Shadow Box Character Portrait




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The character portrait (Shadow Box)Part 1: Writing 15 minYour Name- BrianYour Age- 48Your Profession- Unemployed Where you are from- New York CirtyFive Facts from the Text (if you have text)- He is straight forward, rational, terminally ill, not particularly good at art but an enthusiast, upset by Mark and Beverleys fuss over a jacket when there are bigger problems in the worldFive things I intuit from the text- He is very smart academically but socially he falls flat, He was married before to Beverly but they ended on good termsFull of energy and excitement for life despite having little time leftHe has accepted death will comeHe is proud and when he falls he is embarrassedA telling action from the text- He has written countless poems, novels, autobiographies, done several paintings of fruit, learned to drive, closed all financial accounts, sold his house, sent letters to people telling them how he really felt about them, and travelled to his least favorite place just to make sure it was indeed his least favorite.A telling line from the text- the real trouble with dying is you only get to do it onceMy greatest fear- The split second of life before death and wondering if has done everything he wants to do before deathsMy greatest longing- to go back and tell himself when he was young that life is short and endsOdd Habits- shakes uncontrollably when he is scaredMy Likes- Books, History, Philosophy, Mark, Writing, talking, knowledgeMy Dislikes- limits of time, 1st world problems,
