several years of war and turmoil to earn War of Independence: Chapter...


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War of Independence:Chapter 2, Section 4

Political ideas and major events shape how people form governments. The United States declared independence in 1776, but it took

several years of war and turmoil to earn recognition as a new nation.

Moving Toward IndependenceMain idea: As colonial forces and British troops continued to fight, colonial leaders met again to plan their resistance to Britain.

● 1,200 militiamen, under Colonel William Prescott, set up fortification at Bunker Hill (across from Boston) waiting for redcoats○ Opened fire, forcing British retreat, but Americans ran

out of gunpowder and had to withdraw○ British won battle of Bunker Hill, but suffered great loss

and learned that defeating Americans would be hard

The Second Continental Congress

● Fighting raged in Boston, while the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia○ John/Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Washington, Benjamin

Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and more○ Began to govern colonies, but then created

Continental Army to fight British■ Washington chose unanimously to

command army

Congress Petitions King George

● Delegates offered Britain a chance to avoid war, sending a petition to King George III○ The Olive Branch Petition (for peace, get it?)○ Asked him to protect rights of colonists, but

he refused and prepared for war instead■ Hired 30,000 German troops to fight

Who was Thomas Paine?

● 1775-1776 Americans began to think independence was the ONLY answer○ Many convinced by Paine/his pamphlet Common Sense ○ Condemned King, called for separation from Britain

■ Thousands read, and at Second Continental Congress, delegates appointed a committee to draft a declaration of independence

● Written by Thomas Jefferson, and approved on July 4, 1776

1. What did Colonel Prescott mean by telling the soldiers not to fire until they could “see the whites of their eyes”? Why did he say that?

2. Why would Thomas Paine first publish Common Sense anonymously?

3. How did the Battle of Bunker Hill change British expectations about the war?

Benjamin Franklin● Born in Boston, 1706, as 15th of 17 kids● Loved learning, but left school at 10 to help dad make

candles, then learn printmaking● By 23, owned his own newspaper, publishing advice,

philosophy, wise sayings○ Became most widely read publication (after Bible)

● Interested in science, sold newspaper to invent○ Lightning rod, bifocal eyeglasses, stove

● Served in PA Assembly● Helped guide colonies to independence

○ Member of Second Continental Congress, helped draft Declaration, went to France trying to gain support, served in Constitutional Convention, headed abolition society

The Colonies Declare IndependenceMain idea: The Declaration of Independence used traditional English political rights to call for independence for the colonies.

● In Declaration, Jefferson explained WHY○ Borrowed from Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights (that

government isn’t all powerful, rulers had to obey laws and treat all fairly)

○ Borrowed from John Locke (natural rights)● Four major sections: 1. preamble, 2&3. rights,

4. proclaims existence of new nation

1. How are the ideas inherent in the Declaration of Independence like a contract?

2. What does the preamble to the Declaration of Independence state?

The American RevolutionMain idea: America’s victory and independence led to revolution in other parts of the world.

● After colonies declared independence, war for freedom was unavoidable○ British planned to crush with force○ Patriots believed British would give up after losing a

few battles○ Neutral citizens didn’t want to take a side○ Loyalists (1:3-5) didn’t support nation’s struggle for


Early Campaigns● Britain sent 32,000 troops to America, hoping size

of army would convince Patriots to give up○ August, British defeated Washington’s forces in NY○ November, Patriots retreated to PA while British army

settled in NY/NJ for winter■ Across from NJ, Washington took chance on Christmas

with 2,400, surprising small enemy group in Trenton■ British reinforcements came too late, Washington

continued on to Princeton and drove away British

The Battle of Saratoga

● 1777, British decided to split NE from Middle Colonies & control NY from Hudson River Valley○ 3 forces were to meet in Albany to destroy Patriot troops

■ One group advanced south from Canada, reached Saratoga before other two

■ Soon surrounded by American army and were trapped and forced to surrender● FIRST MAJOR AMERICAN VICTORY IN WAR

Winter at Valley Forge● British settled in PA, winter of 1777, Washington/

troops at Valley Forge (20 miles west)○ Americans endured winter of suffering, lacking food,

shelter, clothing○ Survived winter as

conditions gradually improved

Gaining Allies● Saratoga victory boosted spirits & marked turning

point as European countries became involved○ France realized US might actually beat British, so they

also declared war and provided aid to American troops○ Spain also declared war (1779), and governor Bernardo

de Galvez raised army to help too■ Forced British troops from towns/forts along Gulf of

Mexico and secured southern frontiers of US○ Individual foreigners (French, Polish, German) helped too;

Marquis de Lafayette aided Washington

Life on the Home Front

● War changed everyone’s life○ Men at war, women took over duties (even businesses)○ Ideas of liberty/freedom that inspired American Revolution

also caused women to question their role/place and men to question common practices■ Abigail Adams - dedicated to women’s interests/

appealed to husband■ Some white men questioned slavery

● Revolution seemed to bring nearer a day of abolished slavery

War in the West and on Sea● In northwest, British/natives raided American

settlements, but small victories strengthened American position in West

● Battles also waged at sea○ American John Paul Jones

raided British ports/battled warships■ Naval hero, refused to surrender

Struggles in the South● British hopes to use sea power/Loyalist support to

win southern victories○ Seizing, but unable to control

Savannah and Charles Town■ Patriots moved in small

groups, practicing guerrilla warfare and catching British off guard

The War is Won● In 1780s both armies

needed a victory to win○ Finally at Battle of Yorktown

■ French blocked British chance for sea escape

■ American/French surrounded/trapped them on land

○ British laid down their weapons/admitted defeat

The Treaty of Paris

● Yorktown defeat did not end war, in other areas fighting continued for two years

● Peace negotiations began in Paris○ Franklin, Adams, Jay represented US to sign the Treaty of

Paris in 1783■ Considered a triumph!

○ Britain recognized US as a new nation (from Atlantic to Mississippi River and from Canada to Florida)■ War then over

Why the Americans Won● Came down to multiple advantages

○ Home court advantage/access to supplies○ Rural/country areas uncontrollable○ Help from foreign nations○ People’s movement - many

battles won in many places, Patriots never gave up

A Model for Others

● Revolution allowed Americans to establish clear principles in Declaration○ Ideas/actions that were replicated in French Revolution

■ People rebelled against kings (Les Miserable)○ Then inspired Caribbean island of Saint Domingue, were

African slaves took up arms and rejected French rule■ Second nation in Americas to achieve independence

from colonial rule

1. How would American independence help France?2. For what did Thomas Paine argue in Common Sense?3. What was guerilla warfare, and why was it effective?4. What might have happened in the French had not allied with

the colonists during the Revolutionary War?
