Siena Lake Planned Unit Development Environmental Impact ... I_Siena… · Siena Lake Planned Unit...


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Siena Lake Planned Unit Development Environmental Impact Report Town of Gypsum, Colorado

April 8, 2018

P.O. Box 3722, Eagle, CO, 81631

Siena Lake PUD Environmental Impact Report Eagle County, Colorado


I. Project Introduction 1 II. Atmospheric 3 Atmospheric Impacts Assessment 4 III. Water Resources 5

Surface Water 5 Water Resources Impacts Assessment 7

IV. Floodplains, Wetlands and Riparian Areas 7 Floodplains, Wetlands and Riparian areas Impacts Assessment 8

V. Wildlife 9 Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Wildlife 9

Wildlife Impacts Assessment 9 VI. Vegetation 10 Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Vegetation 11

Vegetation Impacts Assessment 11 VII. Geologic 12 VIII. Wastes, Noise and Odors 12 IX. Visual 13 X. Circulation and Transportation 13 XI. References 13


1. Aerial view of project site 1 2. Limited undisturbed areas on the project site 2 3. Surface waters in the vicinity of project site 6 4. Approximate limitis of riparian areas 8 APPENDICES Appendix Page

A. Site Plan 17 B. Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Large Game Species Wildlife Maps 18 The purpose of this report is to identify the environmental conditions and potential impacts specifically related to air quality, water resources, floodplains, wetlands and riparian areas, wildlife and vegetation for a land use proposal on a parcel of land in consideration of the professional opinions of many parties. Not all specific environmental conditions, physical limitations, design stipulations, regulatory actions or other environmental conditions can be identified or verified as a result of this type of report.

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I. Project Introduction:

Red Table Ventures LLC, P.O. Box 4930, Eagle, Colorado 81631 owns six adjacent parcels totaling 170.419 acres south of Cooley Mesa Road. Proposed at the site is a mixed-use community, Siena Lake PUD. The proposed development is anticipated to include:

- An over 55 active adult community of up to 332 dwelling units.

- A mountain cottage residential community, a high end RV park, or any combination of both of up to 227 dwelling units (lots) provided a minimum of 25% (or 57 units) are constructed as RV or RV/cottage combination lots, not to exceed 300 total units of cottages and RV’s.

- Construction of a mixed use commercial development along Cooley Mesa Road, including up to 32 live-work dwelling units.

- A private clubhouse, community center, lake and other resident amenities.

- A public open space and trails system, including BLM access and a Town Park parcel.

The project site is located at 39.639° North latitude and -106.894° West longitude, within portions of Sections 2, 3 and 11, Township 5 south, Range 85 west and is at an approximate elevation of 6,510 feet above sea level. The property is generally oriented in a north-south position with Alkali Creek bordering the western boundary of the site.

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Figure 1. Aerial view of project site.

The proposed development includes an access road from Cooley Mesa Road to interior streets, paved and unpaved trails, residential and commercial development areas, a lake, a pond, and passive and active open-space (see site plan in Appendix A).

Almost the entire site has been disturbed by excavation and grading activity that took place in 2006. Dirt from the site was used for fill in the Eagle County Airport runway expansion project. A portion of the previously proposed golf course development, Saddle Ridge, was anticipated at the site. The land was regraded to include 3 upper lakes and one lower pond as per the previous development plan.

The Siena Lake PUD proposal retains the larger upper lake and the lower pond. Limited areas along the northeastern bluffs, southeastern bluffs and along Alkali Creek remained relatively undisturbed.

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Figure 2. Limited undisturbed areas on the project site.

Climatic data values have been obtained at station EAGLE CO AP, COLORADO - 052454, located at 6,510 feet above sea level, 39°40’ latitude and 106°55’ longitude, within a mile of the project site. The recorded mean annual precipitation is 10.88 inches and the mean annual temperature is 42.6°F, both values were averaged over 110 years of record (Western Regional Climate Center, 2017). Precipitation is relatively evenly distributed throughout the year, with slightly higher amounts occurring in July, August and September.

