is not being ignoredis delivered to the process. If a signalis caught by the process, the pausereturns after the signal handler returns.

the return valueis not significant.

pause( ) always returns -1 with errno set to EINTR

process A


process B



A problem with PauseA problem with PauseA problem with PauseA problem with Pause

…static volatile sig_atomic_tsignal_received = 0;

while(signal_received == 0) pause( );

// go on to other stuff

to wait for a particular signal, we need to checkwhich signal caused the pause to return. Thisinformation is not directly available, so we usean external static variable as a flag which the signal handler sets to 1. We can then check thisflag when pause returns.

the pause call is put into a loopso that we can check the value of the flag. If it is still zero, wemust call pause again.

what happens if a signal is deliveredbetween the test and the pause?

The program does not catch it!!the pause does not return until anothersignal is received. To solve this problem,we should test the flag while the signal isblocked!

Volatile: This value may be changed bysomething outside of this scope. It shouldnot be optimized by the compiler.

sig_atomic_t is a data type that is guaranteedcan be read or written without being interruped.

But … does this work?But … does this work?But … does this work?But … does this work?

…sigset_t sigset;int signum;

sigemptyset(&sigset);sigaddset(&sigset, signum);sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL);

while(signal_received == 0) pause();…

// signum is the signal we want to catch

No! Now the signal is blocked when thepause statement is executed, so theprogram never receives the signal.


The delivery of signals with pause was a major problem in Unix.It was fixed by adding the sigsuspend operation.

int sigsuspend(const sigset_t *sigmask);

return value isalways -1

sigsuspend sets the signal mask tothe one pointed to by sigmask and pauses the process in a single atomicoperation. When sigsuspend returns, the signal mask is reset to the value ithad before sigsuspend was called.

Consider the following code

sigfillset(&mask); // set mask to block all signalssigdelset(&mask, signum); // remove signum from the setsigsuspend(&mask); // wait for signum

Now the program pauses. All signals exceptsignum have been blocked. What’s wrong?

Consider the following code

sigfillset(&mask); // set mask to block all signalssigdelset(&mask, signum); // remove signum from the setsigsuspend(&mask); // wait for signum

what happens if the signal is delivered just beforethis code block is entered? The signal is handled,and now sigsuspend puts the program in a waitcondition. If another signal is not delivered, theprogram waits forever.

Correct code to wait for a signal (signum)

static volatile sig_atomic_t sigreceived = 0;

sigset_t maskall, maskmost, maskold;int signum = SIGNUM;

sigfillset(&maskall);sigfillset(&maskmost);sigdelset(&maskmost, SIGNUM);sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &maskall, &maskold);if (sigreceived == 0) sigsuspend(&maskmost);sigprocmask(SIGSETMASK, &maskold, NULL);

declare static variable to test. It gets set in the signal hander.

the signal we want to wait for.

block all signals

blocks all signals but SIGNUM

now, all signalsare blocked.

test the flag.this is thecriticalsection

unblock SIGNUM and pauseas an atomic action.

after returning from the signal handler, restore the old signal mask.

Correct code to wait for a signal... allowing other signals while waiting


static volatile sig_atomic_t sigreceived = 0;

sigset_t masknew, maskold;int signum = SIGUSR1;

sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, &masknew);sigaddset(&masknew, signum);sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &masknew, &maskold);sigdelset(&masknew, SIGUSR1);while (sigreceived == 0) sigsuspend(&masknew);sigprocmask(SIGSETMASK, &maskold, NULL);

The flag

The signal I want to wait for

get current

add my signal to the current setset mask

now SIGUSR1 is blockedremove SIGUSR1 from the set

if flag is ok, wait for SIGUSR1 … it isunblocked by the sigsuspend call


System Calls and SignalsSystem Calls and SignalsSystem Calls and SignalsSystem Calls and Signals

Some system calls, like terminal I/O can block the process for a very long time.

The capability is needed to be able to interrupt these system calls so that signals can be delivered during long waits for I/O.

