“Shepherd of the ills -...


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“Shepherd of the ills …”

By Pastor Scott Searl

Early last week, Saint Kevin (also known as our custodian extraordinaire) was power washing our sign that faces out to Blake Road and Maloney Avenue. Made of concrete, it’s painted white. Over time it turns a little green, and a little brown. It gets covered with the elements of life: a little moss, a little mold, a little dirt, a little snow and a little rain. The paint gets chipped by falling branches, dented by rocks (tossed out by the mower), and scuffed by blowing sand. Kevin was giving it the early spring power wash treatment when the spray blew off the “H” in Hills! So, for a few days we were, “Shepherd of the ills Lutheran Church of Edina.” It made a great Facebook post! You can go like us on Facebook and check it out! ☺ It also reminded me that we really are a gathering of people who are in a manner of speaking, ill. We are not perfect. We don’t have it all together. We don’t have it all figured out. We make mistakes, we hurt the people we love. Our hearts are hardened for reasons unknown, even to us. We do dumb things we regret. We forget to share with the poor. We get greedy and buy too many things. We are human. And at the same time God is the Good Shepherd of the ills… Jesus is the Shepherd of people like us who suffer from depression; People who get cancer; People who get divorced; People who are in too much debt; People who get lost in their own lives; People who have stolen. We admit this truth when we say every week… “We are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves.” Then, the Good Shepherd of all the ill people speaks to us, “hear the greatest news… you are forgiven, you are loved, you are known, and you are a beloved child of God.” It’s like power washing for the soul… the dirt is washed away. The stains of guilt can be released. The mold and moss bleached into dazzling white. Dents patched, scars healed, love spoken. The Shepherd of the ills loves His ill people. Jesus even said so, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have come to call not the righteous, but sinners.”

Pastor’s Message continued on page 2

May 2016


Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

500 Blake Road South Edina, MN 55343 (952) 935-3457


Pastors Scott Searl & Joanna Mitchell

Assistant/Visitation Pastor Fred Jensen

Director of Music/Organist David Surdez

Shepherd’s Song Director Emily Koski

Children’s Ministry Coordinator Brian Henning

Administrative Assistant Shawn Wacholz

Custodian Kevin Wicks

Parish Nurse Kaye Wothe

Center for Service Director Katy Yannitelli

Church Council Members / Officers:

President Kathy Wiemer

Vice President Julie Showers

Treasurer Quinn Driscoll

Financial Secretary Dan Orlopp

Secretary Open

Service Scott Koelsch

Worship & Music Ryan Sands

Building & Facilities Dave Wiemer

Learning Joan Dillon

Growing Relationships Christa Meland

Caring Gretchen Marble

LMCC Hilary Nelson

Evaluation Jason Miller

Telephone & Voice Mail Extensions:

Worship Times 1

Directions 2

Shawn Wacholz 11

Pastor Scott Searl 12

Pastor Joanna Mitchell 13

Brian Henning 14

Emily Koski 15

Emergency Message Mailbox 24

Kaye Wothe 25

Kevin Wicks 26

Shepherd Online!

Pastor Scott Searl scott@sothchurch.com

Pastor Joanna Mitchell joanna.mitchell@sothchurch.com

Shawn Wacholz office@sothchurch.com

Kaye Wothe kaye.wothe@sothchurch.com

Brian Henning brian.henning@sothchurch.com

Church web site www.sothchurch.com

Center for Service www.hopkinsvolunteers.org

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Pastor’s Message continued I wish more people knew that this is who we are and what God says. I wish more people would come and confess. It does in fact feel good to speak the truth about our flaws, our faults, our mistakes, and misdeeds. It does in fact feel good to hear the truth, that despite it all, you are loved. It is good to get a little Jesus power washing for the spirit, even if it knocks the “H” out of you… I’m sure Saint Kevin will fix the sign. I’m sure we won’t publicly profess our illness forever. But, as the grass turns green, the sun begins to shine, and life is renewed, it’s good to remember that we all need a Shepherd, especially one who loves all the ills. People like you and me!