The existing conditions of the natural resources are described based upon mapped data and limited field verification. Specifically, this report addresses the following components:

• Air Quality, • Water Resources (Surface water, Ground water), • Floodplains, Wetlands and Riparian Areas, • Wildlife (Terrestrial, Aquatic) • Vegetation (Terrestrial, Aquatic)

A literature review was completed in order to assist in characterizing the natural resources of the area. Numerous data sources were consulted including but not limited to:

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• Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Natural Diversity Information Source (NDIS) maps,

• Colorado Department of Natural Resources (CDNR), Colorado Division of Water Resources (CDWR) AquaMaps,

• U.S. Geologic Survey, Scientific Investigations Reports, • Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE),

Air Pollution Control Division (APCD), • CDPHE, Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC), • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), • Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP).

Anticipated impacts to resources are generally identified based upon proposed project information provided by the owner, architect, engineer, geologist and surveyor of the project.

II. Atmospheric:

The project site is affected by winds prevailing from the east, as measured at the Avon and Eagle County airport weather stations (Western Regional Climate Center, 2018). Two areas near the project site, Holy Cross Wilderness and Eagles Nest Wilderness, are classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) as requiring special protection of the air quality. Holy Cross Wilderness is approximately 16 miles from the project site and Eagles Nest Wilderness is approximately 24 miles.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the CDPHE, APCD has established air quality standards and regulations to protect public heath and the environment of the State. The EPA has set standards consistent with the requirements of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six principal pollutants, which are called “criteria pollutants”. The six identified criteria pollutants include Carbon Monoxide (CO), Lead (Pb), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone, Particle Pollution, and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2).

The project site is located in the ‘Central Mountains’ region for State Air Quality Planning purposes as designated by the APCD and the EPA, where ambient air concentrations of any designated pollutants are less than that specified in the NAAQS. The EPA classifies areas that violate the NAAQS for one or more of the criteria pollutants as non-attainment areas. According to the most recent Criteria Pollutant Area Summary Report, Eagle County is not classified or included in any non-attainment areas (APCD and EPA, 2017). The project site is included in an attainment area for all NAAQS.

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Atmospheric Impacts Assessment

The proposed development does not include any odor, toxic or noxious materials, gas or other types of commercial or industrial air pollutant emission generators. The anticipated air quality related effects associated with the development of the proposal include:

1. Dust and equipment exhaust emissions generated during construction activities.

2. Effects due to increases in vehicular traffic.

3. Natural gas combustion associated with increased population in the area.

Emissions related to construction activity include particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOX), CO, and total hydrocarbons. It is anticipated that emissions associated with construction activity of the project may have the potential to produced short-term effects on local air quality by equipment tail pipe emissions and dust generated from mechanical disturbance and wind-blown dust from exposed surfaces. Impacts will be minimized to the greatest extent practical by implementing Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for dust suppression techniques during construction. The incorporation of dust suppression BMP’s are anticipated to control construction emissions to a level of relative insignificance.

Disturbance areas shall be minimized to the extent possible by phasing the timing of construction. Existing ground is previously graded and sparsely vegetated in the proposed building areas. Post-construction, areas shall be reseeded or otherwise vegetated and temporary and/or permanent irrigation shall be employed to establish reseeded or other landscaped areas. Construction impacts are temporary and are not anticipated to significantly degrade air quality.

Since the proposed development project is over 25 acres, submission of an Air Pollutant Emission Notice (APEN) is typically required and an air permit may be required (CDPHE, 2017) by the State. The APEN includes detailed information on the Fugitive Dust Control Plan (FDCP). The FDCP should include site-specific control measures to keep dust to a minimum at the project site.

The anticipated emissions generated by motor vehicles and natural gas combustion include CO, NOX, volatile organic compounds (VOC), PM with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 micrometers (PM10) and SO2. In total, the project is expected to generate 8,392 external trips over the course of an average weekday and 8,591 external trips over the course of an average Saturday.

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No model of potential emissions generated by the proposal has been conducted. However, project-related emissions are not anticipated to cause violation of ambient air quality standards or be in violation of air quality related regulations. Project activities are not anticipated to lead to or cause visibility problems for the nearby wilderness areas and views of distant mountains.

