Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences...


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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir

Shalimar 190025




The 30th Meeting of University Council of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural

Sciences & Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K) was held on October 17, 2016 at Raj

Bhavan, Srinagar under the Chairmanship of Shri N. N. Vohra, Chancellor, SKUAST-K (Governor, J&K); Ms. Mehbooba Mufti, Pro-Chancellor (Chief Minister, J&K) participated in

the meeting.


i. Shri Ghulam Nabi Lone, Minister for Agriculture, J&K.

ii. Mr. B.B. Vyas, IAS

Financial Commissioner to Government,

Planning & Development Department, GoJK.

iii. Mr. R. K. Goyal, IAS

Principal Secretary to Government, Home Department

(Holding charge of Agriculture Production Department, GoJK).

iv. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed,

Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K, Srinagar.

v. Dr. P.K. Sharma,

Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-J, Jammu.

vi. Dr. Narendra Singh Rathore,

Deputy Director General (Education),

Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. vii. Professor (Dr. ) C. D. Mayee,

President, South Asia Biotechnology Centre, New Delhi.


viii. Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed Wani,

Director Budget, Finance Department, (on behalf of Commissioner/Secretary to Government,

Finance Department, GoJK).

ix. Dr. Masudul Haq Wani, Registrar, SKUAST-Kashmir.

(Ex-officio Non-Member Secretary).

The following Members who could not attend the meeting were allowed Leave of Absence:

Shri Lal Singh, Hon’ble Minister for Forest, Ecology, Environment, J&K.

Shri Abdul Ghani Kohli, Hon’ble Minister for Animal, Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries,

J&K. Shri Navin Kumar Choudhary, IAS,

Commissioner/Secretary to Government, Finance Department, GoJK

[Financial Advisor, (Universities)].

Shri P.K. Tripathi, IAS, Principal Secretary to Governor, Jammu and Kashmir also

attended the meeting.

1. Item No. UC 30(01): Calling Calling the House to order and Opening Remarks of the Chair

The Chancellor welcomed the participants to the 30th meeting of the University Council of


1.1 Presentation by the Vice Chancellor:

Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor, at the request of the Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-K, released

the following University Publications:

SKUAST Journal of Research (January-June, 2016) University at a Glance (2016)

Objective Sericulture

Towards Sustenance of Agricultural Economy (2016) Internalizing the Externalities of Urbanization (2016)

Envisioning Urbanization Process, Issues, Extent, Drivers & Implications (2016)

Vice-Chancellor made a detailed Power-Point Presentation highlighting various initiatives taken by the University since the last meeting of the Council and the major achievements

made in the field of academics, research and extension, infrastructural development and

the future programmes of the University. The Council noted the following significant


• University got re-accredited for five years (2015-2020)

• Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura got DBT STAR COLLEGE status for three years

• University students bagged 98 Fellowships/Scholarships (JRF/SRF/ DBT/Maulana Azad/Inspire/Young Scientist etc.)

• 73 students from ICAR quota have been selected for various faculties of the



• Infrastructure and capacity building projects funded by ICAR and 12 Plan Projects

funded by State Government have been completed.

• Six international projects and collaborations have been initiated with IRRI, CIMMYT,

ICRISAT, Italy, Biovarsity International, Netherland (Verbeck), Germany (Bayer-

GIZ-JKI) and Rutzer University USA (MCP-1).

• Mountain Research Centre for Field Crops, Khudwani has been recognized by IRRI, Philippines, for development of cold tolerant rice varieties.

• Animal Biotechnology Centre has been identified as one of the Pioneer Research

Centres for animal cloning (Pashmina goat).

• Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & AH has been identified as Partner in Prime

Ministers Package on Pashmina R&D Programme.

• Nine Scientists secured prestigious International Fellowships - Six UGC Raman Fellowships and three PDF for USA & UK.

• Commemorated 50th Year Indo-Japan Collaboration at SKUAST-K,


• Seventeen new projects were got approved from various funding agencies worth Rs. 5.68 crores in Agriculture and allied subjects.

Honours/Awards/Publications : 15

• Honours/Awards: 15

• International Fellowships: 09

• Manual/Book Chapters: 61

• Books: 03

• Policy Papers : 07

• Popular Articles & Bulletins: 32

• Research Papers: 281

The discussion/deliberations held on the Vice-Chancellor’s presentation and the decisions taken thereon are summarised as following:

1.1.1 Chancellor observed that as a step towards achieving the goal of food security, the present levels of production and productivity should be bench-marked and

pragmatic targets set for each of the pilot projects so that the progress

achieved becomes verifiable and measurable after every harvest season.

