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Proposed Committee Members


Duties of Committee MembersP.4



Book Plan



Year Plan





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Over the years, the Lasallian Spirit, our synonym for high-minded tenacity

and enthusiasm, has grown and matured with the scores of boys passing in and

out of our school doors. Intertwined with a confluence of young and lively souls, it

has made manifest a “Lasallian culture”. It accumulates with every breath every

Lasallian takes – the Brothers, the staff, the school workers, the students. 75

memorable years have passed, and our culture has become one of the richest and

most distinctive among schools.

The Lasallite is the Lasallian culture in print. Published by the EditorialBoard every year, it is many things in one. It is our yearbook, a complete record

of the major functions of its year. It is a memorial, depicting the most glorious

moments of our school. It is a representative, a souvenir given to our guests. And

it is an album, a documentation of memories. It connects the staff, the parents,

the Old Boys and the students. All these functions will be maintained in our year.

To us, the Lasallite is an opportunity: to surpass our predecessors, as is the

Lasallian spirit, and to brave new challenges. This year is La Salle Collage’s 75th

school anniversary. In accordance with the theme, “Diamond Jubilee”, our book

aims for grandeur. This objective will be met through the design of the entire

book and individual pages, which is our focus for this year.

Additionally, we will also incline towards a warmer and more cheerful tone.

Through the minimization of prosaic words and accounts, we shall strike to

personalize the Lasallian. Photos will be taken and chosen with this concept in

mind. This tone agrees more with the purpose of the Lasallian as we see it – a

readable book, not only for show.

We are aware that, as the school is celebrating its 75 th anniversary, the

Editorial Board will be bearing a heavier burden. Numerous celebrative events,

such as the 75th Anniversary Mass, must be recorded in their full glory. Sudden

and unpredictable changes may wreck our schedule. But we believe we will

endure. We are equipped with the knowledge, tools and experience passed on by

our seniors. We have an assiduous and devoted workforce. We have the support

of the teachers, office staff and students.

This year, we propose to publish a Lasallite worthy of the Lasallian culture.


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Duties of Committee Members


Ensuring the smooth running of the editorial board

Drafting the working schedule and book plan

Ensuring that all works are on schedule

Distributing workload

Setting deadlines for the works within the Editorial Board

Making decisions in editing and administration

Collecting and proofreading essays and reports

Deputy Editor

Person-in-charge of all sections

Helping the chief editor in drafting the working schedule and the book plan


Drafting and issuing circulars and letters

Drafting agendas

Taking and issuing conference records

Taking minutes in general meetings


Person-in-charge of the treasury

Drafting the budget

Reporting the monthly balance to the Chief Editors

Issuing monthly balance reports to the school

Alerting the Chief Editors in any possible risk of incurring a deficit

Person-in-charge of claiming receipts

Coordinating the work of business managers

Dealing with orders and sponsorships


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Duties of Committee Members

English Editors

Proofreading essays and reports written in English

Reporting school functions: Inauguration Ceremony, ECA Promotion Fair,

Exchange Programmes and English Festival

Composing the focus in the English section

Chinese Editors

Persons-in-charge of the Chinese Section

Gathering essays in the Masterpieces Section Proofreading essays and reports written in Chinese

Composing the focus in the Chinese section

Sports Editor

Reporting sports events

Gathering reports from sports teams

Counterchecking competition results with sports teams

Culture Editor Reporting cultural events

Gathering reports from organizations relating to cultural aspect

Counterchecking competition results with the cultural teams

Functions Editor

Reporting funtions:Christmas Gathering, Christmas Ball, Talent Quest,

Graduation Dinner, Family Fun Day, Bridging Programme and Newcomers


Alumni Editor

Contacting and interviewing Old Boys

Maintaining relationship between Old Boys and the Editorial Board


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Duties of Committee Members

Graphics Designers

Designing the covers of the Lasallite

Designing the section covers,headers and page layouts of the Lasallite

Working on computer graphics

Gathering artwork in the Masterpieces section

Business Managers

Looking for sponsors

Collecting all advertising fees and sponsorships Assisting the treasurer in preparing the monthly budget