In order to reduce wood smoke related emissions of PM, CO, NO2, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde and other suspected carcinogens, it is recommended that the Siena Lake PUD include the restriction to use only U.S. EPA-approved gas fireplaces in dwelling units. An exception for an open-hearth wood-burning fireplace may be contemplated for the clubhouse and community center.

III. Water Resources:

Surface Water

The primary natural hydrologic feature on the project site is Alkali Creek, an intermittent stream. Alkali Creek enters the project site near the southwestern corner, the only area that includes both banks of the creek; the remainder of the site includes portions of the eastern bank. The creek flows in a northwesterly direction adjacent to the western property boundary for about half a mile. The creek is entrenched or confined within steep side slopes for the entire length of the site. Alkali Creek is tributary to the Eagle River; the confluence is approximately half a mile downstream of the site.

The bed and banks of Alkali Creek have been relatively undisturbed along the study reach, although a small earthen berm exists on the channel. The previous site excavation and grading extended to the margin of the creek, but preserved a narrow band of riparian vegetation. Only a narrow band of riparian vegetation with an abrupt changed to upland plants is expected to occur. The lower limits of two unnamed tributary draws to Alkali Creek exist; the upper limits of the dry erosive features have been graded.

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Figure 3. Surface waters in the vicinity of project site.

Alkali Creek originates above 9,100 feet on Hardscrabble Mountain. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has not gaged the flow of Alkali Creek. The watershed drains and area of approximately six square miles. The base flow of the creek is supported by the annual cycle of snowmelt runoff. The creek responds to high intensity rain events with high volume surface runoff.

Water Resources Impacts Assessment

Existing surface runoff conditions have been mapped for the site. A grading and drainage plan will be completed according to Town requirements by the project engineer, and the drainage plan will include specific recommendations for stormwater quality control Best Management Practices (BMP’s). The Town’s staff will review the grading and drainage plan prior to issuance of a grading permit to assure that the project is stormwater complaint. A permit from the State of Colorado, Water Quality Control Division may be required for the proposed construction activity to discharge stormwater from the site.

The Town of Gypsum will supply water for domestic and fire suppression uses. Improvements including a booster station that presently supplies water to the upper tank and water system was designed jointly with

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Buckhorn Valley and the previous developer, Saddle Ridge. The existing water system will require the extension of waterlines and improvements to the water system to serve the development. Detailed plans for the potable water system have been prepared for the project and will comply with all Town requirements.

With the exception of Tiera Trail road including small portions of about 6 lots and the Trail/emergency access, a 75-foot minimum stream setback is provided to Alkali Creek for any residential structures. Impacts to existing surface water associated with Alkali Creek are not anticipated as a result of the proposed development. The development of the proposed lake and pond will increase the amount of aquatic area on the site.

IV. Floodplains, Wetlands and Riparian Areas:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has mapped the development site as an area of minimal flood hazard. Zone X. No FEMA floodplain mapping has occurred to estimate the limits of the Alkali Creek floodplain; however, the steep side slopes confine floodwater of the creek. No site-specific 100-year floodplain study has been conducted for the project site; however, a previous study (Claffey, 2006) estimated a 100-year flow event to be approximately 800 cubic feet per second (cfs).

Riparian wetlands exist adjacent to Alkali Creek; however, wetland limits have not been identified. The riparian wetlands are limited to a narrow band associated with the bed and banks of the creek.

Riparian areas of the site are associated with Alkali Creek and generally coincide with the limits of wetland. Grass-like plants, forbs and grasses with some areas of shrubs, characterize the riparian area. Much of the riparian area is not easily accessed due to steep slopes. The areas are in good condition as evidenced by vegetation density, diversity and recruitment.

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Figure 4. Approximate limits of riparian areas.

Floodplains, Wetlands and Riparian areas Impacts Assessment

Site improvements do not appear to be located within the floodplain although limits have not been identified. It is not anticipated that the floodplain will alter as a result of the proposed development.