1.1.2 Chancellor advised the Vice-Chancellor to plan for construction of additional

Hostels for girl students so that they stay within the Campus. This will also

enable teaching work being carried out for longer hours, as necessary. Dr. C.D.

Mayee suggested creation of additional residential facilities at each of the Campuses and to seek the required financial support from the ICAR and the

State Government. He expressed the view that at least 80% of the students

should stay in the Campuses of their study programmes. Dr. Rathore, Dy. DG (Education), ICAR, stated that the establishment of girls Hostels in the

universities is one of the ICAR’s priorities. Chancellor advised VC to see that


the required financial support for construction of girls Hostels is secured from

the ICAR and from the State Government for boys Hostels.

1.1.3 Chancellor suggested that in order to save expenditure incurred by the various

universities in the Valley for getting their publications printed from Printers

outside the State, a fully equipped modern printing press could perhaps be

established as a Start-up venture to cater to the entire printing requirements of the Universities. VC should speak about this with Commissioner, Industries.

1.1.4 Chancellor stressed that the matter regarding occupation of MRCFC, Khudwani,

Apple Research Station Balpora, Pohnu and FoA Waduara by the Police needs to be sorted out most urgently with DGP even if the Forces are required to

remain at their present locations till the presently prevailing situation in the

Valley normalises.

1.1.5 Chancellor stressed sharper focus on the Horticulture Business Management

Degree Programme being instituted by the SKUAST-K under Faculty of

Horticulture at Shalimar Campus, Srinagar, to generate opportunities for self-

employment for skilled youth and acceptablility in the business world of those trained in the managerial skills.

1.1.6 Chancellor advised the VC to maintain data regarding seed replacement and

distribution of varietal seeds of different crops among the farmers.

1.1.7 Vice-Chancellor apprised the Council about the presence of Locust in Zanaskar

and said that it may infest the Kashmir Valley as well in no time as it is fast

spreading. Chancellor stressed the need for immediate action to control the infestation of Locust and asked the University to submit a project in this

regard. He also urged Dr. Rathore, DDG(Edu), ICAR, for ICAR to take note and

move in this matter.

1.1.8 Chancellor directed that Commissioner Agriculture should take urgent action to have Finance Secretary issue an adequately clear circular to define Financial

Autonomy of Universities and the procedures to be followed.

1.1.9 Chancellor advised Commissioner, Agriculture Production Department to precribe a fool proof mechanism to ensure against sale/distribution of spurious

pesticides and insecticides in the State. He also advised urgent action to

ensure operationalisation of Soil Health Cards to determine the optimum cropping pattern as per the pattern of micro-nutrients in the soil.

1.1.10 Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor advised the Farm Universities to produce TV

programmes to highlight the success stories of progressive farmers. Chancellor

recommended to Pro-Chancellor to institute a number of State level Krishi Awards for recognising the best farmers. He also advised Farm Universities to

disseminate information about new technologies by bringing out Posters,

Pamphlets in the vernacular languages. Pro-Chancellor stressed on the University to establish liaison with State Information Department for wider

dissemination of technology to the farming community/livestock owners.

1.1.11 Pro-Chancellor suggested that the University should introduce Short Term

Certificate Courses in Agriculture, Floriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandary, Fisheries, Landscapping and other allied sectors for matriculates


and above. These short term certificate courses will enable the youth to

establish livelihood avenues for themselves at micro level.

1.1.12 Pro-Chancellor stressed on the University to train/guide the youth/young

entrepreneurs, particularly including women, through its Extension Wing, to

enable them to establish farm related ventures with the support of the State

Government through UDAAN Scheme and the financial institutions.

1.1.13 Pro-Chancellor stressed that the Farm Universities should upscale the students’

involvement in spending more time in the farmers fields during their courses of

study and also to propagate the farm practices adopted in the model villages to other areas where these have not reached as yet. She suggested that the

students should actively devote time on the farmers’ fields which will help both

the practitioner and the user in the dissemination and adoption of the latest agricultural practices and ensure meaningful coordination between farmers

with regard to their problems and the students with regard to understanding

their problems.

