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I Reg;NO,GRlRNP/GOAl32! !RNI No, GOAENG/20021641 0 !

Panaji, 21 SI April, 2005 (Vaishaka 1 •. 1927) SERIES II No, 3


Note:- There is one Extraordinary issue to the Official Gazette, Series II, No. '2 dated 14-4-2005 as follows:-

Extraordinary dated 19-4-2005 from pages 31_ to 32 regarding Order from Department of Co-operation [Office of the Collector, North Goa District, (Election Branch)], Corrigendum from Department of Information and Publicity and Notification "from Department of Revenue respectively.


Department of General Administration


No. 2/2/2004/GAD/H

Read:- Notification No. 2/2/2004/GAD/H,. dated 21st October, 2004,

In continuation of the above mentioned Notification, Government is pleased to declare Friday, 22nd April, 2005 as Public Holiday in the State of Goa· on account of 'Milad-Un-Nabior ld-e-Milad' instead of Special Holiday as Annexure ILtothe Notification cited above.

The holiday declared. is under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Act 26 of 1881)'

By order and in the name .of the Governor of Goa,

D. H. Kenaudekar, Under Secretary (GA).

---Porvorim"21st April,. 2005.

-_ .... --

Department of Co-operation

Office of the Registrar of Co-operative SoCietie.s . ~.. '",,- ..

Orde.r ~~

No. 16/3/2001/GCMF/TS/RCS

Read: 1) Order No. 16/3/200l/GCMF ITS/RCS dated 05-12-2001.

,2) Order No, 16/3/200l/GCMF ITS/RCS dated 26-02-2002.

3) Order No. 16/3/200l/GCMF/TS/RCS dated ·04-06-2002.

4) Order No. 16/3/2001/GCMF/TS/RCS dated 05-12-2002.

5) Order No, 16/3/200l/GCMF/TS/RCS dated 20-12-2002.

6) Order No. 16/3/200l/GCMF /TS/RCS dated 16-05-2003.

7) Order No. 16/3/2001/GCMF/TS/RCS dated 25-08-2003.

8) Order No. 16/3/200l/GCMF/TS/RCS dated 15-03-2004 .

Q) .. Order No. 16/3/200l/GCMF /TS/RCS dated 20-8:·2004.

10) Order No. 16/3/200l/GCMF/TS/RCS dated 2-3"2005.

By virtue of the powers vested iIi me under Section 78 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 as in force in the State of Goa, read with Rule 61 of the Co-operative Societies Rules, 1962 and in supersession of this office order dated 15-3-2004 referred to above I, F. K. Patidar; Registrar of Co-op. Societies, Government of Goa hereby appoint Shri S. N. Kothwale, Managing Director of the Goa Co-op .. Marketing & Supply Federation Ltd.,. Panaji-Goa, as an Administrator of said Federation in place of committee of Administrators appointed vide order at Sr. No.8 referred to above with effect from 1-4-2005.

The term of the Administrator appointed is also extended ~for the further period· with effect from 1-4-2005 to 15-6-2005 or till the new Board of Directors takes over the charge. whichever is earlier.

P. K. Patidar, Registrar of Co-op. Societies.

Panaji; 28th March, 2005.


No. AR/NZ/ABN/INST/2005 )

.In ex~rcise of the pow.ers ~e.sted in m~ unde~ .. tl?-~ provisions of Section 156 oftpe Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 as applied to th,e State of Goa, I, Ronnie Dias, Asstt. Registrar of Co-op. Societies, North Zone, Mapusa hereby empower Shri Vishant M. Vernekar, Jr, Auditor/Inspector of this Zone to work as "Sale Officer" as defined in Rule 2, sub-rule (h) of the Co-operative Societies Rules, 1962 to attach and sell the moveable properties of the defaulters and to execute any decree by attachment and sale of


such property as -per the procedure laid down in Rule 104 of the Coo-operative Societies Rules, 1962.

Sd/'-(Ronnie DiaS},Asstt: Registrar of-Co-op. Societies-(North.Zone). -_.

Mapusa,'25th February,2005.'


No. 1-1-2000-TS-Dental CollegelRCS

Read: 1. Order No. 1-1-2000'TS'Dental-College/RCS dated 7-5c04.

2. Order No. 1-1-2000-TS-Dental-College/RCS / dated 8-12-04. --

3. Letter No. ARCS/CZ/ADM/GIDC/l-01/05 dated 31-1-2005 received from the Administrator, the Goa Dental College

-and Hospital Employees- Co-op. Credit Society Ltd., , - -

By virtue of the powers vested in me under clause (e) -(ii) of-sub-section (1) of Section 77A of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 asinforce in the State of Goa, I, P. K. Patidar, Registrar of Co-op. Societies, Goa hereby extend the period of Administrator of the Goa Dental College and Hospital Employees Co-op. Credit Society Ltd., Bambolim, Tiswadi -Goa, appointed vide order referred to at Sr. No. i above for further period of -3 months from 9-2-2005 to 8-5-2005 soas toeriable the committee of Administrator to colllpletetheelecti~n. process and hold the election ()f .the Managing. Committee oithe Goa .D",ntaICollege .and Hospital Employees Co-op. Credit Society Ltd., before expiry' of the. extended period. It may please be- n()ted that· n() further extension will be granted.

R K. Patidar, Registrar of Co-op. Societies.

Panaji, 24th March, 2005;


. ____ No. 15-99-2005/ADT/RCS

In exercise o(the powers vested 'in me under Section 81(1} of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act; 1960 as in force in the State of Goa, read with the Rule 66(1} of the. Co-op. Societies Rules, 1962, I, P. K. Patidar, Registrar of Co-operative SOcieties, Goa b~by constitute a Panel of Certified Auditors for the purpClli.e of conducting the Audit of major/specified Co-op. SoCieties reg.istered under thl? provisions of the' aforesaid Act & Ruies for period of one year' i.e. 2004-2005 consisting of the- following Chartered Accountapts:-

1. _ Shri Subhash B .. Joshi, _.' 4)8, VrindavanChambers, .

Patto, Panaji-Goa.

2. _ Ms/. v. P. Mopkar & Associates, 104,Rayu Chambers, Dr. A. B.Road, Panaji-Goa.

21ST APRIL, 2005

3. S. P. Bhandare & Associates,' 101, 1st Floor, Nizmai Centre, Dr. A. B. Road, Panaji-Goa ..

4. . Keni Bhandare &_Associates, _·101, 1st Floor, Nizmar Centre, Dr. A. B. Road, Panaji~Goa.