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PRESIDENT’S POST By Kathy Wiemer, Church Council President

Spring at Shepherd!! April was a mix of cold, snow, wind and some rain so it will be interesting to see if the adage of “April showers bring May flowers” will hold true for us this year! Our daylight hours are getting longer and it is exciting to observe the tree buds burst open, plants and flowers pop out of the ground, and watch the wild birds and animals preparing for their offspring to arrive. I feel that

same excitement when I see all the great things “springing forth” at Shepherd: We are in the process of onboarding our new Council members in their roles and that is very exciting because of the enthusiasm and ideas that bubble up during the process of learning their “job”. It takes some time to get familiar with the Strategic Plan, get to know the Council members and learn how the Council and ministry teams function, but eventually, it all comes together. There are many wonderful events, activities and initiatives being offered in which we can participate. I want to encourage you to seek out our Council members and Staff to let them know of initiatives, events or activities that you would like to see happening at Shepherd. It is important to give feedback to those who organize these events so they know what you like (or don’t like!!) to help shape future offerings. Our Staff and Council leaders appreciate it!! Outcome of April 24th Annual meeting will be covered in the June newsletter. Thanks for your continued support and prayers for your family of faith and your church council leadership. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about our life together please don’t hesitate to contact me or any Council member. Kathy Wiemer



Tuesday, June 7

at 6:30 pm

Mark your calendars, Ladies! The annual Shepherd of the Hills Salad Supper will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Tickets will be sold the later part of May. Come join us for an evening of wonderful fun, food, and fellowship!


NIGHT OUT Friday, May 20

at 6:00 pm

Join other women at Shepherd of the Hills for a night of food and fellowship. We will got to Naviya’s Thai Brasserie in Linden Hills at 6:00 pm on Friday, May 20th. Please RSVP at the Welcome Center or by calling Amy Chi at 612-423-1129.

NEW MEMBER CLASS Monday, May 16 at 6:00 pm

Interested in joining the family of faith at Shepherd? We’re hosting an evening to learn more about our family and meet some of our leaders. Come on Monday, May 16th at 6:00pm-7:00pm for a little history, a little information about who we are and what we do, and ways you and your family can participate. Please let Shawn Wacholz know in the church office either by phone at 952-935-3457 or by email at office@sothchurch.com or signing up at the Welcome Center that you plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

Fellowship & Learning Opportunities


New members are welcome! Date: Thurs., May 12 Time: 9:30 a.m. Hostess: Norma Langehough Location: Adult Forum Room Bible Study: Members Contact: Norma Langehough (952) 996-0630

Lois Circle Date: Tues., May 10 Time: 7:00 p.m. Hostess: Karen Schultz Location: 512 John St. Hopkins, MN (952) 936-9786 Bible Study: Kelly Nelson Contact: Marge Bullemer (952) 938-5078



Come for Bible study, food, and fellowship! The Wednesday morning group meets at 9:30 am for coffee, treats and fellowship before they begin a Bible study. The Bible study begins at 10:00 am and is based on the following Sunday’s sermon text. All are welcome.

GOOD COMPANY BREAKFAST Friday, May 20 at 9:00 am

After a great deal of remodeling and chef changing, the Eden Avenue Grill has been transformed into a new restaurant called Hilltop located at 4917 Eden Avenue just south of Vernon Avenue and backing up to Hwy 100. The Good Company group will be having a wonderful breakfast there on Friday, May 20 at 9:00 am in the Patio room. All church members and their guests are invited to try out the

new location and join us for fun, food and fellowship. If you are able to attend please contact Barbara Felker at (952) 929-2813 or dollroom@sprynet.com to be added to the reservation. Thank you.

OK5K RUN/WALK TO END HUNGER Saturday May 21 at 8:00 am

Pastor Scott invites you to join him in support of ICA by taking part in the OK5K. Here are the details: What: 5K run/walk to end hunger in the west metro. All proceeds after expenses will support the work of ICA Food Shelf.

Where: Start and Finish the run/walk at Oak Knoll Lutheran Church (600 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka) and a 5K route through park and residential areas of Minnetonka and Plymouth. When: 8am Saturday May 21st start Who: Anyone who wants to have fun, be active, and support the work of ICA and ending hunger Cost: Youth 18 and under prior to April 15: $10 April 16-May 18: $15 Race day: $18 Adults 19 and over prior to April 15: $20 April 16-May 18: $25 Race day: $28 Race day registrants are not guaranteed a T-Shirt. How: Register to run/walk, volunteer, or donate funds at http:// OK5K.zapevent.com Opportunities for volunteering include: race day logistics, registration of race day participants, on-site hospitality, medical support, advertising, and recruiting sponsors.