1.1.14 Pro-Chancellor also suggested that the University should hold timely Kissan Melas to ensure skillfull interaction between Scientists and the farmers using

exhibits displaying innovative farm practices as well as by holding resourceful

technical sessions. This will help enhance both production and productivity. Minister for Agriculture informed that the Department of Agriculture is also

conducting Melas for the farming community. VC informed that the University

is planning a mega Kissan Mela to be held at Shalimar Campus every year in the month of March, where all the technological innovations are showcased for

on-the-spot access and understanding of the farming community, besides sale

of quality seeds/planting materials/products and processes etc.

1.1.15 Pro-Chancellor advised the University to work on Olive plantation and the extraction of Olive oil as Olive oil and its related products are in great

demand. Vice-Chancellor informed that the Karewa area is suitable for such

plantation and the University is planning to initiate work on it.

1.1.16 Pro-Chancellor suggested that the Pass-outs in the field of horticulture should

be involved in practising/propagating the high density plantations and

development of related logistics. This will help them in not only earning for themselves but also create job opportunities for other youth.

1.1.17 Pro-Chancellor emphasised on multiplication of Strawberry by the University at

large scale for popularization of its cultivation.

1.1.18 Vice-Chancellor informed that the University can meet the entire demand of Government for potato seed which is presently being procured from outside

the State, provided 200 kanals of land at Yarikhah or some other suitable

place at high altitude is made available by the Government to the University. After discussion, it was decided that Minister for Agriculture shall identify

suitable and adequate land and have it transferred to SKUAST-K on urgent


1.1.19 Vice-Chancellor apprised that external examinations and the evaluation system has been introduced in all the Faculties with effect from the ensuing Academic


Session; this has become mandatory in view of 5th Deans Committee


1.1.20 Vice-Chancellor highlighted the importance and requirement of setting up in

Ladakh a Regional Research Station for development of Yak. The Council

appreciated this suggestion and asked the VC to go ahead early. Chancellor

urged Dr. Rathore to intervene and secure ICAR’s support for the establishment of the Yak Station and asked VC to early forward a DPR to the


1.1.21 Vice-Chancellor apprised the Council that the University is contemplating to establish the Faculty of Community Science in South Kashmir (Khudwani) and

start the programme initially with minimum manpower and infrastructure.

However, some essential staff, residential hostel and office facilities shall be required for which a proposal shall be submitted shortly. The Council approved

the University’s proposed intitative for empowerment of women.

2. Item No. UC 30(02): Confirmation of the Minutes of 29th Meeting of University Council

2.1 Vice Chancellor informed the Council that no comments have been received from any Member on the Minutes of 29th Meeting of the University Council held on

December 14, 2015, after its circulation. Thereafter, the Council adopted the

following Resolution:

“Resolved that the Minutes of 29th Meeting of the University Council

issued vide endorsement No. AU/Adm/GAD/UC-29/2015/26447-56 dated

02.03.2016 be confirmed”.

3. Item No: UC 30(03): Action taken report on decisions of 29th meeting of University Council

The Council noted the Action Taken Report on the decisions of the 29th meeting with


4. Item No. UC 30(04): To consider adoption of Career Advancement

Scheme for Assistant Librarian SKUAST-K in the Statutes - addition/ amendment in the Statutes

The Council considered and approved the recommendations of Board of Management

made at its 61st meeting regarding adoption of Career Advancement Scheme for Assistant Librarians of the University [as notified by the UGC vide Notification No. F.3-1/2009 dated

30.06.2010] to the extent of addition of Schedule-III to Chapter-II (Career Advancement

Scheme for Assistant Librarians of the University in the Statutes).

Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that the adoption of Career Advancement Scheme for Assistant

Librarians of the University as notified by the UGC vide Notification No.F.3-


1/2009 dated 30.6.2010 to the extent of addition of Schedule-III to

Chapter-II (Career Advancement Scheme for Assistant Librarians of the University) in the Statutes, be approved.”

“Resolved further that the matter be placed before the Hon‟ble Chancellor for assent.”

“The Council further resolved that this Resolution shall be also applicable,

mutatis mutandis, in respect of the Assistant Librarians in SKUAST-Jammu”.

