SHIRE OF KOJONUP E-NEWS · You can receive this e-newsletter directly to your email address by ......


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You can receive this e-newsletter directly to your email address by registering at the Shire Office or by emailing

GENERAL COMMUNITY NEWS Presentation to Council – Phil Shephard Town Planner, Phil Shephard, when not out and about liaising with the community or working hard in the office, has been putting a huge number of hours into his passion for motor cars by writing a book. At Council’s Ordinary Meeting held 21 February 2017, Phil presented a copy of his book, ‘The World’s Fastest E-Type Jaguar: The Quest for the Record’, to Shire President, Ronnie Fleay and Council. The book details the exploits of ‘Team Shephard’ and their quest for speed on the dry salt of Lake Gairdner, SA. A second copy of his book was given to the Kojonup

Library if anyone would like to have a read (the book features lots of interesting facts and amusing stories plus plenty of outstanding photos in full colour) and or it may also be purchased online from Outcomes from Council Meeting held 21 February 2017 St Mary’s Anglican Church – Lawrence House Council issued conditional Planning Approval to the St Mary’s Anglican Church/Bunbury Diocesan Trustee proposal to develop Lawrence House Centre for

ministry/parish, welfare and community activities. The building will include a kitchen, toilets, office, storerooms, children’s and meeting rooms and a 92m² main hall area with access via steps and ramps on both sides of the building. The new building will become the headquarters for their ministry and parish activities as well as catering for other community activities aimed at improving lives, building resilience and community. The Church/Diocesan have secured expressions of interest from several organisations to use the space and provide health, education and social activities.

SHIRE OF KOJONUP E-NEWS Edition 102 – 24 February 2017

Apiary Permits Approval issued for two applicants to keep bees on specified Council Reserves on a seasonal basis in accordance with the Department of Parks & Wildlife Permit conditions. Adopted Review of the Workforce Plan 2014 -2018 Workforce planning is a continuous process and applies not only for today but for future workforce requirements which are linked with organisational objectives as ‘people’ should be our greatest resource. Remembering that every aspect of life involves some form of ‘people’ management. Workforce planning helps identify resources/costs required to achieve an organisation’s purpose while constantly managing change. Workforce planning assists ‘peoples’ knowledge and understanding of the ‘business’ of Council to build a resilient, cohesive and sustainable organisation that is demonstrated through work ethic, performance, culture, values and behaviour. Such challenges have been evident in the transition requirements at the Black Cockatoo Café regarding training, ‘fit for purpose’ plant and equipment, stock orders, menu, wastage, job descriptions, financial processes, rostering etc., which are not necessarily ‘quick fixes’ but will not deter Council from striving for cost efficiencies, high customer service and ‘bottom line’ improvement. Kojonup CRC Council considered a request regarding interest in assuming full responsibility and control of the Kojonup Community Resource Centre (CRC) including a new management model and operational focus following an initial approach from CRC Chair – Francis Trouchet and Committee of Management Member – Lyn Boys to the Shire President and CEO in October 2016 advising that the CRC was facing financial difficulty and that despite the support of The Kojonup News would most likely cease trading in March 2017 but definitely by June 2017.

Council is undertaking an Asset Management Review of its Land and Buildings including Medical Centre considerations which is due for completion by 31 March 2017 Council resolved the following:

1. Investigate the CRC Building as part of the Asset Management Review presently being undertaken to determine options available for the future provision of a “Community Hub” which includes consideration of existing and future needs at the Council Administration Building, CWA Building, RSL Hall and Kodja Place including cost/benefit analysis.

2. Outcomes of the Asset Management Review be considered in framing the 2017/2018 Budget, and

3. Advise Kojonup CRC that Council is prepared to relocate the ATO and Centrelink portals within the Council Library from April 2017.

Bushfire Advisory Committee Council adopted the following resolutions:

Communications Tower That the Shire of Kojonup establishes a Technical Work Group consisting of the Presiding Member – Bushfire Advisory Committee, Chief Bushfire Control Officer, Manager Corporate Services, Building Maintenance Coordinator, Digby Stretch and Cr Ned Radford to prepare and present a formal report addressing the following terms of reference: 1. Assess the current and future

communications requirements for fire coverage of the Shire.

