Shawwal 18, 1437 H Wafa 23, 1395 HS July 23, 2016 Day 20160723 -...


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Shawwal 18, 1437 H Wafa 23, 1395 HS July 23, 2016 CE

Two rules in reading ر

1. م thickened : مفخ

–ه ري راخيـ –تلظى رانا أم ة خي

2. lightened : مرق ق

عل الب –الن اس ر وأنذ جال ر - ـر

Al-Baqarah (2) 12-13

Al-Baqarah (2) 12

ـ |ق يل | و إ ذا دوا |ل |هم ل | تفس |ألرض |ف مصل حون| نن | ما إ ن ـ | قالوا

ق يل | و إ ذا| دوا |ل | همـل | تفس |ألرض | ف مصل حون| نن | ما إ ن ـ | قالوا

And when | it is said | to them | (do) not | create disorder | on the earth | they say | indeed only | we | promoters of peace

And when it is said to them “Create not disorder on the earth,” they say, “We are only promoters of peace.”

Al-Baqarah (2) 13

دون |هم | همإ ن ـ | أل ن | ألفس | ل |و لك يشعرون

دون | هم | همإ ن ـ | أل ن | ألفس | ل |و لك يشعرون

Beware | surely they | they | people who create disorder | and but | not | they perceive

Beware! it is surely they who create disorder, but they do not perceive it.

Preposition ( (حرف جر

عل عن إ ل م ن ف رب from to from on in seldom

ك ب ت و ل ب with like for by by by

Pronoun ( ي (ضم - review

هم ها هو ها ه هن he they they she they they

أنـتم أنـتما أنت أنـت أنـتما أنت thou you you thou you you

نن أنا I we

from م ن هم ن همام ن همم ن هام ن همام ن م ن هن him them them her them them

كم ن كمام ن كم م ن م ن ك كمام ن م ن كن thee you you thee you you

ـ ام ن ـ ىم ن me us

with ب

ماب ه ب مب ه ماب هاب ه ب ه ه ن him them them her them them

ب كم ب كماب كب ب كماب ك كن thee you you thee you you

) ىب ـ ناب (ب me us

for ل

ـ هل ـ همال ـ همل ـ هال ـ همال ل هن him them them her them them

ـ ـ كل ـ كمال ـ كم ل ل ـ ك ـ كمال ل كن thee you you thee you you

) ىل ـ ـ (ل نال me us

Al-Muhaimin (The Protector)

ن ـمهيم ألQuran: Al-Hashr (59) 24

Quran Majid ◦ Means: often read or recited

◦ Direct Words of God to the Holy Prophet (SAW)

◦ Revelation through Archangel Gabriel (AS)

◦ 6348 ayat (verses), 558 ruku’, 114 surahs (chapters), 30 juz (parts), 7 manzil (divisions)




Do not group together in the streets and sidewalks.

Do not litter. If you see any litter or obstruction, it should be removed.

Be the first to greet others on the street with Assalamo alaikum. The one who is riding a vehicle, a bicycle for example, should try to greet the pedestrian first; similarly, a pedestrian should greet one who is seated and a smaller group should greet a larger group of people.

If someone asks for directions, try to help out. Be helpful to one in need of assistance.