5. Item No. UC 30 (05): To consider amendment in Class-XXVII

Category-1 of Schedule-IV to Chapter-III of SKUAST-K Statutes regarding promotion to the

post of Security Assistant/Supervisor

The Council considered the recommendations of Board of Management made at its 61st

meeting and approved the amendment regarding eligibility requirement for promotion to

the post of Security Assistant/Supervisor to the extent of deletion of words “Age not

more than 45 years” appearing as provision (iii) in Col.(4) of Class-XXVII Category-1 under Schedule-IV to Chapter-III (Miscelleanous Cadre) of SKUAST-K Statutes as per


Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that the amendment to the extent of deletion of the words „Age not more than 45 years‟ appearing as Provision (iii) under Col. No. 4 at

Class-XXVII Category-1 under Schedule-IV to Chapter-III (Miscelleanous

Cadre) of SKUAST-K Statutes regarding promotion to the post of Security Assistant/Supervisor as per Annexure-I, be approved.”

“Resolved further that the matter be placed before the Hon‟ble Chancellor

for assent.”

6. Item No. UC 30(06): To consider adoption of eligibility requirement

for the positions of Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian and University Librarian as per UGC

guidelines – addition/amendment to Statutes

The Council considered and approved the recommendations of Board of Management

made at its 61st meeting regarding adoption of the revised eligibility requirement for

direct recruitment by selection to the posts of Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian and

University Librarian of the University as per UGC Regulation-2010 (Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and

Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) which entail

addition/amendment under Schedule-I to Chapter-II (Appointment of Officers and Teachers of the University) of SKUAST-K Statutes as per Annexure-II.

Therafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that adoption of revised eligibility requirement for direct recruitment by selection to the positions of Assistant Librarian, Deputy

Librarian and University Librarian strictly as per UGC Regulations-2010


(Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic

Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) which entail addition/amendment in the

Column-3 (Qualification for direct recruitment) for the positions appearing at

S.No. 11, 12 & 13 under Schedule-I to Chapter-II (Appointment of Officers

and Teachers of the University) of SKUAST-K Statutes as per Annexure-II, be approved.”

“Resolved further that the matter be placed before the Hon‟ble Chancellor

for assent.”

“The Council further resolved that the above Resolution shall also be

applicable to SKUAST-Jammu, mutatis mutandis, in respect of the Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian and University Librarian”.

7. Agenda Item No: UC 30(07): To consider adoption of Career Advancement Scheme for Medical Officer,

SKUAST-K in the Statutes as notified by


The Council considered and approved the recommendations of Board of Management

made at its 62nd meeting regarding adoption/ implementation of the Career Advancement

Scheme for Medical Officers of the University in SKUAST-K, as already notified by the SKUAST-Jammu (vide Notification No. 15 (Secy) of 2015 dated 22.07.2015) which entails

addition/amendment in the Statutes to the extent of addition of Schedule-VII to Chapter-

III (Career Advancement Scheme for Medical Officers of the University) as per Annexure-III.

Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that the adoption of Career Advancement Scheme for Medical

Officers of SKUAST-K as per Notification No. 15 (Secy) of 2015 dated

22.07.2015 of SKUAST-Jammu, which entails addition/amendment to the extent of addition of Schedule-VII to Chapter-III (Career Advancement

Scheme for Medical Officer of the University) in the Statutes as per

Annexure-III, be approved”.

“Further resolved that the matter be placed before the Hon‟ble Chancellor

for assent.”

8. Agenda Item No: UC 30(08): To consider amendment as Class-XVII

Category-1 under Schedule-IV to Chappter-

III (Miscellaneous Cadre) of the Statutes regarding the post of Statistician.

The Council considered the recommendations of Board of Management made at its 62nd meeting and approved that the pay scale of rupees 6500-10500 (pre-revised) revised to

PB/GP of rupees 9300-34800+4600 shall replace rupees 5000-8000 (pre-revised) revised

to PB/GP of rupees 9300-34800+4200 for the post of Statistician appearing at Class-XVII

Category-1 under Schedule-IV to Chapter-III (Miscellaneous Cadre) in the Statutes.


Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that the pay scale of rupees 6500-10500 (pre-revised) revised to PB/GP of rupees 9300-34800+4600 shall replace rupees 5000-8000 (pre-

revised) revised to PB/GP of rupees 9300-34800+4200 for the post of

Statistician appearing at Class-XVII Category-1 under Schedule-IV to

Chapter-III (Miscellaneous Cadre) in the Statutes, be approved”. “Further resolved that the matter shall be placed before the Hon‟ble

Chancellor for assent.”