·5. Naik Gaunekar & Co., 106, Govinda Building, M.-G.-Road, Panaji-Goa:

6. M/s. P. V. Bhandare & Co., SF 15; -Sukerkar Mansion, Opp. GoVt. Printing Press, Panaji-Goa. - --

7. S. S. D",lvi & Co., T. S.Souza TOwer, Near Municipal Garden, Panaji-Goa.

8. L; U. Halarnkar & Co., 115-Diamond Chambers, 18th June Road, Panaji-Goa.

9. S. R. Kenkre &: Associates, FF02 A. Rani Pramila Building, 18th June Road, Panaji-Goa.

10. M/s. Lalit Shah & Associates, 304/305, Vagle Vision, Next to Manguirish Apartments, 18th June Road, Panaji-Goa.

11. Vaman S. S. Shirodkar & Co.; 107, Bhiv Thwers, Plot No. _14, Patto Plaza,

. Behind K.T.C.Bus Stand, Panaji-Goa.

12. M/s. Edwina De Souza & Associates, Ground Floor, Velho Building, Panaji-Goa.

13. Mis. C. Y.Ramani & Co., T-l Bhanav, Near Mahalaxmi Temple, Panaji-Goa.

14. A. N. Kharangate & Associates, Administration of Communidade Building, Opp. Church Square, Panaji-Goa. -

15. S. S. Thakur & Associates, 12!13,Ramchandra Chamhers, Feira' Baixa~ Near Mapusa Clinic, Mapusa-Goa.

16. Mis. S. P. Bhat & Associates, T-4, Coelho Apartments, Ponda-Goa.

17. Suhas Desal&Co;, S-9, Coelho Apartments, Ponda-Goa.

18. S. L. Singhal & Associates­Singhal Building,

. Ponda-Goa.

19. K. M .. Bandekar-& Co;, Radha Niwas, Maimolem, Vasco-da-Gama-Goa.



20. M/s. G. K. Kamat & Associates, 35. N. D. Hegde & Associates, F/3, 1st Floor, Sapana Terraces; 9, Durga Apartments, Swatantra Path, 2nd Floor, Luis Miranda Road, Vasco da·Gama-Goa·. Margao-Goa.

21. P. P. Mahatme & Co., 36. Prakash Pawar & Co., 1st Floor, GabtnarApartinents, 315, Govinda Building, Vasco-da'Gama-Goa. M. G. Road,'

22. R. M. Desai & Co., Panaji-Goa.

S-2, Belavista Apartments, 37. A. N.Naik & Co., Opp. Can.ara. Bank, Kamakshi Niwas, Margao-Goa. Dr. AtmaraIl). Borkar Road,

23. M/s. V. F. Chimulkar & Co., Panaji-Goa.

Marchon Building, 38. Sadekar & Naik, Above Bank of Baroda,. 107, Govinda Building, Margao-Goa. M. G.Road,

24. M/s. Diwakar P. Kaisare; . Panaji-Goa.

Raikar House, Pe Mininda Road, 39. V. B. Prabhu Verlekar &. Co., Margao-Goa. 102, Govinda Building, . .

25. M/s. Verlekar &'Kaisat$, M. G. Road,Panaji·Goa.

Raikar House, Pe Miranda Road, 40. D. V. Joshi, Margao-Goa. 205, Commerce Centre;

26. M/s. G. V. Kamat and· Co., Opp. State Bank of India, Agricultural Branch,

Paradise Apartments,· Mapusa-Goa. B-1, Block No.2, St. Joseph High School, 41. Shri Ganesh Daivajna, .' AqueIl). Alto, Margao-Goa. Flat No. SG-7,

27. J. M. Verlekar &(;0.; Vaikuntha Apartments, . Ground Floor,

205, C. D.Blue Chip'.' Near Damodar Vaidya Bhavall, Isidore Baptista Road, Comba, Margao-Goa. Pajifond-Margao·Goa,

28. M/s. K. P. Angle & Co., 42. Smt, S.H. N.Gaunekar,

S. M. Borkar & (;0., . Sapana Chambers, 2nd Floor, Costa Chambers, Ascanio Costa Road, < Near Metropole, Margao-Goa. Margao-Goa.

29. Satish Dhume & Co., 43. Shri Anil Upadhye, .'

203/206/207, ,-, Block No.2, . Mahalaxmi Chambers, ,,~, . Kenkre Building, 18th June Road, . Margao,Goa. Panaji-Goa.

30. B. S, Nagarsekar &00,;; ~_ u. 44. Smt. Suvarna D. Pai,

Shridhar Building ... ,,; Costa Chambers, 2nd Floor,

1st Floor, Swatantra Path, Near· CineJlljetropole, ~ Margao-Goa. Vasco'da-Gama-Goa., .,


Shri R. K. Pikale al'.d Co" 31- Suresh S; Kithir, 45.

6, Ahilya Vishnu Building, 216, Govinda Building,

Hari Mandir Road; M. G.Road,·

Margao-Goa, Panaji-Goa.

32. Ketkar & SaripaIle, ',,- 46, Shri Deelip T. Phadte & Co., 11, Durga Apartments, ~ .... St, Peter's Building, 2nd Floor, 1st Floor; Opp. Commerce Honse, Room No.5, Opp.Mapusa Clinic, Near Virginkar Petrol Pump, Mapusa-Goa. Margao-Goa. 47. Shri Santosh J. Pai,

33. G. S. Keni·& Co., Second Floor, 2nd Floor, Dattaprasad Building, Raiturkar. Building, D'Costa Road, Comba, Near Vithal Mandir, Margao-Goa. Comba, Margao'Goa.

34. Virginkar Hegde & Co., 48. Shri Y. V. Shirodkar & Co., 9, Durga Apartments, House No. 470, 2nd Floor, Luis Miranda'Road, Bandol, Curtorim, Margao-Goa. Salcete-Goa ..















D'Souza Anthony Aloysius, Flat No. F /6, Ground Flobr, Bairro Sao Jose Altinho, Mapusa-Goa 403 507.

Vishwamitra Devraj bivaspati, Flat No. S-4, 2nd Floor, Sharvani Regency, Behind' Sal Service, Journalist Colony, P. O. Porvorim, Goa 403 521.

Deshpande Sadashiv Keshav, B-4, Kamat Complex Ltd., . , Tonca-Caranzalem'Goa 403 002. .

Varadharajan G., 5-S/1 Kamat Complex, Caranzalem, 403 002: .

Fernandes Gabriel Antonio, House No. E-6, . , Gaudaulim, COlva-Goa:, . . Margao-Goa.

Robert Fernandes, Near Syndicate Bank, Cutchorem-Goa.

Lodha Jagdish Mal, D/25, La Marvel Colony, Dona Paula; 403 004.

Desai Subhash Gajanan, Subhash Plot No. D-10, . Padmanarayan Real Estate, Near Jeevottam Math, Gogol, Margao-Goa 403 602. '

Fernandes Mervyn Anthony Lesli, D4, Junta House, ' Mapusa-Goa.

