Shabbat Naso - Amazon Simple Storage Service Kevelson on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Ricky....


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Weekly Newsletter Vol. XX, No. 50 Sivan 11, 5776 –Sivan 18, 5776 June 17, 2016 – June 24, 2016

The next newsletter deadline is

TUESDAY, JUNE 21st at 11:59PM

All submissions must be emailed to


Evening hours are available on an appointment basis. Please e-mail or call 732.254.1860x1 during regular

office hours to schedule an appointment.

REMINDERS from YIEB President and Vice President -The Sanctuary DOORS WILL BE CLOSED WHEN the

RABBI or a guest speaker IS SPEAKING from the


DOOR IS DISTRACTING to those listening to the


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


At YIEB we encourage talking to everyone:

HASHEM during Davening. FRIENDS during Kiddush.


Mazel Tov to Robin & Sam Milrom on the engagement

of their daughter Sophie to Eitan Melamed son of Ben

and Anna Melamed.


Mazal Tov Rachel & Ari Kevelson on the Bat Mitzvah

of their daughter Ricky. Mazal Tov to Ricky's sister

Atara and brothers Yitzy, Noam and Hillel. Mazel Tov

to grandparents as well as all the aunts, uncles, and



Rachel & Ari Kevelson in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of

their daughter Ricky


Ari Kevelson


Many thanks to all the Kiddush sponsors for this

week's Grads and Dads Kiddush!

Mazel tov to all YIEB Graduates!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads!

Please see separate listing in the newsletter.

Special sponsorship also by YIEB Sisterhood in honor

of all our youth group leaders!

Karen Stern

-Grads and Dads Kiddush Coordinator

Shabbat Afternoon Shiur with Rabbi Weinstein at

7:05 PM

Title: Can I Shoot Down a Drone in my Backyard?

Congregational Meetings Wednesday, June 22nd at 8:45 PM

To finalize the budget vote

Wednesday, June 29th at 8:45 PM

regarding the YIEB/YJS Nursery School


The summer eruv is in need of extensive repair (we

have had another difficult year, weather-wise). The

scheduled date for repairs is Sunday, June 26. We will

meet in the parking lot at 8:30 AM (following the early

morning minyan) and complete repairs by 1:00 PM

(IY"H). Once again, wear pants, hat, long sleeved shirt

- bug spray and a good hammer are strongly

suggested as we will be working in a forested and

heavy undergrowth area. All those who can commit

please email Mark Koslowe at PLEASE VOLUNTEER.


BE REPAIRED. Thank you.


After the Simcha is over, there is usually a good

amount of leftover food. We are happy to distribute

that food to families who could benefit from it. What a

beautiful way to end your Simcha by performing this

Mitzvah. Please contact Barbara Goldman at in order to make these

arrangements. Thank you!!!

NCSY Final FNL and Closing Event Shabbat Afternoon: 6:15pm Shiur in YIEB Early NCSY Mincha in YIEB at 7pm. Please make sure to attend

(in the Beit Midrash)

Special NCSY Seudat Shelishit and Ebbing at the home of the Finkelshteyns We'll walk together after our special Mincha minyan. (starting approximately 7:40)

Maariv and NCSY Havdala. Pickup from the Finkelshteyn's house at 9:45pm Thank you to the Finkelshteyns and all of our hosts this shabbos!

Monday Night! EB/HP Closing Event - 7pm-9pm at the home of the Kaplans BBQ and Tie Dye: Bring along whatever you'd like to Tie Dye! All white clothing is a possibility!.

CHINUCH/ADULT EDUCATION Guidelines for Lifecycle events can be downloaded

from our website under the dropdown

menu; Member Area/Guidelines (logged-in members


Every Day. Daily Daf Yomi Series. Daf Yomi with

Naftali Malka. Every morning after first minyan (Mon-

Fri ~7:10-7:55; Sat 10:15-11:00; Sun 8:10-8:55).

Massechet: Baba Kama - payment of damages

Monday Nights, 7:45pm. Ladies Tehillim Group

meets for reading Tehillim and reciting Refuahs.

Please join us for this most important Mitzvah. The

one hour is time well spent. Readings are in English or

Hebrew. Our many thanks go to the women who

steadfastly partake in this Mitzvah.