9. Agenda Item No: UC 30(09): To consider creation of one position of Legal Assistant in SKUAST-K by

corresponding reduction of one post of

Stenographer from General Administration Cadre.

The Council considered the recommendations of Board of Management made at its 62nd

meeting and approved the creation of one position of Legal Assistant in the PB+GP of rupees 9300-34800+4200 by corresponding reduction of one position of Stenographer

and its incorporation at Class-IV Category-2 under Schedule-1 to Chapter-III (General

Administration Cadre) in the Statutes as per Annexure-IV. The position existing at Class-IV Category-2 shall accordingly be renumbered as Class-IV Category-3 under the said


Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:-

“Resolved that the creation of one position of Legal Assistant in the PB+GP

of rupees 9300-34800+4200 by corresponding reduction of one position of

Stenographer and its incorporation at Class-IV Category-2 under Schedule-I

to Chapter-III (General Administration Cadre) in the Statutes as per Annexure-IV, be approved.”

“Resolved further that the matter shall be placed before the Hon‟ble

Chancellor for assent.”

10. Agenda Item No: UC 30(10): To consider adoption of CAS for

Technical Assistants/ Sr.Technical Assistants/Programme Assistants/

Training Assistant and equivalents (ex-

cadre) in respect of Technical

Assistants/Sr. Technical Assistants/ Programme Assistants/ Training

Assistants and equivalents appointed

before caderisation of the said posts in the SKUAST-K Statutes.

The Council, on the recommendations of Board of Management made at its 62nd meeting

approved continuation/extending of Career Advancement Scheme for Technical

Assistants/Sr.Technical Assistants/ Programme Assistants/Training Assistants and equivalents (ex-cadre) notified by the University vide No. Adm/AR(R&C)/UC-09/94/864-

923 dated 23.03.1994 read with Notification No. 10 of 2012 dated 19.09.2012 in favour

of the Technical Assistants/Sr.Technical Assistants/Programme Assistants/Training


Assistants and equivalents holding PB/GP of `9300-34800+4200, possessing

postgraduate degree in the concerned subject of agriculture or allied sciences and essential qualification at graduation level as per Annexure-V and appointed prior to the

effective date of caderisation of the posts of Sr.Technical Assistant/Programme Assistant

and equivalent vide Notification No. 07 of 2014 dated 19.06.2014, subject to eligibility in

each case.

Further provided that the continuation/extension of the Scheme for the concerned group

of employees shall cease to continue and shall automatically and without further notice become redundant and inoperative immediately after the last employee possessing

eligibility as per the Scheme in the existing group, appointed prior to the effective date of

caderisation i.e. 19.06.2014, is benefitted.

Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that continuation/extension of the CAS for Technical

Assistants/Sr. Technical Assistants/Programme Assistants/Training

Assistants and equivalents (ex-cadre) notified by the University (vide No.

Adm/AR(R&C)/UC-09/94/864-923 dated 23.03.1994 read with Notification No.10 of 2012 dated 19.09.2012) in favour of Technical

Assistants/Sr.Technical Assistants/Programme Assistants/ Training

Assistants and equivalents holding PB/GP of rupees 9300-34800+4200, possessing postgraduate degree in the concerned subject of agriculture or

allied sciences and essential qualification at graduation level as per

Annexure-V and appointed prior to the effective date of caderisation of the posts of Sr.Technical Assistant/Programme Assistant and equivalent vide

Notification No. 07 of 2014 dated 19.06.2014, subject to meeting the

eligibility in each case, be approved with the condition that the said

continuation/extension of the Scheme shall cease to continue and shall automatically and without any further notice become redundant and

inoperative immediately after the last incumbent (possessing eligibility as

per the Scheme and appointed prior to the effective date of caderisation of the post i.e. 19.06.2014) in the existing group of concerned category of

employees is benefited”.

“Resolved further that the matter shall be placed before the Hon‟ble

Chancellor for assent.”

“The Council further resolved that the above Resolution shall also be applicable, mutatis mutandis, in respect of similar categories of SKUAST-

Jammu employees”.