2. The communication tower should be so sited that the land the tower stands on

is either owned or controlled by the Shire Council.

3. That unrestricted access to the tower must be available at all times. This is necessary for maintenance purposes and for defence of the Tower in a wild fire.

4. The Communications Tower must be a stand-alone system. This may mean a combination of battery/solar/backup generator. It is an advantage in general usage to be connected to the power grid, however in a wildfire it is usual for the power grid to become inoperative and cannot be relied upon. Therefore, a stand-alone system is considered an imperative.

5. The tower must be capable of carrying different types of antennae that may be required to operate simultaneously: e.g., The Bushfire Network, Shire Network and possibly Telstra or other users.

6. The type of radio, the frequency bands allocated and any alternative means of communications should all be examined. The expectation is; “that as effective a communication system as can be afforded will be in place for the 2017/2018 fire season.

Old Mobrup Fire Truck The Shire of Kojonup call tenders for the disposal of the Mobrup Fire Truck on an “As Is, Where Is” basis. The WAREN Radio and emergency lighting currently in the truck is to be removed prior to tender.

Reserve Management That a subcommittee be formed to discuss and make recommendations on the process required to deliver safe Fire Management options for the burning of Reserves in the Shire, made up of the following members: • CBFCO or their nominee; • CEO of the Shire or their nominee; • NRM Member Presiding Member or

their nominee; and • VFRS Captain or their nominee.

Natural Resource Management Advisory Committee Council adopted the following resolutions:

Sharp Rush Eradication Trials 1. Establish Sharp Rush eradication sites

on approved road reserves within the shire.

2. Provide assistance to the NRM Committee with the application of chemical at the eradication sites, assisted by Marina Murray and Frank Pritchard.

3. Support the NRM Committee holding a Sharp Rush Eradication field day organised by Jane Kowald, Frank Pritchard and Kath Mathwin at the eradication sites.

Law and Order Forum Many thanks also to the community members who took the time to attend the public meeting with Minister Lisa Harvey to ask questions, voice concerns & hear what is being done to address the spike in crime associated with drug use.

Community members are reminded that the Shire President is available for appointments Wednesday morning from 10:00am until noon. Please contact the Miranda at the Shire Office on (08) 9831 2408. Ronnie Fleay Rick Mitchell-Collins Shire President Chief Executive Officer


Upcoming Road Works

Patching of bitumen

Road grading post-harvest of various roads

General town maintenance – garden crew

Road widening continuing – Kojonup/Darkan Rd & re-sealing of 2km section from Tunney Rd

Various road failures to be repaired throughout Shire

Pegging out of the new entrance to the Sporting Precinct

Starting new entrance to Sporting Complex

Town Drainage at Forsythe Rd

Any comments regarding proposed works are welcome. Craig McVee Manager Works & Services

M: 0427 427 854 or E:


Play in the Park Dates have been set & we welcome back Jamie & Kate. 22 February 2017 was our first morning for ‘Play in the Park’ for this year. It was a very mild 19 degrees but as always the children are very content playing with the different toys provided as well as

the activities. Kate did an amazing ‘Storytime’ and the shared fruit was enjoyed by all the children. It is just wonderful we can offer this amazing FREE COMMUNITY EVENT where everyone is welcome.

Storytime Dates • 3 March 2017 • 17 March 2017 • 31 March 2017. Reading starts at 10:30am. New Reads

Let's Play and Learn Together: Fill Your Baby's Day with Creative Activities that are Super Fun and Enhance Development – Roni Cohen Leiderman. Playing with your baby is more than fun and

games: it's the key to building a strong relationship with your infant and providing important early stimulation that promotes learning and development. ‘Let’s Play and Learn Together’ provides 100 games, activities and exercises that parents can do with their baby to foster cognitive, motor and language skills as well as creativity and relational skills.