Tuesday Nights, 8:00pm. Talmud Topics Series.

Join Rabbi Shlomo Landau on Tuesday nights for 30

minutes to explore the most interesting Daf Yomi

topics studied during the week. Varied and colorful

issues discussed with no prior knowledge needed.

Can’t make it in person? Do Daf Yomi online!

Tuesday Nights, 8:45pm. YIEB & Highland Park

Kollel. Class resumes on June 21 with the topic Laws

of Brachot.

Wednesday Nights, 8:30pm. In Depth Talmud Class.

Given by Yaakov Weinstein. In this week’s class we

will discuss “God’s Seal is Truth”.

Support Adult Ed programming by becoming a

Contributor ($180), Supporter ($100) or Friend (any

amount). Program sponsorships also available.


Jay Weinstein, Rabbi

732.354.5912 (cell)

732.254.1860 x2 (office)

Gary Spiewak, Editor

Jeff Chustckie, President

Yaakov Wasser, Inaugural Rabbi

(1979-2009), Retired

Shabbat Naso

Friday Mincha ...................................... 7:00PM Candle Lighting ..................................... 7:20PM But no later than .................................... 8:13PM As long as candle lighting is after 7PM, Mincha on Friday is at 7PM (not z’man), throughout the spring and summer. Shkia ..................................................... 8:31PM Shabbat Shacharit ........................ 8:00, 9:00AM Latest Sh’ma ......................................... 9:13AM Shiur ..................................................... 7:05PM Shabbat Mincha .................................... 8:05PM Shabbat Maariv ..................................... 9:13PM Shabbat Ends ....................................... 9:21PM Sun Shacharit .............................. 7:30, 8:30AM (9:15 AM Sunday minyan on hold until Fall) Mon/Thurs Shacharit .................... 6:20, 8:00AM Tues/Wed/Fri Shacharit ................ 6:30, 8:00AM Sun – Thurs Mincha/Maariv ................... 8:15PM The weekday “maariv only” 9:30PM minyan is on hold for the late Spring & Summer ......................................................................... Candle Lighting next week (June 24)..... 7:20PM But no later than ................................... 8:14PM Mikvah Hours are: Saturday 10:30 to 12:00, Sunday –Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 PM, Fri. nights by appt. only. Contact Sara Fischer by Wed. night to schedule. YIEB Mikvah 732.257.4121. YIEB Eruv status 732.254.1860 X6

YIEB Weekly Newsletter Vol. XX, No. 50 Page 2

YAHRTZEITS 11 Sivan Helene Lener for her

mother, Faigel bat

Yehuda Chaim

Hakohen (Florence Levinson) on


12 Sivan Iva Dyckman for her Mother, Kalma

Miriam bat Dov Baer Hakohen (Kalma

Kahan) on 6/18/2016

13 Sivan Marion Bernstein for her Mother,

Laska Bas Moshe (Lillian Adler) on


13 Sivan Sandy Freund for her Father, Yosef

Matityahu Ben Shmuel (Max Freund)

on 6/19/2016

13 Sivan Sue Spiewak for her Grandmother,

Risha Bat Yisrael (Rosella Sherman)

on 6/19/2016

14 Sivan Elliot Pludwinski for his Father,

Yaakov Meir Ben Yitzchak (Jacob

Meyer Pludwinski) on 6/20/2016

14 Sivan Brina Herskovits for her Father, Moshe

Ben Yehoshua (Manfred Hohenemser)

on 6/20/2016

15 Sivan Sandra Levine for her Father, Avrum

Beirish Ben Rav Shmuel Halevi

(Abram Leib) on 6/21/2016

16 Sivan Cindy Lichtbroun for her Grandmother,

Golda bas Leib (Golde Marderstein) on


17 Sivan Cheryl Shmulewitz for her

Grandmother, Tzipora Bat Yitzchak

(Sophie Garbus) on 6/23/2016

17 Sivan Joshua Fogel for his Mother, Kayla

Menucha Bat Avraham Yitzchak

(Kayla Michelle Fogel) on 6/23/2016

18 Sivan Anat Haviva Nakash Abeles for her

brother, שלום בן אורי (Uri Nakash) on



Members of the Shul and others are

invited to honor a friend or relative,

celebrate a milestone event or

memorialize a loved one by

dedicating Chumashim or Siddurim.