11. Agenda Item No. UC 30(11): To consider caderisation of the post of

„Safaiwalla‟ under Schedule-III to Chapter-

III (Auxiliary Staff Cadre) of SKUAST-K Statutes.

The Council considered the recommendations of the Board of Management made at its

62nd meeting and approved the caderisation of the post of ‘Safaiwalla’ in the Pay Band/Grade Pay of rupees 4440-7440+1300 under Schedule-III to Chapter-III (Auxiliary


Staff Cadre) of Statutes as per Annexure-VI. The benefit of caderisation shall, however,

be applicable to the existing staff (Safaiwalla) only and shall remain effective only till the last incumbent of the group retires from the SKUAST-K service.

Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that caderization of the post of „Safaiwalla‟ in the Pay

Band/Grade Pay of rupees 4440-7440+1300 under Schedule-III to Chapter-

III (Auxiliary Staff Cadre) of Statutes as per Annexure-VI, be approved.”

“Further resolved that the matter shall be placed before the Hon‟ble

Chancellor for assent.”

“It was further resolved that the benefit of caderisation shall be applicable

only in r/o the existing group of Safaiwallas and shall remain effective only till the last incumbent of this group retires from SKUAST-K service.

“The Council also resolved that the Resolution shall also be applicable, mutatis mutandis, in respect of such employees of SKUAST-J”.

12. Agenda Item No. UC 30(12): To consider creation of Division of

Basic Sciences & Humanities at Faculty of Horticulture, Shalimar.

The Council, on the the recommendations of Board of Management made at its 62nd

meeting approved the following:

I. Creation of the Division of Basic Sciences & Humanities at Faculty of

Horticulture, Shalimar, Srinagar, comprising disciplines of Plant Physiology,

Biochemistry and Microbiology on the same lines as is existing at Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura, with arrangements for staff (teaching/non-teaching)

and other requirements to be met through internal resources

(deployment/rationalization); and II. Amendment to Sub-clause (a)(vi) of Clause 78 under Chapter-X (Authorities

of the University, Constitution, Powers and Functions thereof) of SKUAST-K

Statutes to the extent as following :


(Authorities of the University Constitution, Powers and Functions thereof)

Existing Ammendment approved

78. Faculties (vi) Faculty of Horticulture

B.Sc. Hort. (Hons)/ M.Sc.(Horti.)/ Ph.D;

M.Sc.(Statistics)/Ph.D; M.Sc. Environmental Sciences/Ph.D; M.Sc.(Biotechnology)/Ph.D; B.Tech (Agri. Engineering)/ M.Tech (Agri. Engineering)

(vi) Faculty of Horticulture B.Sc. Hort.(Hons)/ M.Sc.(Horti.)/Ph.D; M.Sc.(Statistics)/Ph.D;

M.Sc. Environmental Sciences/Ph.D; M.Sc. (Biotechnology)/Ph.D; B.Tech (Agri. Engineering)/ M.Tech (Agri. Engineering); M.Sc. Plant Physiology//Ph.D M.Sc. Biochemistry/Ph.D M.Sc. Microbiology/Ph.D


Thereafter, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that the creation of the Division of Basic Sciences & Humanities at Faculty of Horticulture, Shalimar, Srinagar, presently comprising of the

disciplines of Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Microbiology which entails

addition/ amendent in Sub-clause (a)(vi) of Clause 78 under Chapter-X (Authorities of the University, Constitution, Powers and Functions thereof) of

SKUAST-K Statutes to the extent as above, be approved.”

The arrangement of staff and other requirements in this regard shall be met through internal resources (redeployment/rationalization).

“Further resoslved that the matter regarding amendment to the Statutes shall be placed before the Hon‟ble Chancellor for assent”.

13. Agenda Item No. UC 30(13): To consider acquisition of additional land for Saffron Research Station,

Konibal Pampore

The Council considered the recommendation of Board of Management made at its 62nd meeting and approved the acquisition of 50 kanals of land for SRS Konibal, Pampore.

Accordingly, following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that in order to meet the research demand, acquisition of 50

kanals land for SRS Konibal, Pampore, be approved.”