The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs – Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. The figure of Hermes was venerated as a great and mythical teacher in the ancient world and was rediscovered by the finest minds of the Renaissance. The writings attributed to his hand

are a time capsule of Egyptian and Greek esoteric philosophy and have influenced figures including Blake, Newton, Milton, Shelley, Shakespeare, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, and Jung. Providing a fascinating introduction to the intersection of the Egyptian and Hellenic cultures and the magico-

religious ideas of the antique world, The Hermetica is a marvelous volume for anyone interested in understanding the West?s roots in mystical thought. Herman and Rosie – Gus Gordon. Once upon a time in a very busy city, on a very busy street, in two very small apartments, lived Herman and Rosie. Herman liked playing the oboe, the smell of hot dogs in the winter and watching films about the ocean. Rosie liked pancakes, listening to old jazz records, and watching films about the ocean. They both loved the groovy rhythm of the city but sometimes the bustling crowds and constant motion left them lonely, until one night...

Dark Carousel (Carpathian Novel) – Christine Feehan. The moment Charlotte Vintage walks into his club, Tariq Asenguard’s blood is set on fire. The ancient Carpathian had given up hope of finding his life mate but now he will do anything to make Charlotte his own. What Tariq

doesn’t know is that Charlotte is using herself and her best friend as bait—to try to draw out the bloodthirsty killers who have already murdered Charlotte’s brother and mentor. Charlotte is familiar with Tariq. Not only is he one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in the city, but he’s also a renowned collector of old carousel horses, which Charlotte restores. Their shared passion opens Charlotte up to trusting him with her life and with the desire she can no longer control. But it also makes her vulnerable to a centuries-old curse that will unite her and Tariq in a war against the enemies of humans and Carpathians alike...

Lorreen Senior Library Officer


Tuesday, 8 March 2017 from 9:00am –1:00pm. Kojonup Sports Complex; Benn Parade, Kojonup

Morning Tea provided.

RSVP to Jane Kowald on 9831 2400 or or Kirsten Skraha on 0459 673 030,

Share your ideas and vision for landcare in your area! The Blackwood Basin Group, in partnership with the Shire of Kojonup, is updating the landcare plan for your area and we want your input into what projects you’d like to see, which assets protected and which issues should be addressed. Come along to help shape funded landcare in your area. Jane Kowald NRM/Landcare Officer

HAPPY SNAPS OF LOCALS VOLUNTEERING NEEDED They may not wear capes, tight clothing or have toy action figures made in their likeness, yet without a doubt it’s everyday volunteers which are the real unsung heroes of our community. Kojonup residents have a long and proud history of giving back to their community and this year we want to acknowledge and celebrate that once again during National Volunteer Week in May. Got some happy snaps of the Meals on Wheels crew dropping off a meal? The Fire Brigade having a chat after a mop up? The coach calling out encouragement from the sidelines? Mum in the kitchen baking for a cake stall? Shearing team working together for a wool drive? Rose Maidens outside pruning? We would love to get a copy of these images as we are wanting to put together a slide show of our local legends volunteering around the district. They don’t have to be recent photos either, anything you have from past years will be welcome. Ideally we would like electronic copies sent in by email (see contact below), but if you don’t know how to do that then don’t worry as we can scan them for you and then give them back. To donate some images or for more information, pop in to see Serena at The Kodja Place – Kojonup Visitors Centre. Serena Jade Community Development Officer Call – 9831 0500 / Send photos to –

GARDEN WISE SEMINAR Wednesday, 29 March 2017 from 11:00am – 1:00pm at the RSL Hall, crn Albany HWY & Spencer Rd, Kojonup. This is a free seminar presented by “Beyond Gardens”. It is ideal for gardeners with plenty of information and its fun, free and they’ll even feed you! Register to attend via the Kojonup Community Resource Centre – / 9831 0256. Visit for further information.

BABY & CHILD RESTRAINT WORKSHOP Wednesday, 22 March 2017 from 10:00am – 12:00pm in the parking area adjacent to the RSL Hall on Spencer Rd Kid Safe WA & A Smart Start will bring to our community a ‘Baby & Child Restraint’ workshop by an authorised fitter. Lorreen Senior Library Officer Call 9831 2412 for further information


Expressions of Interest Conditions Project Aim: To protect and restore priority degraded landscapes to improve the health of the Tone and Perup Rivers and riparian zones by enabling landholders to implement sustainable agricultural practices that will assist in remediating the Catchments’ land and water quality. This project is supported by the South West Catchments Council through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and is subject to the following conditions:

Property location to be within the Tone and Perup River Catchments areas;

Funding recipients are expected to make a contribution to the costs of the project via in-kind and/or financial contribution on a 1:1 basis. Items to be funded to be negotiated with successful applicants;

Exclusion fencing is to be erected by the landholder or contractor to the Funder’s approved standard;

The landholder will voluntarily maintain the project with appropriate pest and weed management for at least 2 years after completion;

All works to be completed and sighted by the project officer by 30th April 2018.