AAA 55+ DRIVING CLASS AT SHEPHERD Thursday, May 26 1:00-5:00 pm

The Driver Improvement course is open to the public; pre-registration is required. A MN Highway Safety & Research Center certified instructor teaches this class. By utilizing the most up-to-date research in the field, participants will be provided the latest information in regards to driver safety, new laws, and vehicle technology. Persons 55+ who complete the course qualify for a 10% discount on your auto insurance premium for three years, according to Minnesota law. If you have taken the 8 hour class previously, then this 4 hour class will help you keep your discount. Date: Thurs., May 26 Time: 1:00-5:00 p.m.; To register call toll free 1-888-234-1294.

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Caring and Service

CONFIRMATION SUNDAY May 15, 2016 On May 15, 2016 Adam Biewen, Chloe Bennett, Ethan Buss, Olivia Christensen and Jacob Hobbs wlll affirm their baptism through the Rite of Confirmation. Over the past three years this group of young people have been present in our church in a variety of ways. Along with their regular confirmation classes they have helped with kids’ time, written and lead prayers in worship, read lessons, ushered, assisted with Altar Guild, served as acolytes and much more. I have enjoyed very much getting to know them better and hearing their questions about the bible, faith and about current events. Thank you to all of their Lenten Mentors, Confirmation Mentors and most of all to their parents for their commitment to bringing them to worship and confirmation classes here at Shepherd of the Hills. I hope you will join me in congratulating them and helping them find their place as adult members of our congregation. I pray that the Holy Spirit enlivens their faith and strengthens them in serving others. Pastor Joanna

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FISHES Monday, May 9

Mark your calendar for our next serving date

of Monday, May 9. We prepare and serve an evening meal at St. Gabriel's Church (1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins). We hope serving at a Hopkins location will make it easier for members of SOTH to help feed our community. Timing is as follows: 4:00 to prepare, 5:00 to serve and 6:00 for clean up. We are finished by 6:45. If you would like more information or are able to volunteer, please contact the church office.

Top: Adam Biewen and his confirmation mentor Joel Nordin.

Bottom: Ethan Buss and his confirmation mentor Karen Vevle.



COMMUNION COMMUNION ALTAR DATE TIME LECTOR PRESENTERS ASSISTANTS GUILD USHERS May 1 9:30 Reid Anderson S Peterson / N Broholm S Peterson / N Broholm K Wiemer & K Boucher Luers Team May 8 9:30 S or P Bohnsack R & G Morseth R & G Morseth B Edmundson & L Walker Luers Team May 15 9:30 Confirmation K & J Wicks K & J Wicks N Broholm & K Iverson Rinker Team May 22 9:30 Celeste Gibson RM Anderson / A Horsman RM Anderson / A Horsman G Morseth & J Grams Rinker Team May 29 9:30 Barb Johnson E & B Edmundson D & K Wiemer J Luers & K Vevle Rinker Team June 5 9:30 Colleen Rose L Kopperud / W Wollenberg L Kopperud / Wollenberg K Schultz & L Lilly Olsen Team June 12 9:30 John Perry R Blank / N Broholm R Blank / N Broholm M Bullemer & J Wicks Olsen Team June 19 9:30 Hub Nelson S & L Edmundson S & L Edmundson N Broholm & L Rosendahl Olsen Team June 26 9:30 Diane Sands P & B Johnson P & B Johnson L Kopperud & S Nash Edmundson Team

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee & Fellowship

2 7:00 Troop Meetings

3 9:00 Quilting 1:00 Staff Meeting


9:30 Fellowship 10:00 Bible Study 6:00 Wed Programs year-end celebration

5 5:45 TOPS Group 6:00 Staff Meeting

6 Office Closed at noon


8 Mother’s Day 9:30 Worship 10:00 Coffee & Fellowship

9 2:30 Caregiver Support Loaves & Fishes 6:45 Shepherd’s Song 7:00 Troop Meetings

10 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 9:00 Quilting 1:00 Staff Meeting 5:30 Executive Team 7:00 Lois Circle


9:30 Fellowship 10:00 Bible Study 6:00 Confirmation Banquet

12 9:30 Deborah Circle 5:45 TOPS Group

13 Office Closed at noon


15 Confirmation Sunday 9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee & Fellowship

16 7:00 Troop Meetings

17 9:00 Quilting 1:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Council Supper 6:30 Council Meeting