In POSIX.1, slow system calls that are interrupted return with -1, and errno set to EINTR. The program must handle this error explicitly and restart the system call if desired.

struct sigaction{ void (*sa_handler) ( ); sigset_t sa_mask; int sa_flags;

Remember the sigaction struct ….

SA_RESTART Restart any system calls interrupted by this signal once the signal handler has finished

Slow system CallsSlow system CallsSlow system CallsSlow system CallsSlow System Calls are those that can block forever. These include

* reads from files that block forever if no data is present. This includes pipes, network connections, and terminals.

* Writes to the above if the data cannot be accepted.

* opens of files that block until some condition occurs, for example waiting to open a terminal device until

modem answers the phone.

* pause

* some interprocess communication functions

The following code segment restarts the read system call if interrupted by a signal.

#include <sys/types>#include <sys/uio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <errno.h>

int fd, retval, size;char *buf; . . .while (retval = read(fd, buf, size), retval == -1 && errno == EINTR);

if (retval == -1){ // handle errors here …}

note the use of the comma operator:the left-hand expression is evaluated firstthen the second expression is evaluatedand the result used as the condition for thewhile loop.

that is, the read occurs. Then thereturn value is tested. If it failedbecause of an interrupt, the readis re-started.

siglongjump and siglongjump and sigsetjumpsigsetjump

siglongjump and siglongjump and sigsetjumpsigsetjump

Used to unwind the call stacksigsetjump is like a statement label

siglongjump is like a goto … it branches to the label set by sigsetjump

Used to unwind the call stacksigsetjump is like a statement label

siglongjump is like a goto … it branches to the label set by sigsetjump

see non-local exits in the GNU C library manual

It is not recommended that you use these



A timer keeps track of the passage of time

Calendar time is a point in the time continuum, for example, October 5, 2001 at 12:30pm. The Unix time continuum (epoch) begins on January 1, 1970

An interval is a contiguous part of the time continuum, between two calendar times.

Interval timers generate an interrupt after a specific time interval.

An elapsed time is the length of an interval, for example, 30 minutes.

An amount of time is a sum of elapsed times.

CPU time is like calendar time, except that it is based on the subset of the time continuum when a particular process is actively using a CPU. CPU time is, therefore, relative to a process

Interval TimersInterval TimersInterval TimersInterval Timers

Each process has three independent interval timers available: * A real-time timer that counts elapsed time in real time. This timer sends a SIGALRM signal to the process when it expires.

* A virtual timer that counts processor time used by the process. It only runs when the process is running. This timer sends a SIGVTALRM signal to the process when it expires.

* A profiling timer that counts both time used by the process and processor time spent in system calls on behalf of the process. This timer sends a SIGPROF signal to the process when it expires. The interval timer mechanism does not have the fine granularity necessary for profiling native code


#include <sys/time.h>

int setitimer (int which, struct itimerval *new, struct itimerval *old) ;


struct timeval it_value;struct timeval it_interval;

This is the period between successivetimer interrupts. If zero, the alarm will only be sent once.

This is the period between now and the first timer interrupt. If zero, the alarm is disabled.

Comprehensive ExampleComprehensive ExampleComprehensive ExampleComprehensive Example

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <signal.h>#include <sys/time.h>

// define the signal handler to write an asteriskchar astbuf[ ] = “*”;void astWriter(int s){ write(2, astbuf, sizeof(char));}

note that we use the kernel write call because printf is notasynch-signal-safe.

void init_time_interrupt(void){ struct sigaction newact; newact.sa_handler = astWriter; = 0; sigemptyset(&newact.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGPROF, &newact, NULL);} Signal handler is installed …

SIGPROF is the signal generated bythe profiling timer.

void setup_interval_timer(void){ struct itimerval value; value.it_interval.tv_sec = 2; value.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; value.it_value = value.it_interval; setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &value, NULL);}






2 secs before1st interrupt

2 secs betweeninterrupts

int main (int argc, char *argv[ ]){ init_time_interrupt(); setup_interval_timer(); // some useless code for ( ; ; ) { } exit(0);}