Keeranchira Christin Thomas M ... 205, Commerce Centre, Mapusa-Goa.

Lotlikar Umesh Dinanath, Sesa Ghor, Patto, Panaji-Goa.

J?rqbhu Verlekar Yogesh. Mahabaleshwar, . 107, 'Commerce Centre, Mapusa-Goa.

Almeida Noel, Pajifond Apartments, 2nd Floor, '. Rua de Saudades, Margao-Goa.

Bhagwan Swamp D., . Willy's Apartments, 1st Floor, Opp; Mungul' Church, Mungul, Margao-Goa.

Gaitonde Dinesh Chakrapani, Borkars, Lake Plaza, Fatorda, Margao-Goa.

64. Hajare Manik Apparao, C-21, A Ratnadeep Building;' Opp; Rajendra Prasad Stadium:, Margao-Goa 403 601.

65. Kamat Govind Vithal, G-V; Kamat&co;, , •. F-lO, Chamundi Apartments,

. Near Hari Mandir, Margao-Goa.

21ST APRIL, 2005

66. Kurtakoti Shankar Deyadatta, M/ s. Lorence & Shankar, . Flat B-ll, B Block, 1st Floor, Shar N Sorai Apartments, Varde Valaulikar Road, Margao-Goa.

67. Raikar Manoj Ganpatrao, 69, Near Damodar Temple, Abade Faria Road, Margao-Goa 403 601. ,

68. Rodrigues Crescencio D.R.M., Mahanagar Complex -F-l, Block "D", Flat No. F-l, Madel, Margao-Goa 403 601.

69. Saudagar Pradip Kashiram,. Navdeep, Flat No. 5-4, Vidyanagar, Margao-Goa 403 603.

70. Joshi Renu Rajendra Ms.








Aranya Swst Plot No.6, Zingdimol, Curti, Ponda-Goa.

Maliya Kamnkar Vittaldas,. K. V, MaUya & Associates, No.4, 1st Floor (Rear), . Garden View Complex,' Near Municipal Garden, . Ponda-Goa 403 401.

Dhond MaheshShivram, ' Mahesh Dhond & Co., . 310, 3rd Floor, Kamat Towers, Panaji-Goa.

Kamat Rajendra j;:kanath, 5/2, Vrindavan Apartments; St. Inez, Panaji-Goa. '

P. Ramchandra, House No.6, Mount Unique, Building No.2, Altinho, Panaji-Goa.

Sinai K ,kodkar Devendia Vinayak, D. V. Kakodkar & Co., 306, Rayu Chambers, Dr. A. B. Borkar Road, Panaji-Goa. 403001.

Viegas Clifford, 105, Rizvi Sadan, Bernard Guedes Road, Behind Vaidya Hospital, ' Panaji-Goa.

Sardessai Annapurna Ammet Ms. Aashrav, H. No. 98, A. Santismo Waddo, Oile Bhat, Taleigao-Goa 403 002.

78. Audhut Gunha Dalvi, 3, Juliet Building, Near Railway Station, Vasco-aa-Gama-Goa.

!!; ..... ~.
















Kamat Jyotendra Balaji, Mis. J. B. Kanlat.& .. Company,'. 1st Floor, Salkar Building, . Opp. St. Joseph's Institute, Vasco-da-Gama-Goa.

Nlishra Satyad,rv K. D .. Satyadev Mishra & Co., NO .. 3 & 4, 2nd Floor, ApnaBazar, Vasco-da-Gama-Goa.

Gupta Kailashchand, B-1, AmbrojoApartments, St. Jerome Road, . .. Mapusa-Goa 403507,

Kamat ShamJagannath, S. J. Kamat & Co., . Tamaturgos BUiiding, Near State Bank of India, A.D.B., Mapusa-Goa ..

Keeranchira Thomas Sebastian, 205, Commerce Centte, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa 403 507. .

Lad Pradip Dattaram, Chandranath Apartments, Building No.2, Shop No. 1.8, Opp. Police .Station, . Mapusa-Goa.

N etalkar. Arvind Pandurang, "" ArvindP. NetaJkar & Co.;," Block "B" 510, Garden Centre, Mapusa-Goa 403 507., .

Vaze Sadashiv M., Sadashiv Vaze & Co., 203, 304 Bhavani Apartm"nts, Dattawadi Road, Mapusa-Goa.

Audi Datta ParashuraIn', Audi &. Co" "Me"t~"Fi3, 3rd Floor; PitjifoniC , "~~ Margao-Goa .. BaleTeja D., ..... .~.

1st Floor Mauranee, Opp; Poilce: St'aticiIr,""~':'

.Qurchorem-Goa 403-706 .. ' " . ' ..

Bhat Narayan Rarnkrishna, R-2, Rania Enclave,'.. . Opp, Dr. Costa Nursing,Hp/lle,: Fatorda, Margao-Goa.

Bhat V. D., Bhat & Associates, Prestonia Chambers, Office No, 4,3rd Flodr, Above Lilly Garmerits, . New Market Road, Margao-Goa.

Dhumaskar mhas D., . 2nd Floor, Shar-N -Sorai Apartments, Varde Valaulikar Road, Margao-Goa.

Faleiro Francisco Blasco, 160, Church, ... Margao-Goa. ' .





Harite NandkishoreS., . , Harite & Associates~, .

S/3rd Floor, D. Wing; .. Apna. Bazar Complex, Behind Collector.'te,': Margao-Goa.

KakodkarKapishShivaji, 2nd Floor, Vishwanath Mansion, S-10, Near KTC Bus'Stand,: ' Curchoretn-Goa 403 706: .

KamatB. v., B. V. Kamat & Co., Albuquerque Building, Pe Miranda Road, Margao'Goa ..

Krishanan Bhattathivi, Jerain Mansion, 1st Floor, Opp. Kerkar Hospital, Aquem, Margao:Goa: "

97. KulkarniKri~hn'l Va~antn;o, Second Floor, Mayankit, Near Punjab National Bank, New Market, Margao'Goa ..

98. Kulkarni Ashok N eelkanthar, Kulkarni & Bhat, F-2, Rama EnClave, Opp. Dr. Costa Nursing Home. ' Fatorda-Margao-Goa,·

99. Kunkolienkar Pankaj Satchit" 29, Kadar Manzi!, 2nd Floor, . Opp. Had Mandir, . Margao-Goa.

100. Malekar Lorence Joseph, Lorence Malekar & Co" Th, 33, ., 1st Floor, Baboy, Commercial Centre, Malbhat; Margao-Goa.

101. Mathew Nadackel Thomas, P. B. 308, Opp. Sterling Apartments, '. Pajifond, Marga.0-G9a.· '. .

102 .. Moniz Jacinto Chavan, J. C, Moniz & Co., Fatima Chambers, 2nd Floor, S-5, Margao-Goa, Saicete'Ooa.

