Short Film Analysis 1 - The Date


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Sharna Mandil

The Date (iCandy Productions) This is a short romantic comedy film, which has no dialogue

throughout and instead has sound effects and music playing.

It is based around one central character, a male, whom we know no personal information about (age, etc), who sets up a date from his home. However, his date stands him up... Or so he thinks.

Film analysis

The film opens with simple text, which connotes to the audience that the film isn’t going to be too extravagant and over the top, but instead a short simple film that gets its point quickly.

Behind the text is a boiling saucepan which also connotes to the audience that the film may involve some sort of cooking, potentially for the date, and sets up a scene for the audience of a kitchen, as this is where cooking takes place.

Film analysis

An over the shoulder shot, reveals the setting of the opening scene to the audience, along with some close up shots of the food he is preparing.

The opening setting of the main character is in the kitchen where he is preparing food for his date. The setting of the kitchen gives the audience quite a homely feel, and the bright colours of the opening setting creates a warm, calm atmosphere.

Film analysis

The music within the opening scenes of this short film is fast and snappy, which shows the characters anticipation for his date, and throughout the short film the non diegetic score music changes depending on the characters mood.

The characters clothing in the opening scenes is quite casual and laid back and fashionable, so we as an audience assume he is quite young.

Film analysis

The director has chosen to use an establishing shot to tell the audience that the majority of the action will take place within the dining room, where he is preparing for his date.

The non diegetic music has now sped up, which further highlights and connotes the characters anticipation for the date, as we assume as an audience he has never had a date before as he is rushing around even though he has plenty of time.

Film analysis

The next few shots within the dining room, show the character placing numerous items on the table such as candles, roses and red wine onto the table.

The director uses close up shots so the audience can be shown detail of the items. This also shows to the audience that the character is presumably a perfectionist and is going to all lengths to ensure his date will be romantic as possible.

The items such as candles and roses, connote love to the audience and are typical conventions of a romantic film.

Film analysis

The non diegetic background music has further sped up, again highlighting his anticipation. The following scenes are of the character getting ready for the date.

The typical stereotype of males when they get ready for dates is that they try everything to look their best and scrub up well so that they can impress their date, which is what the character shows. He is shown in a medium close up shot in the shower lathered up in soap, it is also presumed that the character is singing as he is moving his mouth. However, we can’t hear him as the whole film has no dialogue. This adds to the comical side of the film as by his mouth movement the audience can presume he is singing quite loudly, perhaps because he is extremely happy and excited for his date.

Film analysis

The scenes when the character is in the bathroom, add to the comical genre of the film, and also are a convention of comedy/romantic films, as it is showing a character trying their best to look as good as they can to impress their date.

The extreme close up used also adds to the comical element, as the audience can focus on the characters facial expressions more, which adds to the humour of the film.

Film analysis

The audience are then quickly introduced to a new setting with the help of an establishing shot, and also by the change of the score music in the background.

The setting of the mans room is a typical stereotype of a typical males room, as it is blue, messy and unorganised, which is the common held view of what males rooms look like, and this setting conforms to that stereotype.

Film analysis

Throughout the bedroom scene where the man is deciding what to wear, he does very typical male things. Such as seeing how “ripped” he is in the mirror, which is a typical stereotype of males as they are believed to do this.

The characters attire in this scene is of just him in his underwear, which adds to the comical genre of the film. However, the underwear seems to have a comic strip design which can be seen as childish as this is what a child would wear, which connotes to the audience that this character may also have an immature, playful side to him

Film analysis

The mans attire has changed to more formal wear, which shows the audience he is now ready for his date.

The audience also know the man is ready for his date as he checks his watch, which connotes he is now just waiting for his date to arrive.

Film analysis

As the date is further approaching the music slows down, which suggests to the audience the date is arriving soon.

However, the equilibrium is soon disrupted when he cannot get through to his date.

The audience are notified by this as the non-digetic dialogue says, “the number you’re trying to call has not been recognised”, and also through the clock which has been faded in into the background which connotes that time is passing and that she is late and therefore, isn’t going to show up.

The audience then empathize with the character as the music slows down and alters the audiences mood.

Film analysis

The director has chosen to use an extreme close up of the mans face to show in detail the characters downbeat, upset facial expression and mood, as his date has stood him up.

The director also alternates between different types of shot to show his upset. For example, the director uses an establishing shot of his bedroom to show him being alone. A bedroom usually connotes a place of personal space which you can go to when you want to be by yourself as it is an escape from everyone, which is why the director has used the location of the bedroom to show this.

Film analysis

The director uses a mid shot to show the character alone at the table, and has also slowed the score music down even further to create a sad, alone atmosphere for the audience, so we empathize with him.

The props used in this scene further help the audience to empathize with him, as the lit candles and the rose create a romantic scene. However, no one is there to share it with him.

Film analysis

As the man believes his date has stood him up, the mood completely changes with the help of the non-diegetic background music, which is now quite loud and bold.

The close up over-the-shoulder shot of the man shows him aggressively eating the dinner he prepared for himself and his date in time with the background music. To add to the comical genre the man also eats his dates dinner too, which again is a typical stereotype of a man, as a typically held belief is that men eat a lot.

The man also drinks the whole bottle of wine. Wine is typically associated with romance. However, the character finishes the whole bottle of wine in an aggressive manner, which connotes to the audience that the man is drinking the wine to drown his sorrows as his date didn’t show up. The close up of him drinking the wine shows him greedily finishing off the bottle.

Film analysis

After the man has drank his sorrows away and finishes the meal, the director uses a mid shot to show the man sitting alone depressed as his date didn’t arrive. The mid shot, is quite a distanced shot which may be a reason the director wanted to sue this shot, as the shot reflects the characters mood (distanced).

The lighting is also quite dull, and dark with only a small lamp providing a small bit of brightness. The dull lighting may also be reflecting the characters mood.

The background music has now quietened down drastically, and is interrupted by a message tone from the mans phone (diegetic sound).

The director uses an extreme close up shot to show to the audience the mans confusion/shock as to why he has received a text.

Film analysis

It is then revealed to the audience using an extreme close up shot of his mobile phone, that his date in fact is coming to date, however, her phone was just playing up.

An extreme close up of the phone is used to make the audience aware that the female companion is now coming, and to add to the comical element as it comes to the audiences attention that the man has just ate all of the food and drank all of the wine even though his date is coming.

The director then uses an extreme close up of the characters expression to show his wide-eyed shock emotion and panic.

The director then also uses an extreme close up of the man looking up at the clock to show that the time is now 9:30, the time Chloe said she was going to get there for.

This whole scene is a typical convention of a comedy film, as in comedy films people are usually late which adds to the comical genre

Film analysis

The director has chosen to fade the music out of the final scenes, so that the audience can hear the diegetic sound of the doorbell (presumably his date, Chloe) which creates a comical ending to the film, as we are left on a cliff hanger of what is he going to do next as he has eaten all the food and drank all the wine, so there is nothing left for his date.

The final close up of the man used, shows his awkward nervous expression as he has no idea what excuse he can come up with to his date as to why there is no food and wine left.

Film analysis

The film then cuts to black, as we are left on a cliff hanger and the end credits are shown.

Like the beginning of the film the ending credits are also in simplistic text, which shows that the film was simple and had a clear simple narrative easy for everyone to follow.