18 9:30 Fellowship 10:00 Bible Study


5:45 TOPS Group

20 9:00 Good Company Breakfast Office Closed at noon


22 9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee & Fellowship

23 6:45 Shepherd’s Song 7:00 Troop Meetings

24 9:00 Quilting 1:00 Staff Meeting

25 9:30 Fellowship 10:00 Bible Study


1:00 AAA Driving Class 5:45 TOPS Group

27 Office Closed at noon



9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee & Fellowship


Memorial Day Church Office Closed


1:00 Staff Meeting

May 2016

Worship Schedule

Summer Worship Schedule April 24 - September 18, 2016

9:30 a.m.

Regular Worship Schedule

September 27, 2015 - April 17, 2016 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 13th-June 17th 9:00-11:30am with afternoon care


Embark on a VBS Adventure That

Will Light Their Way!

Gear up for an over-the-top underground adventure! Ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s dark times.

Three year olds-5th graders are invited to join us for a fabulous week of fun and learning. We will explore together our faith by playing games, through scientific experiments, bible adventures and more.

Registration forms are available at the Welcome Center and on our website. Cost is $20 per child. There are scholarships available.

Afternoon care will be available with an additional fee of approximately $20 per kid per day.

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THANK YOU FOR A GREAT YEAR! By Brian Henning, Children’s Ministry Coordinator It’s hard to believe another school year has come and gone already, but what a great year it has been! It has truly been an honor to work with the kids and the congregation over the past several months. The ongoing support of and priority of the Children’s

Ministry has allowed Shepherd of the Hills to be a wonderful community for our kids. So, I say, “Thanks be to God!” for Shepherd of the Hills and everyone who is a part of it. I would first like to thank three people in particular for the role they have assumed in making WAM an enjoyable and productive experience. First, a huge thanks to Marnie Teppen for all of her hard work in designing and preparing the crafts each week. Art time is one of biggest activities the kids look forward to most during the week and her skills have helped make the Bible come to life. I would also like to thank Angie Raney and Greta Edmundson for their commitment in assisting each week. Their assistance in the room has helped in so many ways and has allowed us to focus on the gifts and abilities of each child. Second, I would like to offer a “job well done” to all of the kids for their incredible hard work in all of the WAM choir rehearsals and during the Christmas Program. Each of the performances were very well done and the kids have really stepped up to the challenges given to them. It has been awesome to see the kids overcome their fears by singing the solos and learning the more difficult songs of the year by heart. I would also like to thank all of the volunteers for making Kids' Time on Sunday mornings a reality. Your hard work has helped the children creatively identify with the Bible stories. However, it has also given the kids the opportunity to meet different members of the congregation. These cross-generational interactions have helped to further integrate this wonderful community of faith. Finally, I would like to thank the parents for your commitment to this ministry. Week after week you entrust your children to us and we love having them around. I also want to thank you for all you do behind the scenes for this ministry: helping the kids memorize their song lyrics, providing transportation, offering your words of encouragement, and anything else that has helped transform this ministry into what it is today. It is all so incredibly important and this ministry would not be what it is without you! Again, I cannot reiterate enough just how wonderful it is to feel the love and support from the congregation. I am weekly amazed watching the congregation make the children of the community a priority. Blessings to you during these summer months. Yours in Christ, Brian Henning Children's Ministry Coordinator

CYF Ministries

Staff Reflection


SUPERPOWERS By Emily Koski, Shepherd’s Song director, wife and Supermom I’ve read many articles and blogs lately about the