Contact Lori Small

Chumashim - $50 - Siddurim - $30 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



On the walls of the Main Shul are mounted 11 tablets

bearing memorial plaques, representing a permanent

and dignified memorial to loved ones. AT YIEB, now in

its 38th year, we keep the lights lit on either side of

the plaque each year during the full month of the

Yahrtzeit and also when we recite Yizkor on Yom

Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Pesach and Shavuot. The

cost of a plaque is $360. To purchase, please contact

Lori Small at _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Thank you to the many members of the community

for their ongoing support and assistance to families

during Shiva. Suggested donations of $10 to aid a

particular family during the week of Shiva may be

sent to Julie Katz, 20 Rebel Run Drive (payable to

Bikur Cholim-YIEB.) Please indicate the family name

in the memo section of your check). Recipient

families will be informed of your donation. For further

information on how you can help and support a

particular family or for general Bikur Cholim

information, please contact Julie Katz, Karen Stern,

Miriam Rosenblum or Suri Moskowitz. Thank you for

your continued support. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Please do not park nor stand in Fire Lanes.

It is essential we allow for passage of

emergency vehicles. _____________________________________________________________________________________________


Membership has its privileges. The mikvah now offers

an exciting new opportunity to support this important

community resource, annual membership!

Friend-$180.00 Sponsor - $540.00

Member - $250.00 Leader - $1,000.00

Donor - $360.00

Membership levels of $250.00 and above entitle you

to one year's use of the mikvah. Beginning July 1st

online payment will be accepted on An email

will go out when the system is ready to accept

payments. For more information contact Debbie

Wasserman at

Mikvah News

Thank you to all who participated in the MENu event

and helped make it a success.


Have you ever been locked out of your car;

Had to pick up your sick child at school while your

newborn was sleeping’ or needed to check on your

parents who were home alone? Were you fortunate

enough to get help? Would like to pay the favor

forward? Family and friends aren't always around,

and there are time when members in our community

need a helping hand. We are forming a committee of

volunteers who would be willing to help out when

someone has an unexpected emergency situation. If

you are interested in helping, please contact either:

Debbie Chustckie at

Bobbie Cumsky at

Brina Hershkovits at

Thanking you, The Helping Hand Committee ______________________________________________________________


1. Follow residential street speed limit (25MPH).

2. Park on one side ONLY. Parking on both sides

blocks entrance for emergency, utility,

sanitation, and adult care vehicles, limits

visibility, and can be dangerous for residents.

3. Watch out for children waiting for the school bus.

4. Do not park by the entrance to the street as it

blocks the entrance into the development and

school bus stop.

5. Do not block driveways and mailboxes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The Stork Club helps to arrange a week of meals to be

delivered to families after the birth of a baby. Please

contact Allison Platschek (516-641-2437) or Debbie

Wasserman ( if you

would like to provide a meal for a family.

Thank You!


Please remember that ALL liquor brought into the

Shul must be in compliance with either the CRC or Star-K

recommendations. If you have any questions please

contact Michael Gardner.


Lost: Yellow gold s shaped eternity bracelet lost on

Shabbos 4/16/2016. Please contact

Box in YIEB office for lost and found. Please claim

your lost keys, glasses, etc or call Andrea.

A congregant’s jacket has been accidentally

switched. The wrong size was taken and the wrong

size left over last weekend. Anyone who accidentally

took the wrong jacket, please contact Andrea Weber,

our Office Manager: 732-254-1860 ext. 1

CANDY BAGS Candy bags for your special Simcha must

be ordered from the YIEB Sisterhood.