What will not be funded (as stated by the funding body guidelines):

Activities that have already been undertaken. All proposed activities must be carried out in the future;

Activities that are the responsibility of state or local governments or of private land managers, such as standard boundary fencing;

Activities that involve the planting of species that could become environmental or agricultural weeds (as advised by Department of Food & Agriculture WA);

Activities that are solely for the purpose of beautifying or improving amenity;

Construction, repair or maintenance of major water infrastructure such as salt interception or engineering works;

Activities that focus on water use efficiency, for example, dam construction;

Activities that are already receiving funding or have been funded previously through other Australian Government programs where those activities are substantially the same and in the same location.

For further information please contact Jenny Carley – Project Officer, Warren Catchments Council, 52 Bath St, Manjimup WA 6258 or P: 9771 8180 or E: Jane Kowald NRM/Landcare Officer


VACANT POSITION – ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER The Shire of Kojonup is looking for a suitable person to join the Regulatory Services team in the position of Environmental Health Officer. Both graduates and those with experience are encouraged to apply. • Under the direction of the Manager, the successful applicant will be required to: • Contribute to the provision of a high stand of services that support and improve public/environmental

health in the Shire of Kojonup and neighbouring local governments. • Ensure all statutory requirements (and where applicable Council policies) relating to health are met with

compliance. • Provide responsible and professional advice and public relations on health matters to Council and

community through face-to-face contact, telephone and written correspondence.

• Liaise with the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Managers, Staff, the Public, Public Authorities and Builders on matters required to maintain environmental health standards in the Shire of Kojonup and neighbouring local governments.

• Strive for continuous improvements in the workplace and excellence in customer service. This fulltime position is offered on a permanent basis. Salary and conditions will be in accordance with the Local Government Industry Award 2010 and the All of Staff Agreement 2011. It is anticipated that the total package including salary, superannuation, rental assistance and vehicle will range between $85,000 - $105,000. However, the final offer will be dependent on the successful applicant’s level of experience and qualifications. To Apply Download the Application Kit from or contact the Shire of Kojonup on (08) 9831 2400. For further information about the position, please contact Mort Wignall, Manager Regulatory Services on (08) 9831 2407. Applications must be received on or before 4:30pm, Thursday, 16 March 2017. Rick Mitchell-Collins Chief Executive Officer



ENROLLED NURSE Springhaven Lodge is currently recruiting for an Enrolled Nurse to work in our friendly team. Aged Care experience preferred but not essential as education opportunities will be given. You will need to be caring, reliable and must be able to work as part of the team. You must be available to work all rostered shifts including afternoon and weekends. The position is permanent part-time. A current police clearance is essential.

REGISTERED NURSE Springhaven Lodge is currently recruiting for a Registered Nurse. Aged Care experience is desirable but not necessary as opportunities to expand knowledge and education in Aged Care will be given. You will be required to work three days a week from 8:30am – 1:30pm, Monday, Wednesday & Friday and be available to work public holidays and school holidays. A current police clearance is essential.

PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANT Springhaven Lodge is currently recruiting for Personal Care Assistants (PCA). You will need to be caring, reliable and must be able to work as part of the team. Certificate III or IV in Aged Care is desirable. You must be available to work all rostered shifts including afternoon and night shift. The positions are Casual and you will be paid under the Aged Care Award 2010. A current police clearance is essential. For further information please contact 9831 2800. Applications including a covering letter and resume are to be addressed to: Sue Northover – Manager Aged Care Services Springhaven Lodge PO Box 163 Kojonup WA 6395 Or email Rick Mitchell-Collins Chief Executive Officer



SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICER The Shire of Kojonup is looking for a highly organised and enthusiastic individual to join our team in the newly created position of Senior Administration Officer. Under the direction of the Manager Corporate Services, the successful applicant will be responsible for maintaining leases, agreements and contracts, administering tenders and major grants, reviewing policies, delegations and procedures and the organisation’s risk management process. Advanced time management skills, a personable nature, a commitment to continuous improvement and the desire to work as part of a close knit team are attributes required for this rewarding position. This full time position is offered in accordance with Level 5-6 of the All of Staff Agreement 2011 ($61,852p.a. - $68,046p.a.) and the Local Government Industry Award 2010.