No development is proposed near Alkali Creek; the development area is expected to occur within upland sites. No impacts to wetlands or Waters of the U.S. are identified and no impacts to riparian areas are expected to occur; however, the limits have not been identified at this time. Verification of wetland and riparian areas and potential impacts will be completed, as deemed necessary.

The project proposes to construct a lake and pond. The lake and pond will develop a narrow fringe wetland including a littoral riparian area. This will result in habitat, which does not currently exist.

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V. Wildlife:

The region around the project site is home to many large game wildlife species. Some of the wildlife with greatest implication includes American elk (Cervus canadensis), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), black bear (Ursus americanus), and mountain lion (Felis concolor), among others.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) natural resource inventory maps have identified the entire extent or portions of the project site and vicinity for the following wildlife habitats:

• Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) winter range and winter forage,

• Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) overall range, • Sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) historic habitat • Elk overall range, summer range and winter range, • Mule deer overall range, summer range, winter range, severe winter

range, winter concentration area and highway crossing, • Mountain lion overall range.

The large game species wildlife habitat and use maps are included in Appendix B of this report.

The mapped wildlife species and others reside in the surrounding area, and may find limited forage on the project site. However, the prior site disturbance has minimized the wildlife value. The riparian zone and habitat associated with Alkali Creek provides the richest wildlife habitat on the project site.

Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Wildlife

The only threatened or endangered wildlife species identified as being known or expected to occur on the project site is the bald eagle. Bald eagles are a candidate species, which are known to occur within Eagle County with increased activity in winter months. Wintering bald eagles are likely visitors along Alkali Creek but more often frequent areas along the nearby Eagle and Colorado Rivers because they support greater foraging habitat.

Wildlife Impacts Assessment

No impacts to the Alkali Creek corridor are anticipated and wildlife values will be maintained within the richest area of habitat on the site. No significant impacts to threatened, endangered or sensitive wildlife species are expected as a result of the proposed development.

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Craig Wescott, CPW, District Wildlife Manager was consulted and visited on-site on December 5, 2018. The main concern of the proposal includes indirect impacts to the property and adjacent public land resulting from increased human activity.

The impacts to wildlife can be mitigated. Specific CPW recommended mitigation includes:

• Regulating access to public land at planned access point(s). An open-space buffer between private and public land will be controlled by the development.

• Incorporating seasonal closures, December 15 – April 15, to public land to protect wintering wildlife on adjacent critical winter range.

• Maximizing 75-foot setbacks from any riparian areas. • Incorporating connectivity passages of open space or

undeveloped green space to allow movement of wildlife. • Make buyers aware of potential human-mountain lion conflict and

provide information regarding Living with Mountain Lions. • Incorporate BMP’s for trash, bird feeders and other attractants of

bears in HOA documents including CCR’s. • Minimize fencing and if fences are built, incorporate a ‘wildlife

friendly’ design.

The proposed project includes potential improvements to wildlife habitat on the site. The creation of a lake and pond will create aquatic and wetland habitat, which does not currently exist. The development will likely reestablish vegetation to a greater extent than currently exists and will reduce the density of weedy species. Additionally, better management of access to public lands should occur with the development.

VI. Vegetation:

Two primary vegetative habitats exist on the project site, including:

1. Disturbed area sparsely vegetated by grasses and forbs,

2. Riparian and wetland plant communities associated with Alkali Creek.

Historically, the site included piñon-juniper woodland, mainly composed of piñon pine (Pinus edulis), Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) and one-seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) with an understory of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentate), Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides), and bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata).

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Only limited areas of piñon-juniper woodland remains near the northeastern and southeastern corners of the property.

The majority of the site has been graded and reseeded. The existing ground cover is sparsely vegetated with grasses and forbs. The dominant forb is rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus); upland grasses include local native and introduced species. Many weedy species exist.

Limited shrubs and an understory of forbs, grasses and grass-like plants dominate the riparian plant community. The upland and riparian plant community composition, density and limits will be field verified.

Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Vegetation

The USFWS has identified two federally listed threatened plant species as potentially occurring in Eagle County, the Ute ladies’ tresses orchid (Spiranthes diluvialis) and Penland alpine fen mustard (Eutrema penlandii). The Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) has documented 14 priority species of plants to occur within Eagle County. None of the identified priority species are federally recognized under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

A search of CNHP database for global, federal and state threatened, endangered, and candidate plant species or tracked natural communities for the project site with a one-mile buffer were conducted. No site-specific field evaluation of tracked species or potential suitable habitat was conducted for this study.

Vegetation Impacts Assessment

Erosion control best management practices shall be installed and maintained during site construction. The project will avoid cutting woody vegetation including mature trees or shrubs to the extent practicable, unless specified for wildfire or wildlife habitat mitigation. Areas disturbed by construction activity should be reseeded or replanted with native plant species at the earliest practical time after disturbance.

The project, as proposed, will not likely affect any threatened, endangered, sensitive or candidate plant species or any tracked natural communities. All of the proposed site improvements are on areas identified as dry upland meadow or areas that have been previously stripped of native vegetation. The most sensitive vegetative habitat on site includes riparian habitats; no new impacts are proposed to these areas.

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No change in habitat conditions, which might support the nearby tracked natural community, will occur. No threatened, endangered and sensitive plants are expected to occur on the project site; therefore, no impacts are anticipated.

VII. Geologic:

Ground Engineering (2006) conducted a geologic site assessment for the project and several previous geologic/geotechnical evaluations were included in that assessment. H-P Kumar (July 28, 2017 and March 28, 2018) conducted preliminary subsoil study for the project.

Site conditions and geologic constraints were identified as common in the Gypsum area. Specific recommendations included excavation considerations, foundations, retaining walls, floor slabs, underdrain systems, site grading, surface drainage and pavement design.

The site overlays the Eagle Valley Evaporite formation, consisting of massive gypsum deposits. The potential dissolution of gypsum can cause sinkholes to develop and produce areas of localized subsidence. No sinkholes were observed on the project site and no evidence of cavities was encountered in the subsurface materials. The risk of future ground subsidence exists; however, the risk is low, in the opinion of the geologist. The potential for sinkhole development is noted, and it is recommended that owners should be made aware of the potential for sinkhole development.

Continued consultation and field services by the geologist during design and construction is recommended. The geologist shall review and monitor the implementation of the recommendations and verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted.

VIII. Wastes, Noise and Odors:

The facilities and processes associated with the mixed-use development are not anticipated to generate significant waste, noise, or odor effects that would be considered damaging or offensive or unusual for such development. Potential noise effects are attributed somewhat to new traffic generated by the development phasing, but to a greater extent from temporary construction equipment noise (truck backing, excavation, generators).

Noise emissions associated with construction activity may have the potential to produce short-term effects. The project as proposed is not expected to exceed noise standards as outlined in local Eagle County

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regulations once construction is completed given the location of the development area.

IX. Visual:

No specific visual quality assessment of the proposed project was conducted. The project includes a cluster of commercial buildings along Cooley Mesa Road and two residential communities along and on top of the mesa area. The development site is easily viewed from much of US Highway 6 and Interstate 70 and Cooley Mesa Road, as well as neighboring properties. The project is typical in density and visual effect as neighboring subdivisions like Buckhorn Valley. Because of the site elevation and plan design, southern building sites in the R2 zone district may not be as visible.

X. Circulation and Transportation:

McDowell Engineering conducted a vehicle trip generation analysis for the proposed project and a traffic impact study on April 5, 2018. Anticipated traffic generation for the project by full buildout was calculated according to prevailing standards and the ITE 9th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual. Cooley Mesa road improvements will be required by full buildout, including acceleration and deceleration lanes and other improvements. At buildout, the site is anticipated to generate 8,392 to 8,591 vehicle trips per day. Mitigation of impacts will be coordinated as approved by the Town of Gypsum through the development review process and may include improvements to site access, Cooley Mesa Road and other off site transportation or transit enhancements.

XI. References:

Claffey Ecological Consulting, Inc. 2006. Saddle Ridge Development, Environmental Impact Report, Gypsum, CO.

Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources. 2017.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CDOW) 2017. Threatened and Endangered Species List. Accessed July, 2017.