Please call Shelley Goldman

908.421.1103 for further information. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Used ink cartridges are still being collected for our

Early Childhood Program. Please drop off in office. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Community Announcements ************

(YIEB does not endorse the Kashrut of any non-YIEB

event or listing appearing in the Newsletter)

Cong Ahavas Yisrael (AY) presents an

Edison/Highland Park/East Brunswick community

Mets Game on Sunday July 10th; game time is


Come enjoy an enjoyable day at Citi Field vs. Wash

Nationals with Bryce Harper with friends and

family. This event is not a Fundraiser. Kosher food is

available at the stadium and transportation is on your

own. AY will help coordinate if folks want to


Tickets are $40 per person. Please confirm and pay

for your tix on-line by June 8th at

MEALS ON WHEELS WANTED: Jumpers and Drivers for Meals on Wheels

two hours once a month. Call Sarah Naus

732.257.5378 or Sarita Sragow 732.257.2081. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

RPRY Mishmar learning program is held at RPRY

every Motzei Shabbat @ 7:00 Pm. Please bring your

own seforim. Cost is still only $3.00 which includes

pizza, donuts, prizes and raffles.

Looking for lifeguards and counselors for RPRY day

camp. Please call Cindy at (908) 309-8818. ______________________________________________________________

Looking for Bikur Cholim Volunteers

The Jewish Federation in the Heart of NJ’s Caring

Initiative seeks to help Jews in our community reach

out to other Jews in times of crisis and need and offer

light, comfort and hope by visiting Jewish patients in

near-by area hospitals. Volunteer commitment is as

little or as much as you desire. Training includes

completing the hospital volunteer training program

and training conducted by either Jewish Federation or

the congregation. Contact Lori Bernard, Caring

Initiative Coordinator, The Jewish Federation in the

Heart of New Jersey, 732.588.1808



•JFS is seeking volunteers for Kosher Meals on

Wheels in the Edison/Highland Park area, and office

workers to perform various office tasks in the

Milltown Office. Please contact Phyllis Freed, Vol.

Coord. at 732-777-1940 ext 154 if interested.

•JFS Kosher food pantries still in need of donations.

Please bring non-perishable, unexpired food to either

the Milltown or Monroe offices (Milltown - 32 Ford

Ave., 2nd Fl, or Monroe Twp - 1600 Perrineville Rd,

suite 52). Food needed: tuna, pasta sauce, cereal (hot

and cold), juice, dry milk packets, soup, rice, diapers -

all sizes, diaper wipes, canned vegetables, canned

fruit, beans, macaroni and cheese. __________________________________________________________________________

YIEB Weekly Newsletter Vol. XX, No. 50 Page 3




"Tomorrow's Technology for Today': We are looking to

get a few first-responders to become EMTs. These

individuals would carry a two-way radio, AEDs, Epi-

Pens, oxygen/trauma equipment, etc., and would be

dispatched by Hatzolah in Edison. The responders

need to be male, 18 yrs old, shomer torah umitzvos,

and of a proper hashkafa. The EMT course is free,

and runs Tuesday and Thursday nights near Deal from

6pm - 10:30pm, from July - December. If there are

people who are doctors, nurses (male), etc., who are

interested in responding, they are able to as well. They

just need to take some in-house training in certain

skills such as splinting, etc. Day and night members

are both needed. Preference given to those are can be

both. Since the class is starting next month, concrete

answers need to be given on attendance, ASAP.


Additionally, we are seeking male or female people to

do dispatching. Available shifts are 12am-

6am Sunday-Shabbos, Sunday 6am - 9pm, and Friday

from 9am - Licht Benching. Shifts may be divided, but

a minimum straight period of at least 3 hours is

required. Requirements for dispatching is CPR/First

aid at minimum, but dispatchers may be doctors,

nurses, etc. Those that pay for their training, and

remain in good standing for at least a year are eligible

for reimbursement.

Fishel Erps, Executive Director

Chevra Hatzolah of Middlesex County

LL: (732) 993-8645 C: (347) 539-6380



A fund has been established at Chai Lifeline in

memory our dear friend, beloved wife, mother and

daughter and sister, Martha Davidovich. Contributions

to this fund will pay for direct services needed by

victims of ovarian and breast cancer and their

families. If you have any questions please call, Brina

Herskovits 732.390.4955. Thank you for your support.

To make a donation go to: __________________________________________________________________________ The Highland Park First Aid has, once again, come out

with a new DISCOUNT CARD. There are 3 different

cards, with over 20 different businesses on the card,

including: Giddy's Pizzeria, Park Place and Glatt 27.