Maintaining the relationship between the Editorial Board and the sponsors


Taking photos in all school functions and whenever appropriate

Taking class photos

Selecting photos

Coordinators Notifying clubs, boards and teams about decisions made by the Editorial


Gathering reports from all clubs

Maintaining the relationship between the Editorial Board and the club



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This year is the seventy-fifth anniversary is our school. We,

the Editorial Board, who are responsible for recording the greatest

moments of this glorious year, firmly believe that ‘a picture is worth

a thousand words’. This year, we aim to revolutionize the layout of 

The Lasallite, focusing more upon photographs and pictures instead

of words. All is done to make this yearbook worthy for treasuring.

As we are putting a lot of focus on graphic design and

photographs, our graphic designers will have a very heavy

workload. Hence, we set up more photographers and graphic

designers to share the workload. Furthermore, we will open

recruitment for junior working members in these fields, in an

attempt to invite talented students into this production.

Other posts will remain unchanged, but all committee

members are required to share the workload of the coordinator soas to improve coordiation with various school clubs and teams. This

is to inform the clubs what they are required to do at an earlier

stage, so we will receive reports of high quality by the end of this

school year. On top of that, we are going to cooperate with the CCB

to ensure club photos and reports submission.


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Book Plan

English Section

1 Prologue

1.1 Speech from the Supervisor

1.2 Speech from the Principal

1.3 Editorial

2 Contents

3 Campus

3.1 Teaching Staff 

3.2 Non-teaching Staff 

3.3 Timeline

4 Students

4.1 Seniors

4.2 Juniors

5 Focus

5.1 The Glorious History of La Salle

5.2 The Celebration of the 75th Anniversary


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Book Plan

6 Speech Day

6.1 Speech by the Supervisor

6.2 Speech by the Principal

6.3 Speech by the Guest of Honour

6.4 Scholarships and Prizes

6.5 Analysis of the 2006 HKAL and HKCE results

7 Religious

7.1 F.2 R.E. Service Programme

7.2 Founders’ Week

7.3 Catholic Society

7.4 Lasallian Youth Movement

7.5 Legion of Mary

7.6 Gospel Train

8 Organizations

8.1 Student Association

8.2 Parent-Teacher Association

8.3 School Boards and Teams

8.4 Clubs and Societies of the Academic, Interest and Service



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Book Plan

9 Activities

9.1 Graduation Dinner

9.2 Newcomers’ Day

9.3 Inauguration Ceremony of the Student Association

9.4 ECA Promotion Fair

9.5 English Festival

9.6 Talent Quest

9.7 Christmas Gathering

9.8 Christmas Ball

9.9 Graduation Photo Taking

9.10Exchange Programme with Other Schools

10 Sports

10.1BOCHK Bauhinia Bowl Results10.2Inter-school Swimming Competition

10.3Inter-school Athletics Meet

10.4Swimming Gala

10.5Sports Day

10.6Sports Prize Giving Ceremony

10.7Sports Teams and Clubs

11 Culture

11.1Cultural Prize Giving Ceremony

11.2Boards and Clubs of the Cultural Group

12 Old Boys


12.2Old Boys Association


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12.3La Salle Foundation

Book Plan

13 Masterpieces

13.1Photo Gallery

13.2Artwork Gallery


14 Epilogue

14.1Photos of the school lives of Lasallians

14.2Messages from and Photos of the Editorial Board

15 Advertisements

Chinese Section

1 編者的話

2 目錄


4 –專題報導 七十五年來的轉變和趣聞

5 校隊及學會會報

6 海外來鴻

7 文選

8 觸鬚集


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Warm design

The mood which we choose to adopt is fundamental to our

discretion in matters involving the choice of photos, words, and

design. The Editorial Board has decided on a warmer tone this year.