103. Nayak Harihar Vaikunth, H. V. Naysk & Co., 4th Floor, Damodar Phase II, Near Gomant Vidhya Niketan, Margao:Goa.

104. Pati! Manikrao Sharnappa, F-15, Silver Gate Estate, Near Forest Department, Aquem-Margao-Goa.

105. Patil Shivkundar Balkrishna;. Post Box No. 119, Station Road, Margao-Goa.

106. Prabhudesai Pandurang Jagannath, Mis. P. J. Prabhudessai and Co., 217, Aashirwad, Opp. Hotel Minaxi, Margao,Goa.




Raikar Manoj Ganpatrao,' : 59, Near Damodar Temple;' Abade Faria Road, Margad'Goa.·'"

SardessaiJagannath Bhagw:~t ' J. B. Sardesai and Associates,;.' 5 Tilve Building, Erasmo Carvalho St. Margao-Goa.' .. ,' ,

109. Sarmaikar Damodar,Yeshwant, '., ' 109-B, 1st Floor, Supreme.llomblPlaza, Damodar College Road, Comba, Margao-Goa.

110. Shanbag Vilas Vishnu, Vilas V. Shanbag & Co" D/S-4 5 D/T-6 Pancharatna Marise mas Road, Margao-Goa,

111. Vaiaulikar Darshan·'Visl:J.uu,R,~~:'.:. D. V. R. Vaiaulikar & Co." S·S, 2nd Floor, Chamundi Apartments, Saudades Road, Margao'Goa~ ,. ' ,

112. R. K. Verlekar & Co,;.










Municipai Square,N!argao-Goa. '"

Virginkar Ravindr~ 'yi~f!~ •. R. V. Virginkar & Co." Virginkar Chambers, 1st Eloor, P. O. 290, Near KamatMiian Hot"I, Station Road, Margao·Goa,.

Amlani Kamlesh D., K. D. Amlani & Co.', 23, 2nd Floor,'Ihonora Apartments",· Near Municipai Market, Panaji-Goa 403 001.

Bargi Vithal Nagesh, . V N. Bargi & Co.,

Govinda Building, Mahatma.GaIldhi·Road, Panaji-Goa.

D'Souza Levish, Levish &' Associates; Riverside View, House'No; 38'7; Miramar, Ward No. Ccl3" ' Panaji-Goa.

---De Sa' Cendilac Nicolaus, . C. N. De Sa &Co,' ' 12 Rua Joao de Castro, " Opp. G. P. 0:, Panaji-Goa.

Despande VenkateshPandurang, 20S, Nizmar Centre, , Dr. Atmaram Borkar Road, Panaji:C;oa.

Kamat Rajan D., '" C. C. Chokshi & Co., 5th Floor, Suyesh Complex, S. V. Road, P'!naji-Goa.

Kamat Anant Vasuaev,' A. V Kamat & Co.; 102; Monte Cristo House, 1st Floor, Caetano Aibuquerque Road; , Panaji-Goa. ,

Khandeparkar Sushma Narsinva, 402, Kamat Towers, EDC Complex, Patto, Panaji'Goa.·, ' " .

21ST APRlL.2005 ' ,

122. Mahadevan T. S., " ' Shaikh Zoinnddin ,'ThIaulikat Building, Behind ThIaulikar Hospital" 0< .' '


123., Naik Gaunekar Sriniwas Vasant, " 3/2nd Floor, Patto Centre;',Panaji·Goa.

124. Remedios Agnelo, S. J. Thally & Co., 112, ,Govinda Building, ' Panaji-Goa.

125. Ribeiro Sa ,Gladstone Aiithony, ' 212, Shiv ThweJ:S'; Patto Plaz", EDC Complex, Panaji-Goa. '

126. Sangoram Anant Sheering; T/3,Shahana Chamber, Market, Panaji-Goa. " , ,',

127. Shanbag V. Radhakrishna;




, 131.






V. R.Shartbag,,&: CO.i~·'-:· c-,'

F-12, 1st Floor,' Souza Towers, Opp:· Municipai Garden,' Panaji·Goa.

Telang Durgesh, , , ' 6, Sujay Apartments, 18th JuneRoad, Panaji-Goa. '

Thaly Srmar J anarclhau, c,' , ' ,', .'

112, Govinda Buildi!lg,M.G, Road, Panaji-Goa.

Upactha~a Narayah Y., N. Y. Upadhaya & Co., F-12, Souza Thwers, Near Municipal Garden,' . Panaji·Goa .

, Vernekar Kiran Vishnu, K. V. Vernekar & AssoCiates, FE-S, 4th Floor, Rani Pramila Arcade:' lSth June Road, Pallaji-Goa.

Tendulkar Kenkare Archana P., R. K. Pikale and Co., Julio Nagar, Opp. DamodarAuto Centre', Dhavli, Ponda-Goa. '

Naik Laxmikant Iiatta; , L. D. Naik & Co., , 55, 1st Floor, PondaCommerce Centre, Ponda-Goa.

Adhia Arunlrumar Vrajlal, . Arun Adhia & Co.; 201, Damodar Chambers, Opp. Syndicate. Bank, Dattaraya Despande Road, Vasco da Gama-Goa. '

Despande Pramodchandra B., P. P. Mahatme & Co., 1st Floor, Gabmar Apartments, Vasco da Gama-Goa.

Hegde Shreepati Ganpati, S. G. Hegde & Co., 1st Floor, Rohan Arcade, Opp. M.P.T. Hall, Swantantra Path, Vasco da Gama.

OFFiCIAL 'GAzEITE ---='GOVT. OF GOA . 39, 21ST APRIL, ZOOS, SE81ESIl.No: 3 ...

137. Kamat Nagesh G.,. "J

A-2, Damodar Prasad,. Behind Chicalhri Cottage Hospital,. Chicalinr-Goa:·

138. . Naik RamkrishnaMadhav, " . R.M· Naik& Co.,

Melquiedes Building ,2nd Floor, Above Centm:ion.Bank, Vasco da Gama-.Goa·.

139: . Pawo(JskarDattaraj Sacliinand, D. S. Pawooskar & Co.,

.. Block No.2o.,Khalap Mansion, .. Near Natraj Theatre, Vasco' da' Gama:

140. . . Rairiani RajanBhkvaili, .' Flat No.2, Rajan Ramru;li.& Co.,._ Mhambre Building, F. 1, Gomes Road, Vasco da Gama-Goa.