The discount cards are good through May 2016 (next

year) and can be used over and over again. The cards

can be purchased at Giddy's Pizzera and cost $40 for

and 2 cards/$50 for any 3 cards (mix or match).

The family of our dear friend and Highland Park

resident Howard Beyer, Z"L has created The Howard L.

Beyer Memorial Fund at ELEM/Youth and Distress in

Israel, connecting Howard's dedication to issues of

troubled youth and his abiding commitment to Israel.

ELEM/Youth in Distress in Israel is the country’s

leading nonprofit organization serving 20,000

troubled young people and an additional 100,000

youth who use ELEM online annually. These teens

face tremendous challenges including domestic

violence, drug and alcohol addiction, neglect, bullying,

homelessness and prostitution, in addition to the

stressors of living in Israel. ELEM's programs, located

in 40 cities, provide a safe space for Israeli youth and

help them to recover, reinvigorate, and reimagine a

positive future for themselves, their family and their

country. All gifts in Howard's memory will be

acknowledged both by ELEM and the Beyer family.

Participate at or go to ELEM at 270

Madison Ave., NY, NY 10016


The Edison/Highland Park gown Gemach, L'iluy

Nishmas R' Yitzchok Ben Binyomin, is open for

business! The Gemach houses a wide selection of

gowns for children, pre-teen, teens and adults. Please

note the Gemach is still looking for donation of gowns

in very good condition. Tax deduction is given and pick

up of the gowns can also be arranged. For more

information and/or to schedule an appointment

please call Sara Scott at 516-526-0941.


HOMEBOUND VISITATION: Seeking adults and 11th

graders and older who would be interested in

volunteering to visit homebound people in our

community. For more info, please call Bikur Cholim

at 732-572-7181.

NURSING HOME VISITATION: Seeking volunteers to

visit at the Regency nursing home on DeMott Lane in

Somerset. For more info, please call Rahel Baruh at

732-672-4673 or email


coordinators needed. Coordinate rides to and from

medical appointments - match requesters with an

available driver. Each coordinator serves for two

weeks at a time. To volunteer to coordinate or to

drive, please call Bikur Cholim hotline at 732-572-

7181 or fill out the volunteer form on the website

NEW WEBSITE: The new website

provides information regarding Bikur Cholim services,

including how to access our local hospitals on

Shabbat, how to borrow medical equipment, and how

to get prescription medication on Shabbat. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ New ACTT Module: Save the date - Sunday, September

18th for the ACTT Kiddush Hashem 1 community-wide

Booster event. Speaker: Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser,

noted educator, author, community leader, and

international lecturer. Location: Congregation Ahavas

Achim. More details will follow. The ArtScroll source

book, “Living Kiddush Hashem – Sanctifying Hashem

in Everything We Do” by Rabbi Shraga Freedman, is

available at a discount from the Judaica Gallery.

Learning Schedule:

hem_1_Learning_Schedule.pdf . For more info, e-mail, see, or call Phil

Rosen (732) 572-8762.


Collecting Sheitels: Keren Kol Kallah - established to

provide orphan and destitute kallahs in Israel with

essential needs. Donated custom sheitels, some

brand-new, some gently worn, are sold to women in

Israel who would not otherwise have the funds to buy

a quality wig. All the money raised at the sale goes

towards a hachnasas kallah fund which helps needy

brides in Eretz Yisrael. Sheitels can be dropped off by

Aviva, 16 Edgemount Road, Edison. For more info,

please see contact Aviva Siegel (732) 572-4408 _____________________________________________________ Blood Donors Needed

Those 76 and over can donate with a doctor’s note.)

You must weigh at least 110 lbs. and meet other

requirements. Most medications will not keep you

from donating. People with diabetes and blood

pressure controlled by medication can donate. Please

eat before you come and bring ID and proof of age.

Help us keep the blood supply at a healthy level. Bad

weather can cause cancellations of blood drives and

keep donors away--but patients’ needs remain the

same. For an appointment call 800-933-2566 or

732-325-8207 or go to

Walk-ins welcome! Appointments will get priority. _____________________________________________________