It is our belief that such a tone benefits the book and its readers as

unpleasant, vapid and rigid designs are improper for both a

students’ yearbook and an album of one’s teenage life.

Hard cover Version

This year, the Editorial Board proposes to publish a new hard

cover version of the Lasallite on top of the routine paperback

version. Featuring a cover made of high-quality meshed paper and

cloth on which delicate designs are carved, this new addition to the

Lasallite serves two main purposes. Most importantly, we believe it

carries a higher memorial value and is less prone to depreciation. It

also serves to alleviate our financial concerns of the year, as

coloured pages and photos carry with them a high cost. The natural

attraction of the hard cover version, together with a reasonably

higher price, will beatify our budget.

Focus on photos and minimization of words

Knowing well the impatience of students, especially boys, in

reading a few hundred pages of dreary text, we propose this year to

minimize the amount of words used and to focus, instead, on

photos. Words will be cut down to the point where

acknowledgement is bestowed upon all events which deserve it, and

no more. Flowery and unnecessary clichés will be eliminated.


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Readers will be enticed to read through the book and its many

hundred pages with captivation and not annoyance.


Improvement on the Chinese Section

Traditionally, the Chinese Section, which occupies around

1/10th of the book, has been given insufficient attention. We note

with regret certain designs in the past which have made it either

undesirable to read or downright unreadable (due to the

background colour). We aim to change this in our year. Colours will

be added to the antique black-and-white section. Articles will be

chosen with attraction in mind. The richness of the Chinese

language, when combined properly with an interesting and lively

design, is capable of attracting all readers of the Lasallian.

Changes concerning the 75th Anniversary

The “Focus” section of the Lasallite concerns the

contemporary changes of La Salle, such as a “Focus” on the New

Wing last year and one on Dr. Paul Lau some time before. This year,

as is proper, our “Focus” section will be on the 75th anniversary. We

will research a bit on Lasallian culture in the past which will surely

be interesting to our readers. A reminiscence of our heritage will be

rewarding, both to us, and to the horizons of our students.


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Year Plan

Date Event Group ConcernedEarly October Exhibition of past

Lasallites in the ECAPromotion Fair


Reporting the Graduation

Dinner 2006

Charles Yim (6D)

Reporting the Newcomers’ Day

Felix Leung (6A)

Reporting the F.1 SummerBridging Programme

Lee See Long (6D)

Reporting the SAInauguration Ceremony

Felix Leung (6A)

Reporting the SwimmingGala

Mr. Cheung Chi Hung

Mid October Issuing circulars forrecruiting workingmembers

F.3-5 Classes

Confirming the format andcontent of the ‘Focus’ 


Start searchinginformation concerning the



Preparing the lists of oldboys for interview


Late October Start contacting theselected old boys forinterview


Issuing circulars for ordersand donations

All classes

Issuing circulars foradvertisements in theLasallite

All classes and sponsors

Year Plan

Interviewing theapplicants for workingmembership


Start designing the coverfor the Lasallite

(Graphic Designers)


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Reporting the ECAPromotion Fair


Early November Issuing circulars for phototaking


Reporting the InterschoolSwimming Competition


Reporting the EnglishFestival


Mid November Start taking class photos (Photographers)

Late November Reporting the Speech Day (Editors)

Collecting speeches of theSpeech Day


Gathering the list of prizesand analyses


Reporting the Sports Day (Editors)Reporting the CulturalNight


Early December Start taking staff andgroup photos


Reporting the F.2 ServiceProgramme


Contacting an old boy forthe Chinese section ‘海外來鴻’


Mid December Carrying out theinterviews with old boys


Year Plan

Late December Reporting the GraduationPhoto Taking Session

F.5 person-in-charge

Reporting the Talent Quest CCB

Reporting the ChristmasGathering


Reporting the ChristmasBall


Designing the layout of theLasallite (Graphic designers)

