Shot list


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Shot List:

- Establishing shot of the teenagers packing the car outside the house for the camping trip.

- The camera then pans and zooms to the car being packed.- Close up on characters faces, as they are happy and laughing.- Long shot of the car driving away to go to the location. - Wide shot of the teenagers setting up camp.- Close ups on them having fun.- Wide shot of the teens playing sports.- Wide shot of the teenagers sat down in the background you can

see the dark figure.- Point of view on the antagonist’s flashbacks.- Mid in on the antagonist’s toys and her sitting in corner alone.- Close ups on fear in antagonists face as child.- Zoom in on newspaper article showing that her mum was

murdered and she was left alone.- Wide shot onto camping scene after they hear strange noises.- Long shot of clear space where character is looking.- Close up of person looking into the space. - Long shot again of space but the girl is there.- Close up of person looking at it and blinking.- Long shot again of space and nothing is there again.- Close up on their faces to show fear.- Wide shot of person who’s seen the antagonist telling their

friends.- Mid shot of the teenagers walking away with camping gear. - Zoom in on teenagers face when they realize that the car won’t

start.- Long/point of view shot showing the antagonist waiting at the

end of the road.- Mid shot of one of teens lying on the floor looking beaten.- Pan of teens running and screaming.- Long shot from behind of one of teens being chased by

antagonist.- Close up on teen’s faces showing fear. - Wide shot of teens sitting tied up in distress.