141. Usgaonkar Shailesh G., . F-2, Excel Residendy, Kerr,mt, Caranzalem-Goa

4,o.3.o.o.f!.. ",,:c ,." ' .. ," ...... 142. Kulkarni Pradip K.,

-. C/o. Ganesh& Ganesh, . ,·FlatNd.·6:1~'VaikurithApartni.ents, . Grouna:' Floor,' Near Damodar Vidya Bhavan, : Coinbii~Mirrgao:Goa' ',' . .. , _ _ '",' . ,,, ., !. - _ . _ '_. _ _ _ _~ l '," . , .

143 .. Inchaimath,·ShrishaiLM., S. M. InchaImath& C'o; -7,' lst'Floor; H6lyFamily Building,,,­Opp.Gine La~", P. B,l3o., Matgati'Goa. '. '. .'

The Audit fee and Tax Audit fees payable to the Certified Auditors shall be as prescribed by the Registrar of'Co-op. Societies, Goa.

The Pane! constitute'd Will 10;; hi force for a period of one year D •. 20.0.4"200.5. The earlier Notiflcatitinof even'

. No .. dated9-12-2()o.3,staI!d~ .. canG.E>l1ed, .. _. "

EK. Pai:id~ Reglstr;": bt'cd-op."S~~ieti~s. ", -, -' .,. '. .': ,. -, >,,', .. : ,- :,:' ',' .. ,,--.-::-;<;:. '.,'.'

Panaji,3rd March,ZOG5; ~. ,< ~

"-.~ ... -' '-' '-' --Department of Labour c~; .. ;.~.

Order No. 24/12/2o.o.3-LAB/137

Read:- 1) Government order No. 24/12/2o.G3-LAB dated 7-10.-20.0.3,

2) Government. qrder No. 24/12/2o.o.3-LAB dated 27-10.-20.0.4.

On recommendation of Gtia PUblic Service Conimission, conveyed vide theiHetter No. COMIII/11/28(3)/92 dated ' 22'3-20.0.5; the Government is .pleased to extend the ad hbc appointment ofShri U. J .. P. Parrikar, Ad.ditiorral' Labo'urGonrmissiciriet (Group ~ Gazetted) in·the office

of Cominisl3ioner of LaboUr' and EmplbynIent for iifurther periodfrom1o.'o.4'2o.o.5to 3-1cG5-2o.o.5 on ,the-same i:erins . and cbnditions as stipulated iIi theabbve referred order.

_ By order and in the nrune of the Governor of Goa.

. Vasanti H. Parvatkar, Under Secretary (Labour):

Porvorim, 7th April, 20.0.5.

. No; 24/12/20o.3-LA£(I)

Gov'm;m~nt order N~.24J12/2o.O:i-LAB . dated 7-10.-20.03. '

- 2) Governmentbid"r- No.- 24/12/2o.o.3"LAB(I), 'da:ted27" 10"200.4;>

On recOJ:nlileIiq"tion of Goal']Jblic ServiCeC(llnmission , conveyed vide their letter No. COM!Il/11/28(3)/92 dated 22-3-20.0.5, the Government is pleased to extend the adhobilppoiniment o(ShriM:~. Naik: DY.Labcllir COlilmissionet (Group ~ Gazetted) 'in the' office of Cominisslonerof Labour and. Employment foia further .. p~riodfromlo.~b4~2o.05 to 31:05c2o.05 on the sam~ terms and coriditions as'stipulated mthe abtive referred otder. '

• , '. >,".

. By order and in the name ofthe Governor 'of Goa.

Vasanti H: Parv~tkar, lTnder S"cretary (Labour).

Porvorim, 7th April, 20.0.5.


No. 24/3/87-LAB-Part

Read:, Government order No. 24/3/87-LAB-Part dated 11-0.3-20.0.5.

Certified that the antecedents and character of Dr. Sexena Richa, appointed as Insurance Medical Officer, in ESI Dispensary, Corlim vide above referred order have been verified and nothing adverse has come to the notice of Government:

Vasanti H. Parvatkar, Under Secretary (Labour).

Porvorim, 8th April, 20.0.5.

, ._,--+--'. -' .

Inspectorate of Factories & Boilers, Institute of Safety, -Occupational Health and Environment


No. VI/BLR/ZIL/lFB/2o.o.5/1o.o.

Whereas ,the validity, of. the Gertificates for, use , of boilers bearing registration: Nos. G-23 (C/65),

G-24 (C/66) and G-93, (C/67) (hereinafter called as the


"said. cDoilers;:kb'lloI\gingto .M/s. ,.ZuarL Indus~ries Limited,,;;:;uarin.agar; Goa,(hereinafter.referr§,dto as the. "saidCOInpaI\Y"), ·l1ave.expiredon31st March,. 2005, . 29th March, 2005 and 24th March, 2005, respectively;

And wllereasthe said Company has applied for permission to use. the said boilers without Offering them for inspection for a period of one year; .

And whereas the Government. of Goa, on consideration .of the .request and commitment to shoulder full responsibility!?ytl1e. said Company in case of any eventuality due to any kind of accident occurring due to the use of these'hoilersand also'considering the sciledulefor production of additional urea, over and above the normal production, 'as' directed by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers vide their letter No. 16042t1!2004 dated .3rd-March;.2905"isofthe opinion that the said boilers be exdudedcfrom the operation of the provisions of dause(c) of Section 6 of the Indian Boilers Act~ 1923'(5:of 192:3j· (hereinafter called· as :the "said ~ct~·).~::;

.• No;", c the{efore,in exerciseo! th~. pow"rsGO~~erred .. by sub~sectio.n (3) of Section 3,4 .of tl1e saicfAct, the . Goverllmento.f Goa, is satisfied tli!lt: ilaVing regard to the mateiia), design or constructio.n of hOilers and to thene~d fpqhelapiciihdustrlalis~tion.of the country, it is necessaIy so to do, hereby 'exCiudes the boilers G-23,G-24 and.G-93 belonging to the said .Company from the operation of the provisions of Clause (c) of Section 6of'the said Act fdfsald period of one year ending o.n 31stMarch, 2006, 29th March, .2006 and 24th March, 2006,' for boiler Nos. G-23, 'G-24 and' G-93,

• respectively.

By order and in the mime ofthe Governor of Goa.

S. S. Prabhudesai, Chief Inspecto!, of Factories and Boilers and Ex-officio Joint Secretary.

Panaji, 7th April, 2005.

-_ .... -.-. --.... Department of Personnel

. -'Order

No. 13/52/2004-PER

Read: Order No. 13/52/2004-PER dated 31-12-2004.