Late January Finalizing the printingcompany


Issuing circulars forordering class photos

All classes

Early February Gathering the names forthe ‘Student’ section

All class representatives

Mid February Reporting the 75th

Anniversary Open Day forthe ‘Focus’ 


Late February Meeting with all clubchairmen

All club chairmen


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Meeting with all sportsteam captains

All sport team captains

Finalizing the cover,section covers and overalllayout of the Lasallite

(Graphic designers)

Early March Delivering class photos All classes

Mid March Drafting the ‘Editorial’  essay


Year Plan

Taking photos of the

Editorial Board teachersadvisors and members forthe ‘Epilogue’ 

All Editorial Board teacher

advisors and members

Late March Reporting the InterschoolAthletics Meet


Early April Asking for the ‘Messagefrom the Supervisor’ 

Brother Thomas

Asking for the ‘Messagefrom the Principal’ 

Mr. Wong Yen Kit

Collection of essay for theChinese section ‘海外來鴻’


Approval of the ‘Editorial’ 

essay by teacher advisors

Editorial Board teacher

advisorsMid April Collecting the ‘Messagefrom the Supervisor’ 

Brother Thomas

Collecting the ‘Messagefrom the Principal’ 

Mr. Wong Yen Kit

Taking photos of all sportsteams

All sport teams

Writing essays for the ‘Focus’ 


Writing essays for the ‘OldBoys’ section


Late April Deadline for handing in

club reports

All club chairmen

Gathering the staff list (Editors)

Collecting various artworksfor ‘Masterpieces’ 

Ms. Wenda Wen

Collecting essays for ‘Masterpieces’ and ‘文選’

English and Chineseteachers

Year Plan

Early May Deadline for classadvertisements

All classes


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Gathering essay for the ‘學生會會長感言’

Felix Leung (6A)

Reporting the ExchangeProgrammes


Mid May Deadline for handing insports team reports

All sports team captains

Finalizing the ‘ ’觸鬚集 (Editors)

Finalizing the lists of patrons and donors


Late May Reporting the Founder’sWeek


Reporting the CulturalPrize Giving Ceremony


Reporting the Sports Prize

Giving Ceremony


Formatting the overalllayout of the Lasallite

(Graphic Designers)

June All materials ready forprinting


July Lasallite ready to bedistributed

All classes


Item HKD


Advance Order – Paperback ($80 x 750 copies)

- Hard cover ($110 x 600 copies)

Selling of Photographs









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Printing Cost – Paperback ($70 x 800 copies)

- Hard cover ($100 x 750 copies)

Other Printing Cost










Balance +25,000

Note: The estimated total number of ‘Advanced order’ is based on the actual

quantity sold in the academic year 2004-2005, 1475 copies.

The 5:4 ratio of advanced order – paperback to advanced order – hard cover

is based on the general economic sense that the demand for the lower-priced

item is greater.

The estimated other printing cost of $30,000 is based on the budget of the

academic year 2003-2004, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006.

The estimation made in the item ‘Selling of Photographs’ is based on the

actual sale in the academic year 2004-2005, $36,268.

The estimated printing cost of each paperback copy, $65, is based on the

actual figure in the academic year 2004-2005.

The estimated amount of sponsorship is based on the approximate amount

of sponsorship collected by the Editorial Board 2004-2005, $44,000, and by

the Editorial Board 2003-2004, $66,000.


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Item HKD

Proposed price of the Lasallite (Paperback)

(Hard cover)



Proposed price for commercial/private advertisements

Half page, Black and White

Full page, Black and White

Half page, Colour

Full page, Colour

Two pages, Colour






Proposed prices for class advertisements

Half page, Black and White

Full page, Black and White

Half page, Colour

Full page, Colour

Two pages, Colour