idea of Supermom. The legend is that Supermom is someone who can accomplish every task, taxi every child, and cook every meal, all with a smile, a happy marriage, and a good career. Modern women have come out dispelling this myth saying that it’s unrealistic and downright unfair for a woman to be expected to do all of these things to perfection. I certainly agree. However, in the spirit of Mother’s Day, I propose, instead, a new version of Supermom. This new Supermom can (and does!) do it all, but she does it with a most impressive superpower: she’s ok with doing things imperfectly. I came to this realization one day while trying to switch out my young boys’ clothes for the upcoming cooler weather. I could not get the summer clothes sorted, folded and in the Rubbermaid bin without one of the boys messing it all up. Eventually, I just shoved it all in and rushed to slam on the lid before they could get to it again. This literally made my cry. Who was I? This shoddy excuse for organization wasn’t how I did things! And it wasn’t just the clothes. Going from one kid to two, work stress and the upcoming holiday season had me at a breaking point. But, luckily, this incident made me realize that what I thought was my kryptonite could actually become a superpower! I decided to stop lamenting imperfection, and instead chose to say, “Heck yeah! I got all those clothes in that box and slammed on the lid before the toddler got in there. I’m Supermom!” I’m finding that being a Supermom, in fact, carries with it a whole suite of superpowers that are all perfectly imperfect: Supermom remains upright. Keeping up with crazy schedules and daily demands after nights on end with practically no sleep would have most humans down for the count. Not Supermom! She peels herself out of bed every morning and dives in. Supermom is a master prioritizer. She zones in on exactly what needs to be done to survive another day. Supermom is proud to use her favorite suffix: “ish.” The house is clean-ish. Dinner is healthy-ish. The family gets there on time-ish. Whereas imperfection wasn’t previously an option, now accomplishing any task to the point of “ish” is a reason to puff up her chest with pride. Supermom loves taking care of herself. Pedicure? Impromptu shopping trip? Dairy Queen drive through? Don’t mind if she does. Supermom does at least one special thing for herself every day. Having something to look forward to recharges her other superpowers. Supermom exercises for sanity… or not… Who has time to care about looking good or being healthy? Supermom hops on the treadmill to release stress and maintain a bit of sanity. Or, if the thought of rocking it at the gym is more stressful that abstaining for a few days, she rocks it sitting on the couch instead. Continued above

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Supermom’s continued And her greatest superpower of all… Supermom doesn’t feel guilty about any of it. She doesn’t waste time or energy on the word “should.” She just “does” or “doesn’t” and knows they’re both equally ok. I fully admit that I still cringe a bit when dinner is only healthy-ish or when I just can’t talk myself into getting to the gym, but my hope is that all of us ultimately realize that – hey! We do this every day and we’re heroes! So sit up a little straighter, pat yourself on the back and take a moment to proudly watch your Supermom cape wave in the breeze.



THANKS BE TO GOD By Pastor Joanna Mitchell

When I think back about my first year of being a pastor I remember how little I actually knew about how to do things. I had passion and a call and I was willing to try new things, but how to actually do them all, well that was another story. I am so grateful to the people who helped

me in my first year of ministry: my colleague Steve Delzer and our entire staff at Our Savior’s in Faribault. They were a tremendous gift to me. I don’t know if I would still be in ministry today without their guidance, support and care. It made all the difference.

Over the past few months, Shepherd of the Hills has started a partnership with a mission-start congregation in Richfield Minnesota called Tapestry. It’s a congregation that aims to reach out to diverse populations in Richfield and it has a Latina flavor to their worship. Tapestry’s pastor, Melissa Melnick is a first call pastor, although second career. Melissa has been a Spanish teacher as well as a teacher to English Language Learners. Melissa is part of the Cross-town Conference, which is the conference in which Shepherd participates. I met Melissa a number of times before I came to the realization that while Tapestry is housed at WoodLake Lutheran Church in Richfield, for the most part she is on her own starting a new congregation. She would often come to our conferences and spend a lot of time sharing, more than the rest of us. It took me a while to realize that Melissa didn’t have a lot of support, or at least not on a daily basis. And I will confess that I wasn’t all that supportive at the time. I listened and learned from Melissa, but there was no further conversation. When Melissa reached out to the churches in our conference asking for them to partner with Tapestry something within me was moved. Melissa was busy taking risks in ministry. She was working hard to care for people living on the edge. She was advocating for people who were losing their homes in low-income housing changes in Richfield and she was raising up leaders in a congregation of people who had not been exposed to the Christian faith before, or if they had, they had fallen through the cracks. As I think about it now, I recognize I was missing the fact that Melissa was falling through the cracks too. Who was supporting her on a regular basis? Who were the people who when she had a hard day she could talk to?