“Further resolved that adequate funding for the purpose shall be made by

Planning & Development Department”

14. Agenda Item No. UC 30(14 ): To consider appointment of Heads of

Divisions/Regional Stations/Sub-

Stations/ Institutes/Centres/KVKs on merit-cum-seniority basis

The Council on the recommendations of Board of Management made at its 62nd meeting approved adoption of revised provision regarding appointment of Heads of

Divisions/Regional Stations/Sub-Stations/ Institutes/Centres/KVKs in SKUAST-Kashmir in

supersession of University Order No. 948(Est.) of 2007 dated 29.11.2007, to the extent as under:

Heads of the Divisions/Regional Research Stations/Sub-Stations/ Institutes/Centres/KVKs

would henceforth be appointed on merit-cum-seniority basis from amongst the

Professors/Chief Scientists and equivalents and Associate Professors and equivalents (where no Professor/Chief Scientist is available within the respective Divisions/ Regional

Research Stations/Sub-Stations/Institutes/Centres/ KVKs) for a period of five years

through a Selection Committee with one expert from outside to be constituted for the purpose by the Vice-Chancellor.


Accordingly, the following Resolution was adopted:

“Resolved that the Heads of Divisions/Regional Stations/Sub-Stations/Institutes/Centres/KVKs in SKUAST-Kashmir, in supersession of

University Order No. 948(Est.) of 2007 dated 29.11.2007, would henceforth

be appointed on merit-cum-seniority basis from amongst the

Professors/Chief Scientists and equivalents and Associate Professors and equivalents (where no Professor/Chief Scientist is available within the

respective Divisions/Regional Research Stations/Sub-Stations/Institutes/

Centres/KVKs) for a period of five years through a Selection Committee with one expert from outside to be constituted for the purpose by the Vice-

Chancellor, be approved”.

“Further resolved that SKUAST-J shall also adopt and insert the provision of a Selection Committee, with one expert from outside, to be constituted for

the purpose by the Vice-Chancellor for appointment of Heads of

Divisions/Regional Stations/Sub-Stations/Institutes/ Centres/ KVKs”.

15. Agenda Item No: UC 30(15): To consider and approve adoption of Annual Report of the University for the

year 2014-2015

The Council considered the recommendation of 61st meeting of Board of Management and resolved as under:

“Resolved that Annual Report of SKUAST-Kashmir for the year 2014-15, be approved for adoption”.

16. Agenda Item No: UC 30(16): To consider reservation of one seat each for Kargil and Leh districts under “1 (one)

Supernumerary Seat” for admission to PG

programmes in SKUAST-K.

It was informed that the case stands referred to the Law Secretary (Legal Advisor) for

legal opinion in view of the decision of the Board of Management. Therefore, it was

decided that a decision in the matter be taken by the Chancellor, after receiving the awaited legal opinion.

17. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair.


Prof. Masudul Haq Wani Registrar

No: AU/Adm(GAD)/UC-30/2016/14776-85

Dt : 13 -12-2016

Copy to:

Financial Commissioner, Planning & Development Department, GoJK, Civil Secretariat, Jammu


Financial Commissioner, Agriculture Production Department, GoJK, Civil

Secretariat, Jammu Principal Secretary to Governor, Governor’s Secretariat, Raj Bhavan,


Prof. P.K. Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-J, Chatha, Jammu-180 009

Deputy Director General (Edu.), ICAR, KAB-II, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012 Commissioner/Secretary to Government, Finance Department, GoJK,

Civil Secretariat, Jammu

Dr. C. D. Mayee, Ex-Chairman, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, New Delhi C/o 602, Raviram Residency, 13/1 Chitale Marg, Dhantoli,

Nagpur 440 012, Maharashtra.

Deputy Secretary, Governor’s Secretariat, Raj Bhavan, Jammu for kind information of Hon’ble Governor, J&K (Chancellor, SKUAST-Kashmir)

Deputy Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, J&K for kind information of

Hon’ble Chief Minister(Pro-Chancellor, SKUAST-Kashmir), Civil Secretariat,

Jammu Private Secretary to Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture Production, Jammu &

Kashmir, Civil Secretariat, Jammu for kind information of the Hon’ble

Minister. Private Secretary to Hon’ble Minister for Forest, Ecology & Environment,

Jammu & Kashmir, Civil Secretariat, Jammu, for kind information of the

Hon’ble Minister Private Secretary to Hon’ble Minister for Animal, Sheep Husbandry and

Fisheries, Jammu & Kashmir, Civil Secretariat, Jammu, for kind

information of the Hon’ble Minister.

Secretary to Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-K, for kind information of the Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST of Kashmir.