RECORDS OFFICER (14 Month Contract)

This fourteen (14) month maternity leave replacement contract would suit a highly organised and productive individual to undertake our records management function. Following a suitable hand over with the present incumbent, the successful applicant will be responsible for undertaking daily records management duties and coordinating the review of existing community and corporate plans. The Shire has also begun to embark on implementing the move to full electronic records and the successful applicant with lead this project within a defined timetable. Ideally applicants will possess previous experience in local government, however this is not essential. This contract position is offered in accordance with Level 4-5 of the All of Staff Agreement 2011 ($58,543p.a. - $64,105p.a.) and the Local Government Industry Award 2010. Applications for both positions are to be addressed to the undersigned and close on Wednesday, 1 March 2017. To obtain a copy of the information package please go to our website or for further information about the position, please contact Anthony Middleton, Manager Corporate Services via email or telephone (08) 9831 2405. Rick Mitchell-Collins Chief Executive Officer


Council Meetings & Events

Advisory Committee Meetings & Events

Community Events & Activities

Event Date Time Place Open/Closed Details

Management of Shire Reserves – Information


Wednesday 1 March 2017

9:00am Lesser Hall at the Memorial Hall

Open to Public Call Jane Kowald NRM/Landcare Officer

9831 2400

Shire President available for Appointments

Wednesday 1 March 2017

10:00am – 12:00pm

At the Shire in the President’s


Open to Public Call Miranda Wallace (Executive Assistant)

9831 2408

Applications close for Senior Administration

Officer & Records Officer

Wednesday 1 March 2017

4:30pm Open to Public Call Anthony Middleton (Manager Corporate Services) 9831 2405

Storytime Friday 3 March 2017

10:30 Kojonup Library Open to Public Call Lorreen Greeuw Senior Library Officer

9831 2412

Council Briefing Session Tuesday 7 March 2017

9:00am At the Shire in the Reception


Closed to the Public

Agendas & Minutes will be available on the Shire


Community Landcare Forum

Wednesday 8 March 2017

9:00am Sporting Complex

Open to the Public

Call Jane Kowald NRM/Landcare Officer

9831 2400

Shire President available for Appointments

Wednesday 8 March 2017

10:00am – 12:00pm

At the Shire in the President’s


Open to Public Call Miranda Wallace (Executive Assistant)

9831 2408

Shire President available for Appointments

Wednesday 15 March 2017

10:00am – 12:00pm

At the Shire in the President’s


Open to Public Call Miranda Wallace (Executive Assistant)

9831 2408

Environmental Health Officer Applications


Thursday 16 March 2017

4:30pm Open to Public Call Mort Wignall (Manager Regulatory Services) 9831 2407

Storytime Friday 17 March 2017

10:30 Kojonup Library Open to Public Call Lorreen Greeuw Senior Library Officer

9831 2412

Council Briefing Session Tuesday 21 March 2017

9:00am At the Shire in the Reception


Closed to the Public

Agendas & Minutes will be available on the Shire


Ordinary Council Meeting

Tuesday 21 March 2017

3:00pm At the Shire in the Council Chambers

Open to Public Agendas & Minutes will be available on the Shire


Shire President available for Appointments

Wednesday 22 March 2017

10:00am – 12:00pm

At the Shire in the President’s


Open to Public Call Miranda Wallace (Executive Assistant)

9831 2408

Play in the Park – Baby & Child Restraint


Wednesday 22 March 2017

10:00am – 12:00pm

Apex Park Open to Public Call Lorreen Greeuw Senior Library Officer

9831 2412