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H-P Kumar, Inc. March 28, 2018. Preliminary Subsoil Study Proposed Siena Lake PUD- Phase 1, Cooley Mesa Road, Gypsum, CO.

Kingery, H., editor 1998. Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas. Colorado Bird Atlas Partnership and CPW. Denver, CO.

McDowell Engineering, LLC. April 5, 2018. Transportation Impact Study for Siena Lake Gypsum, Colorado.

Natural Diversity Information Source. 2017. Accessed July, 2017.

Reed, B.R. 1988. National List of plant Species that occur in wetlands; Colorado. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. St. Petersburg, FL.

Rupert, M.G., and Plummer, L.N. 2009. Boundary of the Eagle River watershed valley-fill aquifer, Eagle County, North-Central Colorado, 2006 – 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 458, online only.

Rupert, M.G., and Plummer, L.N. 2009. Groundwater quality, age, and probability of contamination, Eagle River watershed valley-fill aquifer, North-Central Colorado, 2006 – 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5082, 59p.

Stubbendieck, J., Hatch, S.L., Butterfield, C.H. 1997. North American Range Plants, Fifth Edition. The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2017.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2017. Colorado Field Office County List.

USDA, NRCS 2017. The PLANTS Database ( National Plants Data Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70874-4490 USA.

USDA, NRCS 2000. Hydric Soils of the United States ( Iowa State University Statistical Laboratory.

USDA, USGS 2017. Surface Water data for USA: Monthly Streamflow Statistics ( Reston, VA

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Western Regional Climate Center 2017. ( 2215 Raggio Parkway Reno, Nevada 89512.

CDPHE Development-Guidance-Document_1.pdf

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Appendix A

Preliminary Site Plan

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Appendix B

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Large Game Species Wildlife Maps

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Cooley Mesa Rd

Eagle CountyRegional Airport


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17 1









Red Table Venture Parcels

Wildlife Mapping:Bald Eagle

Winter Forage

Winter Range

Parcel Boundary

Subject Property This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department.Use of this map should be for general purpose only.Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the datacontained herein.

[ 0 550275Feet

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Cooley Mesa Rd

Eagle CountyRegional Airport


e C


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xd D




17 1


28 P







Red Table Venture Parcels

Wildlife Mapping:Wild Turkey

This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department.Use of this map should be for general purpose only.Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the datacontained herein.

[ 0 550275Feet

Overall Range Parcel Boundary

Subject Property

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Cooley Mesa Rd

Eagle CountyRegional Airport


e C


y, C







t P:\E





















e: 1







e: s




Red Table Venture Parcels

Wildlife Mapping:Greater Sage Grouse

This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department.Use of this map should be for general purpose only.Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the datacontained herein.

[ 0 550275Feet

Parcel Boundary

Subject Property

Historic Habitat

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Cooley Mesa Rd

Eagle CountyRegional Airport


e C


y, C







t P:\E




















e: 1





2 PM


e: s




Red Table Venture Parcels

Wildlife Mapping:Elk

This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department.Use of this map should be for general purpose only.Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the datacontained herein.

[ 0 550275Feet

*Elk Overall Range comprises the full extent of this map*

Winter Range Parcel Boundary

Subject PropertySummer Range

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Cooley Mesa Rd

Eagle CountyRegional Airport


e C


y, C







t P:\E





















e: 1







e: s




Red Table Venture Parcels

Wildlife Mapping:Mule Deer

This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department.Use of this map should be for general purpose only.Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the datacontained herein.

[ 0 550275Feet

*Mule Deer Overall Range comprises the full extent of this map. * Mule Deer Summer and Winter Range comprises the same extent

Parcel Boundary

Subject Property

Summer Range

Highway Crossing

Severe Winter Range Winter Concentration Area

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Cooley Mesa Rd

Eagle CountyRegional Airport


e C


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e: 1







e: s




Red Table Venture Parcels

Wildlife Mapping:Mountain Lion

This map was created by the Eagle County GIS Department.Use of this map should be for general purpose only.Eagle County does not warrant the accuracy of the datacontained herein.

[ 0 550275Feet

Overall Range Parcel Boundary

Subject Property