The extension granted in ~ei:Vice vide abo~e referred order to Shri S. R. Narvekar, Technician in Chemistry of Food Department of Government Polytechnic, Panaji,for a .period of~ix months beyond the date of· his superannuation with effect from 21-12-2004 to 20-06-2005, is hereby curtailed with immediate effect. Consequently, Shri Narvekar is relieved from Government service with effect from 04-04-2005, afternoon.

By order and in ille name of the Governor of Goa.

. GU~das P. Pilamekar, Joint Secretary.(Persormel).

Pofvorim" 4th April, 20Q5.

21ST APRIL, .2005


No. 13/4/20d4'PER

Read: Order No. 13/4/2004-PER dated 08-12-2004.

'The extension granted in service vide above ~eferred .. order to Shri A. B. Bhartu, Add!. Collector-I, North Goa

District, beyond the date of ·his superannuation for a period upta 30-04-2005, is hereby curtailed with immediate effect. Consequently; Shri Bhartu is relieved from Government service with effect from 04-04-2005, afternoon.

By order and in the name. of the. Governor of Goa.

Gurudas P. Pilamekar, Joint Secretary (personnel).

Porvorim, 4th April, 2005. .


No. 13/40/2004-PER.

Read: Order No. 13/40/2004:PER dated18~61-2005. The extension granted in service vide above referred

order to Shri U. B. Dessa), Assistant.Director of Education (Adult) for a period oione year from 05-11-2004 to 31-10-2005, is hereby curtailed with immediate effect. Consequently, Shri Dessai is relieved from Government service with effect from 04-04'2005, afternoon.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

Gurudas P. Pilamekar, Joint Secretary (Personnel).

Porvorim, 4th April, 2005.


No. 13/22/2004-PER

Read: Order.No.13/22/2004-PERdated 31-08-2004 ..

The extension granted in seryice vide iIDove referred order to Shri V. L. Kamat, Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, beyond the date of his superannuation for a period upto 31-05-2005, is hereby curtailed with immediate effect. Consequently, Shri Kamat is relieved from Government service with effect from 04-04-2005, afternoon.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar, Joint Secretary (Personnel).

Porvorim, 4th April, 2005.


No. 13/17/2D04-PER

Read: Order No. 13/17/2004-PER dated 11-05-2004.

The extension granted in service vide above referred order to Shri Shaikh S. M. Shecoly, Pharmacist in the Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration, beyond the date. of his superannuation for. a period of one year wi1;h effect from 1-05-2004, is hereby curtailed with immedjateeffect. Consequently, Shri Shecoly is relieved


from Government service with effect from 04-04-2005, afternoon.

By order and in thE' name of the Governor' of Goa. " .....

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar, ,JointSeeretary (Personnel). ,. ';,

Por~~rim, 4th April, '2005. '


No. 13/41/2004-PER

Read:'Order No. 13/41/2004:PERdated 31-12-2004. ", . . , .. ' .

The eXtension granted-Wi sei:viCe-vide-abov~'teferred ordenoShri James Rodrigues, Head Cleik, Office of the Inspector 'General of Prisons, 'for a period' of ,six :months beyond the date of his superannuation with effect from 24-10-2004 to 23-04-2005, is hereby curtailed with immediate effect: Consequently;' Shri Rodrigues is relieved from Government, service with effect from 04-04-2005, afternoon.

By order and in the' name of the Governor of Goa.

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar,Joint Secretary (Personnel).

Porvorim, 4th April, 2005.


No: 13/39/2004-PER

, Read: Order No. 13/39/2004-PERdated 11-01-2005.

.The ext'ension granted in service. vide above refer~~d order'to Soo pnyiuieshwar K. Nail< Khandolkar, Assistant Education Officer (Science) for a period ofthree months

\.lpto 30,04-2005,isherebycurtailed with jmm"diate effect, Consequently,Sh,ri .Khandolk'u)s relieved ;from Government ' ser;'ic~' with, effect, from, 04.04-2005, , .. ---' " .. ',.; ' ... ',"'- .,. '- ,-,,-. -,'., '.-. '-. aftem~on.·.:

By order and in the name oithe Governor of Goa.

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar, Joint Secretary,(Personnel).

, " Porvorim, 4th April, 2005.


, No. 13/30/2004:PER '

Read: Order No, 13/30/2004-PER dated 31-0S-2004:

The extension granted. in ·service-vide' 'above.referre~ order to Shri S, D, Sayanak, Chief .Engineer, Water Resources Department for a period of one year beyond superannuation upto 22-0S-2()05, is hereby curtailed with immediate effect, Consequently, SOO Sayanak is relieved from Government service' with effect from 04-04-2005, af!;ernoon.

By order and in the name oithe Governor of Goa.

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar, Joint Secretary (Personnel),

Porvorim, 4th April, 2005,


No, 13/15/2002-PER(II)

Read: OrderNo, 13/15/2002-PER(II) dated20-01-2005,

Contractual employmentofShri K. ,1, Maharnbre, Table Tennis, Coach (Rtd,), Directorate, of Sports, made vid~ order ~e'ferred .. t'o above, ·is hereby terminated __ with immediate effect., Consequently, ,Shri Mahambre is relieved with effect from 05-04;'2005, afternoon.

By, order and in the name oIthe Governor of Goa,

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar, Joint Secretary (Persorinel),

Porvor[m, '5th April;' 2005, '


No, 13!43/2004-PER

Read: Order No, 13/4312004:PER dated 1S-01-2005,

Governor of Goa is pleased "to terminat~ contractua1 appointment of ShrLPrabhu A. Kenaudekar, Chief Executive Officer, ,Khadi and Village Industries Board in accordance with condition No, 4 of the Agreement dated 27-01~2005 'Yith effectfrom 04-05-2005 (Afternoon).

Byarder and in the name ofthe Governor 'of Goa:

Guruci,,; P. Pilarnekar, Joint Seciet~ry' (Personnel), .. . , '

,Porvorim, 5th April, 2005,



Read: Order No, 13/26/2002-PER(C) dated 18-10-2004.

Governor of Goa is pleased to terminate contractual appointment of Shri D, M, Barkar, ex-Senior Scale Officer of Goa Civil Service presently posted as O's,D. (Pets), Secretariat, POlvorim, in accordance with condition No. (4) of the Agreement dated 09.11-2003, with effect from 04-05-2005 (Afternoon). "

By ord"r and in the name of the Governor of Goa,

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar, Joint Secretary (Personnel).

Porvorimi 5th April, 2005,


, No, 13/20/2004-PER(C) ,

Head: Order No, 13/20/2004-PER(C) dated 02-06-2004.