After much discussion, Pastor Scott and I felt called to be that support for Melissa. We have invited her to join us at our staff meetings and I meet regularly with Melissa. Most of what I do in our meetings is just listen. I listen to what she is up to in ministry with Tapestry. I attempt to ask questions that help her focus her efforts and more than anything I am just there. It’s really simple. But through this process I have discovered that I am blessed. Melissa comes with passion and spirit and a vision for the church in our community. She comes with the knowledge of Spanish and an ability to reach out to someone that I might not be able to and say, “you are welcome

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New Ministries

New Ministries continued

here.” Melissa is growing into her identity as pastor all the while she raises funds for a new congregation and tries to discern where the spirit might be leading her congregation to go now. In my meetings with Melissa I realize that she has helped widen my own vision of mission work. So many of our neighborhoods in the metro area are filled with people that are not going to church and have not experienced the good news of the Gospel. Our neighborhoods are changing too. Language barriers and cultural differences get in the way. It is hard to walk into an existing church that is filled with well-established long term members especially if you are of another ethnicity. I think the people who do this are incredibly brave. So how do we reach out to people in our changing neighborhoods? How do we share Jesus’ love within our own community because there is a need here just as much as anywhere in the world? I believe it is through starting new churches, churches that are daring to try it in a new way. Churches that are willing to be vulnerable and on the edge just like some of their members. I believe we share the Gospel by listening to people like Melissa who have passion and conviction and who are daring to not only build bridges of welcome but as she often says walk across them. I am so excited that on May 1st at our 9:30am worship Tapestry will be here to share their story: their band will play and Pastor Melissa will preach. I hope that you will make every effort to join us for worship and welcoming the members of Tapestry to Shepherd.

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Parish Nurse

Summer Continued will need some physical reminders to help me sit down and be still. This might be lighting a candle, putting a prayer shawl on (ask me for one if you need it), going to a space I can't work in, planning a fun outing, or something I haven’t discovered yet. HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO THE TRANSITION OF SUMMER? This Sabbath practice may feel painful for the time you "give up" getting yard work, or other work done. However, I promise that the time in Sabbath will ultimately give you a peace and clarity that will make you overall healthier which will result in the following: having a better relationship with other people in your life, making you more productive at other times, and helping you see more clearly what is really important and what are things you can let go of.

Give it a try! The transition to summer is hard so I encourage you to care for yourself and other people during this time. Let me know if I can help you with your practice or discovering your boundaries (I may not have the answers, but I will be in the midst of the discovery with you).

And, remember to wear your sunscreen!

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SABBATH AND COLORING By Kaye Wothe, Parish Nurse The arrival of summer is glorious and very welcomed; however, it also is a transition for those of all ages. For families it is a time when kids of all ages are home (not in school). For some that means a change in where their young children are cared for during

the day, for others it is the teenage challenge of work, chores at home, use of the car, and the many things that all entails. For some it will bring the return of college kids who have been living without oversight, doing as they please with no worry of answering to anyone regarding basic choices (and now are emptying the frig and never cooking, creating laundry they may never plan to do, leaving gas tanks empty, etc. ... can you tell who has college kids coming home? ☺ For everyone, with families or not, schedules change and with that transitions and relationships change a bit with the arrival of summer. How do we handle these transitions without hurting ourselves and/or others? One key way is boundaries: knowing who you are and what you need to not just survive but be healthy. Peg Roberts, from Spirit and Hope Counseling, gave us a good illustration of boundaries by using hula hoops. She placed hula hoops on the floor and had people stand in them, explaining that the hoop is their space and boundary, and the person they are interacting with is in their own hula hoop. This does not mean we never get in other people's hula hoop. Sometimes we might put a foot in theirs because they are a child or vulnerable older adult who needs our intervention for safety or learning. But, as Peg pointed out, if you get too much in other's hula hoop, then there is no one in your hula hoop, and your boundaries and needs have disappeared. As a result, there is no one there. I encourage you to use this hula hoop visualization as you transition to summer, caring for your boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others.

At the Women's Retreat our theme was Sabbath. It may be a long time before I can allow myself to take a whole day off as a Sabbath. I am convinced Sabbath is one big way God calls us to care for ourselves, and be better for the creation and people around us. However, because for too long I have worn my busy-ness as a badge of honor, it will take a while for me to transition. I plan to work my way towards it now. How? I might set my phone to chime a few times a day to remind me to take 5 minutes of Sabbath (time to disconnect with the outer-world and connect with myself and God) right then and there. Or maybe I will spend the first 10-15 minutes of the day being quiet and connecting with God (instead of email and Facebook). Or in the evening I might sit down with a scripture loaded coloring book and color while repeating the words of the verse or praying. Or I might set aside a couple hours or half a day a week when I cannot clean, or do things that doesn’t provide care to my soul. I might spend some the time each week with my family and some of the time alone. I

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