Governor of Goa' is pleas'ed to terminate contractual appointment of Sl),ri Adqlf Mascarenhas, Retired Senior Scale Officer of Goa Civil Service presently functioning as O,S.D, (F. F. Cell), Home Department, Secretariat, Porvorim, in accordance _with'_condition No.4 of the Agreement dated 2S-09-2004 with effect from 04-05-2005 (Afternoon),

By order and in the nameofthe Governor cif Goa,

Guru,das P. Pilarnekar, Joint Secretary (Personnel),

Porvorim, 5th April, 2005" '



No. 13/33/2004-PER(C)

Read: OrderNo: 13/33/2004~PER(C)dated 18-10'2004:

'ContfactuaJ appointnient 'of, ShriRaghuvir Sanvoroekar, Ex-Junior Scale Officer cif Goa CiviI' Service, presently functioning' as Project Officer, 'Directorate bf Thchnical 'Education, 'made vide order referred to above, is hereby terminated With' immediate effect. Consequently, Shri relieved. with effect from 05-04-2005, afternoon.,

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

Gurudas P. Pilarnekar, Joint Secretary (Personnel).

Porvorim, 5th April, 2005;

No. 7/2/99-PER (Part.II) ,

In pursuance to the Governrnent of india, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi Order Nb. 14016/7/2005-UTS.r dated 18-1'2005 the' Governor of Goa is pleased to promote Shri' Raajiv'Yadtivanshi: iAS(AGMU"89), Secretary (Ports)andS. KJain, IAS (AGMU:,89), Secretary (GA) to the Supertime Scale of IAS (Rs. 18400-500-?2',100), with effectfrbm '18ct-200!>. . '

Shri Raajiv Yaduvanshi, lAs and S.K: Jain, lAS ;hall draw their salary against the post of Secretary (Revenue & Labour) and Resident CommisSioner, respectively.

By order andirtthe name· of the Governor of Goa.,

GurudasP. Pilatnakar, Joint Secretary (Persbnnei).

Porvoiim, 6th April, 2005.


No. 6/2/2002-PER (Pa';t)

The Governor of Goa is pleased to order, transfer of Shri Anthony'J. D'Souza, Dy. Collector (Rent c'ontrol), Panajiand post hini as' Officer on Special Duty in the Office of-I.e!. Advocate General, Pan(lji, with immediate effect and until'further orders, in public interest.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

Prasanna Acharya, Under Secretary (Personnel-II).

Porvorim" 7th April, 2005., .

-, --+++-­

Department of Public Health


No. 2/14/2Ci04-II/PHD

1'\ead:, Memorandum No. 4/21/2003-II/PHD dated 4-11-20M' .

On the 'r'ecommendation of Goa Publi-c S'ervice Commission as conveyed vide their letter No. COM/lI5/

21ST APRIL, 2005

/300)/90 dated 10-8-2004, the Govemrnerit ispleasedtb appoint Dr. Desai Vijayraj R. to the post of Medical Officer' at Blood Bank (Group 'B' Gazett.ed).in Goa Me<;lical College on temporarybasis in the pay scale of Rs. 8000,275,13500+ NPA with irhmediateeffect· as per the· terms and conditions contained in the MemQrandum dated'4-11-2004 mentioned above and his pay shall be fixed as per rules. He shall join, the post immediately.

Or. Desai VijayrajR. shall be onprobation for a period of two years.

The character and antecedents of Dr. Desai Vijayraj R. have b'ee'; verified by the Superintendent of Police, S~uth Goa District, Margao ,and he has been declared medically fit by the Medical Board at .the time of .his appointment as Insurance Medical Officer (Group ,'A Gazetted) under the Department of Labour, Secretariat, Porvorim-Goa.

By order and ,in the name of the Governor of Goa.

, S. Gc[(orgaokar,UnderSectetar1 (Health).

Porvorim, 29th March, 2005.


No. 4/23/2002-II/PHD

On the recommendation of the Local Departmental Promotion Committee, Government is pleased to promote Dr. Sunanda Amonkar, Assistant Professor in Medicine to the post of Assodate Professor in Medicine on ad hoc basis ',in Goa' Medical, College in the pay scale of Rs. 10000,325-15200+NPA and other allowances adntissibleasp~r the rules:Herpa.yshali be fixed as per rules.

The said 'ad hoc' appointment is made against the vacancy caused due to resignation 'of Dr. Oscar Rebello. The ad ho'c appointment is' for a period, of 'siX months with effect from the date of joining or till the post is fille.d on regularbasis, whic!\ever is earlier.

,'J'he • above ad hoc appointment shall not bestow on her any claim for regular apPOintment or the service rendered by her on ad hoc basis iri the grade shall not count for the purpose of seniority in the grade or for eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade, if any.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

S. G. Korgaokar, Under Secretary (Health).

,Porvorim, 30th March, 2005.,


No. 4/6/2004-II/PHD

Read:- Memorandum No. 4/6/2004,-II/PHD dated 4-02-2005.

On the recommendation of Goa Public· Service Commission as conveyed vide their letter No. COM/1/5/ /30(10)/89/196 dated 17-11-2004, the GOvernnient is


pleased to· appoint Dr. Kamat Haldonear KetanRamesh to the post of Resident Pathologist (Group 'B' Nbn­-Gazetted) in Goa Medical College on temporary basis in the. pay scale of Rs. SOOO-275-13500+NPA with immediate' effect as per the tenns and conditions contained in the Memor"ndum dated 4-02-2005 mentioned above. He shall join the post immediately.

Dr. Kamat Haldoncar Ketan Ramesh shaIl be on probation for a period of two years.

The app'ointment is made subject to the verification of her character and antecedents. Iif the '-event of any advers'e -matter n'oticed' by _ th_e" Government o"n verificat.ion. of ch?racter and ante·~ede~ts. her ~'~~rvice will be terminated.

She has been declared medicaIly fit' by the Medical' Board.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa ..

S. G. KorgaOkar, Under Secretary (Health). . . Porvorim, 30th March, '2005.


No. 4/17/2002-II/PHD(P.F.)

Read:- Memorandum No: 4/17/2002-II/PHD(P.F.) dated 22-02"2005.

On the recommendation of the Goa Public Service Commission as conveyed vide their letter No. COM/1I5/ /30(31)/S9/3S dated 2S-1-2005, the Government is. pleased t'Oappoint Dr. DiasAmit Savio to the post of Lecturer in P. S. M., in the Goa Medical CoIlege, Bambolim on temp~ra,IY basis on ,an initial basic. pay of Rs. 10,000/- in the pay scale ofRs; 1O,000-325-15,200+NPA with immedia~e effect, anc;l, as per -the terms and conditiol?S containedin theMemorandum di:ed~bove and hi~pay shall be fixed as per nIles. He ~li.all join thepost immediately.

Dr. Amit Savio shaIl be on probation for a period of two years: .

His character and antecedents have been verifiedby the District Magistrate, North Goa District, Panaji-Goa and he has· also been declared medically fit· by the Medical·Board at the time of appointment as ASSistant Lecturer in PSM on regular basis in Go" Medical College;

By order. and in the name. of the Governor of Goa:

S. G. Korgaokar, Under Secretary (Health).

Porvorim, 30th March; 2005.


No. 4/23/2002-II/PHD

On the recommendation of the Local Departmental Promotion Committee, Government is pleased to promot"

Dr. Rachita Gupta Velho, Lecturer in Medicine to the post of Assistant Professor in Medicine on ad hoc, basis in Goa Medical College in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-325--15200+NPA and other allowances admIssible as per the rules. Her pay shall be fIxed as per rules: .

The said ad .hoc ?ppointm~~t is made. agaip.~t the' vg.cancy caused due_ to ad hoc promotion of Dr. Sunanda Amonkar.- The ad hoc appointmen~ is Jar a period of six months with effect from the date of joining or till the post is filled on regular baSis, whichever is earlier.

The above ad hoc appointment shall not bestow on her' any claim for regular appointment or the serviCe rendered by her on ad hoc basis in the grade shall not count for the purpose of seniority in the grade or for' -eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade, if any.

By order and in the name of the. Governor of Goa.

S. G. Korgaokar, Under Se~retary (Health).

Porvorim, 30th Mqrch, 2005.


No. 4/19/2002,II/PHD

On the recommendation of the Local Departmental Promotion Committee,.Governmentis pleased to promote Dr. (Mrs.) Chitra Juwark,u, Lecturer in Anaesthesiology to the post bf Assistant Professor in Anaesthesiology on ad hoc basi" in Goa Medical College in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-325-15200+NPA and other allowances admissible as per the rules. Her pay shall beflXed as per rules.

The said ad hoc appointment is made against the vacancy caused due to promotion of Dr. S~irley Ann D'Souza to the post of Associate Professor. The ad hoc appointment is for a period of six months or till the post is filled -on -regUlar basis, whichever'is earlier.

The above ad hoc appointment shall not bestow on her any claim: for regular appointment or the service rendered by her on ad hoc basis in the grade shall not count for the purpose of seniority in the grade or for eligibility for promotion tothenext higher grade, ifany.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

S. G. Korgaokar,. Under Secretary (Health).

Porvorim; 30th March, 2005.


No. 2/S/2000-UlPHD

Read:- 1. Government Order No. 2/S/2000-II/PHD dated 19-1-2001.

2. Government Order No. 2/S/2000-II/PHD dated 14-1-2002.


3. Government Order No. 2/8/2QOO-II/PHD , . dated 20-2-2003. '-

4., Government Order No. 2/8/2000-II/PHD dated 22-1-2004.

Government is pleased to extend the contractual appointment of Dr. Ana KarinaE. Jacques Costa, Echocardiologist, Department of Medicine in' Goa Medical College for a further period of one year w.e.f. 08-12-2004 ortiIl the post is .filled' on regular basis whichever is earlier. on the Same terms and conditions and on a consolidated salary of Rs, 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only) per month,

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their, U,O, No, Fin(Exp,)/6308/05 dated 2-3-2005,

By order 'and ill the name of the Governor of Goa,

S, G. Korgaokar, Under Secretary (Health).

Porvorim, 30th March, 2005,


No, 4/3/2005-II/PHD

On the recommendation of the Local Departmental Promotion Committee, Government is pleased to prpmote the following Assistant ,Lecturers to the post' of Lecturersihthe pay scale of Rs, 10000-325-15200+NpA and otheralIow'mce~ admissible as per the' ruies, on ad hoc baSIS, for a period of six months or till the posts are filled on regular basis, whichever is earlier,ill Goa Medical College, with immediate effect. Their pay shall befixEid as per rules:-

Sr, No,


Name and present,'

ppst held


1. Dr. IsabellaCoelho, Assistant Lecturer in Physiology

.- ~ ~- - . - . 2. Dr. Carlos.Noel Menezes,

Ad hoc promo~ion '. to. the post 0t.


Lecturer in Physiology

L'ecturer in Assistant Le~cturer_ in Biochem~stry , Biochemistry

3. Dr. Nilam Masdji, Assistant Lecturer in Anatomy "

4. Dr. Gurleen Kaur, Assistant Lecturer in Microbiology

5. Dr. Nitin Dhupdale, Assistant Lecturer in PSM

Lecturer in ,Anatomy

Lecturer in Microbiology

Lecturer in ·PSM,

The above ad hoc appOintments shall not bestow on them any claim for regular appointment or the service rendered by them on ad hoc basis in the grade shall not be counted for the purpose of seniority in the grade

21ST APRIL, 2005

or for eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade, if any,

By order and in the ,name of the GOITernor of Goa,

S, G. Korgaokar, Under Secretary (Health).

, Porvorim,30th March, 2005,

, Order


On the recommendation of the Local Departmental Promotion Cominittee; Goveminent is please~ to promote the, following Lecturers to the post of Assistant Professors in the pay scale of Rs, 10000-325-15200+NPA and other allowances admissible as per the rules, on ad hoc basis, for a period of six months or till the posts are filled on regular basis, whichever is earlier, 'in Goa Medical College, with immediate effect" Their pay shall be fixed as per rules:-

Sr, Name and present .. Ad hoc pr~moti0l'l: No, post hel~ to the post of-

1 2 3

1, Dr, (Mrs,) Sumedha Audi, Assistant Professor Lecturer in Physiology in Physiology

2. Dr. Sanjay Pandarbale, "Assistant Professor Lecturer in Physiology in Physiology (ad hoc)

3. Dr. Fatima Maria D'Souza, Assistant Professor Lecturer in Anatomy in Anatomy (ad hoc)

4. Dr., Uday Kudalkar, Assistant Professor Lecturer in Anatomy in Anatomy (ad hoc)

5. Dr. Padamjit Singh Nitanjan, Assistant Professor Lecturer in Microbio19gy in Microbiology

6. Dr. Andre V. Fernandes, -Assistant Professor Lecturer in Forensic Medicine in Forensic Medicine

7. Dr. C. G. Radhika Raj, Assistant Professor Lecturer in Surgery in Surgery

8. Dr. 'Pia Muriel Cardoso, Assista'nt Professor Lecturer in Ob st. & in Obst. & Gynaecology Gynaecology.

The above ad b,oc appointments shall not bestow on them any claim for regular appOintment or the service rendered by them on, ad hoc basis in the grade shall not be counted for the purpose of seniority in the grade or for eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade, if any.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa.

S. G. Korgaokar, Under Seqretary (Health).

Porvorim, 30th March, 2005.


PRICE-Rs. 12.00